Pat Me Please

Chapter 98

Chapter 98

Generally speaking, when a story comes to an end, it’s time to slow down the camera.

There is no fast camera in life, the days are always unhurried, and the length of each day is unbiased, but as long as you start to recall, once you start to recall, you will find that life is not lived, but It is jumping.

It is only connected in series with some important nodes, and the other days are quickly turned over in your memory, as if they never existed at all.

After returning from Huizhou, several people went to work.

In September, Yu Zhou was invited to participate in the contracted author conference of Changpei Literature. In Wucheng, the three-day summer event, Yu Zhou had a lot of fun, and the communication with other authors and seniors also benefited her a lot , but she and Su Chang both miss each other a little bit.

After resigning, I stayed together as much as possible every day, and I didn’t even completely separate for three days.

In October, the “Help Me Shoot” radio drama will be launched. Before that, a heroine with a top romantic IP was announced to the eunuch, and it was called a **** storm.

From her old-fashioned voice that is not suitable for modern times, to the fact that the past roles she played are too quiet to hold and can’t be refined. Some people say that she is everywhere recently, and they are already tired of hearing it.

Of course, there are people who gossip about Su Chang and praise her so much, does it have ulterior motives?

Xiang Wan came all the way here in black and red, and knew that drama was the only way to respond, so he didn’t respond to this matter.

Until something unexpected happened.

On the official website of the Jiangcheng Police Station, someone found the information that was announced to Xiang Wan when she applied for her account. It included her name, age, reason for registering, and the announcement period.

Under the photo of her ID, it was stated that the reason for her settlement was vagrancy.

After the screenshot was posted on the Internet, the entire dubbing circle was boiling. It stands to reason that the official websites of such government agencies generally do not have a lot of views.

But after it was released, fans went to the official website to check, it was not PS, it was true.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

She has a proud temperament, a sweet voice, graceful gestures, and courteous manners in dealing with people and things. She is not a little princess from a wealthy family, or even from an ordinary family, but a homeless man.

The audience was in an uproar, and dozens of posts were posted on the forum overnight. Some said that her personality was broken, some said that she usually pretended to be a fashion model, and some said what level of education she was. Utilitarian, of course, some people feel sorry for her after being shocked.

No one dares to say more nasty things directly, only dare to use trumpet connotations in secret.

A girl as beautiful as a flower, I don’t know how long she has been wandering outside, what might she have experienced?

Imagination can really eat people.

The most terrible thing is that this kind of government’s public disclosure of information is originally for the public to exercise the right to supervise, and you can’t even say that it can be called privacy.

Su Chang hired a public relations team for Xiang Wan to conduct public relations. In addition to dealing with some excessive swear words, he guided the public not to pay too much attention to his private life, and expressed his attitude that he would never tolerate some malicious speculation and personal attacks.

The best advice given by the PR team is to explain the matter to Rescue in a timely and earnest manner.

When a fact is revealed, sincerity is always the best crisis communication.

And yes, time-sensitive sincerity.

Xiang Wan was very calm. She didn’t choose the sincere essay prepared by the PR team. She just took a quick glance and found that the last two sentences of the essay were selling poorly. She shook her head: “I don’t need pretentious sincerity.”

Yu Zhou was so anxious that he pulled Su Chang to think of a way, but Su Chang was also very helpless. If Xiang Wan didn’t want to make a move, then no one could make a decision for her.

Moreover, she asked Yu Zhou, can the ins and outs of the matter really be made public?

Yu Zhou suddenly sobered up and couldn’t.

She also suddenly understood that Su Chang stood with her, she believed in the fact that Xiang Wan traveled through time, and so did Peng Houzhi.

How can they “sincerely” explain to the public a matter that even they have kept secret and kept silent?

Xiang Wan at the center of the storm did not post on Weibo, but continued to work as usual. Generally speaking, the freshness of a gossip is only one week. No matter how big the gossip is, if the person involved decides not to respond, the people watching the excitement will gradually lose interest.

In particular, there is never a shortage of bigger gossips in this world.

