Peach and Plum Do Not Speak

Chapter 34

Chapter 34:

An Zhi watched the little bubble that would pop up in her heart.

“Yanxi didn’t allow me to eat ice cream! Hee hee, she bought me ice cream for the first time we met. Although she won’t let me eat too much after that.”

“This ice cream looks delicious.”

Os on Yan Xi’s side said, “Dad’s words here are right. Children can’t eat too many high-calorie foods. I was really unreliable at that time.”

“Hey, I’ve always wondered if this is coffee flavored and chocolate ice cream?”

The small theaters in their hearts were shown separately, but they didn’t say it.

After this scene, Yan Xi said, “This is a very classic scene.”

The manual transmission of the car was broken. The family was on the suggestion of the owner of the car repair shop. Dad pushed the car in front, jumped in and drove the car, and the rest pushed in the back. Grandpa jumped into the car, then the little granddaughter, mother, and then Kiki’s uncle, who ran behind him, and his older brother pushed him, and finally they all jumped into the car, and none of them fell.

An Zhiqing couldn’t help giggling.

Yan Xi smiled when she heard her smile.

“Olive, you are the most beautiful girl in the world, not only because you have brains and personality, but also because you are beautiful, from the inside out.” The grandfather on the screen persuaded the crying and restless granddaughter. Because she’s worried about tomorrow’s beauty contest, worried that she’s not pretty enough, and worried that her failure will disappoint her dad.

“Do you know what failure is? People who really fail are those who are so afraid of not succeeding that they don’t even dare to try.”

An Zhi watched, tears gathered in his eyes, rolling down one by one. When Grandpa didn’t wake up again the next day, she sobbed, her cheeks filled with tears.

On the other side of the phone, Yan Xi’s breathing was light, and he didn’t say anything, just quietly.

There are many plots in the middle, and their family can’t bear to leave their grandfather and put his body in the back of the car. The horn of the car, which could not be in gear, was broken again, and the police encountered it again. My brother suddenly realized that she was red-green color blind and could not be a pilot.

Quarrel, reconcile, quarrel, and keep driving on the way to the race.

When the talent competition in the final beauty pageant was over, when the little girl came out in a suit with a strange tie and a magic hat, accompanied by an unusually cheerful music, Yan Xi laughed out loud: “How many times I’ve watched it, I still feel this scene. So much fun.”

An Zhi didn’t understand, the little girl dangled, patted her butt, and then dropped her hat.

“What dance is this?”

Yan Xi couldn’t help laughing: “This is…”

At this time, the little girl ripped off her pants and shorts, and in front of the audience, tore off her jacket, revealing a diamond-studded vest, and pulled down her red tie and bit it in her mouth.


An Zhi: “???…”

Her performance was naturally indifferent and puzzled, and the host even asked her father to drag her daughter off the stage in full view of her. Dad didn’t agree and jumped up with her, then uncle, brother, and finally mother also jumped on the stage and danced with her.

The family dances happily. The audience was dumbfounded. There were also cheers and applause.

Yan Xi couldn’t help laughing.

An Zhi smiled, with tears streaming down her face for some unknown reason, “Grandpa, it really is a bit erotic… ah…”

In the last scene, they were rushing home, and Dad was still pushing in front. The little girl jumped on and followed her this time without her grandfather. She ran hard and jumped into the car…

Their family just drove the car that was so broken and the horn was not repaired on the way home.

An Zhi kept crying.

The movie is over.

The song on the screen continues.

After a while, Yan Xi asked her, “Is this movie good?”

“Yeah!” An Zhi nodded: “I like the picture of the cart, they danced together at the end, and grandpa. He is very kind to his granddaughter.”

“Well, it’s a good movie, it’s a good work. If you watch it when you grow up, you will see something different, and when you get older, it will be different. It will resonate with you at different ages. A work is a good work.”

“Well, actually I don’t think there’s anything in that dance. A child’s eyes are the purest. She may not understand what it is. She is just enjoying the dance. She has been practicing and working hard. Grandpa just saw it.”

“Well…” Yan Xi listened quietly.

“Then why do you think they still go to the game after grandpa passed away? After all, grandpa’s death is not a happy thing…”

“Because… this is the little girl’s dream. Grandpa has been helping her all the time. He supports him so much. He must want to see her complete…” An Zhi sobbed.

Her heart was sore and painful, and she murmured: “Maybe the living people can’t worry about the dead too much, the living people work hard to live, and those who have left and loved themselves can feel at ease.”

Yan Xi was stunned when she heard the words, she still had half a glass of milk in her hand. The pulp of the finger touched the wall of the cup, warm. She turned her head halfway, the sound of rain outside the window rustled like silkworms chewing mulberry leaves.

