Pearl in the Palm

Chapter 88

After lunch, Tixiao said to the queen: “I will take the princess back.”

Ye Jiayou went out and said, “His Royal Highness, Sister, I’ll go to the concubine Xian Niang to find Wang Shizi.”

Ye Lizhu nodded: “Be careful on the way, don’t be playful, go to the concubine Xian and go home early.”

Ye Jiayou smiled: “I know all about it, don’t worry.”

When Ye Jiayou walked away, Ti Xiao said faintly on the side: “Your eyes are all stuck to him, I don’t seem to be so affectionate.”

Ye Lizhu returned to his senses, remembering what Tixiao had done to her just now at the dinner table, his face flushed slightly, and said, “Stop talking.”

After the marriage, Ye Lizhu’s complexion improved, and she was charming and charming. She is also wearing gorgeous today, and her crimson clothes set her eyebrows like a picture.

Ti Xiao followed her, and the two got into the carriage together.

Ye Lizhu was sleepy in the afternoon. After getting on the carriage, he unconsciously leaned against Tixiao. He was wearing a hard armor with a very cold texture.

Leaning on Tixiao’s body, Ye Lizhu felt uncomfortable. She frowned slightly and said, “What have you been up to these two days?”

Tixiao touched her face: “Do you miss me?”

Ye Lizhu closed his eyes.

Back at home, Ti Xiao directly hugged Ye Lizhu and walked all the way to the bedroom.

The servants in the family are most afraid of mentioning things that should not be said, the servants dare not say more, and the servants dare not watch the scenes that they should not watch.

Ye Lizhu and him hadn’t seen each other for two days, and Tixiao also missed it very much. As soon as he entered the room, Tixiao bowed his head and kissed her.

Ye Lizhu’s waist softened and raised his hand to untie Xiao’s clothes.

He was wearing a silver-white armor. Ye Lizhu had never encountered something like this before. He didn’t know how to solve it. He was a little sluggish for a while: “How can I take this off?”

Ti Xiao gave a chuckle and grabbed her hand to solve it.

In the evening, Ye Lizhu was resting on Tixiao’s broad shoulders.

Ti Xiao said: “After this period of time, I will take you to Xianzhou, to my place.”

She let out a soft “um”.

Ye Lizhu was tired all over, and she didn’t have much strength anymore.

I was out of breath just now, and I felt tired and stunned.

Now she just wants to sleep.

Tixiao just feels satisfied. When I can’t see her, my days are like years.

Ye Lizhu slept for a while and felt uncomfortable again. She acted like a baby to Tixiao: “I want to take a bath.”

This dress was already wet with Tixiao’s sweat. She was uncomfortable in sleep and wanted to change to a new dress.

Ti Xiao knew that Ye Lizhu would make such a request, and he whispered: “Called Husband.”

Ye Lizhu was too lazy, closed his eyes and refused to scream. Ti Xiao had to pick her up, and then force her to scream later.


The emperor was ill by Zhao Yiqi, and his physical condition was far worse than before. However, the emperor still had to do things himself.

The emperor had always been on guard against the prince, worried that the prince would use this time to seize power. Although the forces around him were infiltrated, the emperor was difficult to detect.

At first, he only felt that he had changed a few new faces. When he asked, he only said that the old one made a mistake, and the new one was carefully selected and sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to ensure that his hands and feet are clean.

In his daily diet, the emperor didn’t feel any strangeness, he only felt that he had a greater need for women. He didn’t think too much. After all, the newly sent concubines were young and bright. Which man didn’t like it, and how could he not be interested?

The emperor thought that he was in his prime, but in fact he was not old and could still be in power longer, and even gave birth to a more pleasurable prince than Zhao Yi.

It’s just that no matter how beautiful Sheng Guifei looks, she can’t resist the passage of time.

Concubine Sheng had been with the emperor for so long, and the emperor had some affection for her, and these affections also continued to Zhao Yi. However, during this period of time, Concubine Sheng Sheng repeatedly became jealous and gave the newcomers color, which made the emperor dissatisfied.

The weather was just right that day, and Zhao Yun was about to leave the capital south, so he came here to accompany the emperor.

Zhao Yi was banned. He made a terrible mistake. He enjoyed the emperor’s woman and let any careless emperor deal with it. Zhao Yi would undoubtedly die. Now he is left behind with only a small punishment.的面。 The noodles.

The emperor’s complexion became a lot sallow, and he was pleased with his concubine overnight, and his body was a little empty.

Zhao Yun accompanied the emperor and walked with the emperor in the imperial garden.

The sun is shining, and the plum blossoms in the plum garden are blooming just right.

Zhao Yun smiled and said: “The weather is getting warmer day by day, and Father’s body will get better day by day.”

Although Zhao Yun had a cold, arrogant and violent uncle who received a lot of help from Tixiao, after all, he grew up in Beijing and he had not experienced many storms. He was gentle and talkative, and the emperor knew that Zhao Yun did not please himself. , But it has both ability and political integrity.

He naturally regarded Zhao Yun as sincere to himself, and what he said was from the bottom of his heart.

It was also in sickness and his body was no better than before. The emperor deliberately said: “If I have three long and two short, you will just take over all of this.”

Zhao Yun said in trepidation, “How dare your children, the Yan Dynasty needs the rule of the father to be in order to be in peace for a long time.”

After hearing what Zhao Yun said, the emperor smiled.

Zhao Yun deliberately advised: “Recently, the number of concubines in the harem has increased a lot. Father, your body has not recovered yet…”

Naturally, the emperor would not listen to these words.

Zhao Yun said this in order to dispel the emperor’s worries about himself and let the emperor know that he was still the former self.

