Path of The Dragonborn

Chapter 9: Sword of Severing Evil Spirits

"Everyone! Thank you very much! If you didn't help you in time, I... My children..." The slow-moving ghost monster was destroyed soon, leaving nothing but black dander that was gradually disappearing. . The rescued man brought two lingering children to bow and thank the benefactors.

"You don't need to be so polite." The guerrillas waved their hands boldly, "It was a matter of and the kids are fine."

"But..." The butler Klaus, who opened the eyes of Laura and Heiliga by continuously performing their stunts, had already retracted the long sword leisurely. It seemed that there was not a drop of sweat on his body, which surprised the two who were already exhausted and panting next to them. , "This kind of monster...Should it be said to be a ghost... But it is unheard of... Master never mentioned related things..."

"Well..." Heliga, who was still breathing heavily and adjusting his physical strength, spoke, and attracted everyone's attention. "It is said that there is a blind spot covered by elven faith near this ancient city, but it has always been It was suppressed by an unknown technique...In normal times, this place is not dangerous, but in the night when the Yin Qi is extremely fierce, it seems that evil spirits will recover..."

"How did you know?" Laura was even more confused, she had never heard of this before, and it sounded incredible. Although the others did not ask questions, they looked at Heliga with doubts.

"My father said it." There is no need to hesitate, Heliga said lightly, "This place seems to involve the magic tricks of the dark ages, but later the appearance of the iron cavalry and the appearance of an unknown magic master. , Suppressed this evil thing back. These are recorded in the ancient books and local chronicles hidden in my father’s study. He didn’t like to go out before, and he often told me these stories when he was lying in the study and reading. ......" Shrugged, "It's just that I have always regarded it as some crooked heresies brought about by the faith of the elves, but I didn't expect to experience it today."

"In any case, this matter must be reported to the Viscount in detail after returning." The leading guerrilla said seriously. In the past, Viscount’s Mansion was quite open for foreign tourists to visit here, but this time something like this happened, it seems that the castle should be closed for a period of time to open to the outside world, at least you must first let your Excellency the Viscount personally investigate carefully. Say it again.

"Yeah, everyone is already very anxious. Let's go back quickly and say something slowly." The old butler's words made a close for the action. After a few people agreed, they all started going downstairs. mobile.

In the process of going downstairs, the few people did not feel any strange smell of monsters at all, until everyone returned to the hall on the first floor and looked at the basement door that was suspected to have been opened.

The two sides started another round of discussions and decided whether to go in for an investigation? In the end, the guerrillas sailed back with a few people who were frightened, while the old butler, Laura and Heliga together did a simple investigation of the castle. Originally, the old butler wanted to conduct an investigation on his own, and the guerrillas knew that he was capable and were very relieved, but at this time Heliga somehow and rarely had a stubborn temper and insisted on going with the old butler. . And some Laura who couldn't let go, also decided to go with it.

"Keep it in mind, there may be some unknown danger in it. Don't touch anything inside, don't speak loudly, we will come out immediately after looking around. Also, remember to follow me and don't act alone. "The old butler said softly, while Laura and Heliga nodded in agreement.

Squeaking-the stone door that looked very heavy, it was opened with just a light push. The moss and soil debris in the cracks of the door also shook off as the stone gate turned. The three clenched their weapons, butler Klaus took the lead and gently walked down the spiral staircase behind the door.

"Look, there seems to be a picture on the wall." With the faint light of the guiding light, Heliga, who saw the exquisite mural on the wall, said to Laura next to him. Laura stretched his head and nodded: " Well, it seems to be telling the story before the "Iron Cavalry"..." There was also a sense of longing in his tone.

"I remember Laura's goal is to achieve or even surpass the martial arts and achievements of the "Holy Girl of the Gun"? "Looking at some Laura who fell into idolatry, Heliga asked.

"Haha...I'm still far from it." Laura, who is deeply influenced by the Viscount, will not be arrogant or arrogant. She just tells the truth as always, "But as a warrior, you have to look for your goal. Just go forward bravely."

"As expected of Laura." Heliga laughed softly, and the conversation with Laura was always very comfortable.

"It's you, Helika, haven't you found yourself to become a martial artist?" Laura asked back. She also asked the boy in front of him what Xiwu was for, but the boy in front of him had never given a firm answer like what she had just said.

"Um... the short-term goal is to try to resolve this change. Long-term goal, I haven't figured it out yet."

"That's it... Then I'll do a good search later." Laura said.

"Here." The old butler, who has been walking in front, said quietly while listening to the conversations of the younger generations. The two followed the prestige, and couldn't help but marvel at the sight before them.

Unfolding before the eyes of the three of them is a huge hall. The stone pillars on the left and right are magnificent. On the stone pillars there are human-shaped statues that look like wings. In front of them stand huge stone statues with strange shapes and an area similar to an auditorium. It is a small stone gate that looks like a side hall. The walls of the entire hall are carved with murals, which looks very spectacular at first glance.

