Peng Lie on the Great Way

Chapter 234

Chapter 234:

After he forcibly made a mantra, he also received more care from Knuckle. The current punch is the result of his training with Knuckle’s fist.

In fact, the principle is very simple. But because of Edeo’s own special body structure, his fists have stronger operability.

The destruction cannons of the long-handed clan can also be more powerful as they accumulate more power, and when the power is strong enough, they can even destroy their own bodies.

Such a powerful fist is naturally transformed by Nakel. Since the powerful destructive power can cause damage to his fist, if these rains are added to his hand,

Inflammation as a buffer?

The flame of the rain is slow and peaceful, and the fist without distractions can better protect Edeo himself, which allows Ao to add strength to it without restriction, so the damage of this fist is more. It’s scary.

I saw Edeo’s eyes slammed, he shouted, and his fist smashed out in an instant, like a thunderous explosion, the blue rain flame was smashed out by him in an instant, and his fist was still burning with flaming flames. flame. A pair of fists suddenly burst out with terrifying energy.

Wang Nu, who was running in front of him, immediately flew away. The destructive power of his punch was really terrifying. With one punch, the ship and the deck in front of him were smashed and pierced.

The raging flames of rain were still burning, but Edeo had no enemies in front of him, and he couldn’t help roaring hotly: “Bastards, who else is there? I’m not your navy party. down!”

Edeo’s fist was so powerful that the hull in front of him was even burned by the thick cloud of flames, and all kinds of smoke and dust were in front of him in an instant, whether it was water vapor or other black smoke. Well, he blocked his sight for a while.

He felt a little inappropriate, and saw that his right arm was slightly shrugged and pulled. It was true that the entanglement of the rain of flames could protect his fist, but such a terrifying fist fell, and his fist was instantly reached. fatigue.

After all, these special abilities, especially the attack of the long-handed clan’s special sabotage cannon, are the special abilities of the body. If they are overloaded like this, even if they don’t hurt him, 257 can’t hit him every time he punches. It’s such an explosion.

Those king slaves seemed to be waiting for his fatigue to start, and saw a dark crowd of warrior king slaves rushed in in front of him. These warriors were good at hiding. After Edeo hit this punch, they instantly rushed in. It was hidden in the smoke from Edeo.

The domineering and domineering of these king slaves is very powerful. They can hide themselves in the perception of a smile. It is not necessary to say more about the accomplishments of the domineering and domineering.

In fact, they were the victims of Edeo’s punch when he got off work. However, the impact of the fist was very strong. Apart from the unlucky ones who faced Edeo’s punch, there were still so many survivors.

These pure killing machines have no fear at all. I saw that they immediately joined the battle after they turned over and killed directly at Edeo! .

In an instant, Edeo was full of dense enemies. After all, the number of Wang Nu had far exceeded that of a few young outside advisors. It was easy for them to form a siege to these young people.

Edeo, who lost a fist, frowned a little, but he was not afraid at all. He lost a hand, but he still has a hand, but he is not weak at all! .

Chapter 699 Procrastination

That fist is just tired, and Eddie won’t lose its fighting power. You know, the boxer’s boxing is a relationship of ‘one after the other’.

With one hand swinging in front, it is a jab, a light punch, to harass the enemy, and with one hand behind, it is a swinging punch, a heavy punch that directly inflicts heavy damage on the enemy!

The one that Edeo used just now was the heavy punch, but his light punch was able to perform the function he already had, that is, the action of stunning the enemy, and then, to protect himself and block the attack of others.

His continuous jabs are also very well practiced. I saw Edeo’s fists continuously punched out like the stars in the sky. The fists are full of shadows. His fists are different from ordinary human beings. Even these kings who are equipped with fist blades Slave, the fist is not as slender as his fist.

It is difficult to attack, and it is difficult to kill Edeo. The situation became so rigid for a while. Now, as long as Edeo waits for his heavy punch to recover, then he can immediately hit the hateful king slaves in front of him.

They are all outside advisors of the Penggelie family with the strength of the quasi-generals. In fact, their strength can also be regarded as a group of quasi-generals. This is because they have taken advantage of a deadly fire. With the fire of death, why can’t they fight under the generals?