Sure enough, after hearing the words of faithful advice, the emperor’s face was not good: “The prince should not take care of the affairs of the harem.”

Zhao Yun said nothing more.

Although the emperor didn’t like to listen to these words, he knew that Zhao Yun said it was good to him, but he couldn’t control his greed.

The emperor did not know that the beauties he favored day and night were chosen by the prince himself before being offered by officials.

The two and the **** who followed behind walked to one place and heard the voice of the court lady talking and laughing.

One of the court ladies said: “Do you know the reason why the second prince was banned?”

Another court lady said: “It is said that His Royal Highness the Second Prince said something that shouldn’t be said, which angered the Lord.”

“The second prince is partial to the second prince, how can he punish him for one sentence! He is not like the prince,” the court lady said in a low voice, “the second prince and Qiuyi have an affair. I was hit by the prince!”


“This is still false? I heard from the people in the imperial concubine’s palace. Think about it, your majesty is getting older and older. With so many people in the harem, it is inevitable that the young Qiu 嫔 cannot be satisfied. The second prince dares to act on Qiu 嫔 and knows his majesty Reluctant to punish him, wait for your majesty’s death, let alone women, even the world is willing to give to the second prince.”

Hearing this, Zhao Yun’s face became purple with anger: “Shut up!”

The two court ladies in the corner saw the person and they were so scared that they knelt on the ground: “Your Majesty! Your Royal Highness!”

The emperor was so angry that he almost fainted, and a **** supported him, which stabilized him.

Zhao Yun ordered: “Drag these two palace ladies down and kill them!”

Two eunuchs came out instantly and dragged the maid down.

Zhao Yun stepped forward and said: “Father, these two court ladies are brave and spread rumors, and the children will punish them well.”

The emperor held Zhao Yun’s arm, his eyes closed tightly, and his body was shaking.

Don’t say that as an emperor, even the head of an ordinary family, he will be furious when he hears that he is not good enough.

Zhao Yun’s arm was tightly pinched by the emperor, and the flesh under the clothes almost showed blood stains. A smile flashed in Zhao Yun’s eyes, but his voice was still anxious: “Father? Father? Do you want to pass the doctor over? “

The emperor shook his head: “No need.”

Going further is the queen’s palace, the emperor has no thoughts of the past, and glanced from a distance.

Zhao Yun also had no idea of ​​bringing the emperor to the Queen’s Palace.

The queen hated the emperor at first, and the two hadn’t been in bed for several years.

The emperor said: “I still remember the first time I saw your mother and queen, there were dozens of low-ranking concubines, but your mother’s queen was the tallest, a head taller than others.”

Empress Ti, who came from Xianzhou, was born tall and attractive, with a beautiful appearance. Unfortunately, when she looked at the emperor, her eyes were cold and there was no trace of emotion. Even if she pretended to be gentle and generous, she could not compare to the pleased concubine Sheng. Therefore, the emperor didn’t like Empress Ti, and hated Empress Ti, thinking that Empress Ti was an arrogant and ignorant woman from Xianzhou. Empress Ti gave birth to the prince, and the emperor had no affection for the prince.

Now it seems…

The emperor said to Zhao Yun: “Your mother’s queen is not submissive, but you are a good and filial child.”

In memory, the emperor hardly praised Zhao Yun. Even the praise is in front of Tixiao. In order to appease Tixiao’s emotions, Zhao Yun knew that it was not from sincerity.

Zhao Yun laughed. He also felt ironic for this belated compliment. Zhao Yun supported the emperor’s arm and turned his head: “With the affirmation of the father, the children will honor you more in the future.”

The emperor felt exhausted when he returned to the palace. Zhao Yun was outside to clean his hands. The board sent a clean towel to Zhao Yun to wipe his hands: “Your Highness.”

Zhao Yun smiled slightly and said: “Wait to remind Father Li Cai, your Majesty is very considerate of Wu Meiren, let Meiren Wu take care of her.”

The board responded.

Within two quarters of an hour, some concubines were carried into the emperor’s palace. The emperor was stimulated during the day and made people say no, so he would naturally find the place back at night. Banzi has always been a clever eunuch. He whispered in the emperor’s ear: “Your Majesty, there is still half of the medicine that Dr. Xu has given you.”

The emperor remembered that the maid said that he was old, and sooner or later he would give it to Zhao Yi, and even his own woman would inherit it to Zhao Yi, his face suddenly turned gray, and he took a few more pills.

Zhao Yun went out. The sky was already dark at this time. The attendant followed Zhao Yun and listened to Zhao Yun’s faint saying: “If General Zheng has a letter, please tell Gu in time that Gu is going tonight.”

The subordinate responded.

When Zhao Yun arrived, Tixiao was discussing matters with officials in his study. Tonight, there was a banquet and some officials were invited. When the banquet was over, some people dispersed and some people stayed.

After Zhao Yun entered, many officials got up and saluted.

Zhao Yun smiled and said, “It’s rare for everyone to discuss matters together tonight, so don’t be too polite.”

King Qin didn’t laugh, the prince was gentle and elegant, and the officials who followed the two were smart people. Looking at the prince’s current situation, everyone knows that the prince is now standing up. Although he said that he didn’t need to be polite, he still needed someone to surrender.

Zhao Yun took a sip of tea after all the talks were over and everyone was gone, “Uncle, everything is set up properly, and I will leave Beijing in three days.”

Ti Xiao nodded: “Okay, do this as soon as possible, and I will also take the princess back to Xianzhou.”

Zhao Yun was a little bit reluctant: “Uncle, isn’t it good for you to stay in the capital? The capital is prosperous, better than Xianzhou.”

Ti Xiao didn’t want this, he wanted to take Ye Lizhu away.

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