Pearl in the Palm

Chapter 82

When Ye Lizhu cried, he ignored the mention of Xiao.

Ti Xiao pulled Ye Lizhu’s shoulder and wiped her tears: “I was wrong, I shouldn’t lie to you, well, don’t cry, your eyes are swollen.”

Ye Lizhu kicked on his calf: “If you don’t sleep with you, go to the study.”

Ti Xiao sat up and looked at her condescendingly, Ye Lizhu really became more capable, and now he dared to drive him to sleep in the study.

Doesn’t it mean to propose separation in the future?

Ti Xiao held Ye Lizhu’s jade hands.

The hands are exquisite and petite, as white as jade, so beautiful that people can’t remove their eyes.

Ye Lizhu couldn’t get away, his face flushed, “Let go of me!”

Ti Xiao said lightly: “Who sleeps in the study?”

Ye Lizhu’s hand was held by him, and his fingertips were used to holding the knife and spear, and it was a bit rough, but her little hand was so soft that she felt pain when she held it lightly, and she couldn’t take it away.

For a long time, Ye Lizhu twisted her body, still struggling, so she said dullly: “I…I sleep in the study.”

Ti Xiao picked her up: “Go together.”

Although the study was a good place, Ti Xiao did not bully Ye Lizhu. She covered her with a quilt, let her sleep on the couch, and Tixiao sat down at the table.

The matter that the prince Zhao Yun investigated, Ti Xiao also asked people to investigate in private.

I have to say that the emperor is indeed too much this time.

Tixiao can already predict the scene when he will go to court tomorrow. The emperor’s dedication was all for the concubine Sheng Gui and the second prince Zhao Yi, if he let the emperor know…

Tixiao narrowed his eyes.

Ye Lizhu fell asleep peacefully on the couch. She curled up slightly, her small paws gently grasped the quilt, which was very sweet.

Ti Xiao lay beside her, holding her in his arms.

Ye Lizhu didn’t know anything, she was still asleep, just murmured something in her mouth, and buried her face in Tixiao’s arms.

The next day, Ti Xiao got up early and went to court, Ye Lizhu was asleep, and she carried her back to her residence without knowing it.

Ti Xiao changed his court clothes, and when he came to the temple, almost everyone was there.

Zhao Yun looked back at Tixiao.

Tixiao nodded slightly.

The emperor looked good in the past few days. Hearing the ministers said a few things, and it was not a major matter, the emperor looked happy and was about to retreat.

At this time, Prince Zhao Yun said: “Father, my son has something important to tell you.”

The young man grew fast. The emperor hadn’t noticed it before. It turned out that the prince has grown up now, and he looks like an adult. When he stops there, he grows taller than a few generals.

The emperor glanced at Zhao Yi again, but he was not as likable as Zhao Yi.

The emperor said: “What is the important thing for the prince?”

Zhao Yun said: “Father, the witches in Beijing are rampant, disrupting the houses of many officials and people. In the prime minister’s house, there are women who use witchcraft to harm others. A group of Taoists in the Southern Taoist Temple in Central Beijing use witchcraft. The trick is to accumulate wealth and harm people, and deceive the people to confuse the people. Erchen believes that it is time to rectify the atmosphere in Beijing.”

The emperor’s face changed.

Although he was unhappy, he didn’t act too deeply. He just made a deep face and said, “The new year is approaching, and there are many things. These little things will be dealt with after the new year.”

Years later, the prince had something to go out of Beijing, and Tixiao wanted to return to Xianzhou again. This matter was soon gone.

Ye Fuan stood up: “Your Majesty, the minister thinks this matter is not trivial. The prince is very reasonable, deceptive and deceptive. I don’t know how much ill-gotten wealth has been collected from the people. It is time to rectify the Taoist temple in Beijing.”

Since Ye Fuan married Ye Lizhu to Tixiao, the emperor and Ye Fuan have been separated a lot.

During this period of time, the emperor also wanted to attack the people around Ye Fu’an, and Ming Sheng was demoted to divide their power. But Ye Fuan didn’t leak anything, and in front of outsiders, he didn’t publicly indicate that he wanted to stand on the side of the prince.

When Ye Fuan suddenly spoke for the prince, the emperor’s mood became even more irritable.

The emperor said: “Ye Qing, you want to thoroughly investigate this matter to make the people in Beijing panic. If you can’t live this year? If this matter is not handled well, I’m afraid it will shake people’s hearts.”

