Peerless Emperor System

Chapter 10: Dark Department vs Simmons family cadres!


The sudden muffled sound made the whole manor startled and quickly looked up. See 1 wool 3 Chinese network

However, the next scene, the Simmons family, including Ante and all the cadres, couldn't help but widen their eyes, and gradually climbed a look of fear.

I saw it in the sky above the manor. In the large amount of white smoke that somehow appeared, a giant wearing a black dress and a mask carrying a boundless power, descended from the sky and slammed into the manor below.


Everyone was staring at this scene, but then, they reacted fiercely.

"Run fast!!!"

Inside the manor, the mafia members who controlled the cannons and the cadres of several earthquake fields suddenly reacted, and they were horrified to escape from the manor, except that a few completely irrational mafia members jumped out of the window and fell to death. Outside, everyone can't escape.

Because the giant body of the dark part of the dark body, has mercilessly smashed down to the manor below.

Rumble! ! ! ! !

The violent roaring sound resounded through the night sky, the ground shook, the building collapsed, and the broken and broken gravel flew directly. Some of the mafia members who were avoiding the time were directly killed, but the entire manor was completely Collapsed, all the people still inside died, a large amount of smoke and dust, while the powerful shock wave will blow the mafia outside the manor.


Another large amount of white smoke exploded. In the eyes of countless people, the giants who collapsed the manor disappeared completely, leaving only a messy manor ruins.

Around the ruins, all the mafia members were pale.

The headquarters of the Simmons family was destroyed!


The remaining seven or eight cadres looked at the manor that had become a ruin. Even Milan and Clyde couldn't help but swallow their throats.

In the same situation, even with their strength, if they are in the manor, they will die!

Ante's face was ugly at this time, looking at the collapsed ruins, surrounded by a pale-faced mafia family, in a pair of eyes, bursting with strong killing and anger. See 1 wool 3 Chinese network

The Simmons family has been established for so many years! Even the other two families, even the Navy, have never let them suffer such a big loss!

Today, they have not only suffered the biggest losses in history, but even the enemy's face has not been seen!

"Kill! Find them! Kill them all!" Ante said almost in a bite.

Only, haven’t waited for them to act...

"The technique of bandits and earthworms!"

"Fire and Phoenix Fire!"

"Thunder and go!"

A low-pitched voice came from the darkness around, and then, the mafia did not wait to understand what was going on.

Bang! !

On the ground, five or six earthworms rise from the ground...

Hey! ! !

Countless fist-sized fireballs spurt out of the dark...

Nourish! ! !

On the ground, blue and white currents flow on the ground...

Rumble! ! ! !

"Ah! Help!"

In the bombardment of Ninjutsu, members of the mafia were directly blown up or burned, and the screams suddenly sounded.

At the same time, the dark parts of the darkness rushed out like arrows, rushing to the mafia.

"Enemy! It is an enemy!!"

"Shooting! Shooting soon!!!"

"Rockets! Let's kill them!!"

After a brief panic, most of the mafia quickly reacted, and they raised their guns and even rockets in a hurry, and the dark parts that rushed over pressed the trigger.


Hey! Hey!

The gunshots did not ring, the rockets did not fire, only the black bugs climbed out of the muzzle.

"What happened?! Why can't I launch it! Why can't my rocket launcher?!"

A mafia with a rocket launcher panicked and beat the barrel of the hand. A large number of worms were shot down. Suddenly, the mafia member seemed to notice something, and quickly raised his head, and a cold light flashed in front of him.

Hey! ! !

The blood was sprayed, and the mafia member fell down with his neck stunned. In front of him, a dark part did not look at him and rushed to another mafia.

In the surrounding area, a famous dark part is like a wolf into the tiger's mouth. The bitterness of the hand or the short knife is waving. One member of the mafia spurts the blood, and occasionally the fireball or thunderbolt rags. A large number of mafia fall in groups.

Lost the hot weapons, these mafia are a group of ordinary people for the dark parts of the battle, there is no resistance at all.

The mafia, who were completely scared, no longer thought about the attack. They fled in horror, and then they were taken down by the dark parts that flowed like lightning.

Frightened screams, roars, screams, and instantly rang through the night sky!

"How can this be……"

Looking at this scene, including the leader Ante, all the cadres are a little scared. The Simmons family, which is famous in the West Sea, has been defeated by these dozens of people.

"The devil fruit ability... How could it be... there are so many demonic fruit abilities..."

Looking at the dark parts that occasionally released the ninjutsu to kill the mafia members, Clyde of the same demon fruit ability was pale and snarled in disbelief.

"The leader, what should we do, will we let these people kill us?"

Milan's hand was involuntarily placed on the handle of the long knife on the waist, and the delicate face could not help but reveal a dignified look to Ante.

Others also looked at Ante one by one.

Ante looked ugly at the fallen mafia members, and the dark parts that acted like ghosts. They struggled and gritted: "Let's get out of here! These guys are too strong, even if they deal with one." It’s hard to get out of here and find opportunities to investigate the identity of this guy. One day, I want these guys to pay the price!”


All the cadres suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, they really didn't want to start with these terrible guys.

As for how to escape?

They didn't worry about it. Apart from the four docks, they still harbored a ship somewhere. It was an escape boat built to prevent this.

Eight of Ante and the seven cadres immediately turned around and prepared to leave quickly. However, Milan’s footsteps suddenly changed, and his expression was somewhat sluggish.

"What happened to Milan's big sister?" A cadre looked at Milan strangely.


A knife flashed through, and the cadre suddenly looked pale and bowed his head in disbelief. There, I don’t know when Milan was holding a knife and piercing his chest.

"Milan! What are you doing?!"

Ante and other cadres suddenly changed their face and quickly spread out to the distance and opened the distance.


The cadre’s undead corpse fell to the ground, and the blood of the long knife in Milan’s hand, the face of the godless smile showed a strange smile: “What?”

"Of course, killing you."

A cold male voice suddenly sounded behind Ante and other cadres.

"Mystery! Partial multiplication!"

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