Peach and Plum Do Not Speak

Chapter 15

Chapter 15:

“Xiao Wu, is there any problem?” Grandma Yan asked worriedly before falling asleep.

Grandpa Yan chuckled and said, “Didn’t we agree that we don’t care about the children?”

“What’s the matter, Xiao Wu is still a child…a girl again…”

“Why is that different? You forgot what the nicknames of our children are? The four tyrants of the Yan family, Xiao Wu is one of the tyrants…”

Grandma Yan laughed.

“Anyway, I don’t care about the children’s affairs, even if it is a mistake, they have to make it themselves hahahaha…”

The kitchen lights seemed silent at night. Yan Xi took out the dumplings from the refrigerator.

“Do you like dumplings?” As long as she was busy, she tied her hair. This time it is tied into a ball head. She blinked and thought for a while, and said, “Oh, maybe you don’t eat dumplings very much over there.”

“Well…I’ve eaten here…”

“Aunt Xin is very good at making dumplings. I like Sanxian the most.” Yan Xi squinted at her and smiled, “Can we eat this?”

“What is Sanxian?”

“Well, there are many kinds of Sanxian, including shrimp, winter bamboo shoots, fungus, pork, leeks, etc. I mainly pick three of them, they are delicious.”

“Will you do it?”

“Ah…” Yan Xi smiled a little embarrassedly, and rolled her eyes at her: “I can only eat and cook…”

Yan Xi found a milky white enamel pot, filled it with water, and opened fire. He turned to An Zhi and said, “Want to see how to cook dumplings?”

An Zhi nodded, she was really curious. However, she is too small to be seen even on tiptoe.

Yan Xi caught a glimpse of her movement, but did not hide his smile. An Zhi’s cheek dimples jumped shyly.

Yan Xi pulled a stool and placed it at a distance where he could see clearly the situation in the pot without being splashed. She picked her up and made her stand on the chair, not forgetting to instruct her: “Remember, you can’t get close to the stove by yourself.”

“Yeah.” An Zhi nodded happily.

“An Zhi,” Yan Xi stared at her and smiled: “Are you really six years old?! It doesn’t feel like it…”

Anzhi: …

Yan Xi, who laughed at the height of the child, smiled, the water boiled, and she put the dumplings in.

“Look… After the water boils, put the dumplings in, wait for the dumplings to float, pour a small bowl of cold water, repeat this process two or three times, and you’re ready to eat!”

“Boil the water?”

“Oh, when the water bubbles, it’s boiling. By the way, you can’t usually boil water by yourself, understand?” Yan Xi emphasized again.

Yan Xi lifted the lid of the pot, and the water vapor filled the air. The dumplings were like little clouds, one small and one small, very cute.

An Zhi gave a soft “wow”. She went to look at Yan Xi again, and her profile was softly lit by the steam, with a deep outline, delicate and charming.

charming. An Zhi suddenly understood the usage of the word.

Grandpa taught her some words before and explained their meanings, but she didn’t quite understand them. The sentences that are made are also very jerky and incomprehensible. Grandpa will smile and say it’s okay, you will master it when you encounter the right context in the future.

Yan Xi picked up the dumplings and put them into bowls.

An Zhi got down from the chair, pushed the chair back to the dining table, and sat down obediently.

“Come on, be careful.” Yan Xi sat beside her, gave her chopsticks, and told her.

The glass door of the kitchen was wet by the rain, and there was a faint sound of wind beating. On such a night, a bowl of hot dumplings makes people feel warm and comforting.

Yan Xi was really hungry. Her favorite Sanxian dumplings were stuffed with mushrooms, fungus, shrimp and minced pork this time. This is what my aunt does most often.

The mushrooms are smooth and tender, the fungus is crisp, the shrimp is delicious, and the meaty flavor of minced pork. She dipped in vinegar and ate several in a row. Although the food is fast, the action is still beautiful. After she had eaten a few, she turned her head to look at An Zhi, only to find that she had a slightly bitter face and was working very **** dumplings.

Yan Xi chuckled.

She was using children’s chopsticks. The dumplings that had just come out of the pot were fat and slippery. She was not skilled enough to hold chopsticks, so she couldn’t eat any of them.

Yan Xi took another pair of chopsticks, put them into her bowl, picked them up firmly, and handed them to her small mouth: “Ah…open your mouth.”

An Zhi blushed embarrassedly because of his clumsy appearance.

Yan Xi smiled and said, “It’s alright, come, take a bite, be careful it’s hot.”

“Blow first.”

An Zhi blew his mouth and took another bite. Blown-breakable dough with rich fillings spreads out together in the mouth.

