Peerless Genius System

Chapter 556 - Valor

Chapter 556: Valor

“Let’s go!”

Xiao Luo turned to leave, dragging Sarah Michelle, who was still in a state of confusion, along with him as he walked off rapidly towards the other end of the street.

“Follow Mr. Mie!” instructed Powell, blinking as he returned to his senses.

He waved his large hand in a gesture for his three remaining SEAL soldiers to follow Xiao Luo. They were not just trying to keep up with the man, for Mina and Thomas were both tasked with watching their backs while Powell and Rice guarded their flanks. It was a military formation, and it was clear from this tactical arrangement that they were expecting danger to come at them in every direction.

It had been a good move to ditch the trucks. Otherwise, the Libyan rebel fighters would be able to hear the sound of the engine revving. And that would have immediately given away their location and drawn the rebel fighters towards them.

With Powell and his SEALs cooperating, Xiao Luo immediately put Sarah Michelle in the middle of the formation for protection. He took the point-man position and prepared to deal with any enemies they might come into contact with along the way. Besides the dagger and sniper rifle he had on him, he was armed with an assault rifle as well. The assault rifle was naturally much more suitable for close combat and would come in more handy than the sniper rifle.

He heard a group of Libyan rebels coming towards them from the intersection right up ahead, and Xiao Luo immediately drew his gun and opened fire on them.


He executed the shots with military precision, and it left the four Mei Nation SEALs speechless. The small squad comprising roughly ten Libyan soldiers was left dead on the ground in an instant.

Immediately after that attack, a dozen or so Libyan rebels ran out from the right at the intersection. They raised their guns to open fire at Xiao Luo and his party. Xiao Luo reacted quicker, and before the rebel fighters could fire at them, Xiao Luo got his shots off first.


A hail of bullets flew in rapid succession and ripped into the bodies of the rebel fighters. They twirled as if they were performing some form of dance before collapsing to the ground.

Such quick reflexes!

Such superior marksmanship!

The skill that Xiao Luo had demonstrated left these four SEALs members in awe and shock. They had undergone a rigid selection and intense training before they could qualify to become a member of the SEAL team. And now that they had come to face to face with this person from the Hua Nation, they felt inferior in comparison. At the individual level, his combat abilities were incomparable.

Xiao Luo was not bothered by their opinions of him and was more focused on his surroundings. Based on his keen sense of direction, he picked out a route to break through the barriers.

Libyan rebels were swarming in from all directions. Powell and the other three were highly competitive, so it was only natural that they started to compare themselves to Xiao Luo. They represented the Mei Nation, and there was no way they would allow one Hua Nation soldier to upstage them. And so, they fought more valiantly than they usually did, as armed with assault rifles, they dealt with the rebel fighters who attacked them from the back and both flanks.

Xiao Luo was not the least bit surprised by their competitiveness. He was holding his own with the fighting at the front end of the pack. He would find it shocking if these powerful soldiers from the Mei Nation could not handle the mere remnant soldiers surrounding them.

As they made their way forward, they came towards a long and deep alley, roughly 3 meters wide and 50 meters long.

Logically, it would be a dangerous strategy to go down this alley as the enemy could attack them from both ends, sealing them off on both ends and trapping them in a kill zone. But, in the situation they found themselves in, Xiao Luo did not have much time to dwell on the matter for too long. The gunshots in the earlier assault had given away their location to the Libyan soldiers. He was quite sure that hordes of rebel fighters would be heading toward them anytime soon. Any further delay would give those soldiers more time to surround his party. And so, even though entering the alley was risky, they had no choice but to take their chances to make their way through.

Xiao Luo made the call immediately, leading the team into the long alley. With his speed, it would barely take him two to three seconds to reach the other end. But Sarah Michelle would not be able to pull that off, so he had to slow down for her to catch up. Gunmen could appear at any moment, so he could not carry her on his back either, because it would hinder him if he needed to engage in a firefight.

But, their luck ran out!

As the group reached the alley’s halfway mark, a mob of rebels appeared in front of them. They were standing at the end of the passage.

Powell and the other three SEALs reacted with quick reflexes, and they banded together to help Xiao Luo suppress the Libyan troops with their firepower. At present, this was their priority. They could not allow the soldiers to cage them in. Otherwise, no matter how quick they were with their guns or how lethal their weapons were, it would be difficult to guarantee that Sarah Michelle would remain safe amidst the exchange of bullets.

Fighting their way out of this will undeniably consume a lot of ammunition!

Within moments of the initial exchange, the four commandos had emptied their clips and replaced their magazines.

As they were changing their magazines, they saw Xiao Luo firing shots with one arm while his left hand, as quick as lightning, fished out a new magazine. Immediately after releasing the last bullet from the old magazine, he pressed down on the magazine lock. As the empty magazine fell out, Xiao Luo pushed in the new one. He switched the magazines within a second without stopping his firing. It was a high-level professional technique that allowed him to fire his assault weapon continuously.

My God, this guy is amazingly fast loading his magazine!

The four members of the Mei Nation team were stunned. They had never seen such speed in loading magazines before this. It essentially meant that the assault weapon would fire continuously, as the speed of the loading fresh magazines would allow the shooter an unlimited supply of bullets. As long as the shooter carried full magazines on him, the assault rifle would fire without pause.

The Libyan rebels in the alley were all equally surprised. “What the f*ck kind of gun is that? How is it storing so many bullets?” they wondered.

Xiao Luo looked back at Powell and the SEALs. “What are you lot doing standing around? Hurry and help me hold them back,” he shouted in a deep voice.

The four of them, as if roused from a dream, hurried to switch out their magazines for new ones. They needed to push the rebels back with superior firepower.

Xiao Luo lowered his gun. He looked to his left and right before smashing his boot into the left wall of the alley.


There was a loud sound before part of the concrete wall crumbled like a house of cards beneath his foot, and a large hole appeared in the wall.

Once again, the four SEAL members were surprised. Xiao Luo had kicked a hole in the wall. Just like that. What was he? The king of all soldiers nurtured by the Hua Nation army? No one could be this powerful. There was no way this man was human!

Xiao Luo pulled Sarah Michelle up. She was crouching in fear covering her ears with both hands, and he hastily dragged her to exit the alley through that hole.

“Retreat!” Powell gave the order, and they all hurriedly followed behind Xiao Luo.

It was a long while after the gunshots had ceased before the horde of Libyan rebels dared to poke their heads out. They took a look into the alley, only to discover that it was empty. Their targets have escaped. They quickly ran into the alleyway and stood in shock as they gazed at the enormous cavity in the wall. They were baffled and could not believe that a man had broken that wall.

They did not waste any time after they ascertained the direction their targets had headed and immediately turned around and continued their chase.



Gunshots rang out incessantly from behind them. Xiao Luo took the lead as he weaved through the small town filled with rebel fighters, with Sarah Michelle and the four SEALs in tow.

Powell and the other three SEALs finally saw Xiao Luo’s combat skill for themselves. His unrivaled fighting mettle and supreme strength made them feel embarrassed, especially Mina. She had looked down on Xiao Luo with disdain at the beginning. But she realized now how foolish and ignorant she had been. Whether it was his reflexes or power, that man from Hua Nation was far stronger than her.

Were all Hua Nation soldiers this powerful and terrifying?

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