Peerless Dual Cultivation: From Fool to Immortal

Chapter 2 – Cutting off descendants and enjoying the joy of grandchildren

That night, Huang Ye didn't sleep at all, his heartstrings constantly tense, unsure if Yue'er would target both of them.

It seemed that with Qing'er around, Yue'er was still somewhat apprehensive. Her target was likely just him, and she wouldn't harm the innocent.

Heh, you want to end my lineage? I will make you kneel before me!

He felt a bit of strength returning to his body, but he still couldn't move.

Looking at Qing'er beside him, this girl had been holding his arm all night.

Even through her undergarments, he could feel Qing'er's smooth back, and he instinctively held her a bit tighter.

If he could enjoy such warmth and softness every day, crossing over to this world wouldn't be so bad.

The original owner was a fool, but he was not.


Before crossing over, he was a good young man of the new era, a typical "three-no" youth: no house, no car, no money.

Because he chose the wrong major in college, he couldn't find a job after graduation and drifted for two years.

In those two years, he did all sorts of jobs and used his spare time to learn various skills.

He heard that programming paid well, so he taught himself computer programming and gained some skills, eventually landing a job at a game company.

The boss he worked for had a terrible temper, always cursing and swearing. Without a suit, he looked like a thug.

But the guy was lucky; he was a second-generation demolition beneficiary.

He received a huge sum from a demolition payout and, after some advice, started a game company where he worked.

The boss would come to work looking all proper, but of course, he was there not for work but for the secretary.

He was framed by this secretary with a fiery figure.

The secretary, perhaps for convenience, often didn't wear...

He accidentally saw it, and later, when he unintentionally saw it again, the secretary caught him and gave him a fierce glare.

He still remembered the resentful look in that fairy-like secretary's eyes.

That very day, he was assigned overtime and left the company late, only to encounter some thugs on the way who deliberately picked a fight and beat him up.

His frail body couldn't withstand the ordeal and gave out.

When he woke up, he was already here.

Thinking of the past, his heart burned with anger.

Huang Ye hoped the government would catch the mastermind, especially that secretary.

Unfortunately, he didn't know if they could catch them, as he was the only witness.

Because before he died, he saw the boss's car parked not far away, and in that moment, he understood everything.


Thinking of this, Huang Ye hugged the delicate body in his arms tightly.

A pair of lively eyes suddenly opened, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

When their eyes met, Huang Ye's gaze turned confused again.

Huh! Why did the young master's eyes seem a bit bright just now?

Qing'er rubbed her eyes carefully, seeing the same familiar confused eyes, and felt a tinge of disappointment in her heart.

It seemed she was seeing things; such clarity shouldn't appear on this dull face.

"Ah! If only the young master were normal, I would be willing to bear countless children for you!"

Qing'er gently touched Huang Ye's face and whispered.

After speaking, she closed her eyes again, snuggling closer, feeling very warm.

Thinking of how she was sold here as a child, always staying by this handsome man's side.

The young master was smart and clever when he was little, but unfortunately, a mishap almost cost him his life.

Barely saved, the young master became a fool, yet she stayed by his side.

She had dreamed countless times of the young master waking up, but that dream had never come true.

She had long adapted to this way of sleeping. If it weren't for the housekeeper's rule that maids take turns warming the bed, she would want to stay with him every day.

She knew this wasn't love but a kind of care, using her chest to warm this weak child.

She was more like a mother, nurturing this child.

The maids who accompanied them had changed four or five times, but she had always stayed by the young master's side.

Those maids had long married others or become someone's concubine, which was the fate of a maid.

There had been matchmakers, but she refused them all.

Not for any reason, just for the hope that one day that dream could come true.

The housekeeper understood her actions, as in large households, some maids served their masters for life.

Huang Ye, dreaming different dreams on the same bed, was also deep in thought.

He almost accidentally exposed himself just now.

He didn't want to reveal himself, as he knew nothing about this world, and the lessons from his past life made him more cautious.

Hiding himself was the best way to survive.

Having lived two lives, even without a system, he wasn't a lamb to be slaughtered.

He definitely had to keep playing the fool, as the person who slept beside him last night was already showing murderous intent.

He wasn't sure what Qing'er's attitude towards him was.

Heaven, you transmigrated me into a fool's body and sent a female assassin. Are you playing with me?

Oh right, it seemed he had a special ability; he could see his surroundings with his eyes closed.

He closed his eyes to feel it again, and indeed, as long as he concentrated, he could see everywhere.

Is this a golden finger? It doesn't seem very useful, at most preventing someone from sneaking up on him.

But that's not right; last night, this ability saved his life.

No more thinking about it, there's still a delicate body in his arms, and since he's a fool, he can boldly enjoy it.

Hmm, it feels great, smooth, soft, with a faint maiden's fragrance.

Huh! What's the young master's hand doing?! His hand is so warm, why is it moving on its own? It never moved like this before, what's happening today?

Hmm, it feels so comfortable, so warm. No, I can't take it anymore, Qing'er got up and crawled out of the bed, glancing at Huang Ye.

This guy must be dreaming, drooling at the corners of his mouth.

She hugged her shoulders, feeling a bit chilly, glanced down at her chest, already standing firm.

A bitter smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, she got out of bed, dressed, and took out a handkerchief to wipe the young master's mouth.

She tucked the quilt in and turned to leave the room.

Huang Ye saw Qing'er's actions clearly.

It seemed this Qing'er wasn't bad, her eyes showed a kind of loving light, as if he was her pet, she probably had no ill intentions.

It seemed this special ability was somewhat useful, as they say, people show one face in front and another behind.

He could see the expressions and actions of those behind him, allowing him to be forewarned.

He just needed to keep a close eye on Yue'er, clenching his fists, feeling a bit of strength returning.

Yesterday, his body felt like noodles, likely due to some drug that sapped his strength.

He moved his fingers and toes in turn, fortunately, heaven hadn't made him disabled.

If he really were missing limbs, he'd hang himself, it would be too much bullying.

He'd walk around later to see if both legs could touch the ground, if one was longer than the other, he wouldn't live.

Wait, he should check one more place.

After feeling around for a while, fortunately, it was hard, and seemed quite large, which was good news.

It seemed last night's drug had taken away his manhood.

As long as his body was normal, it didn't matter if his mind was naturally foolish or became foolish later.

He looked around.

Huh! What's that, why is there a chair with wheels?

Damn, that's a wheelchair, obviously for me.

Heaven, are you sure you're not playing with me? Huang Ye's heart felt cold.

Tears of sadness flowed from his eyes.

You transmigrated me into a fool's body and gave me a crippled body, unable to walk.

And you placed an assassin by my side, why not just send me directly to hell?

Looking at the red beams of the room with no will to live, his anger couldn't be calmed.

Wait, when feeling his body earlier, his legs seemed to bend?

He felt it too when he touched them, his toes could move, these weren't symptoms of disability.

After conducting various experiments again, he could sit up, his legs and feet were normal.

Could it be a problem with the cerebellum, lacking balance?

Huang Ye stood up and walked a few circles on the bed, everything was normal.

What's going on, where exactly is the disability? Huang Ye couldn't figure it out!

Lying back down, he suddenly remembered, the original owner was a fool, the cerebellum might also be abnormal.

This time, the impact of transmigration not only brought his soul over but also restored the damaged cerebellum.

And he gained a special ability.

That must be it, otherwise, he couldn't explain this reversal.

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