Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1165 Thunder Punishment

A few days later, Su Yan'er finally completed her mission and came to a palace belonging to Ye Lin in the military camp to report.

"Sir, according to your order, all the troops on the list have been summoned and assembled here to accept your full control."

Ye Lin nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, let all the generals and commanders gather in the central army tent."

After receiving the order, Su Yan'er did not leave directly, but hesitated, as if she wanted to say something, but did not dare to say it...

Ye Lin said: "Do you have anything else to report?"

Su Yan'er plucked up the courage to say.

"Yes, it's like this. In the process of executing your order, some generals are indeed unwilling to accept the call of the young master. They... seem to have some distrust of the young master."

Ye Lin nodded slightly, as if he had expected it.

The top leaders of the Beauty Bay know the most information and can understand the situation, but it does not mean that the generals in the army can do the same. There is no shortage of passionate and impulsive people in the army, even if the Beauty Bay clan looks like weak beauties.

Su Yan'er said again.

"Yan'er has already dismissed all of them from their military posts according to the young master's order, tied them up and brought them to the military camp here. Young master, you said before that you would deal with them personally... May I ask, may I ask how you plan to punish them..."

Speaking of this, Su Yan'er hesitated, as if she couldn't bear it.

She didn't know Ye Lin's true character, but she knew that Ye Lin was truly decisive in killing. The Saint of the Silver Dragon Palace and the three Silver Dragon Palace deacons all died at Ye Lin's hands.

Ye Lin didn't hesitate to kill such beings, not to mention those generals in the Return to Void period who went against Ye Lin's will...

The reason why Su Yan'er couldn't bear it was also because she took into account the loyalty of those generals. They were willing to fight to the death for the Beauty Bei clan. If they died because of their lack of trust in Ye Lin, it would be too unfair.

Ye Lin just smiled.

"Just watch."

Su Yan'er felt her heart skip a beat when she saw Ye Lin smile. She immediately lowered her head and dared not say much, and left Ye Lin's palace to carry out her mission.

The so-called Central Army Tent is just a popular term, not a huge tent. Ye Lin's Central Army Tent is a hall. There are stone tables and stone chairs in the center of the hall. At the top of the hall is Ye Lin's throne, majestic and tall.

Soon, hundreds of beautiful generals gathered in the Central Army Tent. They were wearing standard silver-white armor, holding various weapons, with impeccable looks and figures. In the mortal world, each of them can be called a disaster to the country and the people.

At this time, most of them looked uneasy, some were very frightened, and some were tied up by chains covered with ancient characters from the spiritual world. They gritted their teeth and looked pale, kneeling on the ground.

While Ye Lin had not arrived yet, many people whispered to each other.

"I heard that the great priest surnamed Wang is a human, and a man. Will he treat us as a furnace to be trampled and humiliated at will?"

"Hush, the mouth is the source of trouble. The great priest just killed three deacons of the Yin Jiao Palace in the Fusion Stage. If you don't want to die, don't talk too much."

"What are you afraid of? If this happens, I might as well die. Why do we fight against the army of the Yin Jiao Palace? Isn't it just to avoid being a furnace ourselves and our descendants?"

"At this critical moment, we need to cooperate with such a powerful existence as the great priest. Even if it is a little humiliating, for the continuation of the race, we can't just think about ourselves."

"How will the great priest deal with those kneeling people? They are all our trusted warriors. Friends, if they are killed or insulted, the morale of the army will definitely be severely hit! "

"We were drawn from the original troops to form a new army. Now we are a mess. If this continues, our 10 billion troops will be finished, and they are 10 billion elite forces! "

"We will plead for them together later and explain the pros and cons to the chief priest, and we will definitely be able to save their lives. "

"Alas, we can only hope that this chief priest of the human race is a wise commander... Since the elders, the queen and the princess are willing to trust him, he must have something extraordinary. "

While the generals were discussing, Ye Lin appeared on the tall throne at the highest point of the hall, and the beautiful Princess Bei Su Yan'er stood beside Ye Lin.

Everyone's face changed slightly and dared not say much, and they half-knelt on the ground in front of Ye Lin in unison.

"Meet the chief priest!"

Ye Lin looked indifferent and glanced at hundreds of generals.

"Generals, please stand up!"

"Yes, I command!"

All the Meiren Bei generals stood up at the same time, their movements were still uniform, and they did not dare to be careless.

Ye Lin finally smiled.

"Very good!"

Ye Lin continued.

"You all must have outstanding qualities to be selected by Wang and transferred here. You should know very well that from now on, you will only accept my control!"

"If there are those who disobey, these people will end up like this!"

Ye Lin just waved his sleeves, and a series of red lightnings carrying the breath of the heavenly tribulation instantly enveloped dozens of Meiren Bei generals who were kneeling on the ground, and heart-wrenching screams were heard in the hall.

Even if they were in the early stage of fusion, Ye Lin's attack might not be easily resisted, let alone a group of returning to the void period cultivators whose magic power was bound.

Ye Lin's lightning attack was also very particular. It did not hurt the flesh, but bombarded the primordial spirit and soul. This was the effect of the power of the heavenly tribulation.

Under the red lightning, most of the generals were trembling, their faces twisted in pain, only a few seemed to be very determined, they gritted their teeth and endured the double torture of their souls and spirits.

This scene made most of the generals in the hall pale, and Su Yan'er, who was standing next to Ye Lin, also changed her pretty face slightly...

Some brave generals were about to kneel down to plead for these former comrades, but Ye Lin spoke again.

"If you can't bear it, as long as you are willing to beg for mercy and be loyal to me, the previous crimes will be forgiven. If you are unwilling, the result is nothing more than the death of your soul."

"Wang's army does not need soldiers who disobey orders, let alone disloyal generals!"

As soon as Ye Lin finished speaking, more than a dozen unbearable Meiren Bei generals kowtowed to Ye Lin.

"Great Lord, I was wrong!"

"I was wrong. From now on, I am willing to fight for you!"

As soon as they finished speaking, the flashes that enveloped them dissipated, and the chains on their bodies disappeared without a trace, completely regaining their freedom.

They looked at their companions who still refused to surrender with some fear, and left with some guilt and reluctance, standing at the end of the queue.

After more than ten breaths, more than ten generals could not bear the torture and finally surrendered and begged for mercy.

In this way, only three generals were still gritting their teeth and persisting. They did not even scream, and each of them stared at Ye Lin fiercely.

Ye Lin knew that if they continued to torture them, they would not surrender. Even if their souls were torn apart, Ye Lin was not interested in the reasons why these people were unwilling to surrender.

He just smiled coldly and snapped his fingers, and the red thunder on the three people dissipated immediately.

Ye Lin said calmly.

"You still have one chance. Don't rush to reply now. Wait until the end of this meeting before replying whether you decide to be loyal!"

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