Path of The Dragonborn

Chapter 11: Mertia's Beacon

"Akatosh is on!"

"Shure is on!"

"Azura bless me!"

A large number of heavily armed mercenaries gathered in front of several caves near the swamp in the northern part of Mosal. Following the order of the Nord giant who looked like the leader, the mercenaries of various races shouted these slogans, carried various weapons, and slammed in.

"Oh, it's really troublesome..." At the end of the line, Alice, who was reluctant to enter, showed a disgusting expression and sighed in a low voice.

The scene before her was composed of rude, rude, and uncultivated people, which really shocked her heart.

"However, it seems that the vampires guarding the gate are very weak... and there are no traps and preventive measures. Is it too careless?" Listening to the fighting sound and the howling of the vampires soon in the cave , Alice thought to herself.

"That... Master Alice... You should almost go in..." The mercenary union supervisor next to him carefully tried to talk to Alice. After all, the prestige of "Eternal Night Magician" is so great that these people who have been used to it dare not show disrespect. Regarding this, Alice just waved her hand to indicate that she knew it, and rushed in with a void magic.

As expected by Alice, the cleanup went smoothly. These warriors of different races each formed a school team. The sword and shield players attracted firepower, the heavy sword master made melee output, and the archers formed groups in groups. As long as any vampire dared to appear in the field of vision of this group of people, he would immediately be shot into a hedgehog by a bunch of bows and arrows, and then dismembered by a number of warriors. Far greater than the sound of combat itself.

"Don't talk about Nightcrawlers, I haven't even seen a fogwalker... It seems that Morningstar is really doing something big?" Faced with a group of miscellaneous fish, Alice just slouched behind the large group. Walking around, thinking boredly. What was it that made the vampire masters, who had just broken through the Hall of the Vigilante and were planning to attack the main city where humans live, suddenly let go of what they were doing, and all gathered in the snowy mountains outside Morningstar City?

"Let's wait to turn around and ask Bernardo..." staring blankly at a Nord man in front of him, punching him in the face of the arguing Brighton man-the two were fighting for the heads of three vampires Ownership quarrel-Alice thought to herself. "I hope you can get the thing you want, otherwise I would have wasted such a day."


"Feim-Zii-Gron. (Dragon Roar: Phantom Void In a passage deep in the cave, Bernardo was walking at extreme speed. As he whispered, his body became strangely transparent. No matter it was the poisonous arrows hidden in the organ, the magic runes exploded on the ground, or the deadly venom of poisonous insects, they could not hurt. And young people. The young man walked through this passage calmly, and then shook his hand without looking back. A flame instantly filled the passage, burning all the organs into ashes.

"It's near here." Thinking of the information he had received a few days ago, the boy looked around. His instinct told him that several mid-to-high-end vampires had been awakened by the noise of bursting magic runes, and were rushing towards here eagerly.

"Too inexperience..." The young man bowed his head and sighed, "Ice Spear Re!" As the young man yelled, the amazing energy of several ice cone carriers shot to the corners of the nearby passage, and those who had just rushed here The vampires were shot through their necks by this sudden magic blow, and fell to the ground limply.

Without looking at these corpses, the boy walked into one of the compartments-this is the storage room of the vampires in this cave. There are precious alchemy potions, valuable gold and silver jewelry, and some sneaked into the town at night and stolen. Rare thing-but Bernardo doesn't care about it at all, his eyes are directly locked in a sparkling crystal ball in a glass display case.

The glass was broken. The boy stretched out his hand and took out the crystal ball, gleaming seductively under the light of the dark room torch.

"Mortal." Suddenly, from the depths of the young man's mind, a majestic female voice sounded: "Take my token, return to the Kilks Mountains, and place it on the beacon on the top of the mountain."

"...Who are you?" the boy asked knowingly.

"Don't ask more, mortal." The voice replied, "Go to the Kilks Mountains and all your questions will be revealed."

After that, the female voice disappeared, as if it had never existed.

"Sure enough, the information is correct, the token of the Demon God Meredia... Then, what can Miss Demon God want me to do?"


"Got it?" In the hotel room, the boy who had just put his weapon on the table pushed in and asked the girl anxiously.

The boy did not answer, but took out the crystal ball in his hand and shook it.

"In that case... my reward..."

"Isn't this being taken..." The young man shook his head, took out a small bottle from his parcel with an amusement and angrily, and threw it to the girl, "The black soul stone deposit liquid you want. Collected in Heijiang."

"Very good." The girl took the small bottle and looked at the black oily object happily. Suddenly she remembered something, and raised her head and asked: "Then, when are you going to the Kilks Mountains?"

"How do you know where I am going?" the young man asked strangely, he probably hadn't told her his destination.

"Do you think I don't know what it is?" The girl chuckled, "Mertia's "Stone of Light", right? "

"I really didn't know it was called the "Stone of Light". "The boy scratched his head.

"Oh, anyway, you are here to get this for the magic artifact, right?" the girl said simply, "you don't need to hide it...the prestige of "Dawnbreaker" is not spread among mortals, but in "we "Among such people, no one knows, no one knows. "

"...Exactly. I want to get this first, and then solve the problem that Eslan and the others gave me." The young man reluctantly told me.

"Sure enough, the group of dawn guards conveyed the vampire movement to you..." The girl smiled slyly and folded her hands. "I wonder if you would like to make another deal with me?"


"Finally here..." Looking at the sun not far away, and the majestic female statue at the top of the mountain, the boy let out a long sigh of relief.

"Next, it's time for the "inspection"... "Dawnbreaker", the legendary nemesis of undead creatures, the natural enemy of Morag Baal, can he respond to my expectations..."

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