Path of the Pioneers

57. Unto the Trial of Will

Once more I am whisked away, and once more the movement comes to an unsettling stop. The white light fades, and there is naught but darkness for my eyes to take in.

Unerring, unending darkness. There are no pinpricks of light in the distance, no sounds to pierce through the veil of silence, just nothing. An oppressive nothingness that threatens to suffuse my sense of self and bring about my destruction.

[Thou'rt come to the dark exterior, the baleful abyss]

[The dark of this place hath remained unbothered for millennia, and sorrowful beasts yet tread in the crevices and nooks]

[Starved, yet waiting]

[Locate the exit to this realm in proving thy courage]

I stare at the window with something akin to bafflement. I wasn't aware that it would just throw me into a dark place and tell me to escape. I activate [Aesthesia], and ready myself to cast another spell. But before I can, I receive another alert.

[Congratulations! Skill "Flame Generation" has leveled up! Rank D → C]

[You have learned one of the fundamentals of mana manipulation, Integration]

[Congratulations! Skill "Mana Control" has leveled up! Rank F → E]

Oh, right. I nearly forgot that I had improved the spell in the excitement of the next trial. At the very least, I hope that the cost has been reduced by a good amount...

Flame Generation [1 mana/0.1m3/second]

Creates a mass of fire.


Similar to [Transmutation] but different. I think that it's cheaper to cast in comparison, though I'll have to do testing in order to figure out by how much the spell has improved.

I had forgotten to check the description of [Mana Control] when I first received it, so now is as good a time as any -- even though I'm cloaked in the dark of this place.

Mana Control

Your control over raw mana and manipulation techniques is improved. Additionally, your raw mana may be integrated and isolated from the air without expending it.



From what I've been taught, and from my own understanding, mana is inalterably changed when used in the process of casting a spell. For instance, when I cast [Barrier], the mana is shifted into a different state. It becomes solid, and primed for a specific use. I can't withdraw it into my body, and I can't use it again to cast another spell.

If I understand the description of this skill correctly, combining my mana with the air doesn't cause that shift in properties -- essentially, it costs nothing. Whatever uses there are for the integration will have to wait, though.

If I spend all of my time here looking at my status window, I'll just get myself killed. With a wave of my hand, the bright menu fades away and I'm left with darkness once again.

It's.. Actually kind of unsettling here.

A few moments pass, and I cast [Light], illuminating a small space around me. Though I can feel it with [Aesthesia], it feels far more comfortable to actually see it.

I glance down, peering at dark, cracked cobblestones. The light only extends out for about ten meters. On the edge of its glow, I can see the walls of buildings -- I'm outside, standing in the streets of some kind of city blanketed in darkness.

There's a familiar sensation -- arms wrapped around my shoulders and a head buried in the nook of my neck.

"I really don't like the feel of this place." Adeline sighs, "I mean, it just screams 'dangerous.' I think I understand why the Pioneers are so strong, considering they had to go through all of this."

I begin walking towards one of the buildings, "All things considered, though..." I stop in my tracks, eyeing a sign hanging over an expensive-looking door. The walls of this building are made of fine, dark bricks, and the windows are large and rounded at the top. The sign itself is illegible to me, just a strange mix of symbols that I can't make out.

"You're not wrong," Adeline continues, as if she's heard the rest of my unfinished sentence, "The only real danger you've faced so far has been Jemith. But still!" Adeline pats my shoulders, "Jemith really could've killed you if they wanted to."

I let out a nervous little laugh. I had gotten lucky, hadn't I? Pushing that thought down, I try the knob to the door in front of me.

It refuses to budge, and I'm not eager to force the issue.

With a sigh, I turn from the door to go back to the street. As I do, I feel the sensation of something entering the range of [Aesthesia]. I whip around to face whatever it is, leaping back to create distance.

My breath hitches as I finally register what it is that's approached me.

An inky black mass has taken on the visage and figure of a person, their form swirling and swaying. Twisted horns rise up from the side of their head, and a laurel rested on their head. Two bright piercing eyes shine out at me, the familiar symbol for vitriols etched into the center of their left eye. Messy hair runs down to their shoulders.

It wears a flowing cloak and what appears to be a set of fine plate armor. Glowing white is the symbol of House Cirix, a flaming bird.

An amalgamation of Josephine Cirix and the ruler of the imps in the mines, twisted from the dark shadows of this place and made into something almost true to life. The dark figure draws a curved sword and a longsword, wielding them in either hand in the same style as Adeline.

It's intent on a fight.

Its footsteps are slow and methodical, waiting for me to make a move -- waiting for me to give it an opening.

"Dual wielders are pesky to defend against, you know? At least when it comes to normal sword-on-sword fighting. But, you have a few cards up your sleeves, don't you?" Adeline makes a self-assured sound, "I mean, you can't just keep using that barrier, but you're also pretty handy with that dagger!"

Her assurances ring hollow to me, not quite meeting their mark. Josephine Cirix was a frightening opponent, but with the overwhelming force of the imp's ruler? Fear is beginning to creep into my body and mind.

Should I just run?

"Would fleeing really be proving your courage?" Adeline interjects behind me, "I mean, it may be worth it just to regroup and settle yourself, but..."

"But.. This is..."

"This is a trial, Sybil. You aren't face to face with my actual aunt, you know? I know that you have the strength to take it on. So go on ahead."

A fight -- this was to be a fight. If it wanted me to prove my courage, then I would.

Here and now.

With a deep breath, I steady my heart. It's testing me, this is all a test. Besides all of that, I've grown stronger. Even after only a short stint here, I've grown.

I draw Tanascáil from its sheath and point my free hand towards the shadow. If it's made of darkness, then I'll destroy it with light.

Or something bright, at the very least.

I cast [Flame Generation], sending a wide beam of flame barreling towards it as the energy in the air ignites and combusts. Flickering light illuminates the city street and the buildings lining the sides of it. Shadows dance at the edge between light and dark.

The figure dances back and away from the flame, and in doing so makes its flaws known.

The real ruler didn't dodge my flames -- they banished them, through something called "Authority of the Dark." This one hasn't used it, though.

What if it's missing other abilities as well?

I steel myself, dropping [Flame Generation] as the figure makes a break towards me.

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