Pearl in the Palm

Chapter 21

When Ti Xiao came to Ye Mansion again, Ye Fuan was taken aback.

Ye Lizhu has been in the palace twice, the emperor must have told the empress and Tixiao in detail how she is.

Such a delicate woman, with a arrogant father like Ye Fu’an, ordinary people really dare not marry.

Ye Fuan also expressed his intentions in the Jinluan Temple before, marrying his daughter, not three wives and four concubines, not to bully at will.

For most people, it really means marrying an ancestor back.

Even if the prince is bullying people with Tixiao’s power, Ye Fuan is not a vegetarian, and can always give the prince an unhappiness.

Ye Fuan was uneasy. Could it be that his daughter was so beautiful that the prince fell in love at first sight and ignored other things?

Ye Fuan naturally knew how good Ye Lizhu looked.

Tixiao came this time and brought gifts.

It’s a pair of white ribbons. This bird’s tail feathers are gorgeous and extremely difficult to feed, but they have a good meaning.

Ribbons are common in officialdom. They are used to tie official seals and send a pair of ribbon birds, which represents blessings and exaltation.

Ye Fuan raised his eyebrows when he saw the pair of white ribbons. He naturally thought that this move was to wish him prosperous officials.

Tixiao sat down, took a sip of tea, and then said faintly: “I heard that the lady of your house is not in good health, so I will send a pair of birds to pray for the lady.”

The ribbon bird is also known as the longevity bird. Its sound is very similar to “seeking blessing-seeking blessing”, plus “shou” in the name, which means longevity. Tixiao gave Ye Lizhu a pair of ribbon birds, hoping that she could live well.

Ye Fuan’s smile faded instantly: “The little girl can bear the gift from His Royal Highness King Qin.”

“The king heard that little girls like these beautiful little creatures, so he deliberately gave up his mind.”

Tixiao actually doesn’t like such a gorgeous bird. The ribbon bird has a long tail. It is beautiful and flashy. He prefers birds of prey such as eagle and falcon, but the ribbon bird has a good meaning. If he gives one to eat raw The living golden eagle was given to Ye Lizhu, fearing that it might scare her into a faint.

When Ye Fuan heard Tixiao said that he had lost his mind, his smile became even more tense.

Did the prince really fall in love with Ye Lizhu?

Ye Fuan said, “Since it was specially given by His Highness King Qin, I will accept it on behalf of the little girl. The little girl should have come out to pay tribute to His Highness, but it is a pity that she is weak and can’t get out for the time being.”

Ti Xiao said: “It’s okay, this king will send it personally.”

Ti Xiao’s three sentences stayed true to Ye Lizhu, and Ye Fuan could see that Ti Xiao paid some attention to Ye Lizhu.

If Ye Lizhu’s body is a little better, can withstand the deep palace, and is also interesting to the prince, Ye Fuan will not stop his daughter from discussing feelings with the prince. But in this situation, Ye Lizhu really couldn’t stand the rules in the palace.

If Ye Lizhu is with the prince, Ye Lizhu will also call to mention his uncle in the future. Everyone knows that although King Qin is extremely short-sighted, it is also very strict when it is strict. The prince respects King Qin very much and cannot violate any rules. Ye Lizhu will change it. Becoming King Qin’s nephew and daughter-in-law, King Qin must have no mercy when he educates her junior.

Ye Fuan was very worried, touching his beard and couldn’t say a word.

For a long time, Ye Fuan said, “His Royal Highness is the elder of the little girl. How can I let His Highness bring a heavy gift to see her. Your Highness’s kindness, I will convey it on your behalf.”


Tixiao’s slender fingers stroked the white porcelain tea cup in his hand. He and a man rushed to see Ye Lizhu’s residence, which seemed to be wrong to Ye Fuan, an old stubborn stubborn.

At noon, Ye Fuan set up a banquet to entertain Tixiao, and both of them were able to drink. Although Ye Fu’an is a civil servant, he is not sour, and he is refreshing.

Half an hour later, Ye Fuan was so drunk that he was helped to rest. He also asked his men to clean the wing and help the King of Qin go down to rest.

Ti Xiao was helped into the room. Although he was full of alcohol, he was not drunk.

I tried Ye Fuan a few words while drinking. This old fox was very sleek, and all the words meant were not to let Ye Lizhu marry away, but to make it easy for Ye Lizhu to go back to her family, and not to marry Ye Lizhu to a bad man who was in trouble.

Ye Fuan didn’t see that Tixiao was interested in Ye Lizhu. If he knew what Tixiao had in his heart, he would definitely add another sentence that could not be more than five years older than Ye Lizhu.

Ti Xiao didn’t want to fight the snakes for the time being. If Ye Fuan understood, the old fox would definitely figure out a countermeasure in advance to fight the mandarin ducks.

After Ye Lizhu got up, she sat by the window and embroidered a veil for a while. At noon, Ye Fuan sent someone over and sent two white ribbon birds.

Ye Lizhu saw such a big and beautiful bird for the first time. She stared at the bird’s beautiful feathers and long tail intently: “What kind of bird is this? Is it a peacock?”

The two young men who brought Baishou over said, “It’s not a peacock. Miss wants to see a peacock. We have a garden outside of the capital in our house. This is a ribbon bird that can fly.”

Ye Fuan specifically asked the young man not to tell Ye Lizhu that this was sent by King Qin. He didn’t want Ye Lizhu to have a good impression of the people on the Prince’s side.

