Path of The Dragonborn

Chapter 19: conspiracy

"Welcome the young master back!"

At night, in the restaurant of Viscount Daxis' mansion, the staff from all walks of life were finally able to have a chance to show it. The chef has done his best to prepare a large number of delicious dishes, which is fascinating.

Even the most troubled and exhausted Viscount himself, at this time temporarily forgot those troubles and sorrows, and just poured a cup of fruit wine into his mouth——

amount. No matter how you look at it, it seems to be pouring your sorrows through wine.

Although no one said clearly to himself, especially his mother trying to hide from himself, the keen Heliga almost guessed the fact-the hostile attitude of the Duke’s family caused by various policy contradictions, and the ensuing Suppress. However, it seems that there has been a concentrated outbreak this winter.

Was it stimulated? Or did some of the father's actions anger the other person? Judging from his father's personality, he is not like a person who can do that kind of thing.

So, it is probably that the Duke’s family was stimulated by certain actions of certain forces, so it was so fiercely suppressing and persecuting the local lords that had conflicts before?

For ordinary children, when they are still playing in the mud, children of noble origin need to receive swordsmanship education and related political talent education to prepare for future inheritance of the family business. And Heilijia is very familiar with this extremely precocious special case. Although I don't know how to do it, it must be the ghost of the duke's family.

Thinking of this, Heliga's hands clenched tightly. Blaming the duke's family for arrogance, and also complaining of his lack of ability.

The strangeness of the child cannot be hidden from the eyes of the child's parents. After that, the teenager had been surrounded by adults for fun, and Heliga, who was busy with all kinds of entertainment and greetings, couldn't get out of thinking about these things anymore. With tiredness after eating and drinking, the teenager fell asleep early.

However, the undercurrents deliberately suppressed by the parents cannot really stop the conspiracy.


In the middle of the night, Daxis was in the main passage leading to Regram and Bariahat.

"Hey, have you been investigated? No one is nearby?" Several sneaky figures appeared on the suburban streets late at night. After a conversation, several people moved quickly, and the goal was the guiding lights on both sides of the road!

As we all know, in addition to the normal wandering beasts on the continent of Semuria, there is also a type of creatures called "beasts". Most of them look like beasts at first glance, but their bodies contain a lot of flares-this This kind of thing that is directly linked to the general energy of the mainland, combined with the development history of the Qi Yao Church and the rise of the Guidance Revolution, is clearly distinguishable from the beast.

What's more, in some areas there will be "lord-level monsters" with huge size, super damage and extremely dangerous, posing a huge threat to the surrounding ecological environment and personal safety. Therefore, in many places, there will be guerrilla associations and other powerful organizations like clouds to encircle and suppress. Of course, there are private soldiers on the territory of the great nobles of the empire that can clean up themselves by themselves. This is a special case.

In addition to pointing out the direction for passers-by at night, the guiding light also has a huge function of expelling monsters. In the current situation, the price of the guiding light is expensive, and the reconfiguration is time-consuming and laborious, and only people with the ability to handle the guiding force-related equipment can operate it. A group of people picked up the guiding lights to remove the possibility of revenge on the society, and they could only deliberately increase the burden on the local lords.

"You said, what did Earl Gotti ask us to do for these things?" The few people who completed the task in sequence, gathered again to the agreed gathering point and chatted.

"Of course it was to please the Duke of El Barrea," the man who led the head said, "Everyone knows that the lord here is at odds with the Duke."

"That uncle who looks terrible... I really feel sorry for the lord here, and become an enemy with such a person."

"Huh, it's my shit, as long as I can get money from my employer."

Everyone babbled, and another asked the leader: "What is the next plan?"

"The next step... Earl Gotti meant to destroy some of the facilities on the fishing ground, and then secretly replace some of the goods prepared by the merchants with inferior products, to forge their internal contradictions."


"Tomorrow night. Let's leave today, pay attention to the presence of monsters."

"it is good."

The figure in the night quickly disappeared, leaving behind a mess that made Viscount Warners a headache the next day.


"...This bunch of bastards..." After reading the report from the patrolman, Warners gritted his teeth and hammered the table. "It's too much. It actually destroyed all the guiding lights in the small half of the area... It's a good time now. I don’t know if the inventory in Daoli Workshop is enough."

"I've asked about this in advance. They said there are only fifty-two even if you count the old-fashioned old lamps, which can only get one-third of the amount." The housekeeper named Sebastian also "Fortunately, Captain Alan and the others reported that most of these people are probably because they are afraid of being attacked by Warcraft, or because they are not skilled enough. The core components of the guiding light are still in good condition and it is not difficult to repair. The workshop has been stopped. If it is open to the public, if the overtime restoration is completed today, it should be able to catch up."

