Path of the Ascendant

Bonus Chapter: Satisfying the Bird [R-18]

‘It’s not fair… not fair at all…’ Huang Mei kneeled on the ground within the nigh-transparent sphere that she had been encased in, her cheeks ablaze and her breathing heavy, ‘How can one person be so… so desirable? I’m so wet already…’

She had not recalled feeling anything like this since her youth. Back then, she was much more easily impressed, but even then, it was a dragon that had ignited her lust to such an extent.

Her thighs rubbed together against her will, the heat in her abdomen demanding satisfaction. It was an unbelievable sensation, an absolutely overwhelming need to give birth to that amazing, gorgeous, hot woman’s children. Just thinking about it made her drool, the slightest hint of the Ascendant’s sweat in the air imprinting such a delicious taste upon her tongue.

‘F-Fuck, I… I can’t believe I hadn’t noticed this when I saw her… By the heavens, she is…’

Huang Mei felt like she would lose her mind if she was left to simply fantasise about the crimson-haired woman. Had Wei Yi simply been an ordinary yet unbelievably attractive woman, the phoenix would have simply caught her and convinced her to share a night – maybe more, if the human could survive such a thing – but there was no way she could interrupt the slayer of multiple Primordial Deities. She lacked both the power and the intent.

Thus, she glanced up and found that the restricting sphere was gone, though so was the Ascendant’s maddening musk.

With far too much effort, she pushed her mind to consider what she could do to sate her desire. She had not been awake in the modern world for long, so she lacked the network of outlets that she had accumulated in the past, but there were some beings that should have the ability to please her. Some qilins were around, but-

“So this is where the sexiest phoenix was,” a voice caught Huang Mei’s attention, causing her to turn her head to it, “You look… I didn’t know birds like you use the desert to masturbate.”

“I… Are you of Long Mingyun’s brood?” Huang Mei asked, her breath steadying as she rose from the sand, wiping her lips with the back of her hand, “I recall her being far more courteous than you. I suppose she must have done a poor job educating you lot… hm…”

She recalled the strands of information she had gotten from the Ascendant when they first entered the fight against the Primordial Deities. Among a variety of other things were the names of the dragons currently out in the world, along with their physical descriptors, permitting her the opportunity to guess the dragon’s identity.

“Long Hua, correct?”

“That’s me. I hope you’ve heard the best parts about me.”

“Best parts… Well, you might do.”

Long Hua’s eyebrow rose, “For what?”

“As you had noticed, I am ever so slightly aroused. Unfortunately, the one to have captured by heart will not spend time with me, so you will have to do.”

“I… You what, you slut?” Long Hua exclaimed after a startled pause, “I may not be Long Li, but I would love to find out about a single person who can fuck better than me!”

“The Ascendant,” Huang Mei purred lovingly, her eyes filling with hearts.

That made the dragon think, “… She got fucked in the ass by one of us, you know.”

“Anyone can enjoy anything they like and still be the sexiest, the most gorgeous, the most virile lady in the world… oh, I can’t take it anymore! Let’s just fuck while she’s unavailable! Let’s get somewhere suitable, alright?”

“Somehow, I feel like the one losing out despite getting to fuck you… whatever. Follow me,” Long Hua chose to keep things simple for herself and turned, shifting into her draconic form in moments.

As she flew into the air and towards the south, Huang Mei followed, transforming into a vast bird with flaming feathers. Together, they soon left the region, leaving the sands quiet and bereft of reasonable life – if one excluded the planar beasts, and if one believed that the masses of lust and reproductive urges could be considered particularly reasonable to begin with.


“… and right here is our little place in Paragon. Wei Yi calls it our fuck nest.”

“She’s probably right,” Huang Mei nodded without hesitation, as she was self-aware enough to understand that ancient beasts were equally obsessed with reproduction, “Do you have a nice bed around here somewhere?”

“Better yet, we’ve got a… a… Fu Zan called it something, but I call it very big.”