Her eyes were sparkling, and she took a big bite on Yanxi’s chopsticks.

Yan Xi had an inexplicable feeling that he was feeding a pet.

She blinked, suddenly thinking of playing tricks on her, dipped the remaining small piece in a small saucer filled with aged vinegar, and put it in her mouth.

An Zhi did not suspect him, so he opened his mouth and swallowed it together. After chewing for a while, her face wrinkled completely with a “woo”, almost wrinkled into a small soup dumpling.

Yan Xi couldn’t help laughing, her smiling eyes were shining brightly in the light.

An Zhi swallowed the dumplings with difficulty, she looked at Yan Xi, her mouth pouted, and she silently condemned.

Yan Xi reluctantly sipped her smile, and seriously picked up another one to feed her. An Zhi stared at the dumplings vigilantly.

“Don’t dip in vinegar, eat it.” Yan Xi almost couldn’t help laughing.

Only then did An Zhi take a bite with confidence, and when she was about to take a second bite, Yan Xi suddenly moved the chopsticks away, and she took an empty bite.

Yan Qi’s crisp laughter sounded again.

An Zhi puffed out her apple-like cheeks bitterly.

After eating the dumplings, Yan Xi washed the dishes. Anzhi stood at the glass door watching the rain outside.

The rain has weakened, dripping on the eaves, on the glass doors, cold outside and mild inside. Contrast brings a sense of security sheltered by eaves.

An Zhi thought, this was an unforgettable night.

“Unforgettable.” I remember this word, and I will use it. Her dimples opened.

“An Zhi, come here.” Yan Xi called after her.

An Zhi walked up to her.

“Sit here, I have something to tell you.”

An Zhi was sensitively aware of the seriousness in her tone, she couldn’t help pinching her clothes nervously, and her expression became a little more cautious.

Yanji touched her head and looked into her eyes: “I have a house in the city, which my parents left for me. Would you like to live there with me?”

An Zhi opened her eyes and her heart beat faster.

“But not now, the house over there has not been occupied for a long time, and there may be places that need to be repaired, so it will take a while.”

An Zhi asked her blankly: “Together? Just us?”

“Yes, just the two of us. I originally wanted to arrange everything, and then I’ll tell you. I’ve been busy and can’t find time.”

Yan Xi paused.

An Zhi suddenly lowered his head and said, “I’m sorry… I shouldn’t run around casually.”

“To trouble you…”

Yan Xi’s eyes softened, and she said softly, “It won’t be troublesome.”

She carried An Zhi over and sat on her lap: “It’s just that I’m a little sad, An Zhi… I feel like you don’t believe me.”


An Zhi panicked, this word was a very, very serious word in her young heart.

“I, I…not…” She hurriedly tried to explain.

“Look, don’t tell me when you fall, don’t tell me when you’re sad, and secretly run away from home. Say, will I feel sad?”

An Zhi’s eyes were wet and he was about to cry.

“An Zhi, I think it’s fate that we two know each other. I want you to grow up by my side, and when you grow up, when you have your own life, career, and family.”

“You don’t have to feel troublesome or embarrassed. I have a job and savings, so it’s not a problem to support you. You can also borrow it first.”

“I called your dad, and he’s willing to take care of your life, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

Yan Xi whispered to her while stroking her hair. Suddenly, she felt that in her heart, she did not have much impression of her parents who died early. Her childhood was spent under the care of her grandparents. As a child, she didn’t know that her grandparents had experienced so much pressure.

She only remembered that they were kind to her, much gentler than they were to her brothers, although they were punished for making mistakes. When she was always pampering her most of the time, she remembered that when she was nine or ten years old, her grandparents would carry her on their backs, hold her, and coax her when they went out with her.

The concept of their second elders is to touch the children more physically, so that the children can feel safe. Touching the head and slapping the shoulders are especially common.

She needs to be more careful and patient with An Zhi, can she do it? She will try her best.

An Zhi was in a trance under the soft temperature of her palm. The Yan family’s great-grandfather, great-grandmother, including Xin’s grandmother liked to touch children’s hair. Yan Xi also learned from them, she is really a very good person. She had tears in her eyes and pursed her lips.

“Huh? Do you understand what I’m saying?”

An Zhi nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Yan Xi looked down at her: “Then I need you to assure me that you will never run so far alone like today.”

Anzhi nodded again.

“Okay, I believe you. Adults and children, I dislike people who don’t keep their promises. Those who say nothing.”

An Zhi nodded vigorously. She sniffed and stuck out her little finger.

Yan Xi laughed and stretched out her little finger to hook her.

“Is there anything you want to ask me?”

“Is that house far from where you work?”

Yan Xi smiled, really caring child.

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