Path of the Pioneers

81. From Mountainhome

Cairbre's brow furrows even deeper, bafflement working its way across his face as he works through what I've just said. I hear another dwarf, the one with the mushroom for a hat, say something like "She's lost 'er mind - an' I didn't even see any damage to 'er 'ead.." in a bewildered tone. The third one is just standing there, a single eyebrow raised - they seem more entertained than anything.

After a moment, Cairbre's expression softens, and he sighs deep and long. "Ah..." He says, "I see."

The mushroom-hatted dwarf blinks toward me, and then shifts her gaze over to Cairbre - now looking even more befuddled, "N-no, no. Wait- Uncle, what in the world d'ye mean 'I see?'" She asks, "The Pioneers're all from fifty years ago, how's the girl just become one out of the blue?"

Cairbre laughs, a low and somber chuckle, "Hells if I know, girl - but she's not lyin', it's the truth. She's the new Pioneer of Sorcery, in the flesh." There's the subtlest bit of pain in his eyes, but the cause of it is hard to pin down. "Just makes me wonder if anymore're gonna start poppin' up now... Gods." He says, "The world's changin' again, looks like."

"How'n the hells'd ye become a Pioneer?" The one in the back pipes up, "I mean, we've had ye here the whole time, 'less ye became a Pioneer 'tween yer.. Erm.. Unfortunate accident, and us findin' ye." She clears her throat awkwardly, glancing away and then back to me.

A frighteningly good question. Was it all in my mind? It had to have been, or how else could all of that have happened while they had me? It's either that, or time was altered in some way... No- it definitely happened in my head. Then...

Panic shoots through me - what about my things? I've been given new clothes (save worrying about the implications of that for later, Sybil) so, then... My hands dig through my pockets, searching for one thing in particular. Eventually, my fingers settle on a round bit of metal. I gingerly fish it out of my pocket and eye it, "Oh thank goodness," I gasp.

Jemith's medallion, same as it was when I first received it in Hyperborea, safe and sound. It was still with me, at least. With a relieved sigh, I put it back in my pocket.

They all stare at me quizzically, but none of them deign to ask about the mysterious trinket I just pulled from my pocket. In all honesty, I don't particularly feel like treading over my experience there, either. In the spirit of that, I give a more direct answer: "I think that the trials happened in my mind." I say, "Or outside of time, or something... It seems like I was able to keep any items obtained there, though." Speaking still isn't easy - gods that was sloppy.

The one in the back raises a hand, "In yer mind? Could ye exp-"

"Aisling!" Cairbre barks, turning to face her, "It's impolite t'ask about the trials, fer stone's sake."

"S-sorry, Uncle." She mutters.

"Sorry." I say, "It's... I would explain it, but, I don't exactly understand it myself. And it would take quite a while to tell you about everything that's happened." I may never know the answer of how exactly those trials work. Them being an illusion in my mind is a frightening thought - given the fact that I interacted with people who seem very much real. And them being outside of time itself... Right.

"Don't worry yerself about it, lass." Cairbre pats me on the shoulder, "Just focus on the present, and a hair on the future." With a sigh, he looks over at the other two, "S'pose it's about time I introduce ye t'these two. I'd like it if ye got t'know them well. They're my nieces, y'see."

The one in the back waves first, "Name's Aisling! Nice t'meet ye, Sybil!"

The mushroom-hatted dwarf raises a hand in greeting, "Maeve Gobha, nice t'meet ye."

Cairbre obviously didn't have any children - but he definitely always gave off certain qualities reminiscent of an uncle. He treated Adeline a lot like one might. It was something like reluctant doting? Or doting that was masked with feigned reluctance?

"Maeve's a bit humble about it, but she's a talent when it comes t'healing." Cairbre says, "Without her work, ye might not be standin'. Or, well- ye get the idea."

My eyes travel over to Maeve and her mushroom-themed clothing. Had I lowered my expectations just from seeing a silly outfit? Oh, gods... I had. "T-thank you." I say, stumbling over my words from a small bout of shame. It was fun attire, not silly. Cute, one might say.

"O' course!" She nods, "Yer a patient, so I was bound t'do my best."

"I'm no good at magic," Aisling says, "but I'm plenty good at punching things! Could even break through a boulder, if ye wanted."

A tantalizing thought. But at the same time, how big of a boulder? The word 'boulder' certainly leaves any measure of size vague. I understand her meaning perfectly fine, though - she has powerful fists. I'm sure that she would make a fearsome opponent for any monster. Certainly a strange way to introduce yourself, though... Maybe the awakened are just strange? Haven't interacted with many of them, have I?

"Err.. I'm Sybil Sagecrest." I mumble, perhaps uselessly - surely they have some inkling of who I am, all things considered. "I'm mostly good with magic- but I've touched on other areas as well." 'Mostly good with magic' was perhaps a foolish thing to add, given that I'm now the Pioneer of Sorcery. The Pioneer of Sorcery.

That'll never not feel strange to hear, I suspect.

"What sorts o' spells do ye specialize in?" Maeve asks, a small glint in her eyes.

Spells that I specialize in? Something like focusing on a certain element? Or is she asking if I focus on a certain category of spells? "I... Don't know if I particularly have a specialty?" I say. A great deal of my spells involve the solidification of mana in order to attack, but I can't imagine that counts as a 'specialty.'

She seems disappointed, and I try to quickly move on from the fact that I'm the cause of that disappointment. Am I certain that I don't have a specialty?

"Any experience in close-up fighting?" Aisling asks, a wild grin on her face.

"Oh- um, I have a skill for daggers: [Dagger Proficiency]" Not that it's exactly high-ranking. I'm a mage, not an assassin.

"A dagger girl, are ye? I took ye fer one, ye know, could tell just by-"

"Oh come off it, Aisling!" Maeve says in an exasperated tone, "Ye saw 'er dagger before, didn't ye?"

Aisling looks away, and by the look on her face she's pretending not to hear a word Maeve says. I bite my lip to hold back a laugh. Seems like I can always count on Tirsollain and its people to bring my spirits back around without fail.

Cairbre clears his throat, drawing the attention of everyone in the room with ease. "Without dancin' around it too much, lass..." He begins, "I wanted ye t'take them with ye. Ye'll need the help, 'specially for where yer goin'. They'll be a big help t'ye."

He wants me to take his very own family toward certain death? I appreciate the commitment, but I've seen and felt the danger that lies at the end of that road. And it won't just be the Commander of the Crown Hunters, there'll probably be dozens upon dozens of them flocking around. I'm about to set out on a bloody path - to have others join me... But, it's to save Adeline, isn't it?

Adeline was his family too, wasn't she..? He's sending family to save family. I imagine he can't very well go himself, either - a Pioneer acting on another Pioneer's territory may just be the spark of some terrible conflict.

Right. There's only one real answer to this, then. I stare down at my blanket-draped legs, taking a deep breath. "I... Appreciate it, really. But I can't just ask anyone to come along for this, Cairbre - you know that. We aren't just fighting monsters, and this isn't... It isn't some dungeon."

I raise my gaze and look him in the eyes, "Let me make sure they're strong enough first - let me spar with them. Then, I'll let you know if they can join me, if they can come to Ashglen."

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