“Like your dick?”

“Heh,” Long Hua did not reply, leading the phoenix into the bedroom, where the ‘very big’ bed stood in the middle, draped in soft white cloth over the majority of its surface.

Some pillows were placed at the top of the bed, strewn about randomly, and a few lay on the ground. None of the items present, whether on the six-person bed or on the floor, appeared to have been stained by any fluids, but that was not enough to hide the room’s use from the phoenix, whose sensitive nose was already flaring at the presence of a heady scent.

The corners of her lips rose involuntarily, ‘So backed up, so rich… nothing like the Ascendant, but this isn’t too bad.’

Although the dragon next to her likely wouldn’t have appreciated the comment, it was still a form of praise. What she had experienced from her last chat with Wei Yi had completely overturned her perception of what the peak of attractiveness could be, and had she met with the dragons before this incident, she would have doubtlessly been as eager to experience their attention as she now was to get even a quick kiss from the Ascendant.

‘Heavens, I would love to taste her lips!’ the phoenix had to supress a moan, ‘If regular humans could be so attractive without all of their makeup, none of us would have had fantasies about dominating the world… That certainly won’t work while Wei Yi is around, that much is clear.’

She dismissed these thoughts from her head, and turned to Long Hua. The dragon was a tall one, quite stern-looking, with a defined chin and gleaming eyes framed with dark brown hair, most of which was tied into a ponytail only a moment ago. Some remained in a fringe and the rest hung down on either side of her face, ending by her shoulders. Overall, her appearance was feminine yet strong, a thing not uncommon among the dragons, and one of the many things that drew the phoenixes to dragons as a whole.

Perhaps it was merely coincidental, but Wei Yi had a similar appearance, with sharp yet smooth and feminine features – and long legs. She had some very nice legs.

“So, Long Hua… You take me as the impatient type, but can you appreciate some foreplay?” Huang Mei turned to the dragon and focused on her eyes, putting her body on display, “Would you allow me to indulge?”

“Would I? You lot were the best harlots back in the ancient days, so… Need me to disrobe?”

“Don’t take the fun from me,” Huang Mei shook her head and moved in, her steps slow and seductive as she closed the gap between them and placed her hands on the taller figure’s shoulders, “Tell me, do you prefer to sit or stand? No, hold on… mm, you’ve got a nice, fit body, strong arms… really nice abs. I can feel the sweat through your robes.”

The phoenix slowly lowered herself, sliding her hands down along Long Hua’s body. She felt up her arms, the sides and then the front of her stomach, and then returned to the sides when she neared the groin.

Even then, Huang Mei could tell a great deal about the dragon’s cock. The bulge it made was more than sufficient for her tastes, growing the more time they spent together, and the faint steamy musk gathering in front of it made her own loins grow moist. It was a fine scent, but she attempted to ignore it for the moment, instead feeling up the dragon’s legs with a lot more attention to detail, carefully inspecting every muscle.

“Well, that answers it. No way you ever sit still with legs like that… You’ll pound me into the bed later, though, right?”

“Of course,” Long Hua replied with a smug smile, lessened ever so slightly by the memory of how this all started, “I can’t wait to feel those lips on my cock. I’d be even happier if you found some lipstick and show me just how deep you can take me.”

“Lipstick… unfortunately-”

“I believe this is what you wanted, girls,” both of them turned to the side and found a grey-eyed, red-haired woman standing there, lipstick in hand, providing it to them, “Do have fun.”

“W-Wait, you…”

“Just helping out the youth, that’s all,” the figure showed the faintest hint of a smile then vanished right away, leaving the lipstick in Huang Mei’s possession.

For a moment, both of them were stunned into silence.

“I think that was Yi Shi Ming, the mother of the Master of Yi City. Since when does she go around doing things like this…” Long Hua had clearly encountered the spatial spirit before, but the phoenix lacked the same experience.