What these king slaves are good at is probably more large-scale group battles, or they have no emotion in one move, and the world government has also trained their assassination ability. In terms of killing ability alone, their combat power may be more than one general can kill with two combined, but if this is the situation in front of Dao, their combat power will be at the current level.

The world government is also helpless. This group of special forces should have assumed more important responsibilities, such as assassinating the senior members of the Pengele family. However, the top level of the Pengele family seems to be so powerful that even if they are allowed to assassinate, where is the opponent of the Pengelle family?

What’s more, the Pengele family has settled in the New World far away. Their security is heavily guarded. The World Government has lost control of the New World for a long time, let alone find where the higher-ups of the Pengelle family are, Vari. The security force’s intelligence blockade is particularly powerful, far more comprehensive and airtight than theirs. Now they know what changes have been made in the new world, and I am afraid they can only know it through the mouths of the Tianlong people who ran into the golden paradise.

It is helpless to put such a group of troops on the frontal battlefield, but the problem is that before the war, the assassination troops of the Pengellie family were too ruthless. This guy Crowley killed himself until he collapsed, and the whole world The middle-level cadres of the government have been greatly broken down.

It’s not that you can’t find someone with such strength. After the conscription of the world’s army of the level of lieutenant general, you can finally form a system under the big waves, but how can this kind of combat power be trained by the world government itself, and the strong who have been naturally selected by this system. sharp?

The one smile and the green cow are pure exceptions… After all, there are so many monsters in this world. In fact, it was only the two of them who later took the position of generals. Not bad, but like the green bull monster, can you directly fight against the Pengele family?

No, at the level of the guardians of the Penggli family, they only faced the end of being hanged and beaten!

The purple snake and the white horse are the most obvious examples.

But gradually, no matter who it is, it has actually fallen into a difficult battle. A quasi-general, maybe a peak quasi-general with a little strength that can pass the general’s place, no matter how peak their strength is, they will actually be limited by the king slaves who fight in the group.

So from the very beginning of the battle, Sabo made a plan, that is, don’t worry about anything at the beginning, just make a big move, first try to kill a few king slaves, and the king slaves faced by a few people instantly It’s down by more than half.

There are almost 5 or more Wangnu warriors facing each person, and now the pressure they have to face has basically been reduced. When everyone converts it, roughly as long as they deal with two king slaves at the same time.

The two king slaves are actually not very easy to deal with. These guys are good at sneak attack and also good at dodging. After these few outside consultants showed their powerful abilities, they didn’t just rush to the door. Foreign consultants work hard!

These guys are very fast, probably because of their evasion instincts engraved in their DNA. Since their arrogance can be hidden under Yi Xiao’s hands, it means that their arrogance is also very good, and there is no need for dialogue at all. , they instinctively can use some tactics.

Even if Sabo rushed into the enemy’s position with his seemingly invincible three-headed dog, they quickly made tactical adjustments. One person dropped the three-headed dog in front, and a person He took the initiative to parry Sabo with a frantic attack, and then there were two other Wang slaves waiting for the opportunity.

Kerla’s strength is also at the bottom of several people, and once there are more opponents around, she will be somewhat difficult to beat. The more and more Wangnu warriors around her made it difficult for her to resist.

Xia Li’s strength fluctuated a little. With only the Lantern Demon, she could rely on the Lantern Demon’s fighting style without any scruples to pull her strength.

to the level of a general. But her body is a dead existence that a lieutenant general can suppress.

If she were to attack her, the female samurai Lantern Majin would have to worry about a lot more, and Charlie’s overall strength finally dropped to roughly the level of a quasi-general.

Some interesting things are that because of the characteristics of the mermaid, Xia Li’s lower body has always been in the state of a fish tail. In recent years, she has turned 29 years old, and it is still a full year before she can grow out of her own. legs.

She said that her melee strength is weak, in addition to her lack of talent in this area, there is also the fundamental reason for this fatality. Even if Charlie has grown her legs, she has not been able to keep up with the progress of others in the past few years.

Chapter 700 The Power of a Smile

Moreover, if it is underwater, the status of mermaids and humans will be reversed, even if Charlie’s fish tail is gone.

With her legs, Charlie can actually make up for it a little in melee combat. Although it is estimated that she is still a weak chicken, it is not as excessive as before.

