Peach and Plum Do Not Speak

Chapter 30

Chapter 30:

That night, An Zhi tossed and turned and couldn’t sleep. As soon as he closed his eyes, he seemed to see the headless female body lying in the corner. Hearing the sentence “It’s not my daughter-in-law’s head, it’s not her head”, An Zhi even thought that the old woman was dead. His voice should be very old and hoarse… and a little dark… She seems to be able to hear and speak in her ear.

An Zhi hid under the quilt, thinking that she would be able to fall asleep, but she couldn’t, her spirit was highly nervous. Sounds seemed to be heard from under the covers, she turned over, curled up her feet, and held her breath.

After a while, she slowly lifted a quilt and glanced secretly. There is nothing in the corner.

“Huh…” An Zhi let out a long sigh, “Close your eyes and close your eyes! It’ll be dawn in the next blink of an eye, and you’ll be fine.”

Endure, endure, I can’t stand it anymore, her scalp is numb and her body is sweating.

An Zhi lifted the quilt, she wore a cotton nightdress, tiptoed, slipped into Yan Xi’s room, and pushed the door in. There is a faint scent of grass and pine in the room.

The room was lit by a small wall lamp. An Zhi closed the door, climbed into the bed, and slept next to Yan Xi.

In fact, she knows the bed very well, and she used to sleep with Yan Xi. Even in the year of Yan’s old house, Yan Xi didn’t have much time to come back, but the bed belongs to her, it has her breath, as long as you get close to her , Anzhi will be able to sleep well and not have nightmares.

Since she was nine years old, she was not used to sleeping by herself. She ran to Yan Xi’s room in the middle of the night. Only by holding Yan Xi’s quilt could she fall asleep at ease. Although I woke up the next day and was in my own cot again. After repeating this several times, she slowly got used to sleeping alone.

An Zhi remembered that when she was six or seven years old, she had small hands and feet, so she could just sit in her arms and sleep in her arms. Now he can only be next to her, An Zhi put his head close to her slender shoulders and closed his eyes.

Well, don’t be afraid.

Suddenly, Yan Xi felt a movement. She was lying flat, but now she turned to her side. His face was facing her, still asleep.

A familiar smell lingered between them. The suspenders of the nightdress were half hanging on Yan Qi’s smooth shoulders, breathing finely and evenly. The neckline of the nightdress is a little low, and a touch of snowy plumpness is looming.

An Zhi blinked and looked down at his flat chest. Will she be like her in the future?

An Zhi felt her cheeks get hot. When she was a child, she only felt that Yan Xi’s embrace was very comfortable, fragrant and soft, and she felt very secure. It’s just that she is not a child now and it seems that she can’t continue to crawl into her arms to sleep, and Yan Xi doesn’t hold her as often as before.

Wouldn’t she be a little older, Yan Xi would never hold her again, and couldn’t hold her anymore.

An Zhi is extremely melancholy, and it is not good to grow too fast. She was melancholy, and for a moment she forgot the contents of the book she read a few hours ago. Gently rubbing against Yanxi’s shoulder, she slept on the edge of the bed, and in order not to wake Yanxi or move, a small half of her body was still exposed. It didn’t take long for her body to freeze, An Zhi let out a breath, and quietly rubbed in a little closer, accidentally kicking Yan Xi’s leg.

An Zhi: … Ding! broken!

Sure enough, An Zhi felt that Yan Xi seemed to stand up and look at her, “Huh”, and whispered with a chuckle, “When did you come here…”

Her voice contained a deep sleepiness, which was different from the previous crispness, a little hoarse and magnetic.

An Zhi pretended to be asleep, but his heart was beating, Yan Xi wouldn’t want to hold her again, would he? Is she pretending to be sleeping and letting her hold her, or is she telling her now that she is going to sleep here…

But Yan Xi didn’t, she stepped back, and An Zhi felt that her waist was pulled by her, and she moved inward. She slept completely on the soft mattress.

A thin and cool quilt was placed around her waist, and it was Yan Xi who gave her a corner of her summer quilt.

An Yi didn’t move, not even the tickling hair that fell on her cheek. She felt that Yan Xi was looking at her, and she could imagine Yan Xi’s gaze without opening her eyes, her smiling eyes It will be so tenderly staring at her, like the moonlight like water, brushing over the lake.

An Zhi felt that her heartbeat started to speed up again for no reason. Is it because all the senses were easily amplified in the quiet night, or was it the sequelae of the terrifying reasoning book she read just now? She couldn’t tell.

The fingertips touched her cheek, Yan Xi helped her brush the hair, and patted her again, like coaxing her to sleep when she was a child.

After a small rustling sound, Yan Xi lay down again.

Did she acquiesce herself to sleep with her at night?

An Zhi was overjoyed, and subconsciously made a familiar gesture of hugging her An Zhi.

Yan Xi didn’t fall asleep so quickly, this little gesture revealed that An Zhi was pretending to be asleep just now. She smiled slightly.

An Zhi’s cheeks were slightly embarrassed. While she was talking, Yan Xi touched her cheek: “Go to sleep…”

“You won’t grow taller if you don’t sleep…”

An Zhi remembered that he often worried about his height when he was a child, and even more embarrassed, he muttered: “I’m much taller than before!”

“Well…yes…” Yan Xi’s voice seemed a little unspeakable, and after a while, he smiled again: “But still not as tall as me!”

“…It will definitely be! It will be taller than you!”

