Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 978: Plateau Haze (2 in 1)

When Heilija, who was drinking tea outside, was shown by Fei and caught back, he originally thought he was going to experience an unforgettable attack in his life-after all, the two girls probably talked a lot about themselves, and he also I'm mentally prepared to be tried.

However, Fei didn't seem to have any intention of mentioning this matter at all, but just dragged him forward, which made him very puzzled. However, when he heard Ling's explanation, he understood why Fei brought him back so hastily.

Ling's so-called "magic" is the use of a certain kind of conduction frequency converter, combined with the special function of "ARCUS", to achieve a certain goal that is still somewhat distant.

"This is a signal conversion device... I used to play around in my spare time here... I didn't think it would be useful, but I didn't expect Grandpa Yoguru to keep it for me." Ling held it in her hand. It is a wonderful device similar to a spiral coil, but the inner filling is some special metal and the slot of the conductive loop, but Heilijia and Fei can't understand what it is for, "The next one... …It’s a dome camera produced by the Urnu Society—it’s something you would use in places like shopping malls. It was also when I was bored before, Grandpa Yoguru asked someone to bring me to pass the time. "

"Will these two things be of any special use?" Heliga asked.

"Yes... Simply put, I want to use this device to make something that can make remote video calls." Ling nodded, "Hilijia and Fei's companions seem to use similar power guides. Right? I just looked at it a little bit. The two power guides seem to be mass-produced on the internal core parts, but some targeted small-scale modifications have been added, but it is harmless-in short, you have heard of " Guided wave resonance phenomenon"? "

"..." × 2.

"Okay..." Ling Fu-e-Sure enough, after staying in the Chase Central Studio for a long time, she suddenly came to two so-called laymen to give technical explanations, but she still didn't switch her mind. However, after all, the relationship between these two people and herself can be considered close, so she took the trouble to explain the principles in detail.

Seeing the change in Fei's expression, Heliga was sure that she hadn't understood--but he understood some of it himself. To put it simply, when the technology of guided force communication began to spread slowly, some researchers discovered that guided wave propagation in the air is very fast, but the guided wave generated in nature also has a very close frequency. Guided waves with similar frequencies will produce a resonance phenomenon, and the result will be mutual interference between the two communications. At the earliest time, guided force communication was only suitable for the military or large-scale guided force experiment institutions. There were almost no interference signals in nature, so it did not attract attention. However, with the advancement of technology, wireless After communication began to enter the civilian population, this chaos appeared for a period of time. In order to avoid this situation, the best way is to limit different communications to different bands. In this way, the band communications with large frequency differences can live in peace and peace without causing any interference. , Dr. Russell proposed a series of new technical specifications and standards, stipulating more than a dozen different frequency bands, used for wireless communication for various purposes, such as private public broadcasting, some of which are exclusively purchased by large companies Commercial frequency bands, and confidential military-industrial communications, etc.

"According to Ling's research results, the higher the frequency of the guided wave, the stronger the penetrability of its propagation, and the more distant places it can reach... However, the ultra-high-power high-frequency guided wave generator is still It has not been put into actual use and is still in the testing stage. The specific reason is mainly because of the high cost. But in the laboratory, Ling has been able to do similar things."

"That's it... So according to what you mean, can the "ARCUS" force guide also be used for this purpose? Helijia nodded, expressing his understanding.

"Hmm... Although I don't know how the force guide is constructed, after checking just now, I found that the built-in universal device can be used as a simple synergistic vibration amplifier. Its inherent launch capability Very weak, but it is artificially weakened, not innately so-its frequency is also very high, higher than all the commonly used bands in the simple communication protocol currently used on the mainland, even in nature, it is also very It’s rare to produce such a high-frequency guided wave.” When it comes to her profession, Ling can now describe her with ecstasy. “So, if you use guided waves of this frequency for communication, even in a wide range. Inside, there will be no interference-so that ultra-long-distance communication can be achieved."

"So that's the case. Wait..." Heliga seemed to have thought of something suddenly--who would use the same type of force guiding device, and who else besides his own companions? "You don't mean to..."

By the way, since coming to Clos Bell, perhaps because of the resonance of Qia’s power to the surrounding spiritual field, Arcus in Heliga and Fei’s hands seems to have temporarily lost the function of external contact, but occasionally. The signal can be received intermittently.

"Well... if you use this, you should be able to overcome the interference of the current "field" around Clos Bell. Ling nodded, "How about it, do you want to try it?" "

"If we can contact them, of course it would be fine." Heliga nodded, "Just, how can we help you?"

"Sister Fei and you will be watching." Ling said triumphantly, "I have all the pre-experiments and the necessary equipment here, but I only need the signal connection between the two "ARCUS". As for the adaptation work, there should not be a big problem...By the way, where should your classmates of Heilijia be at this time? "

"Well... if it is distributed according to the distribution, it should be in the two large locations southwest and northwest of Crossbel. I don't know how they are on the Nord Plateau..." Heliga thought to himself.

"Understood... As long as you have a general orientation. By the way, the Luray area in the northern part of the empire seems to occasionally emit high-frequency signals. It is presumed that it should be something that was made by experiments in the famous university there. "Ling said, "At that time, I will avoid it a little bit... As long as it can reach the Nord Plateau, it shouldn't be a big problem."


