Pat Me Please

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

After Su Chang took a shower, the light in the living room was turned off, and there was no movement.

I don’t know if it’s because she drank alcohol, or because she used to wear pajamas to take a shower at home, and put them back on when she came out. Anyway, she forgot to take her pajamas this time.

Not even the physical habits are ready to be a guest.

She dried her body and walked out of the bathroom naked. Fortunately, the master bedroom is connected to the bathroom and is a small suite, otherwise she might be embarrassed.

But the body is so comfortable and at ease, it doesn’t even get offended goosebumps, and it still regards this space filled with familiar smells as a safe area, and it is still used to being a master.

She came to the closet, skillfully opened the penultimate drawer under the rightmost door, there were three sets of clean pajamas, one was Yu Zhou’s, the other was Su Sing’s, and they were still hanging on the balcony when we parted. After being taken away by Yu Zhou, he put it in a drawer.

There is another set, which is also Yu Zhou’s, but because the color is too close to the one Su Chang usually wears, the two of them often wear it differently.

Su Chang hesitated for a moment, took this set, changed into it, then opened the quilt and lay down.

The fragrance of the shower gel and Yu Zhou’s unique body fragrance instantly enveloped her, and she was so familiar.

The most vicious thing is the pillow, because the fragrance of the shampoo is the strongest, and it is easy for people who have drunk to have the illusion that there is someone lying next to them.

Su Chang sighed, closed her eyes, her nose was a little itchy, she opened her eyes and instinctively wanted to find a tissue.

But there was nothing on the bedside table. She opened the first drawer of the bedside table, and there was indeed a pack of blue toilet paper inside. She took it out and saw that there were a few small finger cots in the deep part of the drawer, which was not a secret place. .

Scattered, lying alone, as if almost forgotten.

She put the tissue on the bedside table, closed her eyes again, and it was the same from lying down, to curling up on her side, and then unfolding her body.

My mind is full of Yu Zhou.

It wasn’t Yu Zhou who sat in front of her and answered in a low voice, nor was it Yu Zhou who was talking nonsense and telling jokes, but Yu Zhou who was lying on this soft bed in the dark, softer than the bed.

She looks carefree, but in fact she is a little timid, especially when she is on the bed, she likes to take her time, and she can’t stand it if she is too fast. She likes Su Chang kissing her gently while doing it very slowly.

Fortunately, Su Chang doesn’t like violence, she is very patient, going back and forth, advancing and retreating.

Yu Zhou didn’t make any big waves, he even hummed lightly, and only when he was about to arrive, he grabbed Su Chang’s arm and called her in a low voice: “Su Chang, Su Chang.”

It’s like a breathy sound, it’s better than any sentence that Su Chang has heard with the most critical ears.

Su Chang’s index finger scratched and stroked the cotton quilt once or twice, and the fading moonlight shone on the side of her face.

The most diligent is the sun on duty, and he will be on duty after a few hours.

Xiang Wan woke up from a near-comatose sleep with a splitting headache. He took a look at the yellow suspender dress on his body, smelled it, smelled like alcohol, put on his slippers and went out, and saw Yu Zhou cleaning the coffee table.

Yu Zhou sorted out the fruits he bought yesterday, threw away a few bad ones, put the rest in the refrigerator, and walked towards her with a plastic bag. Xiang Wan was about to speak, when Yu Zhou raised a finger: “Shhh .”

“Teacher Su is sleeping inside.” She whispered.

“Teacher Su?” Xiang Wan frowned and glanced at the closed master bedroom door.

“Well,” Yu Zhou walked towards the kitchen, his voice gradually came out, “Yesterday you drank too much, we brought you back, you were dead, and we were both exhausted, so I will leave Teacher Su at home gone.”

Xiang Wan watched her open the refrigerator door.

“how about you?”

“The living room where I sleep, the sofa.” Yu Zhou put the fruit in.

“Why don’t you sleep with me?”

“You didn’t even take a shower,” Yu Zhou was disgusted, and smiled again when he remembered something, “And you’ve been reciting “Book of Rites” all the time.”

Xiang Wan looked back slyly: “I see.”


“The reason this time is not Lala.” Xiang Wan smiled.

“Dirty matter is indeed more important than sexual orientation.” Yu Zhou said.

As for the taste of pulling this body, dogs dislike it, and it can’t even talk about the level of bending and straightness.

Xiang Wan was unhappy, so he snorted softly, and Yu Zhou took out a few eggs: “Go take a bath quickly, don’t wash your clothes yet, I’ll dry them for you, and come out to eat later.”


