Peach and Plum Do Not Speak

Chapter 32

Chapter 32:

In the evening, the rain became terrifying, and the city was pouring. The sky seemed to be torn open with a large wound, and the lightning bolts were like terrifying bloodshots embedded in the side.

Fortunately there was no power outage.

An Zhi saw on TV that many roads were not smooth, there was a backlog of water, many cars were flooded, and many people gave up their cars to take the subway. The police came to the rescue with difficulty in the heavy rain. I heard that the manhole cover was pushed up, and some people were swept in by the water, and their lives were at stake.

The scene is horrific. An Zhi was very glad that Yanxi did not drive back.

Aunt Xin was not at ease, so she called the Yan brothers separately.

An Zhi volunteered and said that she called Yan Xi.

Aunt Xin gave a few words here and walked away.

An Zhi asked Yan Xi to the dormitory?

She seemed to be walking and replied, “Not yet, is it raining heavily at home?”

An Zhi was about to speak when he heard thunder roaring outside.

“Don’t call for now, wait for the thunder. I’ll call you again.”

“Don’t! Just say a few more words! The thunder is not big,” An Zhi said while climbing upstairs, coquettishly: “There is only Grandma Xin at home, Grandpa and Grandma went to the temple to escape the summer! No one is with me. Talk! Grandma Xin said that Big Fat and Little Fatty were held by Aunt Xiao this morning and didn’t know where to go.”

Yan Xi gave a “Huh”, and then smiled softly: “They went to summer camp.”

“What summer camp?”

“Military training summer camp.”

“Ah? Why are you going all of a sudden? So they’re training like they’re in the army? It’s all closed?”

“It’s a bit like going to the military training base on the outskirts of Beicheng. You can’t play with your mobile phone, your parents can’t visit, and there are rules on your schedule. You can’t stay in bed when you get up early for training, and turn off the lights at night.”

“Ah! The two of them can’t stand it!”

“They are still young, they are just summer camp, and they won’t be really strict. They will come back in ten days.”

An Zhi wondered, “Why are you so clear?”

Yan Xi was silent for a few seconds.

Huh? Um? “An Zhi tilted his head.

Yan Xi suddenly “pu chi” smiled. Before he could answer, there was a thunderstorm in the sky. An Zhi ah.

“I’ll call you later.”

An Zhi: …I always feel that the laughter is full of deep meaning!

Shouldn’t it be Yan Xi’s idea?

Every time the Yan family bullied her, Yan Xi would always stand up for her. But this time the two of them didn’t do anything recently, just the book.

She called and said, “Hey, did you let Big and Little Fatty go to summer camp?”

Yan Xi did not deny it: “Yes.”


Yan Xi seemed to have turned on the speaker, and the sound was far away and empty. She was walking around the room, she should be packing things, and there was the sound of rain.

“What did you do today? It’s noon?”

“Well, yes. I moved the flowers, but fortunately grandma let Big Fat and Little Fat move all the heavy pots yesterday.”

Yan Xi smiled and said, “You have small arms and calves, so you can only move them.”

“It sounds like you have a lot of strength!”

“More than you!” Yan Xi smiled.


Yan Xi smiled and continued: “My brothers and I have been going to these summer camps since we were in junior high school. There are sports classes and military training classes, because we want to improve our physical fitness.”

“…Everyone, including the second uncle and the third uncle?” An Zhi couldn’t imagine that the weak scholar Xie Yan and the very caring Yan Yinan would also go.

“Well, because my second brother and the third brother are weak since childhood, grandpa just asked us to choose a sports hobby, and it is best to persevere. One of them chose tennis, and the other chose indoor yoga. Of course, it’s already long ago. I didn’t hold on anymore.”

“Oh, what’s yours…”

“how about you?”

“I choose boxing.”


Yan Xi smiled over there: “It’s a surprise, isn’t it?”

An Zhi’s heart: I know you like photography, but I thought you were more of a literary and artistic fan. Now tell me, you have practiced boxing before?

Yan Xi: “I have practiced for six years from junior high school to high school. For physical strength, I have been running for a long time. I stopped practicing in college, and the habit of long-distance running has been maintained. After work, I have no time.”

What’s the matter with your tone of deep nostalgia! !

Anzhi: …

“I remember a lot of pictures, when I was 13-18 years old.”

She put her phone aside and went to turn over Yanxi’s photo album. Yan Xi has several books full of photos from her childhood. An Zhi also has it. When she comes to her side, Yan Xi will often take pictures of her. An Zhi also has two thick books.

“No, I didn’t find it.”

“Oh, it may have been taken by my grandparents. They sometimes show pictures of me and my brothers. Go to the second floor and look for it.”

An Zhideng ran downstairs and searched around but couldn’t find it. Shouldn’t he be taken to the temple by the second old man? She ran back to the living room and finally found it on the bottom floor of the table on the second floor.

There are several books, including Yan Yixi and Yan Yinan, as well as Yanxi. An Zhi took a cursory look, and they were all in the 13-18 age group. It should be that Grandpa Yan and Grandma Yan wanted to make a collection of the same age group for their siblings.

An Zhi hugged the collection book and Yan Xi’s book, and ran back to the room.

“did you find it?”

“Well! There are also the second uncle and the third uncle.”

An Zhi stopped for a second or two and opened the collection first. Only found out that there is something to say. He was several years older than Yan Xi and the others. It can be seen from the photo that the unsmiling young man with sword eyebrows and star eyes has darker skin and wears a karate uniform. The color of the belt around the waist ranges from white to yellow to red.