"Elder Ivan, it has been nearly two hours past the scheduled time...Mr. Guen and they haven't come back yet." The tall and burly man said to the old man beside him a little anxiously at this time, "Insurance For the sake of...should you take someone over there to see?"

"Really...Nord West area...Since the empire started the civil war, our people should have been a little negligent in exploring there." Although the tall man in front of him-Lagan Warzer, also known as VII The father of the class student Gaius Vozel is currently the first warrior of the tribe, but what few people know is that he had never been in Nord before the very short elder Ivan. Defeated the shameless old man in his cross spear. In addition, even though Elder Ivan, who is very old, does not directly intervene in tribal affairs, he can still use his wisdom and rich experience to give the young people of the tribe a lot of useful guidance. For example, now, even though Lagan proved himself a qualified tribal leader more than ten years ago, he still instinctively wants to consult Elder Ivan for such a major event.

"Um... It is said that there have been some monsters that cannot be described by common sense. According to the empires who fled here, they call that thing "Eudemons"? Lagan frowned, "They will suddenly appear in some places, cause great destruction, and then disappear automatically after a period of time...It's really strange to say. Mr. Guen, they won't touch these things, will they? "

"It's possible...but relax. Don't Mr. Gunn's granddaughter stay with him? And the little one." Elder Ivan said with Yan Yue, "Don't look at her usual way, but at the critical moment, she is The kind of very reliable person. But your worries are not unreasonable... Moreover, even if it is not because of the encounter with the Eudemons, the car may be broken. It is not the first time that the car is broken... Maybe they are repairing it. Time was lost on the way."

"That's true." After listening to Elder Ivan's analysis, Lagan said with a softened expression.

"However, to be on the safe side...When Gaius returns from the north of the plateau, let him stop by to the west. No matter what the situation, it is always right to have someone to pick up. Now the real worry is that Communication...If this thing works well, we can contact them now anyway."

"Yeah..." Lagan looked in the direction of Elder Ivan's gaze-inside the tent of the elders in Nord Village, it was a guiding device that seemed to be a little old. It was a fixed-point communication device that was brought here by the way after the former president of the "RF Agency" came here many years ago. The proud children of the Nord Plateau also have the opportunity to enjoy the convenience brought by modern guidance technology; therefore, they also have a very natural closeness and trust in Mr. Guen.

However, since sometime a few days ago, all communication equipment located in the Nord Plateau area seems to have been completely disrupted-even Gaiusna could use each other with the two classmates he brought with him. The power director also has no way to continue communication. In this case, while investigating the reasons for this situation, they have to continue to carefully maintain the stable life of the entire tribe in the two surrounding countries when the two surrounding countries are caught in the war. , The difficulty can be imagined.

However, despite such a special period, Mr. Guen did not follow Lagan’s advice and left Nord for a short time to seek refuge in other autonomous prefectures. The people of Nord treated him as kind as a friend. How could he leave them at such a moment? go with? Not only did Guen simply cancel the original travel plan-anyway, because of the war, most of the places could not be reached-he also actively lived with the members of the tribe, and any problems that usually arise Do your best to help, so that Elder Ivan and others are very moved.

At the moment, the classic car that often has problems needs to transport some supplies to another village in the west of Nord, and exchange some of the other side where there is surplus. The reserves here are already stretched, and the resources necessary for the herdsmen’s life are needed on the road for To avoid all kinds of problems caused by the downtime of the classic car, Mr. Guen volunteered to accompany him. Unexpectedly, he had been delayed for two hours before returning. How could this make them not anxious.

"Father, Elder Ivan, I'm back. There is nothing unusual on the northern side of the plateau, but—" Just when the two were anxious like ants on a hot pot, a calm and reliable voice sounded outside the tent— -A man who is slightly shorter than Lagan by half a head, but can be regarded as a tall and burly man appeared in front of the two of them. His skin was as healthy and dark as Lagan, and he held a cross-gun that looked daunting in his hand. His whole body was slightly evaporating from the heat of the exercise that he had just returned from riding a horse all the way back. His eyes were calm and determined, he was still so young, but he seemed to be able to tolerate everything.

He is Gaius Vozel, also a member of Thorz VII. As soon as Gaius entered the door, he clearly felt something wrong with the atmosphere in the tent, so he stopped talking and looked at the two with suspicious eyes.

" came just right." Lagan said to his eldest son in a calm and trusting tone, "Although I want to say that you have worked hard...but something happened. You may have to work harder for you. ."

"What's wrong? Could it be Mr. Guen and the others..."

"Yeah. They should have come back two hours ago. Although I may have been worrying too much, but it is better for you to pick up." Elder Ivan said, "Respite for a while and drink two cups of vanilla. Tea, take your lunch and leave—isn’t it a problem?"

"Don't worry. Since this is the case, then I might as well go now." Gaius nodded, and didn't mean to refuse, "If this is the case, please take care of my father and elders, I--"

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by a harsh hum from his waist. Hearing this voice, Gaius felt a little familiar instinctively, and suddenly thought of something, his pupils suddenly shrank.

This sound is a reminder when there is a communication coming!

And Nord, it's been nearly a guided communication has appeared.

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