Nonetheless, stranger things had happened in the past, so Huang Mei didn’t let this matter distract herself too much. Instead, she removed the cap of the lipstick and applied a heavy layer of crimson onto her lips, doing so quickly and efficiently. As soon as she was done, she tossed it aside and puckered her lips, displaying it to the dragon and easily seeing the approval in her proud eyes.

“There. Now, you’ll see exactly how deep I can go… hope you don’t mind cleaning up afterwards,” the phoenix smiled and rose up from her knees, her hands returning to Long Hua’s shoulders, “It’s a shame the pretty ones wear so little nowadays. Makes this part so much duller…”

She took hold of the dragon’s robes and slowly slid them down, exposing her soft, full bosom, perky nipples, and an overall feast for Huang Mei’s eyes. The phoenix paused there and leaned in, putting her lips around a nipple and sucking on it lightly. Her mouth filled with the taste of the dragon’s sweat, a small amount already providing her with a rich and salty flavour that gave her a hint as to what she could expect down below, a place she deliberately avoided touching even as it grew moist with sweat and other fluids.

“Oi, can’t you move further down?”

“Nuh-uh,” Huang Mei shook her head just a little, keeping her lips around the nipple. She licked it, playing with it for a few moments before she released it from her mouth and switched to the other beast.

“You… fine, keep…” Long Hua stifled a moan and found her thoughts drifting back into the past, “Shame you weren’t around the time I had a kid.”

That got the phoenix to pull away with a wet pop, a few strands of saliva keeping her connected to the dragon’s breast, “You? Someone got you pregnant? It wasn’t Wei Yi, was it? If it was, then that’s entirely understandable, since she’s the finest stud I’ve met.”

“No, it- how do you keep- uh, never mind that,” the dragon chose not to lower her mood with that line of thought and focused on her original one, “It was another dragon, of course, and it was mutual.”

“Ooh, two sexy dragons such as yourself getting one another pregnant, filling those firm bellies of yours, flooding your soft tits with milk… mm~, you’re making me jealous,” Huang Mei whispered the last part, nuzzling against the dragon’s boobs for a moment before she finally chose to move down and bring Long Hua’s robes down with her.

This exposed the lower half of the dragon’s arms and torso, showcasing her toned abs and muscular arms, a sight that made the phoenix drool – just a little bit, given who she was constantly comparing Long Hua to.

Although the bulge below was a tempting place to reach for, Huang Mei instead licked the dragon’s abs, running her tongue along the toned muscle and collecting the sweat from her skin. It had built up there far more than on her chest, and made a small pool on the phoenix’s tongue, letting the flavour soak in before she swallowed loudly, showing her tongue to the dragon with a proud grin. It got her a simple grunt in response.

“Do that once you’ve gone a little further down, will you? Not that impressive,” Long Hua noted, though her lower part twitched in disagreement.

“But it’s tasty. The flavour of hard work makes me feel so warm inside,” Huang Mei replied innocently, flashing a smile before she slid her hands and the cloth of the dragon’s robes a little further down, “And it helps to work up to the strongest taste and scent on your body. Otherwise, I won’t be able to do a good job when I finally get to taste… it.”

She let the word hang in the air and got closer to the dragon’s belly, sniffing it with her pretty little nose.

“I can smell it from here… such a fine musk just waiting for me… heavens, you really may be the next best thing,” she had been gazing up and saw the dragon’s grimace, “Sorry, honey, but I don’t lie to anyone I bed. I may exaggerate at times, because I’m a kind lady, but lying would just be cruel. Do you want me to be cruel?”

“Your treatment is cruel already… Can’t you just refrain from making those kinds of comments?”

“Nope,” Huang Mei didn’t wait for even a moment afterward and let the dragon’s robes drop as she returned to her knees, putting her in the perfect position to witness what she unleashed.

