Pat Me Please

Chapter 94

Chapter 94

We had dinner together at noon, and arranged the recording schedule for “Pat for Me”. In the afternoon, Su Chang had nothing to do, and took Yu Zhou home at three or four o’clock.

Although she didn’t stay for a few hours, Yu Zhou still felt bored. She wanted to tell Su Chang that she would not go to work with her in the future, and the office environment was still not as comfortable as staying at home.

The script of “Help Me Shoot” has been completed, and after that she has nothing to do except follow the studio. Recently, a crew came to her and wanted to make one of her previous long stories into a radio drama. She should sign an authorization contract.

She came out from the basement and sang to Su while pressing the elevator: “That’s my first article. This time the crew asked me to participate in the casting. I have to find a better godmother for my eldest daughter. “

“Godmother?” Su Chang felt that this statement was very fresh.

“That’s right, look at how popular you are for Shen Bai’s wife. What character voted for last time is better than Ah Luo in “Ask the Coffin.” She doesn’t like to compare with others, so she puts this Tell Su Chang a little vanity.

The word “milk” is very subtle, Su Chang glanced down at his body, and raised his eyebrows secretly.

After entering the corridor, Su Chang opened the door, and Yu Zhou took the fresh milk from the door in.

“I forgot to take it in the morning. When you pick up the courier or take-out in the future, if you see it arrives, just take it in and put it in the refrigerator. Otherwise, it’s hot and I’m afraid it will break.” Yu Zhou muttered.


“When did you order it?” Su Chang asked again. I didn’t have the habit of ordering fresh milk before.

“Yesterday. I saw it on the delivery software, so I ordered it. Didn’t I think that you are in poor health, drink a bottle of fresh milk every day, and make up for it.” Yu Zhou changed his shoes and put the bag on the shoe cabinet.

Speaking of it, she sighed that the previous work really consumed her too much, every morning was like a war, let alone drinking milk, there was no time to bring it in. Sometimes Su Chang wakes up early and says she wants to boil an egg for her to eat. She washes her face and says it’s too late.

After saying it twice, the hasty tone became angry, and there was a sense of complaint of “what kind of panic do you know about social animals”, and then Su Chang stopped talking.

Of course she couldn’t understand, how many seconds would it take to get an egg?

But for social animals, it’s not a matter of a few seconds, it’s the kind of tension in the mind that makes you feel that any sudden situation is a kind of harassment. Even if it’s just a small egg.

They used to have no morning. Now that you have it, you can share breakfast, kiss in the kitchen, enjoy fresh milk slowly, and say good morning to those around you.

Yu Zhou walked in wearing slippers, told Su Chang that the clothes should be washed and let her dry them, then went to change the sheets by himself, and stuffed them in when the washing machine was emptied.

The most recent sheets, changed… well, a little frequently.

She finally understood that there is something stickier than just being together, that is getting back together.

Because of the lack of time, I always want to make up for it, and because I lost it once, I have to use the other party’s body to prove that she is really back.

I am really qualified to possess you, not in a dream.

When she came out after changing, Su Chang finished drying his clothes, rolled up his sleeves, and squatted in the living room with a puzzled face.

“What’s wrong?” Yu Zhou walked over.

Following Su Chang’s gaze, she also froze.

The little cow rubbed against the wooden legs of the dining table, then tapped its front paws, pouted its buttocks, bent its hind legs and kicked back stiffly, and stretched its soft tail straight up like an antenna.

“Cow.” Su Chang called it in a soft voice.

It let out a “wow”, looking very impatient, its body collapsed even more straight, and it turned to look at Su Chang, and the eyes were actually…very nostalgic.

Su Chang raised his head and looked at Yu Zhou.

ah this…

“It’s in heat.” Yu Zhou said in a soft and tender voice like stewed tofu.

Su Chang raised his eyebrows and parted his lips slightly.

It seems a bit embarrassed to look at the little cow.