An Zhi told Yan Xi.

Yan Xi was a little surprised and praised: “As expected of the eldest brother, he is more decent, the second brother and the third brother…especially the third brother…it’s really hard to say!”

An Zhi turned a few pages and burst into laughter. The beautiful and clean Yan Yixi, wearing a pair of glasses, held the table tennis racket expressionlessly, held the table tennis ball expressionlessly, and held the table tennis ball expressionlessly.

Then… it was Yan Yinan who was wearing a pair of fancy yoga clothes. At that time, his hair was quite long, tied back, and stretched on the yoga mat: pulling legs, pressing legs, lowering waist, squatting and raising legs…

The figure is soft and enchanting, and the movement is light and standard, mixed among a group of girls, there is no sense of disobedience.

An Zhi laughed until tears came out.

Yan Xi: “Second brother, he said that table tennis does not have strict requirements on the field, and it can be played in the laboratory. Although I chose this one, I can understand it. The third brother said that he chose yoga to avoid tanning and to shape his body. …”

Yan Xi: “I took those photos, I almost didn’t call him third sister! What a motherfucker! Too gay…cough cough cough.”

“So your third uncle is not good…Puchi…”

Yan Xi remembered that his grandfather said that Yan Yinan was very obsessed with wearing skirts at the age of 8 or 9, and he was very fond of maintenance during his adolescence. During the university and postgraduate years, it was obvious that his grades in various subjects were very good, so he chose plastic surgery, except for some necessary trauma operations. Part of it is plastic surgery, and most of them are female patients, and there is no one who does not regard him as a male best friend.

With so many symptoms, they don’t look like straight men. Are they really gay? Liu Yiyi had gossips with her.

But it’s not good to gossip about your brother like this, especially in front of children.

An Zhi smiled and frowned, “Isn’t the third uncle dating a girlfriend? It shouldn’t be gay.”

Yan Xi secretly said: Yes, nowadays children are not too taboo to be based or not.

However, having a girlfriend does not mean that he is not gay! !

Yan Xi was careful not to mention this topic.

An Zhi didn’t feel anything, she spread out a few books, lay on the floor, and turned on the speaker of her mobile phone.

Open another page in the collection. Immediately “wow”: Yan Xi’s photo of her boxing practice.

A tall and thin girl, wearing a white T, **** the corners of her clothes, revealing a small piece of flawless white skin, and the boxing gloves on her hands were waving fixedly, as if they had the momentum of breaking the air.

An Zhi was stunned.

There is only one, and it may be that Grandpa Yan and Grandma have not had time to choose another one.

An Zhi opened Yan Xi’s album.

Many, many, she has a high ponytail, her ball head, a tight vest or a short T, her forehead is moist, and her neck has crystal sweat.

Bright and eye-catching.

So handsome!

What a nice view!

So… charming.

Does she still have such a side?

An Zhi saw Yan Xi’s appearance on the screen. She played tricks on the mischievous cunning of Yan and Chuan in her life. He smiled patiently and tenderly when coaxing her.

I always find her every appearance is charming and surprising.

When she was a child, she could only feel Yan Xi in a dazed sense, but now it seems to be more and more clear.

The sound of thunder outside the window seemed to be quiet, except for the heavy rain, and occasionally a few unwilling lightnings trying to make a comeback.

An Zhi looked at Yanxi’s photos for a long time.

The phone is always connected. Yan Xi was busy with her work over there, and seemed to turn on the computer and walk around occasionally.

An Zhi has been to her dormitory. The older community is quiet. One room per person, about 30 square meters. The house in this area of Beicheng city center will cost several million. Since Yan Xi lived with An Zhi, he seldom came back here.

“Look at the rain, I probably won’t be able to go back tomorrow.” Yan Xi said.

An Zhi stopped, thinking about what he saw on the TV just now, and he was still a little scared.

She nodded: “Well, then you can stay there. I’ll stay here for a few days.”

Yan Xi smiled: “Good…”

An Zhi’s face was inexplicably agitated.

“Can I be on the third floor by myself tonight? Would you like to let Grandma Xin come over to sleep with you?”

An Zhi shook his head: “No need. I can do it myself.”

“Hey, so cute…”

An Zhi’s heart: What is the tone of this coaxing child, I’m not a child anymore!

Unable to think of what to say for a while, An Zhi had to be silent, a little ashamed.

After a while, An Zhi asked her, “Will you send me to this kind of summer camp? Or a fitness class or something?”

Yan Xi’s smiling voice came, without a moment of doubt: “Of course not.”

The author has something to say: Everyone knows the specific characters now. I want to challenge more character descriptions, group portraits and the like in this book. There are still people who haven’t come out, and they will also write a few pairs of supporting actors’ CPs on the side. (There is no idea of writing a deputy CP at the moment,)



Grandma Yan

Yan Yidong (the boss) is a professional official

Xiao Yutong (sister-in-law) professional full-time wife

Yan Qi (big fat)

Yan Ji (little fat)

Yan Yixi (Second Child) Occupational Theoretical Physicist

Liu Yiyi Professional Fashion Editor

Yan Yinan (the third child) professional cosmetic surgeon

(uncredited) Occupational Oncologist

Yan Xi professional host, photographer

Tao Anzhi’s Occupation (Confidential)

There are a few unreleased characters.

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