A firm, diamond-hard shaft sprung out and slapped against her face. It was wrapped in a thick layer of musky steam, heated by the great warmth of Long Hua’s body, a cloud of heady scent that burned the phoenix’s nostrils. It might have put off some other women, but to Huang Mei, this was one of the finest sensations in the world, a sign of her partner’s virility and sheer attractiveness, prompting her to inhale even more deeply.

The thick stench of a dragon’s cock caused her loins to flood with arousal, soaking through the thin fabric of her dancer’s clothes in moments. Her whole body grew warm and her head felt fuzzy as her lungs were utterly flooded with the scent of a dragon that had clearly not washed in a while.

‘So… so good… I hope Wei Yi lets me smell her cock after a few days… no, a week,’ some fantasies formed within Huang Mei’s head even now, as she admired Long Hua’s length, and the balls beneath it.

Both made her drool, filling her body with desire, but right now her attention was pulled to the sweaty sack and the two full orbs within. They were responsible for the greatest amount of the thick scent, and so she moved in and placed her nose against the sack, taking the deepest breath she could, ignoring the lightheaded feeling that overcame her.

“Oh heavens, this is… I’ll have to show you to the others, big boy… mwah~,” she kissed one of the balls, glancing up into the dragon’s eyes, past the vast shaft laying on her head, “You wouldn’t mind breeding some sluts later on, would you? My sisters have been waiting for a lovely~ stud like you…”

“First, show me what you can do. I’ll think about it later.”

The twitch of the dragon’s cock suggested that she was already on board, but Huang Mei chose not to mention that, instead wrapping her crimson lips around one of the dragon’s orbs, adding a second mark after her earlier kiss. Her lips were stained with ball grease, and when she brought out her tongue and licked the darkened skin of the dragon’s sack, she eagerly ingested more of it. As it pooled on her tongue and slid down her throat, she felt a shiver pass through her body.

She brought a hand down to her groins, sliding her fingers into her undergarments and caressing her clit, which was swollen and wet from all the juices dripping from her pussy.

“Tell me, do I taste good?” Long Hua asked after the phoenix had slobbered over her balls for a while.

Huang Mei shot her a disapproving glance – she’d be forced to remove her lips from the dragon’s sack to answer, after all – and moved to clean the other side of the dragon’s sack, smearing her pristine skin with her grease and sweat. The move caused Long Hua’s cock to drip a drops of precum onto the phoenix’s ginger hair, landing on the back of her head thanks to the sheer length of the shaft.

“I’ll take that as a yes, you dirty bitch,” the dragon purred, putting a hand on the phoenix’s hair, “How many others have you kneeled before?”

Reluctantly, Huang Mei slowly removed her lips from the dragon’s balls, “Oh, hundreds… thousands, maybe. Back in the day, I would see dozens of fine studs lining up at my door all the time, just waiting for the opportunity to flood my thirsty little pussy with their stinking, sticky, white seed… Do you want to hear how your musk compares to the others? I have plenty of things I can say about almost every person I’d been with… save for one, because you’ll get upset again. Maybe that’ll get you to go harder when the time comes, though…”

While pretending to be deep in thought, she rubbed her cheek against the dragon’s cock, staining it with more sweat. Much of her face was already shiny and sticky from Long Hua’s grease, so it did little to affect her appearance, but it was an act that she personally enjoyed a great deal.

Her only wish was that she could have more.

“You’re doing a great job of reminding me why phoenixes were so well-liked among us dragons,” Long Hua smiled as she saw Huang Mei licking her lips, proudly swallowing everything that stained them.

“All among the intelligent races loved us. Even the women, though that got a little boring after a while…” the phoenix also chose to reminisce for a moment, though her attention soon returned to the throbbing shaft resting on her face, “Anyway, I think it is time for me to have a proper taste, don’t you think? Will you promise to fuck my face without restraint after I take you to the hilt?”

“I would’ve done it even without your permission, but thanks, slut,” Long Hua said, pulling her hand back, “I’ll let you start out on your own.”

