Peach and Plum Do Not Speak

Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

When Yan Xi returned to the room, An Zhi had already taken a shower, and she was still wearing Yan Xi’s old T-shirt as pajamas.

“Did you wipe the medicine? Let me see.” Yan Xi looked at her knee.


“Does it still hurt?”

“It doesn’t hurt anymore…”

Yan Xi touched her head, “You can tell me later…”

An Zhi’s eyes lowered. Yan Xi reached out and embraced her small body.

An Zhi said obediently, “Oh.”

Yan Xi changed the subject and said, “Come on, show me your homework.”

“What is the kindergarten studying?”

“This week we are learning initials and adding within 10.”

Yan Xi opened her homework: “These are easy for you, right?” She guessed that because she had never met a kindergartener, she would write a periodic table of chemistry. And she knew that An Zhi’s grandfather was a teacher.

“Well.” An Zhi raised his head slightly.

“I can recite all the initials and finals, I can recite multiplication formulas, and two-digit addition and subtraction, and I can!…Periodic table of elements! Because my grandfather taught chemistry…”

An Zhi originally spoke with a bright face, but then she spoke in a low voice when she spoke of her grandfather.

“I miss him so much.”

For a moment, Yan Xi really thought she was going to cry, but An Zhi just sat there blankly, and after a while, she smiled bitterly: “I know he won’t come back…”

Yan Xi was silent. She originally wondered whether An Zhi had activated the self-protection mechanism. She had been silently enduring the death of her grandfather, the abandonment of her mother, and the neglect of her father.

Children of the same age, like her nephews, cry loudly when they disagree.

It can be seen that the real grievance is indescribable. But… this is the emotion that adults, even people who have lived for a long time, must have, not a child who is only six years old.

But this talk is good, if only a little. Yan Xi listened.

“If only I had come earlier that day… I would have called someone to come…” An Zhi’s mouth was shriveled, and her eyes were red.

Is there still such an idea? poor child. Yan Xi carried her over and let her lie down in his arms. The little An Zhi’s face was leaning against her shoulder, choking in a low voice, her nose flushed.

Even crying is so oppressive.

Yan Xi put his arms around her and thought about his words: “Man’s fate is often difficult to control in his own hands, and many unavoidable things will happen… It’s not your fault.”

“Anzhi, you can stay here forever.”

“Okay, darling…” Yan Xi touched her back, diverting her attention, “What is this?”

An Zhi rubbed her eyes. She sobbed and said, “A copybook to practice writing. It was given to me by my great grandfather.”

“Well,” Yan Xi smiled. She was familiar with this copybook. It was made up by her grandfather himself. Octave size, handouts, copybooks, and pictures are all written by Grandpa Yan, stroke by stroke. Grandpa Yan wrote a good regular script, with a strong stroke and extraordinary charm.

First teach them how to hold a pen, understand the structure of words, and how to use the pen.

One for copying and one for practicing. After he finished writing the old man’s calligraphy, he understood almost the structure of the calligraphy, and then he parted with the copybook.

When they can hold the pen tightly, after practicing like this for several years, their grandfather doesn’t care much. Those who like to learn calligraphy continue to learn from him, and those who don’t like it don’t, but they can write neatly.

“My brothers and I also started to write like this when we were young. You see, Grandpa likes you very much, right? An Zhi is a lovable child.”

Yan Xi held her in his arms and spoke to her in a low voice, his voice soft, like a cloud in a clear sky. An Zhi looked up at her, and unconsciously forgot to cry.

Yan Xi flipped through the other book, she let out a “huh” and chuckled lightly. An Zhi looked up, and it was the piece of paper on which she practiced her name.

She said bluntly, “I’m not very good at writing…”

“No, it’s well written… Come on, I’ll write it for you again…”

She didn’t let go of her arms, wrapped An Zhi in her arms, sat on the carpet, picked up her pencil, and wrote to her. After writing her “Xi” character, she wrote her name “Tao” and “Anzhi”.

She still wrote the word “Xi” in a neat and elegant manner, with clean and concise stroke order.

And the three words “Tao Anzhi” are still elegant and delicate, a little casual, which seems to be a bit flowing. The last stroke of the word “zhi” is slightly elongated, but it stops when it is clicked, which is both restrained and unrestrained.

“An Zhi, you have a good name.”

An Zhi pressed her face close to her, and she missed her embrace very much. She knew that Yan Xi was not related to her and had already treated her very well. She was not her mother, and she was not someone next to her who needed to be responsible for her. She is someone else’s aunt, she is an adult, she needs to go to work, she is very busy with work. She can’t be greedy anymore, and she can’t ask for too much.

She just really liked being held by her like this.

one second. One more second.

An Zhi closed her eyes, her soft green eyelashes were slowly covered with a layer of mist.

