Path of The Dragonborn

Chapter 28: Risky attempt

Late at night.

The carnival crowds dispersed to rest, but there were still a few people wandering outside the camp. Some are preparing late-night snacks for themselves, some are maintaining weapons, and some are bragging about their glorious past with newcomers, forgetting the time.

However, Martha is different from them. In this moonlight, she thought of the young boy's eyes, and suddenly felt extremely strange.

Since that boy came to the regiment, he was the person who teamed up with him the most besides the captain. Of course, in fact, the captain prefers to rush to the forefront alone, so this so-called team is only in name.

Teenagers are sometimes indifferent, sometimes considerate, and sometimes can make jokes. With the childish but graceful face, if he grows up a few years, he is afraid that he will be another heartthrob who can fascinate many girls.

But the problem is that this time, there is only one meaning in the boy's eyes-warning.

That unabashed attitude naturally aroused the doubts of many members including the group leader. However, after repeated questioning, the teenager only repeatedly said "dangerous" without giving any specific reasons.

Had it not been for him to gain everyone's trust in the past six months, this kind of unreasonable behavior might become a target of public criticism.

In the end, most people agreed to the leader's proposal and took on this task-a good reward and a chance to become famous in a battle. Who wouldn't?

Even though the prime minister is a big official, he has no martial arts cultivation skills, and there are no extraordinary powerhouses around him. Facing a complete hunting formation with a reasonable structure, how could he be able to stop him?

revenge? Shouldn't that kind of thing be aimed at the messenger behind the scenes? Is there any assassin who is busy making trouble with the assassin instead of pulling the messenger behind the scenes?

The elites of Erlengum are already excitedly looking forward to the upcoming new tasks.


After a few days of rest and reorganization, and after drawing up a rigorous battle plan, regimental commander Vulcan set off with two elite teams. Each of the two teams has 9 people, all of them are well-equipped and have at least a dozen combat experiences. The rest of the group basically left the base camp and came to ambush at the stronghold near the target location, ready to respond at any time, and were responsible for the detection of surrounding intelligence.

The group leader Vulkan and Heilijia had several private conversations, but they were still to no avail, so everyone was prepared that the teenagers would not go with them this time. After all, the teenager is nominally just a facilitator, not a member of the team, and there is no need to follow the orders of the team. Therefore, when everyone found Heliga carrying a sword and a strange package that seemed to be full of bottles and cans when it shook and clinked, it was inevitable that they were a little surprised.

Some were puzzled, some were surprised, and some extroverted philanthropists had already put on some smiles similar to "conspiracy", and 80% thought that the teenager was eventually moved by it.

Heliga ignored all of them, but in Vulcan's playful smile, he walked to the place where he had been in the team.

However, no one heard except Vulcan, and the whisper he whispered quietly changed the color of Vulcan.

The content of that sentence is: "I just can't bear to see you fail too miserably."


Why would I break away from the upright practice and come to the dark side of this continent?

Hunters, gangs, terrorists.

Killing, death, blood.

These countless people are afraid to avoid it. Many people will leave a lifelong psychological shadow once they experience it. Why do they desire it so much?

No, it cannot be said that I am longing, but the "existence" in my heart is longing.

Since the adventure in the forest of Krossberg, his own strange powers have begun to awaken. At the beginning, the flame he released could only scorch a few pieces of wood, but later he could easily burn a few pieces of scorched earth; he could only heal some small injuries on the skin, and began to be comparable to the secret medicine of the church; A lot of unknown vocabulary and language popped up in my mind, and scenes of strange and familiar pictures and characters emerged. I even "remembered" the manufacturing methods of some special drugs. This knowledge has never been taught or seen by anyone.

As these powers strengthened, new abilities gradually awakened, and my original character and way of thinking were also unknowingly affected. He became a little cold and ruthless.

Even, enjoying the battlefield, enjoying the fight, enjoying the inexplicable sense of pleasure.

Not normal, this is not normal.

However, if you dare not accept it, it is impossible to defeat it. Heliga, who became more and more white, plunged into the darkness alone, trying to find the truth without losing himself.

I have understood the expectations of my relatives, friends and teachers, and I will never get lost in this darkness.

However, although he always tried to maintain a composure and calmness, he still did not discover the secret of this power.

Is it not enough? Or is the method wrong?

what? Or an assault mission? Fortunately, such a task without death, I...

what? Osborne? That "Iron Prime Minister"?

No, no. Although that person is a political star that has suddenly appeared in recent years, he has already gathered a strong network in the regular army. Now, with the emperor as the backing, he has started a political game with the aristocracy.