"That's good." Warners rubbed his temples, "and let people go to Lulei to buy a batch of guiding lights, in case of emergency."


" the budget insufficient...then cut part of the budget and buy some old-style ones and see if they can be repaired."

"Yes." The butler bowed gently, preparing to exit the door.

"Wait..." Warners called the butler, "Call the people from the Guerrilla Association...just say that they have important entrusted to them, let them put this task first."


When the butler left the study, Warners became confused again.

"Since it has started, I am afraid that this matter is far from over...Next, what will their goal be?"


"Ha!" He struck the last stroke with a wooden knife, and Heliga panted lightly, looking at the stars and admiration of the surrounding children.

"Wow! That's amazing!" The children gathered around. The adults around also smiled rarely in these difficult days. The children of the lord’s family are originally much earlier than ordinary children. This, coupled with the new swordsmanship that has just been learned, is too dazzling for the children who are looking forward to growing up soon. It’s like seeing an adult.

"Master Heliga, come here!" There was a loud shout from the fishery, "I have something good for you to see!"

"What a good thing? Uncle Yatru?" The young man rushed when he heard the news. The uncle in front of him is the operator of this fishery. He is amiable, and his employees are treated well and respected in the town. My father's relationship is also very good, "What fun thing did you catch?"

"It's this." He grabbed a golden fish from the pond, and ignoring the struggling fish and splashing water droplets on his face, the smiling uncle said to the boy in front of him as if showing off: "Golden trout! The best fish in the lake can be said to be hard to come by, there is a price but no market!"

"Yes, it will definitely sell for a good price." The happy smile of the uncle in front of him also infected the teenager.

"What are you talking about?" The uncle gave Heliga a blank look. "Master, you just came back from your practice. Our fishing farm caught such a guy. This must be a gift from the goddess. I will give you a boost. Let someone take it to you, and you will have a good meal for dinner tonight."

"Is this not so good?" The boy is the most utterly obsessed with this unabashed enthusiasm, regardless of the so-called decent nobility, just scratching his head like an embarrassed person, "You can sell this fish for a lot of money. Is it inappropriate to send it to me?"

"Don't worry." The uncle patted the box behind him, and the boy glanced around his eyes. It was full of fresh goods. "Today's harvest is surprisingly good. Don't worry about making money. This goldfish, you can accept it with peace of mind. I should also be grateful to the Lord Viscount who has been busy for us these days."

"...Thank you, Uncle Yatru, then I will accept it." Thinking of his father's haggard look, thinking that he should eat something to supplement his body, the young man gratefully expressed his gratitude to him, although his clothes were dirty. , But the uncle who is very kind and enthusiastic at heart said.

However, when the two were having a conversation, the teenager vaguely noticed that a certain young man hiding in the dark had a treacherous smile on his face.

Ordinary people's secret observation, that kind of maliciousness, can't be concealed by Heliga who has been practicing for six months.

Heliga frowned, this man...


At night, the streets in the town became deserted again, and so did the bustling fishing grounds. Only a few taverns still heard loud laughter from time to time. Heliga walked on the street like this, followed by the worried captain Alan.

"Master, hurry up to the fishery and get what you have forgotten." The guard said anxiously, "Master, if you find that you are secretly gone, you must be anxious. If you know that I ran out with you without a word, he will scold me. "

"Wait." After dinner, Heliga who wanted to sneak out was hit by the head of the guard Alan. In a desperate situation, Heliga lied that he had forgotten to be at the fishing ground in the afternoon and wanted to see if he could get it back before the market tomorrow morning. Alan couldn't see that this was a temporary fabricated excuse, but the young master of her own exudes a breath that cannot be rejected, and she is not worried that the young master will go alone, so she has to follow. Unexpectedly, the young master came to the vicinity of the lake port area, but circled around, but he didn't see that he was looking for something.

"Oh..." Alan lowered his head at the appointment, planning to offend the little master's order and forcibly take him back-although I don't know what the precocious little master wants to do, but at this critical juncture, let's not offend the master's anger. Click it. Alan, who was planning to do this, suddenly heard his young master's whisper: "Alan, look over there!"

"...What?" Alan followed Heliga's expectation, "That's not the fishing ground of Mr. Yatrou... Oh, who are those figures? I remember that their fishing ground closed early... Master! Don't run!"

"Hurry up, Alan!" Heliga, who ran ahead, eagerly shouted to the chief guard.

"...Could it be..." An ominous premonition faintly rose in Alan's heart.

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