Huang Mei offered a thankful smile and stuck out her tongue, placing the tip on the underside of the dragon’s cock, just above the point where her full sack began. She slowly moved up, leaving a trail of saliva upon the shaft, proceeding smoothly on until she encountered the trail of precum that had been spilling from the dragon’s tip. There was only a small amount of milky fluid there, but the amazing taste caused her to pause.

It was slightly sweet, ever so slightly bitter, and rather salty. However, none of those could describe the full impression that Huang Mei received, the fine taste that had encouraged her lust since the very first time that she had tasted cum.

She had already been drooling before then, from the mere scent, but the taste that burned itself into her tongue brought that to another level. Saliva spilled past her lips, adding to the trail left on Long Hua’s shaft by her tongue, and ensured that the phoenix was able to wet the dragon’s cock head completely.

Although she wished to head straight for the source of the delectable nectar, Huang Mei resisted that urge just long enough to swirl her tongue around the dragon’s glans, polishing it to a fine shine. The dragon’s faint moans, more satisfied breaths than excited exclamations, brought a flush into her cheeks.

“Well then… here I go,” the phoenix licked her lips again and parted them, moving her head forward to take the tip of the bulging length into her mouth.

Her moist lips locked around the tip as the warmth of her mouth surrounded the glans, evoking a groan from Long Hua. She didn’t stay still, quickly sliding down to the edge of the dragon’s glans, sucking on the tip and trying to draw out the precum that lingered within the shaft, thirsty for the thick milky nectar.

Of course, nothing could compare to the taste of full, proper cum, which she had barely sensed within the dragon’s balls, but it was something to slightly sate the endless thirst of the woman leading a species renowned for their endless lust. She wanted it as soon as possible, and the vast willpower she had been employing not to pounce on Wei Yi earlier – and on Long Hua now – was being worn away, so she tried to enjoy the most delicious part of the dragon’s cock while she could.

‘I love the strong taste that ferments under the foreskin… Cum and piss and sweat mixing together, creating such a wonderful flavour that almost burns the tongue,’ thoughts passed through her head, but few lingered for long as she focused her energy on serving the dragon.

She tasted every part of Long Hua’s tip, but not a drop of saliva spilled from her lips as they were locked tightly around the shaft. However, the wet slurping sounds made it out perfectly, and she could tell that the dragon enjoyed them thanks to the small twitch whenever she showed a greater degree of vigour.

As she slobbered over the dragon’s tip, Huang Mei naturally looked up into her eyes. This was a favourite part of the act for her – behind the taste and act itself, of course – as she got to see how her ministrations affected her sexual partner. It let her see Long Hua’s aroused face, her fine boobs rising and falling with her breath, and best of all, the simple act of looking at her excited the dragon as well, meaning that the tip of her cock throbbed all the more within her mouth.

Every part of the process was thoroughly delightful, and if there was no conflict out in the world, Huang Mei would have done nothing but remain with her phoenix sisters and service the fine studs of the world until the world was filled with phoenix, human and dragon hybrids.

Without realising it, her fingers had slipped into the wet confines of her pussy, sliding in and out at a rapid pace. She could feel her own climax approaching, the first of many for the day, so she reached up with her other hand to cup and massage the dragon’s balls, encouraging them to produce more sticky, steaming hot cum as she took Long Hua’s cock deeper into her mouth. Her moist lips slid down the shaft, leaving a crimson trail thanks to the thick layer of lipstick that she had applied earlier.

She swallowed nearly a third of the thick length, seeming to do so without difficulty despite the impressive length and girth of the dragon’s dick. The tip hit the back of her throat, and while she could have simply continued sucking Long Hua’s dick like this, that would go against her intentions of providing the most pleasure possible.