"It doesn't seem to be dangerous." The old butler who turned on breath perception carefully checked the surroundings and confirmed that there was no threat in the surroundings. The three of them also relaxed and looked at the hall together.

"A brave and fearless challenger... It proves that you and others can get the gifts and blessings of the elves of the lake..." Heliga read the inscriptions that can be seen everywhere, "This should be left by the "Iron Cavalry" at the time. , Looks alike. "

After some exploration, apart from the ancient inscriptions and spectacular sights that can be seen everywhere, the three have no other special findings. The old butler said: "It seems that there will be nothing to gain today. Let's go back soon."

The two answered, just as the three of them pulled their legs towards the entrance——

Huh! The stone door leading to the spiral staircase suddenly closed quickly!

The three of them were shocked, and immediately rushed to the stone gate in three steps and two steps—

"Damn, what happened..." Heliga, who was the first to rush to the stone gate, beat the stone gate twice, and found that the gate did not respond. He turned around eagerly, but found that something was following Laura. And Klaus appeared before--

"Look!" Laura, who heard Heliga's call, and the old butler who had sensed something, turned around in unison—

"Um..." The old butler frowned, and Laura's hands clenched the big sword tighter by three points——

Because several huge ghosts are twisting and forming in the hall!


"Huh, huh, huh..." Wiping the sweat from her head, Heliga completely ignored the pain in her arm burned by the ghost fire, raised her head and looked forward, "This weird thing seems to be smarter than just encountered... "

Heliga's judgment is not unreasonable. The moment the three people discovered that this huge ghost was taking shape, they moved quickly. Known that physical attacks will not cause any damage to them, Helija and Laura move to the left and right, trying to attract the attention of these monsters with feint attacks; while Krauss, who has the power to cause damage to them, operates his own majestic. Infuriated, ready to make a few deadly stabs on these monsters.

However, unlike the little ghosts just encountered at the bottom of the tower, these big guys completely ignored Laura and Heliga who were feigning attacks. The three formed ghosts quickly moved towards Claus, who was only one-fifth of his height. The two people who moved too close to the big ghost without a grudge body were all burned by the ghost fire to varying degrees.

It's just that the performance of the butler Klaus at this time has told Laura and Heilijia why this old man, who is more than 60 years old, can still serve as the general agent master of the "Alcedrian".

Light footsteps, avoiding the burning of the ghost fire, precise stabbing to peel off the shell of the ghost, swift slashing to tear the flesh and blood of the ghost——

Butler Klaus's posture was calm and firm, all kinds of advanced swordsmanship were used one after another, flames and gusts scattered everywhere. In less than five minutes, three huge and terrifying ghosts disappeared in the air.

"It's a master!" "Well done, Mr. Claus." The two onlookers praised the old man with joy, only to find that the old man who had ended the battle was rushing towards him at this time, with expressions on his face. No relaxation at all: "Be careful! Behind!"

The two quickly set up their weapons and turned around, but felt a huge impact. Laura relied on the hardness and superior strength of the big sword to barely stand firm, but shook her aching hand, and although Heilijia also swung it in time. Out of the defensive posture, but was still knocked out by this unknown object, and the weapon in his hand fell aside.

"Gargo ghost!" Butler Klaus has a great alarm in his heart. This monster originated from the magical product of the Dark Ages is not slow moving like that ghost, but a monster with far superior strength and agility! It's like a beast that hasn't been domesticated.

"Roar!" The gargoyle made a strange roar. Seeing that the gargoyle who succeeded in the sneak attack was willing to let go of the prey in front of him, the two monsters ran towards the boy and the girl respectively. Laura had already bravely picked up the big sword at this time, and fought with the monster in front of him. Although it was completely suppressed, she could at least hold on for a while, and the boy--

"Heilija!" "Master Heilija!" Laura, who was too busy dealing with another gargoyle, couldn't get away, and the butler of Claus who hadn't arrived in time because of the distance, could only watch. The gargoyle with its hideous fangs rushed towards the boy in front of him——

"Are you going to die?" Listening to the eager calls of the two people around, feeling the monsters swept in front of him, the young man closed his eyes——

how is this possible!

When he opened his eyes again, his pupils were already scarlet. And a dagger with a flashing magic stone on the hilt, the blade made of unknown material, and the dagger with red glow, I don’t know when it appeared in the hand of the young man——

The young man opened his mouth--

FusRoDah! ! !

PS: Only the Dawnbreaker of Guangma appeared at the end... I originally wanted to add a scene where the protagonist took the Dawnbreaker to cut undead creatures. As a result, the previous plot was already 3K+...

PS2: In the next chapter, I will enter a story about the old game. Every time the protagonist in the main line of the track series masters a certain special skill or uses a special weapon, I will insert a story about the old game to make up for it. The story ~ The story of the Dawnbreaker shouldn't be long. Try to finish it in 2-3 chapters. By the way, these interspersed stories are not in the order in which they were acquired in the old timeline.

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