She slowly evoked a little smile and whispered, “Well.”

“I like the part where my brother went berserk. My sister went to persuade him. She didn’t say anything. She touched her shoulder and leaned against him. My brother figured it out. My brother is a sister-in-law.” An Zhi should still be crying, her voice choked off and on. on.

Yan Xi nodded: “I like that scene too.”

An Zhi sniffed: “It feels… quite like you.”

Yan Xi thought it was interesting: “Oh?”

“You also have a brother, and there are many more. I feel like I saw you persuade your uncle and them when you were a child…”


“Cough cough…”

Yan Xi’s ears suddenly became hot, and many pictures from his childhood flashed in his mind.

Grandpa Yan: “Xiao Wu!! Did you pick my peonies again!”

Yan Xi: “It’s not me! It’s the second brother!”

Yan Yixi, who was wearing a school uniform in the living room and was being escorted by Aunt Xin to eat and still read a book: “”

Yan Xi: “It’s big brother!”

Grandpa Yan: “Your eldest brother went to the army! Do you remember?”

Yan Xi: “Hey hey hey…”

The grown-up picture is:

Yan Xi: “I won’t go to class today, if you dare to tell Grandpa…” Her beautiful hands clenched into fists and knocked each other!

Yan Yinan was so frightened that she shook her head desperately with tears in her eyes!

There is nothing like the little girl in the movie who protects her brother, and there are many black history of bullying her brothers.

Yan Xi’s cheeks blushed a little: “That…maybe there is a slight discrepancy with the movie…kekekekekekeke…”

Um. To maintain the appearance of an adult, to have the dignity of being an “auntie”, and not let An Zhi know her dark history.

“Well! I knew that my aunt must be like that!” An Zhi said with a smile, her soft voice was full of love for her.

Yan Xi covered her face with her delicate white palm, “… uh… um…”

please! Let’s change the subject…

“I like this family very much, it’s noisy, although they all have their own problems, but they feel so warm, they really love each other, and they won’t dislike each other…” An Zhi’s voice paused, “The same goes for my aunt’s house. , Great grandfather, great grandmother, first uncle, second uncle, third uncle, aunt Xiao, ah, it should be called first aunt, big fat, little fat…”

Yan Xixin twitched sharply. Will there still be an impact? When you see this kind of family film, do you think of yourself? Yan Xi sighed, she was worried about this, but she hoped that An Zhi could really turn the pain into her own strength.

“And Aunt Liu, they are all very good people!”

“Tao Tao… If you want, you can also make it your own home.”

An Zhi raised his hand to wipe his wet eyes.

There was a moment of silence.

“There are so many good things in the movie that I can’t even say…”

“Well, you will have your own opinion when you read more in the future.”

“Aren’t you going to tell me?”

Yan Xi chuckled and said, “Everyone has different views on the same thing. Discovering and comprehension is a very interesting process. I don’t want to deprive you of the fun.”

“Well…” An Zhi thought that I didn’t mind either.

“Did you think of Grandpa just now?” Yan Xi still decided to ask.

An Zhi said, “I miss him, but it won’t be as sad as before, maybe one day I won’t be sad?”

Yan Xi did not answer. Because she knows that this pain will not go away, it may be forgotten, but it will never go away, it will be rooted in your blood, with your breath. Sometimes it’s bad and will come out and sting you every now and then. Mind you, it exists.

“Don’t forget it deliberately. Sadness will be a kind of nostalgia.” Yan Xi finally replied.

Not wanting her to continue to indulge in this sadness, she said, “Okay, it’s too late, go to bed? Don’t think about anything else.”

An Zhi obediently washed his face, wiped his face, and turned off the light, leaving only a faint wall lamp. Climb into bed again.

“Are you asleep too?”

“Well, I’m going to sleep too, turn off the lights.”

An Zhi hugged the other pillow and brought the rabbit pillow close to him.

“The rain hasn’t stopped…”

“Is the window closed? There will be thunderstorms later.”

“It’s closed…”

“Don’t be afraid, Tao Tao.”

“Well… not afraid.”

Not all darkness, but a little light from the phone. Their voices were consciously lowered, much gentler than the rain outside the window.


There are also charms that they have not found. Faintly, in this rainy night, it has not yet been noticed, and it has subsided.

“Okay, go to sleep. I’ll hang up when you sleep.”

An Zhi likes Yan Xi to say “Okay” very much. Very gentle, and often reached out to touch her head. When she noticed, she was rubbing the pillow silently, as if rubbing against her palm.


She blushed, slept quietly, and closed her eyes.

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