In November, the annual sound festival that had been agreed half a year ago kicked off in Jiangcheng. Except for Xiang Wan, Su Chang, Peng Yuzhi, and Chao Xin were all invited to attend, while Yu Zhou asked for a work permit through his relationship and slipped in.

An open-air venue, a bit like an awards ceremony, but not so grand, there are a lot of sound workers in the dubbing circle sitting under the stage, and most of the fans behind are fans.

This event is not allowed to bring support items, but light sticks are thoughtfully placed on the chairs of each audience, which not only keeps the scene from being too cluttered, but also has bits and pieces of enthusiasm, which can be seen on the stage and is enough to be seen from thousands of miles away The fans who came here released their tiny but continuous love like sparks.

The organizers got the process right in advance, and Xiang Wan only had to go up to receive the “New Voice Power” award, which didn’t have much gold content, but it was still the first award, so she valued it a lot.

So much so that she wore the clothes that appeared in Yu Zhou’s house at the beginning, Li Chao’s clothes, her hair was cut shorter than before, but it was enough for her to wear a bun, and she was dressed in the same way as before. .

She stood in the dark of the stage, surrounded by layers of red, like a midnight epiphyllum breaking into this world.

Peng Yuzhi and Su Chang were preparing at the side of the stage, and Yu Zhou followed them. Hearing the host read Xiang Wan’s name, Xiang Wan lifted up his skirt, smiled at them, climbed up the steps, and walked step by step. into the limelight.

The long skirt of the daughter of the prime minister on the left dragged the floor, sweeping across the stage stairs connected by modern steel screws. Under the shining lights of dozens of lamps, the gold and silver threads shone.

She stood in the center of the stage, and Yu Zhou could only see her small silhouette.

Xiang Wan stood in front of everyone with her most authentic appearance, acting as an outsider who met unexpectedly.

After receiving the award, she stood safely in the center of the stage, the gorgeous and lonely flowers blooming quietly, as if she could see the vitality stretching between the veins.

She took her most cherished microphone and made a voice that existed as long as snow.

“I’m a bum.”

“I came to this world suddenly, and then I started wandering. I had a headache for my livelihood, I was bumped into a wall because of ignorance, I was helped and gifted by others, and I also flinched in the heavy rain.”

“I met my teachers, classmates, close friends, family members, and me, the first person I was attracted to. They taught me to grow, and never hesitated to support and affirm me. Later, I met the career I love , and many friends who have never masked but are willing to listen to me, so that I can make a small voice.”

“Probably each of us is just a tramp in this world. We have nothing at all. We just find sporadic and valuable things from the inconspicuous garbage dumps while we are constantly looking up and picking up. One day we may find a foothold, find a home, and end our wandering life.”

“Probably every expresser and creator is also a tramp. We walk alone in an incomprehensible world. We collect bits and pieces of thoughts that we think are precious along the way. As we walk, we shout in rags. , I want to meet someone who understands us, sees the embarrassment and fragility in our hearts, and walks with us.”

“Every time we are misunderstood is a scar visible to the naked eye during our wandering journey, but every time we are understood, it is a piece of clothing we put on. Whether it is a sound worker, a text worker, or any form of expression And the creators, we all appreciate and cherish these clothes.”

“So, thank you to everyone who travels with me, thank you to everyone who listens, thank you to everyone who supports us, thank you…for understanding.”

She smiled frankly, and bowed deeply to the light of the stars below the stage.

The bright moon bows its head to the stars, and the stars give back their silent brilliance.

Yu Zhou looked at her, weeping uncontrollably.

Leaning on Su Chang’s shoulder, she was so sad that she couldn’t hold it back.

It was impossible to describe the grand feelings in her heart at this moment, she didn’t want to say anything.

Su Chang sighed and patted her on the head reassuringly. Peng Houzhi looked at Xiang Wan in a daze.

Xiang Wan was too clever, and he told a true story sincerely, but everyone had a different interpretation, except for the four of them, no one knew the truth of the matter.

One day, Xiang Wan will stand here again to receive the biggest prize. Peng Houzhi smiled, his eyes were faintly moist.


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