The stories of this man have always been circulated in the noble circle of the empire, and almost everyone did not underestimate him, whether it is the steward of the local lord or the great nobleman with power in his hand.

The individual attacker? Too dangerous, too unwise.

But how to explain this information? They are not empires, and they have never participated in the political struggle of the empire. They will not understand...

Although I have never seen it with my own eyes, this kind of dangerous signal, or keen, I have to do something.

Alas, there is no way to stop it, they are determined. In this case, I can only barely accompany me to see if I can provide some help in secret.

Hope...not too much trouble.

Vulcan, don't look at me like that, what I say to you will surely become reality. I promise.

I see your face changed, it's good. If you care about it in your heart, I will feel at ease here.


In a government department in a city in the northern part of the empire, in the largest room on the second floor.

"Yes, the transformation of these autonomous prefectures and municipalities has already begun." It was obviously a subordinate, reading a report to a middle-aged black-haired man standing with his hands.

The man had a powerful face in the Chinese character with Kong Wu, with fierce brows, his eyes staring at his prey like a lion, full of oppression.

He is the "Iron Prime Minister," Gillies Osborne.

The rising political star that jumped from the military to the government a few years ago and quickly became popular in the short term has now begun to attack the masters of this huge empire. The strength of the reformists is growing day by day, and has gradually become a force that cannot be ignored.

The resources in the hands of the nobles are not easy to tap, so they will move to neighboring countries and accumulate their economy through those small countries and autonomous prefectures.

Of course, not through war. The war with Libel has fully demonstrated how unwise it is to start a war at will... Through economic sanctions, war and conquest without a drop of blood are the "kingdom."

After listening to the report and calmly and firmly giving instructions for the next step, the man finally sat on the comfortable sofa and picked up a report that he had just sent and read.

"Huh, it's the minion of Duke Kane again...Want to hire a hunting group to attack while I'm out? "Ehrengam"..."

The prime minister closed his eyes lightly, as if he was seriously thinking about countermeasures.

"Yes." Pressing a button in the room, the red-haired clerk of the "Intelligence Bureau" stepped in.

"Give this to her. She knows how to do it."

"That guy, it seems that he has already had a countermeasure."


""Fight with poison", she said so. "

"Haha, I'll wait and see."


"Finally determine the action plan." In the valley in the northern part of the empire, after several days of rapid marching "Erengem", the regimental commander Vulcan gave the final order, "Group A will act with me, attracting the guards of the regular army. Firepower, bring all the sophisticated long-range weapons, and retreat, introduce them into the ambush of Group B. Then re-formation, entangle them, and I, two team leaders, and a few old team members will return to their destinations. After achieving the goal, launch a green flare and return according to the same path.

Everyone agreed, and Vulcan was a little worried: "Attention, this time the opponent is part of the regular army of the empire. Although we are a raid, we must remember that they are different from previous opponents. Everyone must fight. Twelve minutes of spirit, don't lose your life."

"Heilija, you..." Vulcan expected that this young man would stay in the reserve army. He was about to tell something, but was interrupted: "I will go with you."


"Don't ask, it's for your good. You haven't seen me fighting."

"...Hehe, that's okay." Thinking of the juvenile's good skills, Vulcan no longer entangled, "Then, now, move on—"

"Wait a minute." The young man raised his voice, and some of the team members who were beginning to boil couldn't help but give him a blank look. He didn't care, but continued: "Everyone. Please be careful of gunpowder weapons in this battle."

"Gunpowder weapons?" a member of the team asked strangely, "Is the standard force gun sent by the regular army of the Empire?"

"I think we have to face more than just guided weapons." The young man slowly raised a warhead.

"This is... a gunpowder bullet!" Vulcan recognized it at a glance, "Not the model we use."

"Yes." Heliga nodded, "The gunpowder inside has not yet been damp, indicating that it is a well-preserved bullet, which just happened to fall here. The Imperial Army will not use it, nor did we bring it, so there is only one possibility— —"

"——The other "hunting regiments"? "Everyone said in unison.

"Yes. Appearing here, it must not come with the same purpose... 80% of the reinforcements requested by the prime minister."

"..." Vulcan was lost in thought, apparently he hadn't expected this situation.

After thinking about it, he hammered the palm of his hand and said, "Change the plan...Send a team of people out to ensure that the escape route is unblocked...Moreover, if you find that there are "comrades" in it, you should disperse and escape immediately. "

"Yes." Knowing that the team leader temporarily changed the plan out of caution, several team members who did not want to change day and night could only recognize it.

"The action begins."


Between the mountains, shadows flow.

P.S: The protagonist is not lucky to pick up the bullet, but an additional product of a special ability. There will be an explanation later.

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