After all, Edeo can only use his own light punches now, and no matter how hard you parry, it is difficult to kill the enemy with one punch with his lethal fists. These king slaves soon discovered the secret, so their attack became more and more fierce, and Edeo became more and more difficult to resist.

Wang Nu, who was just shooting the laser gun on it, was not dead, and their weapons were not completely finished. They were still able to form a system and cause harassment to Sabo and several others. After this, they fell into danger again.

Wang Nu’s manpower has increased again, that’s for sure… Because in this place, it’s just an intersection. Inside the intersection they blocked, this navy ship is loaded with a whole ship of Wang Nu soldiers.

It’s just that at the 257 intersection they blocked, only so many people can stand up at one time. They killed 1 Wangnu warrior and quickly added it.

No matter how arrogant Sabo was, they didn’t dare to jump directly into the boat. Imagine that a boat with a whole boat of lieutenant generals is the future. I’m afraid they won’t be able to get any benefits, right?

This group of nearly 20 members of the Wangnu team quickly put the young outside consultants into a hard fight, but Sabo and the others just stopped them. Their previous explosive attacks could make them slightly slow down. Tone, fell into the current situation a little later.

In front of this group of king slaves, the powerful ability broke out, which led to the change of the fighting goals of these king slaves, firmly pulling hatred on themselves, so that they would not run around the battlefield, waiting for a smile to annihilate in one breath, That’s what Sabo is for.

If these guys let them slip away, then the entire battlefield will be a battlefield for them to play freely, which is very disadvantageous.

They dragged for a short time, that is, ten minutes, they back to back and huddled together. Except for Charlie, they all had scars on their bodies. Although Charlie didn’t seem to be hurt much, her face showed tired expression.

Although the lantern devil is not afraid of death, the use of the fruit’s ability depends on the physical strength and physical ability of its owner, and in order to increase the destructive power of the lantern devil, Xia Li also uses a lot of Lan Fire. Physical strength is still the most consumed among the crowd.

However, it was enough to just create these ten minutes, and everyone only heard a loud laughter in their ears.

“Well done, let this old man accept this battle.” A hearty smile came, and he instantly came to the front of the crowd. The sword energy from the long knife in his hand was often the same as that of others. The sword is different.

Other people’s sword qi is unusually sharp, often with a single slash. There is almost no change in the thing that was cut, but a crack that is almost invisible suddenly appeared on the body.

The sword qi of a smile is different when he hits it. His sword qi, which has been integrated into the terrifying thrust of the flames of the sky, looks as if he smashed a hammer first, and then slashed it with a sharp knife.

The power of his Gravity Fruit hovers above the long knife in his hand, the fire of death, and his own good arm strength, the fusion of sword intent has reached such a terrifying level.

When this knife went down, the scene was very bloody. Wang Nu’s body was immediately blown into two halves, the upper half and the lower half. Then, their bodies were immediately smashed by the terrifying force like a sledgehammer. The broken body immediately smashed into the distant ship. In that scene, the faces of the four little guys behind him were a little ugly.

“Mr. Smile… Your sword…” Sabo said with a somewhat unsightly expression.

A smile is also full of doubts. He frowned and asked Sabo, “What’s wrong? Sabo, is there anything wrong with this old man’s sword?”

Sabo also remembered at this time, the smiling adults in front of him, he is blind! He wants to see clearly what things look like, and he has to open his most advanced mind to see. The few king slaves who were killed by him died in an instant, which is equivalent to disappearing in front of him. How could he know? How illegal is what you do?

So Sabo was a little helpless, he shook his head and said with a smile: “No…it’s nothing, Mr. Yixiao, you are busy with you.”

A smile quickly put away his doubts. After all, it is on the battlefield now. Since there is no major problem, then bear it for now. If you really have any doubts, it is not too important. It will be time later. ask.

A smile is stuck on this Wang Nu’s fleet, and his strength can be said to be invincible in front of such a Wang Nu who is only a lieutenant general.

Yixiao’s strength can be much stronger than the original. Not only did he become more powerful under the leadership of Giotto, but he also had something like the fire of death, the flame of the sky. The Fire of Death is undoubtedly the most powerful of the several flames.