A vital part of a blowjob with a well-endowed partner was to convey just how large they were – not just to satisfy their pride or anything of the sort, but instead to show just how much the great shaft filled her throat. No self-respecting phoenix had a gag reflex, especially not when their favourite partners were dragons or qilins, but emulating it was easy enough. Hence, when she took Long Hua’s cock to the back of her throat, she made sure to gag on the length, parting her lips just a little to let her saliva splatter onto the rest of the dragon’s fine cock.

“Yes, gag on it as I cum! Come on!” Long Hua suddenly exclaimed, Huang Mei’s eyes widening.

As she also felt the dragon’s cock twitching, her balls tightening, she withdrew quickly and removed her hand from her groin, raising it to the base of Long Hua’s dick and gripping it tightly.

“We’re not going to rush like this! You need to compete with a lady that might be able to fill me with such thick, sticky seed that I’d look like I was about to give birth! You can’t just cum the moment that you feel a little aroused!” Huang Mei said with amazing passion, keeping her grip firm, “Come on, let’s let your cum build up. When you finally release it all… It will be great for both of us.”

“Ugh… Fine… you cum slut.”

“That’s a compliment to any phoenix, and thus an even greater compliment to me. Thanks, love,” Huang Mei smiled and looked down and the twitching shaft, smiling as she noted the red marks and the copious amounts of saliva slathering the glans.

Some precum beaded from the tip, tempting the phoenix to lick it up, but she endured and waited for Long Hua to step away from the figurative edge before she relaxed her grip on the base of the dragon’s cock and slowly slid her hand up the shaft. As she neared the tip, she ended up pulling the foreskin over the glans, gathering up all of the saliva and precum that had accumulated on the cock head, giving her the perfect opportunity to spread that mixture across the whole length to lube it up.

Phoenix saliva was extremely effective in that regard – and might act as an aphrodisiac, though there had been few experiments on this subject – and the vast amount of it made it easy to cover the shaft.

She smeared it around with her palm and fingers, delighting in the wet noises this produced, and gleefully ensured that every inch was covered completely and utterly. To fully wet the glorious shaft of her draconic partner, she needed several minutes, as she couldn’t even grasp the entire length in one hand, and would require two if she wished to encircle the girth.

“Alright, now… I think you’ll need to get onto the bed after all,” Huang Mei considered for a moment, then said with certainty, her hands retreating from the dragon’s shaft to hold up her own breasts, still covered in just a little bit of translucent cloth, “It would be a little difficult to use these without that.”

“I’m getting right back up after you take me all the way, then,” the dragon’s reply came as she reluctantly backed up and sat down on the bed.

The phoenix smiled, “I’m looking forward to it, but for now…”

Huang Mei moved over as well, nuzzling the firm shaft for a moment and getting even more lewd fluids upon her face, then straightened her back so that she could press her chest against the rod and envelop it within the warm confines of her breasts. Thanks to its slickness, the shaft went in with ease, eliciting a gasp from Long Hua. Huang Mei simply smiled and placed her hands on her chest, squeezing her boobs together and giving the dragon a moment to get used to the sensation. If she brought her too close to orgasm again, they’d have to stop and wait even longer, which just wouldn’t do.

‘Fuck, I want to have her semen already… I want to drink it, be covered in it, have it flood my wet pussy… Why did Wei Yi have to go and suddenly become so attractive? It’s absurd…’ the phoenix kept the comments to herself, as she didn’t want to ruin the mood at this point, “Promise to hold on for me, okay? Just endure, and when you finally get your release, it will be the best moment of your entire life… until the next time, of course.”

That made Long Hua’s cock jump, some precum spilling onto the phoenix’s skin, forcing the latter to wait a little longer before moving, keeping her breasts together and sliding up and down the shaft.

She slid her tits up the shaft slowly, letting the dragon feel every drawn-out moment of it, then brought them down in one swift motion, her tit flesh slapping against the dragon’s groin. Every single time she did this, Long Hua whimpered just a little, and that was before Huang Mei got into the rhythm and added her warm lips into the mix, wrapping them around the glans and bobbing up and down along with the movement of her chest.

