Path of The Dragonborn

Chapter 34: Helgen

When the three iron gates slammed down, with thick smoke and dust, which blocked the flow of hot air, Bernardo and Hadawa breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Haier and the fortress originally built to provide a settlement for soldiers are very strong, far from comparable to those wooden houses that fall apart at the touch of a touch. Of course, its designer probably never thought that one day this fortress would be attacked by a giant dragon, but theoretically speaking, should it be possible to hold on?

As an imperial clerk who has worked here for many years, Hardawa is confident that he can use his rich experience to escape. He needs help.

So he took out his dagger and untied the twine from the prisoner who walked in with him.

The prisoner had a cold face. From being brought here until the black dragon struck, he didn't say a word, only that he was called Bernardo. He was found by soldiers while trying to cross the border. Although he was not on the wanted list, he was sentenced to death by the captain who was afraid of trouble. Just when his head was about to be chopped off, the black dragon appeared and attacked the execution ground, so he took advantage of the chaos to escape.

"Your name is Bernardo, isn't it? Come and try this sword."

"..." Bernardo took the sword, which was well made, but the forging of the head was slightly weaker. He waved it a few times, and the blade drew several arcs in the air.

"It's pretty good. Have you practiced before?" Hadawa whistled. It seemed that the boy was a master of swordsmanship, which gave him a little confidence in the next escape journey.

The young man didn't talk, but with a backhand sword, he cut off the fences in the corner. The cut surfaces are neat and of equal height.

"It seems that the body still remembers quite a few skills. Don't forget them, there will be some dangers next."

He looked at the ceiling, layers of fine sand were sprinkled from the cracks in the ancient marble, and the vibrations from the ground could be faintly heard.

"Be careful, this ceiling may collapse at any time..." Hadawa walked to the wall and motioned the boy to follow suit, "I know this road leads to a certain crypt, and it may be able to go outside, provided that, We can get there before this fortress completely collapses..." After a pause, "It's just that, I'm afraid we are not the only ones who have this idea. If the rebels of the storm cloak meet us, they will not be merciful."

"Don't worry about them." Bernardo finally spoke, just very quietly.

"Yes, if it's me alone, I'm afraid it's still a bit dangerous... But if you are really as strong as you just showed..." Hadawa shrugged, "Let's go, Tarros bless!"


The corridor leading to the underground is narrow and tortuous. Most of the torches on both sides of the wall have been extinguished, and only a few are still burning. From time to time, gravel fell from the gap accompanied by a dull impact, and every tremor made Hadawa's heart tremble.

If buried can be said that there is no way to heaven and no way to go down to earth.

"How long is this road?"

"just in front……"

"You have said it seven or eight times!"

"Shhh! There is a voice!" Hardawa warned Bernardo, completely unaware that the boy made a much lower voice than himself. The two hid in the dark, observing the scene in front of them. At the end of the tunnel is a small stone chamber, in which screams and weak moans are heard from time to time, and another group of whispering people next to it is the enemy of the Imperial Legion, the rebels of the Stormcloak.

"Two long swords, one giant axe, one bow and arrow..." Hadawa squinted, judging the opponent's arms, and at the same time, his mind quickly turned, thinking about countermeasures, "Bernardo, you go..."

Before he could finish his words, Bernardo put his fingers on his lips and motioned for him to be quiet: "Don't worry, the people in that house will solve it."

"Huh?" Hadawa was about to continue to ask, but was interrupted by the soldiers in the storm cloak: "Kill!"

The four rushed into the stone room, followed by a sound of hacking, roaring, screaming, and magical energy. After two minutes, everything was quiet.

"Let's go." Bernardo walked out of the bunker lazily and motioned for Hardava to follow.

"What happened...oh, my god..."

Looking at the picture of the stone chamber, Hadawa couldn't help covering his mouth, and finally just said, "May their souls rest in peace."

Going through the tunnel to the room, Hardawa saw the battlefield where the fighting had just occurred.

Or is the slaughterhouse more suitable?

There are probably more than a dozen people on the stumps and broken arms on the ground, if someone is really willing to fish them out of the mixture of brain plasma and blood to calculate the number.

"That big axe..." Hardawa recognized the corpse on the ground, it was his fellow villager, Larov who had joined the Stormcloak rebels. He turned away, couldn't bear to look at the small corpse. He walked to the corner, where the only corpse still intact was lying quietly.

"The axe used by the executioner? It's ironic. The person who should have died under this axe picked it up and killed the executioner."


"Be careful, Ulfric might be around here... According to legend, he tore King Toig to pieces with a roar..."

"No need, there is no such obvious breath around here."

"Aura?...Forget it, let's go the other side anyway. I don't like to go that way, it's the torture room over there."

The corridor leading to the other end was long and silent. There is no longer a fine hourglass, and it seems that the dragon 80% has completed the unilateral killing on the ground and flew away proudly.

Occasionally, the torch in the passage will make some crackling noises, which is a sign of insufficient combustion. The sound that didn't even fear the ants, but at this moment Hadawa was frightened. The torturer of the fortress likes to set up some painful traps around him, and he can't be injured by mistake.

There was a breeze in the dull tunnel. A strong smell of blood came out.

"Wha..." After passing the corner, Hadawa was stunned again.

On the ground lay several soldiers wearing imperial armor. That is the comrade-in-arms who used to live with Hadawa day and night and fought side by side.

"Damn stormcloak bastard! I want to kill all...huh?"

Hadawa, who was quickly set ablaze by anger, saw several other corpses--they were storm cloaks wearing armors of different colors. They were even more numerous, with about a dozen people piled up front and back.

In the pile of corpses, the blood-stained figure slowly stood up. He was not even recognized just now, "These people seem to be unhappy with us, so I can only send them to see my dear Shure." The voice is gentle, but full of danger.

"What the **** are you..." Haddava eagerly wanted to rush to the torturer and ask to understand, but he was dragged back after two steps - it was Bernardo, and Haddava stepped on the left foot just now. Where several metal punctures protruded from the ground.

"You are still not cautious enough, Hardawa...your companion is very good." The torturer turned to Bernardo.

"The breath you just felt, is it you?"

P.S: In the future, when the protagonist of the trajectory is injured for a long time and is in a coma or coma, I will intersperse some old main line plots to enrich another line.

P.S2: I just finished the exam, I'm still so tired... Today, it's 4000 words for the time being. The remaining 2K owes to the weekend update~

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