Moreover, Yixiao did not slack off in the practice of flames, and his fire of death energy has reached at least the level of a guardian…

Not to mention, the rings on his hand were also newly created. Although the strength of these rings is definitely not as high as that of the Pengele Ring, they are at least A-level high-strength rings.

After all the rings of the guardian of Peng Lie have been upgraded, the ring in Yi Xiao’s hand has naturally been upgraded accordingly. Whether it is strength or status, he is the first person under a few guardians. Perhaps the only one who can compare with him is xanxus, but the upgraded ring has long been the property of xanxus, so naturally he can be ignored.

“Gravity knife? Tiger!”

Standing in front of everyone with a smile, one husband is the gate, and there is a horizontal one, and the sword energy from the horizontal is afraid that the big ship in front of him will be cut off! .

Chapter 701 Navy reinforcements

Standing in front of these king slave warriors with a smile and a man, naturally makes these guys unable to deposit at all, and the unlucky ones die immediately, what should they do.

The destructive power of the Gravity Fruit is extremely powerful, not to mention that as a swordsman, Yi Xiao is different from the gunman’s xanxus and Giotto, who only uses fists and flames. He has his own unique understanding of how to use the flames of the sky.

The essence of the flame of the sky is to reconcile, but he has the most powerful thrust among the fires of death. These thrusts are used by Giotto to hurry, or to use thrust, to complete the release of the XBURNER.

But a smile is completely different. He poured the surging fire of death into the scabbard in his hand. In this way, as long as the knife in his hand is put into the scabbard, every time he draws the knife, the terrifying flame of the sky will be blown away. The thrust is incorporated into his attack.

This is how his moves become more destructive, and all his moves have been greatly enhanced at this time. To put it simply, just his most commonly used move, Gravity Knife? Tiger, with the blessing of this move, the destructive power has been doubled.

Of course, the manic flame of the sky is not something that ordinary scabbards can toss with. In order to achieve that terrifying power, his sword has also been adjusted by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Maybe in terms of appearance, this knife looks no different from the previous cane knife, and even the weight is considered and smiled, try not to change the weight when the material changes. Whether a knife is light or heavy, still greatly affects the feel of a swordsman. Although the changes are subtle, it is the slight weight and changes in feel that have given Yixiao a headache for a long time.

But now, Yi Xiao has completely adapted to the power on this knife.

“Even the navy’s ships were destroyed, and only half of the ships were left at sea. Facing such an enemy, Wang Nu naturally did not dare to face its edge, and naturally some people wanted to escape.

To deal with the quasi-generals, these king slaves gather together, and if there are too many people, maybe they can deal with them. Against the generals, these king slaves have a roundabout style of play, and each of them can delay the two generals for a long enough time. But when they encounter a super general like Yi Xiao, something written in their dna- is to escape!

After all, as long as you avoid the power of this super general, it will become easier for these king slaves to oppose the others.

The ships of the navy were a little scattered, and they were just fighting in front of them. The only ones who intercepted them were 4 little devils. Their strength gap was not as wide as Wang Nu’s. In fact, it was true. Slowly disappearing, and gradually they faced more enemies, and slowly became fearful.

Therefore, when the enemy in front of them changed their appearance to this guy with a smile, what they had to consider was different. Sabo and the others are working hard and breaking through. He can eat as many people as he can.

The difference between a general and a lieutenant general is that big, and although it is indeed an exaggeration, but hundreds of lieutenant generals can be sent here with a smile? People can go back and replenish their physical strength at any time when they are tired of killing, but Wang Nu can’t stop them.

For a while, a large black shadow suddenly rushed out from above Wang Nu’s big ship. The strength of these king slaves is quite strong, and they are all a group of lieutenants.

Yuebu’s escape caused the group of soldiers to disperse quickly, but this was a little underestimated and smiled, and when he came here, he never thought about making them better. After all, this group of guys is still quite troublesome. I saw that the smiling hand was not that, and the stick and knife in his hand were closed in front of him.

“Hell Brigade.”

He smiled lightly and said, and then, in front of him, the powerful gravity suppression of Wang Nu’s ship broke out in an instant, and the whole ship in front of him suddenly seemed to be pressed down from above by a big hand, and the people inside No matter what, it was all pressed down by this hand, and the force inside instantly crushed the ship.