Yan Xi smiled and pinched her cheek lightly, still fleshy baby fat. She did not continue the topic.

“Sleep… um…” Yan Xi naturally touched the top of her head, and his voice gradually weakened: “I have to go to work tomorrow… The new show will… start…”

An Zhi couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed. She could stay in bed tomorrow, but Yan Xi was not feeling well today and had to go to work tomorrow. She immediately obediently stopped talking.

Yan Xi quickly fell asleep, she was still sleeping facing An Zhi’s side, very close, her delicate and delicate facial features were like a quiet and beautiful oil painting in the faint light.

An Zhi’s heartbeat for no reason was thumping faster, not the sequelae of reading the text, but what happened? She was ignorant and didn’t know what was going on. From the perspective of her childhood, she was the most beautiful and the best adult. Now at this moment, she suddenly felt…

Huh, what’s going on?

Suddenly she couldn’t think of words to describe it.

Not Chinese, not English.

What does it feel like? Can’t tell.

In this confusion, she stumbled, snuggling up to Yanxi and fell asleep.

During her childhood, she would often wake up in dreams, and Yan Xi took her to see a doctor, saying that she was a little nervous. Because he was too young, the doctor did not prescribe medicine, and instructed the adults to create a safe and comfortable environment for the child. So Yan Xi slept in the same bed with her for a long time. When she was nine years old, because of work, she often returned at night. Yan Xi found that An Zhi often insisted on staying awake and waiting for her to come back, so she was ruthless and cultivated the habit of independent and normal work and rest.

Although the habit was formed later, this did not prevent Xiao Anzhi from sneaking up on her bed occasionally to sleep. But every time he fell asleep, he would be hugged.

Like this… It seems like it’s been a long time since we slept together.

An Zhi was satisfied, and the weird pictures caused by the horror books disappeared.

In the half-dreaming and sound sleep, she felt a little cool, and heard the sound of raindrops in her ears. The greening of the community is very good, so she heard the tick of rain falling on the leaves.

Summer night rain.

An Zhi’s bare arms outside her skirt were cold, and she instinctively arched from a warm place.

Yan Xi was woken up again by her. She opened her eyes, touched her arm, and then pulled up the quilt to wrap An Zhi.

She leaned up and glanced outside where the curtains were half-drawn, the sky was bright and the rain was cool. Guessing it was still early, he went back to bed again.

Half of An Zhi’s face was buried in front of her chest, she slept soundly, her cheeks pouting like the peach she likes to eat, and her hands were still tightly hooked, Yan Xi had to pull her hands down.

I feel like I’m being treated like a big doll by her.

After An Zhi’s hand was pulled down, he grabbed the corner of her clothes instead.

Yan Xi chuckled, this habit is still the same as that of a child. It’s just… the feeling of holding it up is not the same. An Zhi’s skeleton is slender, and his hands and feet are drawn a lot, but he looks weak.

Yan Xi continued to fall asleep amid this subtle sense of loss, and she still hugged An Zhi.

The summer rain is cool and suitable for a good night’s sleep. Maybe they didn’t realize it. After adjusting their posture unconsciously, they hugged each other again and fell asleep.

An Zhi fell into a deep sleep, and when Yan Xi woke up, she felt that she couldn’t open her eyes, and she was pulling her clothes to keep her from going. He patted Yan Xi on her, then hugged the quilt and continued to sleep.

After Yan Xi finished breakfast, he went back to his room to change clothes and put on makeup, An Zhi yawned and sat up, went to the bathroom, and went back on his back.

Not only did the rain not stop, but it was getting bigger and bigger. Yan Xi glanced at the weather forecast and said to An Zhi, “Go to Grandpa’s place today. I’ll ask Uncle Wang to pick you up.”

“Ah?…Why?” An Zhi yawned again and said vaguely.

“It will rain heavily today, and there will be thunderstorms later. I don’t worry about you being at home alone.”

“Well… I can wait for you to come back… Huh? Thunderstorm?” An Zhi suddenly pricked up his ears, “Then don’t drive!”

“It’s alright, if the rain is too heavy, I won’t come back. I slept in the stage today.”

“Ah…oh…well.” An Zhi pouted a little unhappily.

“Okay, I’ll get up after a while.”

Yan Xi stood up, she was wearing a long blue-gray dress today, plain cotton with no pattern, only slightly folded around her waist, and she wore a pair of long pearl earrings.

She pulled out two pairs of shoes from the cloakroom: a pair of apricot-beige flat straps, and a pair of silver-gray chunky heels with a pair of pearls inlaid on the heels.

“Which pair looks good?”

She was barefoot, and her skirt was half-length, revealing a slender, snow-white calf.

The curtain outside the window is gurgling, and the people in Sri Lanka are picturesque.

An Zhi stayed for a long time before pointing to the beige pair.

Anyway, she is tall, with good proportions and long legs.

Yan Xi really wore that pair, and after a few more words, went out.

An Zhi couldn’t help but listen to her footsteps going downstairs. Heart thump, thump, thump thump.

She covered her face with the quilt a little irritably.

Woo. There are no words to describe it.

The author has something to say: An Zhi: Why can’t I find words in this chapter! Why?

Author Jun: cough cough cough…

Brainstorm Jun: Um…

me: . . . um

Wenbi Jun: Look at this and look at that…

Wenbijun: I cried!

Wenbijun: Alright! It’s my pen power! woo woo woo

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