Seeing that the emperor had no intention of this, some ministers stood up and said that they would wait for a year to investigate.

Tixiao sneered and said: “A search of the Taoist temple involved does not involve the people, and it will not take much time. Your Majesty, although the new year is approaching, there are some people on the minister’s side that are empty. If the court can’t handle it, the minister can take his place. Deal with it. The disaster of the Han Dynasty witch Gu endangers the Chao Gang and involves hundreds of thousands of people. This shows that this matter is not trivial, and there must be no such atmosphere in Beijing.”

Tixiao’s words were cold, but there was a loud noise. Others were afraid of Tixiao and didn’t dare to say a word.

In the past, there was General Xuanwei dedicated to defending the emperor and the second prince. Since Zheng Yiner’s accident, General Xuanwei has also been more cautious and rarely expressed his opinions in the DPRK.

Ti Xiao raised his eyes and looked directly at the emperor without fear.

The emperor gave a thump in his heart, and he had already noticed something at this time.

After the next dynasty, the **** beside the emperor helped him walk in.

Entering the sleeping hall, the emperor coughed a few times and was not breathing well. The **** quickly patted the emperor on the back: “Your Majesty…”

The emperor coughed up **** sputum, and his cloudy eyes were full of fatigue: “Ti Xiao has already noticed what I asked Liu Xiang to do.”

The **** took away the spittoon and offered a cup of tea: “Your Majesty, don’t think too much, the prince will not believe that you made this happen. Then the servant asked two clever maids to provoke the prince in front of the prince and said It is the relationship between King Qin and your father and son, and the two of you might turn back then.”

The emperor said nothing.

The **** said: “Your Majesty, although the prince was raised by the queen, you have always known that his temperament is not like a queen, and he is usually the softest. When the prince was young, what did you get, reward the second prince for good, give him a bad Yes, he also thinks that you are good to him. You are the father of the prince, and the prince will never believe that you want to kill him.”

What the **** said was true. The emperor was bitingly uncomfortable at this time.

But it was only uncomfortable for a while, after all, he was an emperor, and he was born to be cold.

The emperor said: “The prince is difficult to become a powerful weapon, less than one-tenth of Yi’er, Tixiao is regarded as helping the wrong person.”

The new little **** brought soup. This was the godson of the great **** Li Caixin who had just spoken next to the emperor. The little **** was smart, tender and likable, and the emperor was familiar with it.

The little **** said: “This is the three-ginseng stewed venison that the Imperial Dining Room has just sent. It is said that your Majesty did not use much in the morning and sent it specially.”

The emperor was a little older, and his energy was getting worse. But there were many beauties in the harem. He always wanted to pamper him at night, so he often ate nourishing things.

The **** Li Cai is the best at observing words and expressions. He said: “Your Majesty, there is no minister to discuss this morning, the servant invites Qiu 嫔?”

“Forget it,” the emperor said, “Qiu Lai is difficult to deal with. If you are favored, you will go to provocation in front of the concubine. Call Sun Meiren.”

Li Cai replied, “Banzi, please call Sun Meiren.”

The little **** replied, “Here.”


The little **** knelt on the outside of the screen and said word by word the words of the emperor and Li Cai.

Speaking of “the prince is difficult to become a powerful weapon, less than a tenth of Yi’er, Tixiao is regarded as helping the wrong person”, the little **** was already a little choked.

Zhao Yun’s forehead was violently blue, and Junya’s face was a little sordid, but for a moment, he came out from behind the screen, dressed elegantly in white, he smiled slightly, and helped the **** up: “I know, Banzi, you go back first. .”

The little **** was not the one who Zhao Yunan intervened, but he climbed to the emperor’s side step by step. A year ago, the little **** was bullied in the palace. He couldn’t even eat hot food. His face was yellow and thin. When he was about to be bullied to death, Zhao Yun gave him some food and asked him to change jobs.

The little **** was grateful for this. Knowing that the prince was not favored, he desperately climbed up, to please the people around the emperor, and recognized his godfather. Now that he knows something, he must say to the prince.

He is very clever and familiar with everything in the palace, and he never leaves any clues for people to discover.

The little **** wiped his tears and said, “The slave feels wronged for His Royal Highness. Your Majesty, he…”

Zhao Yun suppressed the dark color in his eyes and smiled and said: “You don’t have to be wronged by the orphans, the orphans will handle everything properly. Do your things well. When you grow up in the future, I will let you sit in the position of Li Cai.”