It clearly drove the dragon mad, as her cock had already been close to cumming before. Her balls had already intended to release one load and began to prepare another, and now both had to pool up and strain her sack, causing it to almost grow before Huang Mei’s eyes – not that she could see much past her own boobs and Long Hua’s thick dick.

“I’ve almost forgotten what it was like to see another take charge… Don’t disappoint me in the end, alright?”

“I would never do such a thing…” the phoenix briefly removed her lips from the dragon’s cock, giving the urethral slit a lick in between her words, “I want you to give me a good, full load just as much as you want to cum, so… the moment that I’ve got you ready, I’ll let you have that great moment I promised. However, it just can’t be now. At best, this will be two loads, and I won’t ever be satisfied with just that… I need more!”

To a normal human woman, Long Hua could have brought up that even the smallest of dragons had bigger loads than most men could produce within their lifetimes, but her words would be wasted when addressing a phoenix. There were none in the modern world that understood this better, and none that seemed to have as good an ability to tell exactly how much they could milk out of another – though she knew that certain kitsunes of the Eastern Continent were pretty good at that as well, even if they employed different methods to achieve similar results.

She’d have spent longer considering this, but Huang Mei made a very case against it with her breasts and lips. Her every movement was distracting and captivating, stealing all of the dragon’s attention, forcing her to stare at the rising and falling chest, at the lips bobbing on her cock, at the red lipstick stain accumulating upon her wet glans.

It was building and building, rising to that incredible climax, and then-

“Time for a break, I guess,” Huang Mei’s warmth vanished from the dragon’s dick, and so the latter was left at that tantalising edge yet again, tempting her to jump the phoenix and just fill her wet cunt.

“You… you tease… Ancients, this is pure torture.”

“Bear with it, babe,” the phoenix gave a weak smile, as she was also tempted to impale herself upon the dragon’s cock and ride her to orgasm, “It’ll be great, I’m sure… Heavens, this is more difficult than I remember.”

“Have you done this a lot?”

Huang Mei shrugged, “A few dozen times in total… generally, I’ll accept a few separate loads from studs like you, but today…”

Even without saying it outright, the dragon knew the reason – and the reason’s name – and that snapped something in her mind. At once, she wanted to both give the phoenix exactly what she wanted, and to sate her own lust as quickly as she could, a contradiction that her lust-filled brain wasn’t prepared to process in full. Instead, she just let herself go wild.

Long Hua grabbed the phoenix and threw her onto the bed, ass up and face, and climbed atop her, ripping away the cloth covering her groin.

“Y-You… Hah… Fine, just don’t stop,” Huang Mei accepted it quickly, steadying herself on the bed, “Fill me, you stud!”

The dragon obliged, climbing atop her and lining her dick up with the phoenix’s pussy. Her wet tip rubbed against the sopping folds of Huang Mei’s cunt, then slid in. The long shaft forced her walls apart, stretching her to her limits, the tip striking her cervix right away.

Her pussy clenched as a small climax shook her body, and the pleasure only intensified as Long Hua begun thrusting into her, slamming her hips against the phoenix’s ass, the sounds of slapping and wet flesh flooding the room. Huang Mei felt her mind clouding up and being utterly overwhelmed, and then she felt the dragon’s hands grasping her throat, holding onto her and using her like the slutty, thirsty greedy bitch she was.

The sheer amount of pleasure almost drowned her, blending everything into a single moment of near-infinite length.

All she knew was that she felt exhausted by the time that the dragon growled and slammed her dick all the way inside, almost seeming to enter her womb. A wave of warmth surged through her, and that was before cum flooded her insides, instantly causing her belly to bulge out and grow, as if she had become nine months pregnant in a single instant.

There was a pause as Long Hua’s movement paused, the sounds of their sex replaced with heavy breathing.

Huang Mei was about to speak, but the dragon cut her off, “I know. Just… just one moment.”

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