Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 76 Spirit Insect Assembly Line

Time flies, and three days have passed in the blink of an eye.

During these three days, Ye Lin has gained a lot.

During the day, Ye Lin came to the courtyard where Elder Sun lived early to study with Elder Sun seriously. In addition to studying, he also accompanied his master to watch small insects for fun.

Originally, Elder Sun only watched ants, but after discovering that Ye Lin's level of observing small insects was much higher than his, he humbly learned from Ye Lin. Whatever Ye Lin said to watch, he would watch it.

Under the leadership of Ye Lin, Elder Sun loved everything he saw, and his hobbies became more extensive. Not only ants, but other small insects were also his targets for fun observation.

Ye Lin has already thought that in the future, Elder Sun may not only pull acquaintances passing by to watch ants, but may also watch a set meal. I wonder if those people will be so angry that they want to beat him to death when they know that he taught Elder Sun.

Ye Lin has learned the idea of ​​raising insects on an assembly line from Elder Sun.

First of all, we must clarify the basic concept of "assembly line" insect raising.

The so-called assembly line is to produce positive gain effects through the combination of different spiritual insects. Not only can they be matched with spiritual insects, but also with spiritual beasts and spiritual grass.

There is a very common example in the mortal world. Fish are raised in rice fields. When the rice is ripe, the fish are also very fat. The fish swallow the pests in the rice fields to fatten themselves, and the rice without the influence of pests grows naturally.

Among them, fish can be regarded as spiritual insects, and rice can be regarded as spiritual grass. They benefit each other. Raising them together is much higher than raising them separately. This combination is a relatively basic combination method and cannot be called a spiritual insect assembly line.

Elder Sun's spiritual insect assembly line is probably like this.

Raise snow silkworms on a spiritual plant called Bingling Mulberry Tree, and train the snow silkworms to eat only grown mulberry leaves and not young branches. In this way, the snow silkworms do not need to be fed by people. Elder Sun only uses a simple gathering array to provide the spiritual energy for the growth of Bingling Mulberry Tree. Every snow silkworm can eat well every day, and the snow silk silk produced is naturally of higher quality.

But the snow silk spit out was messy.

So he trained a kind of spirit insect, the Thousand Silk Spider, which would climb up the tree every day to eat the snow silk spit out by the snow silkworms that filled the entire mulberry tree. After eating, the Thousand Silk Spider would spit out the silk to make a web.

After being processed by the Thousand Silk Spider, the snow silk will become tougher and the quality will be slightly improved. Many snow silks close to the top quality will directly transform into top-quality snow silk, and the price will double.

The most outrageous thing is that his Thousand Silk Spider is also trained. The process of "weaving a web" is to neatly tie all the spider silk in its stomach on the spinning wheel for weaving...

In this way, the entire production line process is also completed. The snow silk on the spinning wheel is already high-quality snow silk, which can be directly used for the refining of robes.

The snow silk sold by Ye Lin is messy, and someone needs to sort it out before it can be refined into robes. The price is naturally much cheaper than the snow silk that has been sorted out by Elder Sun.

After reading it, Ye Lin was shocked.

Elder Sun did not hire any human operators to complete the entire process. All of it was done by the spirit insects themselves. Moreover, the work efficiency of the spirit insects was higher than that of hiring other people, and there was no need to pay wages.

After this operation, the overall value of snow silk increased by at least 50%, and the output was much higher than that of raising snow silkworms alone. Even the extremely shrewd nobles in the mortal world would cry and sigh that they were inferior.

After mastering the idea, Ye Lin was naturally eager to build his own spirit insect production line and build the production line in the space of the ancient ring of the insect emperor.

But this requires a lot of spirit stones...

The spirit insects displayed by Elder Sun were all strictly trained before they were employed, and those spirit insects themselves were of low intelligence. Only one in ten qualified spirit insects remained, and the unqualified ones had been sold by him.

So just buying spirit insect eggs is a huge investment, not to mention that Ye Lin also needs a large amount of spirit stones to cultivate ice spirit mulberry trees, and the growth of ice spirit mulberry trees also requires continuous investment of spirit stones.

As for training spirit insects, Ye Lin has a unique advantage in this regard. As long as he feeds each spirit insect with a drop of his blood, the spirit insect will naturally become smart when it grows up. Then let Xiao Hei, Xiao Lan, Can Yi and Can Er be responsible for training, and the probability of elimination should not be too high.

Ye Lin studies the spirit insect production line during the day, and practices hard at night.

Every night at 9 o'clock (9 o'clock in the evening), Fairy Qingyao will appear in his practice room.

Since receiving praise and affirmation from Elder Sun, Fairy Qingyao has paid more attention to Ye Lin's practice. Almost every night, she will dress up a little, put on a beautiful and charming dress, and ruthlessly show the worldly charm of the first fairy of Xunlong Mountain Range in front of Ye Lin.

Because Ye Lin has just adapted to the intensity of the first stage, Fairy Qingyao has not started to reduce the clothes on his body or wear some imaginative clothes.

She said that this requires a gradual process.

In addition, she will ask Ye Lin to go to the market to buy at least high-quality female monk robes for her. She will wear them one by one in the future and show them to Ye Lin. As for the style... naturally, it is more open. She has a lot of conservative ones.

However, Ye Lin is very poor. He can still afford to buy one or two sets of high-quality robes. It seems that he has to buy dozens or hundreds of different styles. He has no money.

It can be seen that Fairy Qingyao has worked hard for Ye Lin's practice.

This also makes Ye Lin more determined to make a fortune in the next game with Taicangmen.

On the morning of the third day, Ye Lin and Fairy Qingyao watched their master riding on the wine gourd to Taixuan Peak, and Ye Lin felt a little reluctant.

Elder Sun was so kind to him, no different from his parents. With him, Ye Lin felt like a child again, being cared for and taken care of every day.

Fairy Qingyao seemed to see the reluctance in Ye Lin's eyes, and she stretched out her jade hand to touch Ye Lin's head.

"In a few months, other elders will replace him. With Master's strength, this mission is very dangerous and there should be no accidents. You don't have to worry too much."

"Master is gone, and there is still Senior Sister to take care of you!"

In fact... Ye Lin was reluctant to let Elder Sun go, and Fairy Qingyao was even more reluctant.

Elder Sun has already sensed the heavenly tribulation, and the Nascent Soul Tribulation is a life-threatening one. I don’t know how long I can accompany the old man...

Thinking of this, Fairy Qingyao sighed deeply, and naturally embraced Ye Lin, who had the same emotion as her...

"Ahem, Senior Sister, I can’t breathe..."

Fairy Qingyao blushed, glared at Ye Lin, and pushed him away.

"Go back and practice well!"

"Starting tonight, increase your efforts. Your life is too easy, not cruel enough at all!"

"After Master leaves, you will be under my control. If your performance does not satisfy me, you will suffer!"

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