“You didn’t sterilize it?” Yu Zhou complained to her, “How can the kitten not be sterilized? It’s very harmful to the body.”

“I have no experience. I originally wanted to go with you.”

“I heard that I have to act, otherwise it will hate me in the future.” Su Chang said a little seriously.

Looks like it did its homework, but it doesn’t seem like it’s quite right.

Yu Zhou gave a whole smile: “No, no. Just send it to the pet hospital. The little female cat is under respiratory anesthesia, and she doesn’t know what’s going on after the treatment. She’s dizzy. Most likely don’t have time to bear the burden.”

She had heard that some kittens would hold grudges, but she had heard a few friends who had cats share their experience, and they didn’t have any acting skills, so she felt that even if they were narrow-minded, it shouldn’t be too serious.

“Then, what should we do now?” Su sang with a voice like that of a willow.

Yu Zhou knelt down: “It’s in heat right now, so it shouldn’t be neutered, and I’ll take it with me later, tsk, this time the kitten will have to suffer once.”

“However,” she suggested to Su Chang with a little wickedness, “you can pat it.”

“Papat?” Su Chang was taken aback.

“Well,” Yu Zhou pointed to the base of the little cow’s tail, “Here, you pat lightly, don’t force too much, the frequency is higher, it will be very cool.”

That’s right… Su Chang pursed his lips and looked at her with a half-smile.

Yu Zhou couldn’t help laughing: “Why, it’s true. I saw it on station b. I also took pictures of my sister’s cats like this before. Really, it will be better.”

She laughed as she talked.

Su Chang stretched out his hand suspiciously, and stroked the fur at the base of its tail, and the little cow let out a cry immediately, as if it really felt relieved.

So she raised her hand and patted it softly and quickly a few times.

The little cow whimpered and made a sound similar to cooing from its throat. Its two legs kept kicking back, and its vertical tail trembled, like a shaken antenna.

It’s kind of amazing…

Su Chang pursed his lips while patting, his face turned a little red.

Yu Zhou squatted aside to watch her. Her hands were long, white, and slender. She wore a plain ring on her middle finger. She was slapping her at a high frequency, making a soothing movement.

Suddenly he was distracted.

So she stopped talking, and her ears were burning again.

The little cow barked a few times, escaped suddenly from Su’s singing, lay down on the side, rubbed its head on the ground, rolled back and forth twice, made a small grunt, then stood up, shook its fur and walked away.

He looked as if he was eating cat food as usual, and seemed to be getting better.

Su Chang was a little embarrassed, complained about this matter in his heart, and gave Yu Zhou a resentful look, saying that he should take him to be sterilized immediately, and never want to do such a thing again.

Yu Zhou curled her lips, the eldest lady is thin-skinned, she used to be very smooth when she patted Wan Wan back and forth before going to bed every day. Because it was her sister’s cat, she didn’t dare to take it for neutering rashly, so she patted it for the past few months when it was here.

What do kittens know?

Hmm… But she also felt, it seemed, it seemed, indeed, Su Chang’s filming was different. Especially now that the whites of her eyes are a little red, which is very different.

It’s different, she doesn’t want Su Chang to get up.

So she flapped her eyelashes, looked at Su Chang slowly, then stepped forward, pushed Su Chang down gently with a little force, and kissed her while protecting the back of her head, making her lie on the ground.

Then Yu Zhou suppressed a little heat wave, stood up, with long hair hanging down, looking at Su Chang, who was breathing disorderly.

“I want to play on the floor. You lie down, and I’ll wash your hands and get finger cots.”

Yu Zhou was very straightforward, using the tone of an announcement, but a little softer and shyer than an announcement.

Then she swallowed her throat, and discussed with the person below her in a slow voice: “Ms. Su, in the studio at noon, you said ‘I like it very much’, I think it’s very nice.”

“Wait a minute, if I do a great job, can you also say that I like it very much.”

After thinking about it, she made an inch of it.

“Say… the author is big, I like it very much.”

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