Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 246: I must be number one!

"Whether it is cultivation base or realm, I can't fall, my strength is stronger than you, and at the same time, my realm cannot be lower than you!"

"It's time to practice Hun Yuan Yi Qigong!" He whispered softly.

Hunyuan Yi Qigong, like the Longxiang Zhantian Jue, has a level of twelve floors, and requires twelve meridians to be opened up, but this exercise does not need to be the same as the Longxiang Zhantian Jue. Ten acupoints, but like other exercises, only one hundred and eight acupoints need to be opened.

There are nine orifice points on each meridian.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, ready to start practicing Hunyuan Yi Qigong now.

Hunyuan Yi Qigong is the most powerful, the highest level, and the most difficult to cultivate among all the exercises of Qianyuanzong's inner sect.

This kind of exercise requires extremely high physical strength.

The characteristics of the exercises are different, and the biggest characteristic of Hunyuan Yi Qigong is: cohesion.

Gang Qi is condensed into a cone, like an iron cone, extremely sharp, condensing all the power to one point, directly breaking the defense in front of it.

The ability to break through defenses, Qian Yuanzong first!

The same strength, condensed into a cone, and condensed into a hammer, its armor piercing ability may be more than ten times different!

Hunyuan Yi Qigong can condense and utilize Gang Qi to the greatest extent, and it will never be wasted.

However, there are also flaws.

Gang qi is like a knife, a needle, or a sharp arrow. It is extremely sharp and invincible, but it destroys the enemy while also destroying itself, causing great damage to the meridians and acupuncture points. When the Gang Qi condenses and circulates in the meridians and acupuncture points, it is like being cut by a sharp blade, and it hurts to several points.

If the physical strength is not strong enough, it can't hold it at all.

Whether in the process of opening the orifice points, condensing the cyclone, or in the later process of opening the meridians, the meridians will be greatly hurt.

Chen Feng pondered for a moment, and secretly said in his heart: "I have had a dragon blood forging body, and the first weight of the golden body is already small. The flesh is strong and the meridians are also very strong. It should be able to bear it."

The first thing Chen Feng wanted to open was the Zu Jueyin Liver Meridian.

The source of Gang Qi for practicing Hunyuan Yi Qigong can't be the essence of monsters. It needs to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth just like other exercises.

But Chen Feng would naturally not use such a dumb method.

He sat cross-legged, with a thick pile of medium-grade spirit stones piled in front of him, with hundreds of pieces. Chen Feng pressed his hands on the spirit stones, then closed his eyes and focused, and began to operate the Hunyuan Yi Qigong mental method.

The Lingshi in front of him suddenly disappeared, and then instantly appeared in Chen Feng's Dantian.

Then the spirit stone was absorbed into the ancient ding, and the ancient ding immediately spun. A large amount of the spirit stone was crushed and turned into a huge amount of spiritual energy, which gushed out of the ancient ding, surged in the dantian, and then was Chen Feng guided and entered the first orifice point of Chen Feng's foot Jueyin Liver Channel.

Da Dunqiao Point.

The spiritual energy poured in, began to rotate slowly in the Dadunqiao point, and slowly condensed.

About a quarter of an hour later, the embryonic form of a cyclone appeared in the Dadunqiao point.

This cyclone is roughly the same shape as the nine blood-red cyclones next to it, but when you look closely, there is a huge difference in the specific appearance.

The blood-red cyclone slowly turned, like a Milky Way falling into it, as if there was a big world hidden inside, little by little. And countless stars form two patterns, a dragon and an idol!

Incomparable, it represents the Dragon Elephant Fighting Heaven Jue.

And the cyclone formed by Hun Yuan Yi Qigong is like a ball of steel needles frozen in ice, pierced everywhere, like an iron hedgehog, the countless needles feel very hideous.

The cyclone slowly formed and circulated in the acupoints, and Chen Feng suddenly felt a pain like a needle stick.

Due to the unspeakable pain, Chen Feng's body instinctively twitched slightly, but he then controlled it.

Although this pain is severe, it is actually much worse than the pain during the practice of'Golden Body Jue'.

For Chen Feng, it was just drizzle.

It can be easily carried down.

The violent sting continued, but Chen Feng didn't seem to feel it. He continuously absorbed the middle-grade spirit stones, transformed them into spiritual energy, and then into gang energy.

In the Dadunqiao Point, the Gang Qi continuously condenses into needle-like cyclones.

Soon, nine snow-white cyclones have formed.

And Chen Feng's Dadunqiao acupoint was also like a thousand needles.

The pain is extremely painful.

He looked pale, but despite this, he managed to hold on.

At this time, the middle-grade spirit stone in front of Chen Feng was already less than half.

He has consumed at least five thousand middle-grade spirit stones.

Not to mention five thousand yuan, for the martial artist of the gods, more than one hundred middle-grade spirit stones is a huge sum of money.

The warriors are also not rich, most of the warriors are relatively poor. These spirit stones need to buy weapons, pill medicine, exercises, etc...How can they be used so wantonly as Chen Feng.

Therefore, they can only honestly absorb the aura of heaven and earth to increase their strength, and the speed is far inferior to Chen Feng.

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