0…..For flowers 0…..

This move almost drowned the entire ship of Wang Nu warriors, but it was lucky that they were not affected, but at this time, the four young men behind Yi Xiao had already run to the side of the ship, dealing with these lucky survivors one by one.

At this time, Yi Xiao didn’t do anything. He lowered his face and jumped into the distance with a single glance. His domineering range was very broad, and he soon felt a few powerful breaths coming from the back of the naval fleet.

“That’s…” Yi Xiao’s face was not very good-looking, and three powerful breaths were slowly coming towards this side. If Yi Xiao didn’t make a mistake in judgment… the strength of these three people is probably higher than him.

One of them, Yi Xiao is also quite familiar, that is the old thief Gang Gu Kong, Yi Xiao has fought with Gang Gu Kong several times, and he is quite familiar with this guy’s breath. It’s not surprising that he came to laugh. The commander-in-chief of the Navy’s three armed forces must have been quietly guarding Mary Joa on the red soil continent in recent years.

However, the other two made Yi Xiao frowned. Those two auras are quite unfamiliar to him. The strength of the Penggelie family above the admiral level on the navy side is quite clear. Now, these are almost two brand new powerful auras that the Pengglei family has never encountered before. Appeared in front of a smile.

He could only feel the powerful power coming from those two breaths. Even if these powers were faced with a smile, they would make Yi Xiao feel heartbroken.

“…Not good!” Feeling the power contained in those two breaths, suddenly, with a smile and a pale face, he suddenly rushed in that direction.

These three breaths are now rapidly flying in one direction, and with just a slight perception, they know their purpose. Because at their destination, there is Giotto who is fighting against Green Bull and Kizaru!

Yixiao hurried on the road with all his strength, his speed was very fast, the enemy saw him but no one dared to stand up, but he could only let Yixiao gallop on this battlefield! seven.

Chapter 702: Giotto in the Battle

“A bunch of garbage! Die for me! Die for me!”

“Boom boom boom!”

The pistol was frantically spewing flames, and Xanxus, who was not picking on a serious opponent, was quite annoyed, and was holding a pacifist who was more resistant.

The terrifying power of the flames of anger, the terrifying power of the flames of anger, even the edge of the injury, made people cry incessantly: “That guy is a monster!”

“Why doesn’t this guy find someone with similar strength to fight!” Another navy soldier was buried behind the pacifist’s corpse, and what flew over his head was the powerful firepower that Xanxus fired wildly.

What’s the solution to this problem? Xanxus didn’t want to find them weak chickens to abuse vegetables. After the first battle at the “257” sea battle, he returned to the ship, and the order of shots was put at the end. Because Varian’s ship is more on the edge. Then Xanxus scanned the battlefield, but found few enemies worthy of his shot.

After bombarding the front for a long time, the terrifying scar on Xanxus’ face was deforming, and the position in front of him was almost swept away by him. Some of the soldiers in the navy had even retracted to the bottom of the cabin to avoid his attack. Xanxus stared at him angrily, well, the rookie has already cleaned it up for him now!

Cursing out a swear word, xanxus kicked a wooden barrel that had slipped beside his feet, and the wooden barrel flew around the battlefield in an instant, shattering into countless pieces.

“xanxus.” Reborn suddenly appeared in front of xanxus like a ghost, this **** baby-sized guy was haunted.

After xanxus just kicked that kick, the anger in his heart was almost vented. When he saw Li Baoen’s appearance, he tightened his brows and asked Li Baoen: “Li Baoen? What’s wrong… …you don’t have an opponent to deal with, do you?”

Ribon shook his head and said to xanxus: “It’s not like that, I didn’t bully these brats. The girl Robin has been monitoring the sea, and reinforcements have come from the navy.”

Xanxus frowned and thought to himself, how strong is Haiju’s head reinforcement? But he quickly reacted, and he immediately asked, “Strong?”

If it’s just an unimportant reinforcement, there is absolutely no need for Ribone to come and find xanxus. Since he came to find xanxus, it is to let xanxus support him in the past.

, then this is very interesting, who needs xanxus to support the confrontation? Thinking of this, a smile gradually appeared on Xanxus’ face, and his body gradually became excited.

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