Path to Transcendence

Chapter 6: Unexpected Turn

Julius found himself lying down on the cold stone floor of the chamber. His mind was hazy, and he was barely cognizant. With his eyes still closed he could recognize Edwin beside him. To his surprise, he could feel Edwin was channeling mana into him, rejuvenating him, something he wouldn’t have been able to sense before.

Julius could immediately realize it was nothing like what Julius did during his baptism. Whereas Julius’s manipulation was a violent tantrum, Edwin’s manipulation of mana was elegant and beautiful, likely refined over many years of practice.

Now that he had done his baptism, he could see what Edwin meant. Before, it was like feeling mana through several layers of clothes, now those layers were off, and he basked in the feeling of mana all around him. Using his perception ability, he tossed out a small pulse to get a bearing on his surroundings, wincing at the slight head pain that this action caused.

He was still lying next to the pedestal, but the spectators were now discussing things with each other, talking animately. However, what caught his attention was the sound of ding going off inside his head, and he felt something inside him. Focusing on it, a notification popped into his head.

Would you like to learn the skill [Sixth Sense]?

Julius was completely taken aback. What was this? Nothing he had experienced in the world so far suggested something like this. Nevertheless, after thinking for a moment his curiosity got the better of him and mentally confirmed.

Congratulations, skill [Sixth Sense] acquired.

However, that wasn’t the end of the notifications.

Would you like to learn the skill [Detect Life]?

He hesitantly confirmed it as well.

Congratulations, skill [Detect Life] acquired.

Would you like to learn the skill [Awareness]?

Congratulations, skill [Awareness] acquired.

Synergy detected. Would you like to evolve [Sixth Sense], [Detect Life], and [Awareness] into a single skill? Notice: This will remove existing skills.

Julius didn’t know the consequences of doing so, so he wanted to wait. To his relief, the second he decided to wait, the message disappeared. However, in the back of his mind, he knew that if he wanted to, it could reappear anytime.

Julius, full of so many questions, opened his eyes to look at Edwin. Edwin must’ve felt him shift because his eyes, which were focused on the others' discussions, turned and looked down at him.

“I know you have many questions. I didn’t tell you because it is hard to explain unless you experience it for yourself. It is also why this ritual is so important. It doesn’t only awaken your mana, but it also opens you to the Words of the World. And I suspect you have a few notifications due to your perception ability. However, do not make any decisions yet. I will explain everything once we leave here and are alone.” Edwin whispered quietly into Julius’s ear. “For now pretend to be unconscious. You don’t have anything to worry about. There is no way they are going to expel you after this”

Edwin’s words calmed down Julius significantly. He was curious why Edwin didn’t want to let the others know he was awake, but he must have a reason for it, so Julius played along.

Now that he was somewhat lucid he was able to listen in on the conversation. Someone had just asked a question. “Did the child truly not receive any training during these years, Patriarch? Because I find it difficult to see how a child his age was able to achieve such a result.”

Julius didn’t see who asked that but Edwin spoke up from Julius’s side and answered. “I can personally guarantee that I nor anyone else had taught Julius any techniques. There has been no violation of the conditions you and the others set. Every bit of his results are due to his own merit.”

Conditions? I didn’t know there were conditions. Just how much do I not know, about my own circumstances, or about this world? I have more questions now than when I first arrived.

“I can confirm with Edwin that Julius has been isolated for these years without the possibility of learning outside what was available to him,” Lukas added. “Therefore, I recommend that we do not expel him, rather, we should cultivate his talent so that he becomes a more valuable member of the family, not wasting his talent. Does everyone agree on that?” Lukas proposed to others.

Everyone’s heads nodded in agreement and nobody offered any opposing opinion.

That was easy! I thought there would be more pushback. If I were to guess, that was what they discussing when I was asleep, Julius thought to himself.

Unfortunately, his father decided at that moment to speak up.

“Well, now that this has been settled, I will be on my way. I have some things I need to do,” Gregor said while already quickly making his exit.

Most of the people had forgotten that he was even there in the first place. Even Julius had completely forgotten that his father was present. He decided to take a quick peek around and based on what reactions Julius could perceive from the others, it might have been better to stay quiet.

An older man with gray hair spoke up. “Gregor, I am afraid that while it has been decided that the child will not be removed from the house, I can’t say that goes the same for you.” the man said.

“What do you mean? You all agreed that he is a valuable asset to the house,” Gregor boasted.

“It does not work that way. Twelve years ago, we decided to extend the vote about whether to expel Julius and yourself. Meaning, that just because we decided that Julius can stay, does not mean that we have decided that you get to stay alongside him.” The older man explained.

“You are not making any sense Samuel. I am still his father,” Gregor insisted.

“A father in name only. I would be surprised if you had even had a conversation with young Julius in the twelve years since he was been born. Over the years you have come back to the estate a handful of times, and during these times I don’t recall you ever visiting young Julius.” This man, evidently named Samuel scolded his father. “The house’s servants are closer to a father to the child than you have ever been. Now you dare try to use that relationship to justify remaining within this house? You have been a plague to this family's resources, and reputation, and have been an overall pain in the ass to everyone here. You are a talentless wastrel that only fucks whores and drinks booze. The noble House Hyperius does not need leeches like you.” Samuel viciously insulted Gregor.