When the poached eggs and toast were on the table, Yu Zhou ate two bites first, and then told Xiang Wan, who had taken a shower, to go to the express cabinet at the south gate of the community to get a courier for her to eat by herself. You can eat more.

Xiang Wan agreed, and as soon as Yu Zhou left the house, Su Chang came out.

She was wearing pajamas in the style of home clothes. She had already washed her hair, and her hair was combed softly.

Seeing her come out, he greeted Wan and asked her to eat poached eggs.

Su Chang nodded and sat down, asking, “What about her?”

Xiang Wan said: “Go downstairs to pick up the courier. The contract has to be sent back in a hurry. It was time to pick it up yesterday.”


“Sign Chang Pei’s contract.”

“She,” Su Chang raised his eyes, “want to sign a contract?”

“Yes.” Xiang Wan took a sip of milk.

“Doesn’t she like signing contracts?” Su Chang hesitated for a moment, but still asked.

“But she is stretched.” Xiang Wan said.

Su Chang slowed down while biting his toast, his eyelashes cast shadows on his fair face.

After Xiang Wan finished eating, he removed his chair and stood up. He unskillfully hung up the yellow suspender dress from yesterday on a hanger, and was about to go to the balcony.

Realizing that she might want to hang the clothes, Su Chang reminded her: “I didn’t wash them.”

“No.” Xiang Wan shook his head.


As soon as the door lock was moved, Yu Zhou opened the door and came back. Seeing the situation of the two of them, he changed his shoes and explained to Su Chang: “This clothes are too cheap. I bought them for more than 100 yuan. I am afraid that they will become sauerkraut after washing. Although they are cheap, But it’s also a new dress I bought specially. It’s a pity that it’s broken after washing. I didn’t expect to go to the bar yesterday. Quite good looking.”

She spoke very naturally, and in her hands were two handfuls of side dishes that she bought at the stall at the door after taking the courier.

But Su Chang looked at her, breathed long and quietly, and said nothing.

She suddenly realized that her aloofness was indeed a derogatory term. She had learned about Yu Zhou’s resignation from the crew a long time ago, but since reuniting with Yu Zhou, she has never cared about “how Yu Zhou lives” one item.

Because in her world, life is never a problem.

So she indulged in pride, love, regret, and unwilling struggles, never thinking that Yu Zhou might have to consider other issues first.

Yu Zhou was very frank and didn’t hide it, but this frankness completely exposed Su Chang’s ignorance of her.

The sound of splashing water came from the kitchen, and Yu Zhou was washing fruit.

Xiang Wan sat down at the dining table and turned on the phone to see if there was any news coming in.

After a while, I heard Su sing and ask, “What about you?”


“What are you going to do?” She was not good at prying or caring about other people’s situation, so she didn’t speak very smoothly.

“In the past few days, I have found a few online production crews on Weibo, and I sent them the audition, but there is no follow-up,” Xiang Wan recalled those professional terms carefully, and said it fairly completely, “However, a few days ago, there were Master Planner wants me, I don’t have many lines, I’ve already sent them, I’m afraid I’ll hear them soon.”

Su Chang was silent for about ten seconds, raised his eyes and asked her: “Which plan? Let me see.”

Xiang Wan found it out and handed it over: “This is the lord.”

Su Chang glanced at it and smiled, a little playfully.

“What?” Xiang Wan looked at her.

“It’s unreliable, you can’t get out.”

Seeing that Xiang Wan was at a loss, Su Chang rarely explained: “Don’t talk about two-digit authorizations, none of them came out.”

Listening to Yu Zhou’s movement in the kitchen, Su Chang sighed: “If you really have this idea, I will introduce you to a club. I will do commercial dramas regularly, and I will be paid.”

“That club,” she paused, “also lacks screenwriters.”

Xiang Wan met her gaze and understood.

She smiled softly, pondered for herself, put the phone up, and said slowly: “Since you helped me, I will help you too.”

“Huh?” Su Chang raised his eyes.

Xiang Wan stretched out his index finger and nodded at the camera: “Look here.”

Press the camera button with your thumb to snap a photo.

She frowned, clicked on her Weibo, and posted the photo from memory.

Then she smiled and said: “In this way, many people will praise you.”

On the homepage of Weibo, an account named “Xiang Wan” posted a picture of Su Chang in pajamas, but there was still no copy.

Comments are posted quickly, but not compliments, but—


“What the hell?”

“This is???”

“Su Sing????????”

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