Ye Lizhu smiled and said, “Why dad think of sending me a pair of birds?”

The young man hesitated and said, “I’m afraid that the young lady will be bored in the room. The ribbon bird is the symbol of longevity. With such a beautiful pair of birds in the yard, the young lady will definitely be able to seek blessings, health and safety.”

“I borrowed your good words.” Ye Lizhu said, “Yusha, take some silver and treat these two little brothers.”

The two young men got the money and thanked them and went out.

The courtyard door was closed, and Yusha said, “What a big cage, what a big bird, miss, how do we raise this bird?”

Ye Lizhu didn’t know how to raise it either. She said, “Let’s ask an experienced mother later. Father usually likes to raise birds. This pair of birds looks precious and difficult to raise. They may have been given by someone else.”

As for who sent it, Ye Lizhu didn’t think about it.

Ye Fu’an is the prime minister, and people are indispensable for friendship, and there are also people who give him items.

Yusha thought for a while and said, “Perhaps someone in the Zhuangzi sent it. Some time ago, they caught such a large deer and sent it. They said that the son liked venison and killed it for the son to eat. Now I heard that the young lady came back. It’s not uncommon to catch two birds for the young lady.”

“White ribbon shouldn’t be an ordinary bird that is easy to catch.” Ye Lizhu said, “People in Zhuangzi can’t use such a delicate cage to hold it.”

Yusha only noticed that the cage was a golden cage with precious stones inlaid on the top of the cage, which was extremely luxurious.

Ye Lizhu looked at the pair of birds trapped in the cage, and suddenly remembered the gaze that the man looked at him.

If Ye Lizhu were a beautiful ribbon bird, a man might break her wings and lock her in a gorgeous golden cage.

Feed her water through the cage, tease her through the cage.

Although knowing that men are not good stubbles, Ye Lizhu’s ailing body can only get closer to him and try to maintain his life.

Ye Lizhu reached into the cage and wanted to touch the bird’s feathers. One of the white ribbons tilted his head and opened his mouth to peck Ye Lizhu.

After a while of pain, Ye Lizhu quickly retracted her hand.

Yusha held Ye Lizhu’s hand: “This bad bird actually pecked Miss! I have plucked your hair and roasted you!”

Ye Lizhu smiled and said, “It’s not like cats and dogs are human. When I first met, I shouldn’t just put my hand in it and raise it for a while, and it will be fine.”

Her fingers were tender, and a bit of blood was pecked out, and Yusha bandaged her.

After the bandage was finished, Ye Lizhu looked at the two beautiful birds and said, “You are not allowed to peck at people next time.”

The bird did not understand Ye Lizhu’s words and flopped twice in the cage.

Ye Lizhu had dinner at noon, teased the birds for a while, and went for a walk for digestion.

Today is not very hot, it is gloomy, and there is no sun shrouded in it. Ye Lizhu has always disliked a group of people following behind him, so he walked outside by himself.

The garden next to Jingshuixuan is quiet and cool, because it is relatively humid due to the water.

Ye Lizhu sat next to the pavilion and pinched the fish food placed in the pavilion to feed the fish.

The golden carp quickly gathered to eat fish food.

After feeding for a while, Ye Lizhu felt something was wrong. The feeling of being close to Tixiao seemed to be back again.

She didn’t feel tired, put down the fish food and stood up, got down from the pavilion, and walked forward based on her feelings.

Passing through a rose bush, Ye Lizhu saw a corner of the black robe.

She clung to the flower branch and secretly looked at the man.

Ti Xiao came here also based on intuition. Last time he looked at a high place, looked at the layout of Ye Mansion, and roughly guessed that Ye Lizhu would live in this area, so he walked over here and entered the small garden in this place.

Ye Lizhu hid in the flowers and peeked at him, and he naturally noticed it.

However, the little girl still felt that she was hiding well, with green leaves on her head, and she didn’t know if the petals were stuck on the hairpin, she looked at Tixiao thoughtfully with a pair of fascinating peach blossom eyes.

When Ti Xiao turned and walked over, Ye Lizhu was weak and had no time to escape. When he reacted, he was already in front of him.

Looking at the man’s deep and narrow eyes, Ye Lizhu suddenly remembered that she was dreaming at night, dreaming that she was dressed like that in front of him, and he was pinching her chin. She is obviously not a demon, but a man wants to call her a little demon.

Ye Lizhu’s eyes were foggy, and she was born with a layer of water, and the cinnabar on the center of her eyebrows was dazzlingly red, making her skin better than snow.

Ti Xiao stretched out a hand: “Come out.”

Half of her body was hiding among the flowers, the roses were dazzled, the branches were luxuriant, and the flowers were scorching and beautiful. She was in it, not as beautiful as a real person.

Ye Lizhu looked at Tixiao’s slender fingers, pursed his lips, and carefully stretched out his hand, wanting to put it in his palm.

Tixiao gave her a hand and pulled her out.

He was about to let go, but the little girl’s thin white fingers tightly gripped his slender and powerful fingers.

Her hands are particularly tender, and the touch is really wonderful, a thousand times more wonderful than the feeling in a dream.

She is too delicate. More delicate than rose petals.

Ye Lizhu involuntarily grasped Tixiao’s hand, his whole body was numb and numb, and the whole person was floating. For a while, the naturally sentimental eyes became more misty, and he forgot to let Tixiao go.

She was like a dry seedling. She was suddenly dripped with cool water, and the branches and leaves were drawn, and a beautiful flower appeared.

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