Julius, even as Gregor’s son, didn’t find any fault in what Samuel said. Sure it was harsh, but considering his father’s reputation, it was completely warranted. It wasn’t like Julius had any positive feelings towards this man anyway. To Samuel’s point, Julius had not spoken a word to his father in twelve long years.

However, just because Julius didn’t take offense to Samuel's words, didn’t mean his father didn’t.

Gregor’s fists balled up in anger. He looked like he wanted to do something about it. However, in the end, he didn’t.

Julius was curious about Samuel. While he might have been older with a full head of gray hair, his physical appearance spoke of another story. Samuel was still fit, with broad shoulders and biceps the size of Julius’s torso. Julius quickly saw that Samuel was not like the others there. He had a similar presence to the Patriarch. There was an intimidating aura emitting from his body like bloodlust smothering those in its wake.

Julius didn’t know what tier or how powerful Gregor was, but he would bet every penny that he was much weaker than Samuel.

Watching Gregor not saying a word, Samuel continued. “Today we were supposed to decide what we were going to do with both of you. The house has kept tabs on your activities these past twelve years. It has been quite enlightening to see what you have been doing.”

Julius’s father’s eyes widened and you could see the cogs turning inside his head, looking for a way out. Gregor inevitably looked over at his brother, Lukas. If there was someone who could save him from this situation it would be his brother. But the Patriarch of the Hyperius family could only look at his younger brother in disappointment, shaking his head slowly.

Samuel wasn’t finished. “What you might not know, is that your fate had already been decided weeks ago. Everyone has received a detailed report of your doings over these past years. It was unanimous, not even your brother for as much as he loves you could overlook some of your egregious errors. Firstly, you threatened the son of Baron Astraeus, one of our few trusted remaining allies. Secondly, you decided to borrow two hundred thousand credits under the house’s name. Thirdly, you were caught blabbering about house secrets in a brothel for everyone around to hear. Need I to go on? I have over two dozen more offenses recorded.”

“Desmond Astraeus was the one who started it, he has always been a self-righteous prick and you know it. Also, I needed the money, I had some… important house business to settle.” Gregor pleaded.

“And the brothel?” Samuel asked.

“The brothel doesn’t matter, nobody is going to believe a whore.” Gregor said dismissively.

Samuel could be seen sighing visibly in disappointment.

“That brothel was owned by Duke Greyson.”

“Oh,” Gregor said, looking like he swallowed a rock.

“Yes, oh indeed. You should have never been privy to that information but still, thanks to you, Duke Greyson and everyone allied with him knows sensitive information about our house. House Hyperius has been trying to recover for a long time, but in one swoop you have ruined years of work.” Samuel said angrily.

“It was an honest mistake. I promise. It won’t ever happen again, I swear it.” Gregor pleaded looking at his brother.

Lukas did not even look at Gregor. He was resigned to his brother’s fate.

“We did have to discuss what would happen to you, Gregor. After all, you have already proven that you are willing to betray house secrets. Therefore, we can’t take the chance of you running off to another house and selling out more secrets. There is only one option.” Samuel explained.

Julius while lying on the floor was speechless. He didn’t believe things would have escalated this far. He knew his father had a bad reputation, but this…

Gregor began to freak out and beg for forgiveness, not even able to coherently say anything.

“I am truly sorry that it has come to this Gregor,” Samuel said softly. “I didn’t wish it to end this way.”

Julius could barely watch as his father begged desperately. So, Julius glanced at Lukas to see how he was reacting. Lukas was staring coldly at Gregor, making his intent of not helping his brother clear. It seemed like the time Lukas protected his brother, was no longer.

Seeing nobody come to his aid. Gregor tried to run for it.

Unfortunately for him, Samuel was prepared and had already wrapped him in mana. Completely immobilizing him.

Julius watched as Gregor was helpless to do anything. Unable to speak or move due to what Samuel had done to him, he stared around frantically, tears pouring out of his eyes.

In Julius’s opinion, the man’s fate was unsurprising. Gregor was already a deplorable man and now had betrayed his family. He knew most noble families would do even worse if someone like Gregor was one of their own. Furthermore, Julius found it difficult to feel any sympathy or remorse for a man whom he didn’t know, and what little he did know wasn’t pleasant.

Julius knew what it was like to lose his family, after he had lost his family and gramps he had cried for days on end. He still felt the pain from their deaths. However, now that he was about to watch his new father get executed, he didn’t feel a thing. It made Julius question his own morality. Shouldn’t I feel more upset? Failed father or not, he was still technically family.

Breaking his silence and Julius out of his thoughts, the Patriarch spoke. “Gregor Von Hyperius, as the Patriarch of House Hyperius, I Lukas Von Hyperius declare you a traitor to your house and therefore sentence you to death.”

Julius could feel an incredible amount of mana move. It made the amount of mana used during his baptism look pathetic in comparison. He could feel it congregating towards the Patriarch. Then in a split second, an aura of light appeared around his father’s frozen body and erupted with golden light. There was no heat or explosion of energy. Just silence and an empty spot where Gregor had stood.

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