
Chapter 144: Chang Chang [6]

When a soul was in the threshold of true awareness, what followed was the profundity of true silence. And the projection of this massively significant silence, was the beginning of a soul's true becoming. And, deep in the threshold of the world of dreams, Chang Chang felt an awareness of herself floating in the light of dark energy of the underworld.

As she floated, she saw a massive phantom-like landscape underneath her while her spirit proceeded to soar, high above the dark sky. Gradually, as she soared higher, the ghostly landscape began to change into a more recognizable one that was of utter wonder to the gazing eyes. Five infinite lucid oceans that separated five un-ending realms, took form in her eyes.


A lasting world of chaos that had infinite possibility of expansion. She had never seen the whole of the Wushi realm before, talk-less of the other realms on the plane. However, going by the way the world's landscape was naturally formed and carved, other realms would also be magnificent to behold.

As she continued to soar higher, the landscape continued to enlarge and the structures of the five dark realms of the Blood plane, began to take shape. She noticed five massive energy flares at the centre of the realms which made her to wonder in bewilderment. Spiritual vision? The only plausible explanation for her to be seeing all these was due to an aesthetic spiritual vision. For, there was no way such divine energy flares could be seen with the naked immortal eyes. 

Floating sensation. Spiritual vision.

Astral projection!

It had to be astral projection. Despite the fact that she had never used astral projection before due to the protection of her parents, she could truly identify one. She remembered the words of her parents about how souls travelled to any part of the universe almost instantly. Much more faster and safer than the physical body. However, the deity wouldn't be able to alter much of anything with only the presence of the soul. Yet, the soul could still be intercepted and trapped by a more powerful Xu Wu. 

For certainty, this astral projection wasn't of her doing. She wouldn't have initiated one before her awakening. Moreover, she would have kept her conscious knowledge of her own soul's projection from the very beginning, if she was the one that actually performed it. Nevertheless, anything or anyone that instituted the astral projection of her soul without her knowledge of it from the start, must be exceedingly powerful. True, she was still a young blood who was yet to undergo summoning, but she should still be aware of her own soul's projection. For her not to be aware, extreme caution was needed.

Since she couldn't control her soul's projection and was still a young blood, she had to thread cautiously here. Blood or no blood, she could easily be trapped in here or even be killed without her knowing any better. This thought alone, gave her a degree of fear since she would soon be taking her first steps into the immortal life of a true deity. 

Ever onward, she continued to float. The expansion of the landscape continued in a blur as everything melted away from her view. This made the floating soul of Chang Chang, ache badly prompting screams that couldn't be heard. As her spirit neared the point of combustion, the image slowed down and showed the scene of darkness. Complete darkness that engulfed her soul too.

Panic took hold of her as she strained her spiritual vision to no avail. Was her soul being trapped? Was she now in reincarnation? Why? As she was wondering in total anxiety and apprehension, she heard a gentle and soft voice that seemingly echoed from the distant.

"The is the void. The true beginning."

A male husky voice sounded behind her.


With a mind gripped in fear, Chang Chang turned to the source of the voice, only for her to continue seeing complete darkness. She looked sideways, to the same results. She tried to reach for her dimensional crystal, storage container, in order to take her defensive talisman but realized that she was in an astral projection.

"Who... who are you?"

"Who I am, is not for you to know. Not yet, anyway. Since your power is still lacking. But, the time will come and won't be long. That, I can assure you, young mortal. Do you even know the great length I went through to be here, to bring you here?"

"Are you going to take my soul?"

"Take your soul?

A raspy laughter echoed forth from the surrounding darkness.

"To what purpose would that be, young mortal? That's the work of death, not mine. Anyway, I understand your concern but I never meant to startle you."

The already rattled Chang Chang, looked around in the darkness in utter disbelief. Not meant to startle her? 'But, you already did!' She wanted to scream and kick something, then, maybe whoever brought her here would simply throw her out of this place in annoyance.

"Alright. Maybe, meant to startle you a little bit."

The raspy laughter ensued from the darkness again.

"But, I won't throw you out yet. Now, you are wondering why you are here?"

Someone that could read her mind? A Xue Wu? Not really. This figure was more powerful Slowly, Ethera calmed her jostled mind. Who knew maybe this entity would simply decide to chain her soul if she should slightly annoy him. After recovering herself, Chang Chang answered.


"Of course, I can. Anyway, I will get to why you are here, shortly. Meanwhile, your first question should be about how you got here."

"Astral projection?"

"Close, yet, far away. You see, young immortal, this is Astral-Dream Projection."

"Astral-Dream projection? If it's a dream projection, don't I need to be induced with a dream since I don't sleep?"

Chang Chang asked as she recollected the memories she had of her parents inducing her with dreams for her to sleep. Could she truly be here? An entity that could transport another soul in an astral-dream projection, must be at the stellar stage at the least. Evidence of the power of this entity. 

"Of course, someone like myself don't sleep unless we are induced with a dream. That's why I went to great length to induce you with one. And, don't ask me how. The reason why there is a huge difference between this and astral-projection. Dream projection has its own advantages. It can be used to transmit or communicate extremely important information since it is safe from interception unless the interceptor is exceedingly more powerful. This is the reason why astral-dream projection is much more difficult to initiate. Regarding what you are seeing, you can only be here through the Astral-Dream projection. If not, your soul would simply disintegrate."

"Is that why I'm here? To see?"

"You are here to know. But first, for us to meet."

"I can't even see you."

"No, you can't and you wont. At least, not with the stage you are now. But don't worry, you might see me if the time comes, depending on you. For now, Is there a better way to meet you than your introduction to the tiniest glimpse of what was? What was of the universe, of myself and of yourself? How we all came to be? This way, you will fully understand me if the time ever comes. Are you with me, young mortal?"

"Do I have any choice?"

"Yes. You can decide not to listen which will give me a reason to lock-up your soul."


Exclaimed Chang Chang, as she swallowed hard as she thought about her summoning coming up the following day. If her soul was locked up, how would she performed her summoning?

"Hehehe. Good. Now that I have your undivided attention, there won't be any need for soul chains. Hehehe."

The husky voice produce a deep sounded laughter before a profound silence engulfed the place.Then, it continued speaking.

"First you must know about your origin and your fate. Do you even know who you are? Do you know about your parents? I know your father is a Xue Wu, but what of your mother? What do you know about her? Do you know your mother is half blood and half fairy? Have you ever wonder why you have a core when Xue Wus don't have one? Why you could directly cultivate? Have you ever wondered why you are different from other bloods?"

There was a great silence as Chang Chang's mind went up in turmoil. She had a core? She never knew that. Her mother was half fairy? She was asking herself these questions again when the voice continued.

"A prophecy was uttered before your birth, child. Your fate is entwined with another that's also entwined with another. This soul is your past, but this is a past that will find you. It has already found you. This is a past you can't do without. This soul is part of your existence. Your soul is locked in a web, young, one. A time will come when you'll have to make a decision regarding your fate. Your life, your world, this universe, all of us, everything would rest on this decision of yours."

Chang Chang was nearing the limit. She doubted she could even take anymore of all this. She held her head to calm her her mind.

"Are you ready to know?"


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