The eunuchs around the emperor, the empresses in the palace and some officials from the previous dynasty all had to show some face, which can be said to be extremely glorious.

The little **** said: “His Royal Highness saved the slave with a horrible life. The slave didn’t want to be prosperous, but only wanted to be a cow and a horse to repay His Royal Highness.”

After the little **** quit, Zhao Yun passed the screen, and the precious landscape screen fell to pieces in an instant.

Ti Xiao once told the doctor vaguely that he and Ye Lizhu were having trouble with each other.

Ye Lizhu always seemed to resist him, always screaming pain in this matter.

The doctor was asked to spend money to eat and drink spicy food in the mansion, so naturally he was quite capable.

Doctor Liang looked at Tixiao, who was half a head taller than himself, and then thought about the beauty princess who can sit but not stand and lie down every day. He hesitated and asked: “At the princess Has your Highness ever favored other women before?”

“No.” Tixiao said faintly, “Rouge and vulgar fan, this king does not want to approach.”

Doctor Liang thought about it. When King Qin met Princess Qin, he was still a virgin, probably because he was inexperienced and didn’t understand many things.

He patted his thigh, and said: “There is a collection of Erotica-Gong-Pictures under his subordinates. Your Royal Highness will take them back and watch them carefully, and do them according to the requirements of the pictures.”

Bao Xue Baohui! As long as you are not stupid, you can understand it!

His Royal Highness is so wise and martial, surely he can understand it after reading it.

Tixiao took Dr. Liang’s thick books back, and when he returned them to Dr. Liang, he vaguely expressed that Dr. Liang’s book was not good.

He also questioned Dr. Liang’s character, thinking that Dr. Liang was deliberately sending him.

Doctor Liang felt very wronged, and it was obvious that others had read this precious set of atlas and said it was good.

Doctor Liang finally gave Tixiao a bottle of medicine. It is said to be non-toxic and harmless, and it will only mobilize people’s emotions. Give the princess two pills before going to bed to ensure the great harmony of the night.

Tixiao accepted the medicine. After seeing Yelizhu’s disease just couldn’t stand the toss in the past two days, he put the medicine on the bedside, thinking that it could be used again in the future.

Recently, Xiao had a lot of things during the day, and when she came back late at night, Ye Lizhu fell asleep early. She couldn’t fall asleep, so she put the phone book on the bedside and looked at it. Accidentally pressed it to a certain place, a porcelain white vial popped out.

Ye Lizhu was curious and opened the cork of the vial.

Suddenly, the refreshing scent hits the face, the fragrance of the flowers is faint, just like Ye Lizhu’s Qinxue Dan for summer heat.

Ye Lizhu doesn’t eat Qinxue Dan in winter, but the taste is really tempting.

She squeezed a pill, and there was a light powder in the snow, exuding a particularly good smell, but the smell was particularly fragrant, tempting people to eat it.

Ye Lizhu thought for a while. The things on the bedside certainly wouldn’t be any bad medicine. How could Tixiao put poisonous medicine here.

Either take one before going to bed to replenish sleep, or it is the Qinxue Dan that is eaten in summer.

The small bottle as big as the palm of the hand was filled with a bottle of pills, Ye Lizhu poured out one and tasted it.

Sweet and a little bit sour. The taste is very good.

Ye Lizhu called Hai Tan: “Do you know, what kind of medicine is this?”

Hai Tan smelled this and said, “It must be Qin Xue Dan. Mr. Liang should have given this medicine bottle. He uses this medicine bottle.”

Ye Lizhu was relieved: “The taste is not bad, I will get two more bottles from him in the next day.”

Hai Tan said, “Don’t eat too much, it’s too cold, and it will be bad for you to eat too much.”

Ye Lizhu let out an “um” and took another one and held it in his mouth.

Tixiao also came back at this time.

When he entered the bedroom, he smelled a refreshing fragrance, and Ti Xiao opened the bed net: “What is it that smells so sweet?”

Ye Lizhu raised the small medicine bottle in his hand: “This is it, your Highness, would you like to take one?”

Ti Xiao was stunned for a moment: “How much did you eat?”

Ye Lizhu thought for a while: “Seven or eight, I didn’t eat too much.”

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