Path of The Dragonborn

Chapter 44: West wind

In the notorious world of hunting soldiers, something strange happened recently.

The "West Wind", one of the two most famous hunting regiments in western China, has recently welcomed a young child.

Why do you say it again?

Because there is already a twelve-year-old child in the West Wind regiment, who is used as a regular combat force.

"Westwind Fairy" Philip Kraussell, the adopted daughter of head Lujia Kraussell, showed great potential at a young age.

Astonishing agility, vigorous skill, and unobtrusive secrecy, all made this girl a rising star in everyone's eyes.

The grievances between the "West Wind" and the "Red Constellation", another hunting group on the mainland, are already open facts. The two sides are facing each other in various senses, and there are also direct conflicts with each other. Whether it is the number of competition tasks completed, the sensation of the task, the number of harvests on the battlefield, the "God of Fighting" and "The Hunter King"-the leaders on both sides, are not to be outdone.

And a few years ago, the younger brother of "God of Fighting", the daughter of Sigmund Orlando, known as the "War Ghost", became famous on the battlefield. After that, she gradually got the name "Bloody". Shelly" title. Coupled with the well-known "Son of the God of Fighting" Landif Orlando, the next generation of "Red Constellation" also has a bright future.

"Red Constellation" is the continuation of the blood of the Berserker family in the Middle Ages. Fighting and bloodthirsty have been carved into their bones, and they have been intoxicated by the battlefield for generations. The "West Wind" is a new-generation force that has only risen suddenly in recent years. The head of the group, Lujia Klausell, has a wide network of contacts and is extremely powerful. It has attracted a large number of elite hunting groups, and its combat power is no less than that of the "Red Constellation." It's just that Lu Jia doesn't have a wife after all, and he doesn't have his own flesh and blood. Naturally, he can't compare with the "Red Constellation." Therefore, in the struggle for the cultivation of offspring, the "West Wind" has always been at a disadvantage.

However, the appearance of the "West Wind Fairy" saved Lu Jia some face, but the result was still two to one, which was not enough. Therefore, this newly-emerged teenager is taken for granted as the second new generation training object selected by Luca Kraussell.

Inevitably, my colleagues from all parts of the mainland are very curious about this same young child, and have inquired about it openly and secretly.

However, the information and gossip that came out afterwards surprised all the insiders.

The young man in front of him seems to have something to do with the hunting group "Erengemu", who was wanted by the entire continent for the assassination of the imperial prime minister (which was announced to the public, but was actually just a fright). In fact, according to people familiar with the matter, it was this young man who showed strength on the battlefield far beyond what he could see, and with his own power, he instantly defeated a whole team of well-equipped "North Hunters" elites.

If the witnesses did not deliberately exaggerate because they were frightened or defended face, based on the content of their description, I am afraid that elite hunters who have the skill of "battle howl" would not have the power to fight. Only such otherworldly existences as "Hunter King", "War God" and "War Ghost" can win the victory.

As soon as the news came out, countless eyes, light or dark, all stared at the base camp of the "West Wind".

And the young man who became the focus of everyone, calling himself Bernardo, was sighing boredly at this moment.

Things... how could this be?


A month ago.

"Today is a good day to fight!" An ordinary member of the "West Wind", leaning on the gate of the headquarters, boredly counted the wooden barrels placed across the aisle. The warm sun shining on him is so comfortable that people can't help but want to stretch.

But what he desires more in his heart is fighting. That's right, with more than a thousand partners in "West Wind", he longed for fierce battle.

On the grasslands, in the school grounds, in the mountains and forests, fighting desperately against various enemies is what every hunter who joins the "West Wind" desires. And everywhere in the continent of Semuria, there are signs of "westerly wind" active.

It's just that he himself is just a newcomer, and the newcomer just has to bear the boring work that veterans don't want to do.

Therefore, when other comrades in comrades enjoy the thrill on the battlefield, or improve their skills in the training field, or when maintaining equipment in the arsenal-I can only take on the job that almost all team members are not willing to do. ——Look at the door.

The job was so unpopular that it had to be drawn again among the newcomers to decide. And he is the hapless guy this time.

He was in a very bad mood at the moment, and nothing seemed pleasing to the eye...Of course, including the little boy over there who seemed to be wandering casually...

and many more? little boy? it's here? "West Wind" base camp?

And are you coming here?

"Hey! The kid over there!" he yelled, "This place is not for you! Get out!"

"?" The boy before him tilted his head in confusion, "I just want to find someone..."

"Then you have to put me down first!" I don't know which of the tendons was wrong, and he was so awkward that he said this sentence to the boy.

Oh my god, I'm already hungry for the battle to this point? Does anyone want to fight?

Forget it, it's just an ordinary kid after all, so this should scare him away? Even if you really fight him, how about such a thin little devil, let him hit a hundred punches? He can never be like Miss Fei...

Thinking about it, he made a frightening movement, pretending to hit the boy in front of him.

As a result, the boy took his arm, kicked it to the supporting foot, and fell directly to the ground. The whole process only takes two seconds.

"Is this really the "West Wind" headquarters? No matter how the doorkeepers are all lazy and useless guys..." the boy murmured.

"Who do you think is a useless fellow!" shouted the gatekeeper lying on the ground, struggling to get up, "Damn little devil..."

This time, he no longer underestimated the enemy, and seriously put on an unarmed combat posture to fight the young man in front of him. It was just that within a minute, he was kicked in the cheek by the boy again and lay on the ground with his swollen lips.

"...I really just want to find someone." Looking at the poor gatekeeper and the other team members who were gradually surrounding to watch the excitement, he decided to step directly over the poor gatekeeper.

Just as he was about to continue walking through the door, a petite girl with silver hair blocked his way.

"...You have to knock down two people to get in?" the boy asked uncertainly.

"Don't let others humiliate everyone in the group... This is what the head of the group taught me. Although I should be sorry for his nonsense, but... letting others knock down their partners without being indifferent is not "us" The style of it. "

"...So, you still have to speak with your fists?" The boy shrugged, and the adults were all resolved. You, a little girl about my age, really want to try?

...Wait, little girl? I have long heard that there is a "West Wind Fairy" in the "West Wind" group, which is very famous, is it this one...

The boy's fists were squeezed, different from the joking performance just now, he was a little serious this time.

And in the team leader’s dedicated studio on the second floor of the headquarters--

The man called "The Hunter King", with a smile on his face, watching everything that happened at the door, thinking of what he said to Fei just now: "Fei, that kid is about the same age as you, and the strength is about the same as you. ...Do you want to go to practice?"

There are more and more onlookers, and the show is about to be staged.

P.S: The heroine finally showed her face! Sprinkle flowers! After 42 chapters, 11.6w words!

P.S2: The male lead has been appointed by my wife to be beaten by my wife (funny

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