Path of The Dragonborn

Chapter 50: This world

The strange scene in front of me should have been surprising and panic.

However, Luca Clausel only calmed down after a moment of panic and looked at the strange boy in front of him.

After a long time, he replied in a low voice: " are the master of that strange power, right?"

"Very smart, mortal. You guessed it in the right direction, but, strictly speaking, this is not my least not yet."

"Oh? What kind of strange existence seems to be." The existence that controls the youth's will, and the address of himself, attracted Lu Jia's attention. "Since I am called a mortal, you must be a **** or **** by comparison. Is it a devilish existence?"

"If you think so, it doesn't matter."

"Hmph... I'll just ask straightforwardly, what do you... want?"

"Interesting, don't you ask me about my origin and related questions?"

"Will you answer?"

"If you ask, yes." The voice faintly, "Because I judge, this will be very useful information for you and me."

Fell silent.

It was Lu Jia who broke the silence. He suddenly laughed in this room: "Interesting, funny! I have thought that although the friendship with my friends is deep, it is also quite good to meet the dead enemy by force, but never I thought about having a conversation with non-human beings."

"Really... If you have this attitude, it would be much easier to say."


"how is it?"

"This is really... weird..." Lu Jia muttered to himself, "Although you said that there are some details that you can't tell, I can probably guess."

"Oh?" Bernardo was quite curious. "You guessed it."

"Oh, you are definitely not from this world." Lu Jia's tone was very positive.

"Why?" Bernardo puzzled. "Why, can't I be a character who existed before the crash?"

"Because of that power." Lu Jia explained, "That power is full of aura that doesn't belong to Semuria... Others may not know, but I can clearly perceive it. How to put it, it's like being able to accurately identify Feel like an animal with the same smell."

"It seems that, as he said, I underestimated you a little..." Bernardo sighed lightly, "In every sense, it seems that you need to be re-evaluated... But this way, then I'm afraid I can tell you about one thing."

"That thing?" Lu Jia's curiosity was aroused, and the secret of this unknown existence could not be discovered at any time.

"Oh... I'll tell you directly, what I want to do most right now is to get out of the body of a mortal and have my own body."


"But unfortunately, I can't do it. It's not a question of ability, but...I was locked in advance and locked...I can't change this situation. So no matter what, I can only borrow like this at best. Talking to the outside world while holding Heliga’s body."

"and so?"

"I think, you can see that this kid as a...who is chasing martial arts, is there any obvious problem?"

"...Of course it can." Lu Jia was also a little sorry. He had never thought that this kind of problem would appear in a warrior. "The fear and rejection of unknown power... actually reached this point, it really doesn't look like a person walking. People in martial arts...whether it is the right way or the evil way. Because those who have experienced those hard training and actual combat, rarely retain the delicate and sensitive heart... This kid is a personal talent, but he is actually more suitable to be a Talents who are not on the battlefield."

"Yes. It's just that if he really chooses that kind of life, I'm... hopeless."

"...So, you want...?"

"Yes. I'm going to give him a bit of information. Although it is a bit dangerous, it can help him get rid of his current entangled character." Bernardo said solemnly. Although he can't see his expression, Lu Jia can already The brain made up the image of a grim-faced teenager.

"...It's not a good thing to encourage growth." Lu Jia warned. Ignoring the differences between people, forcing people in the template to fix the direction of development will eventually develop into four differents, "You shouldn't be clear about this."

"I know this very well. It's because you haven't understood the child's true heart... Or if you can recognize it within a day after meeting, you're seeing a ghost."

"Oh?" Hearing this reply, Lu Jia's heart vaguely raised some expectations.

"The passion and courage that he fell asleep deep in his heart was suppressed by the part of my power and could not be released. If it weren't for my existence, this child would be able to walk in the martial arts in your mouth very healthily. "

"...But, you should also understand that your intervention is equivalent to external force. External force changes a person's character quickly and ruthlessly. Even if he is really as you said, he is not born a sensitive and fragile person... But With you already occupying his body and dominating his thinking to the present, do you really think he can return to what he should be?"

"I admit. Human character is like a spring. Once stretched beyond the limit, there is no possibility of recovery. However, looking at it now, I don't think this child has been distorted to that extent. In other words , There is still a chance to change. Of course, this needs your help."

"My help?" Lu Jia was puzzled.

"Yes, yours. I think you are so interested in Heliga, I'm afraid you have your own selfishness in it."

Lu Jia trembled: "...Indeed, I don't deny it. It's just that I have lost my confidence now."

"Then, let me help you regain this confidence." Bernardo's voice was filled with joy, "you just do what I say..."


Opening his eyes again, Heliga found that he had fallen into the calm darkness again.

Arriving in the deep darkness of unknown place for the second time, Heliga no longer had the panic of the last time, but felt some calmness from it.

My subjective memory stays at the moment I was knocked into the air. After that, faintly, Heliga felt that her body was being manipulated by the unknown force again. I don't know who will win in the end.

This endless loop... is really insurmountable. The more he wanted to become stronger, the more he fell into Bernardo's power. Just like the victims struggling in the storm and unwilling to be swept away by the seabed vortex, all their efforts seem to be in vain.

Is this fate? Will my life be exhausted in such entanglement?

Master Alside, Teacher Yun, King of Hunters... Is there anything similar in their lives that makes people feel entangled and sad, and can be regarded as a concern? How did they cross? How can I be like them to become a strong man who truly controls himself and controls his own destiny?

"You are still thinking about this problem, which is good." A familiar voice sounded from behind.

"Bernardo?" Heliga replied calmly. He turned his head, looked at the tall boy in front of him, and looked at himself with a smile.

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