The house was quiet.

Yan Xi didn’t speak either. She actually didn’t like children very much. There was no way for the twins at home. The blood was there. She didn’t know if she was doing the right thing, so she kept An Zhi at home. She must feel very sad for her sister-in-law who loves the twins all day long.

I didn’t even think of this before, I just thought that children of the same age would get along better, and I didn’t think that she would be wronged. I was wronged, so I remembered my grandfather…

Also, besides her grandfather, who else does she think of…

She is the aunt of the twins, so An Zhi can’t expect to be on her side…

Yan Xi’s heart suddenly became sour…

Hands caressed the little girl’s back. I can feel that she likes this kind of closeness very much.

Yan Xi didn’t remember much when he was his age. When she was five years old, her parents and the youngest brother died unexpectedly, and her grandparents seemed to have gray hair overnight. She also saw her brothers crying, but she didn’t understand it at the time, and they took good care of her and spent her childhood smoothly, always thinking that her parents and little brother were out of town. It wasn’t until she was a teenager that she became sensible and realized that she had lost a close relative. The heart-piercing pain at that time is still painful when she thinks about it.

Yan Xi lowered her eyelashes, covering the light and shadow under her eyes. However, his hand continued to stroke Xiao Anzhi’s back as if he was conscious.

“Are you asleep?” she asked, bowing her head.

The little girl’s eyelashes trembled, but she didn’t open it, as if she was really asleep.

“Go to sleep then.”

An Zhi wasn’t actually asleep, but when asked by Yan Xi, she didn’t want to open her eyes, so she just pretended to be asleep. Want to know what Yan Xi will do.

The woman picked her up, her arms were soft and her movements were light. Put her on the bed and wrap her tightly in a blanket.

Her cheeks were itchy, and there were strands of hair on her face. An Zhi wanted to endure it. Soft fingers brushed over the hair. Then…the fingers paused, and the knuckles dabbed lightly on her eyelashes.

She turned off the light, unscrewed the tall lamp next to it, and then moved her lamp cap a little further out.

An Zhi quietly opened her eyes, the orange light outlines Yan Qi’s tall figure, her hair is tied up, her hands are raised, the curve of her elbows, and the plump and graceful female lines.

An Zhi felt like he was watching a wonderful unknown adult world.

Concerned that she was sleeping, Yan Xi moved gently, grabbed her pajamas, entered the bathroom, and took a shower.

After a while, when An Zhi was a little confused, he pressed the bed lightly, and then there was a familiar scent, which should be Yan Xi lying down.

She checked her phone for a while, then put it down.

An Zhi secretly opened her eyes again, Yan Xi was lying on the other bed, her head was leaning outside, her long hair was scattered on the pillow, revealing her small and shiny earlobes.

An Zhi’s little hand stretched out from her quilt, touched Yanxi’s quilt, held a corner, and then fell asleep with satisfaction.

An Zhi thought she would sleep soundly until dawn, but she didn’t. In a daze, she seemed to see white mourning clothes, paper money floating in the air, and falling to the ground. She is a little girl, following in the footsteps of adults in a daze…

Someone was talking to her, and the people around were just crying and crying, and there was that wooden box, where my grandfather was, getting further and further away from her…

With the whistling wind and the passing trees, An Zhi glanced at the man sitting next to her… She wanted to talk to him, but she didn’t know what to say to him? He doesn’t seem to like her calling him “Dad”…

“You also saw that your mother doesn’t want you, she only cares about herself… I won’t leave you alone… Just stay here for now…”

The car drove away, and she was left standing alone.

And those strangers, they didn’t like her, they were laughing at her.

“This kid is really unpleasant. He doesn’t talk or laugh.”

“I don’t cry if I don’t feed her, I don’t cry if I don’t pick her up, I’ve never seen a child who can’t even act like a spoiled child…”

“Yes, how long do you have to stay here, do you want to recognize the ancestors and return to the ancestors…”

“How is it possible, the surname is Tao and it’s not Chen, I heard that she is going to be sent away.”

“Send it away early. We want to raise one more child without raising wages.”

An Zhi cried out in her dream, she endured it at first but couldn’t help crying louder and louder. She is dreaming, it doesn’t matter, she can cry as much as she likes, and she doesn’t have to bear it anymore.

A soft voice came from my ear: “An Zhi… An Zhi… stop crying…”

She kept wiping tears with her little hands, more and more. The speaker had no choice but to lift her blanket and hug her.

“Tao Tao… Okay, stop crying…”

An Zhi feels hugged in a soft and warm embrace, the scent of gardenia. The man kept coaxing her, “Tao Tao, don’t cry… darling…”

She indulged in the boundless tenderness before slowly choking and falling asleep.

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