Peng Lie on the Great Way

Chapter 248

Chapter 248:

“Well, it’s really interesting. It’s not military or other intelligence. This matter is related to a transfer of the world’s top government.” Li Baoen said while pressing the brim of his hat.

Giotto frowned. Intelligence not related to the military or something? That was really interesting, he couldn’t help but ask Reborn: “What the **** is that?”

“I asked them a lot of things, but I just asked casually, and I didn’t expect to get an interesting answer. I asked those guys, the top of the world government has recently

Nothing weird? ”

“For questions like this, in fact, I don’t have any expectations of anything to gain. I just asked tentatively. But I didn’t expect them to say a very strange thing.”

“…Yes, what?”

“It is said that as early as half a month ago, all the fruit capable users of the World Government, as well as the stored Devil Fruits, have been concentrated in Mary Joa. It is said that as long as it is in the territory of the World Government, there will be no excess. devil fruit..

Chapter 753 Weapons of the World Government

Hearing this answer, Giotto frowned.

It is clear that the World Government is collecting Devil Fruits, as well as those with Devil Fruit abilities. These two are actually very easy to understand. Both of them can be concentrated in the World Government according to the fact that the World Government is now collecting powerful Devil Fruit abilities.

In this world, powerful people do not necessarily have Devil Fruits, but as long as they are Devil Fruit capable, no matter what, they will be much stronger than their own powerhouses. This is also the reason why so many people rush to eat this devil fruit despite its huge side effects.

“Of course, this is a strange thing. Those who have concentrated on the fruit ability of the world government are actually not limited to the world government.” Ribone raised his head, looked at Giotto and said: “The world government even The criminals in the prison and the captured pirates, as long as they are those with fruit ability, have all left their lives and put them on the side of the 06 World Government.”

“What?” Giotto exclaimed. He touched his chin and pondered: “That way, things are indeed much more interesting. According to the temper of the World Government, they definitely don’t want to use these pirates as their troops to stop us. This is tantamount to Shoot yourself in the foot.”

Ribone nodded, and then Giotto said: “Let’s ignore whether these pirates and criminals can form an effective resistance to us. These pirates are the guys who were caught by the World Government and put in prison, and these pirates also It’s impossible to say anything about gratitude, and to sacrifice your life for the kindness of the World Government. What’s more, if we fight, I’m afraid not yet, these guys will not only surrender directly, more likely, they will directly turn against the World Government.”

“After all, being a **** of the world government is definitely not as good as being our hero.” He then added.

Even if these pirates work for the World Government, even if they really beat the Pengele family with the World Government’s urgency, in the end they are nothing more than a dog of the World Government. But if they turn their backs and become the help of the Pengele family, maybe the Pengelle family can really turn against the World Government, and the benefits they get will definitely be far greater than when they were the dogs of the World Government.

No matter how much the Pengelie family looked down on these pirates, when these pirates really rebelled, they wouldn’t reach out and hit the smiling faces.

Moreover, even if it is true, the political propaganda work of the World Government has done a particularly good job, and these pirates are really willing to work for them… In this world, those who can face the strength of the Pengele family, not to mention those who have no eyes Fool, who really has that strength?

It can be said that there are only a handful of pirates in this world.

So, what is the purpose of the World Government’s recruitment and acquisition of these fruit abilities? That’s really worth speculating about. However, the family thought so, and Giotto really couldn’t think of anything.

“Do you have any ideas? Reborn.” They only saw one phenomenon in this matter, and it would be fantastic to want to directly understand the whole picture of the incident from such a phenomenon.

But Giotto still wanted to hear other people’s whimsical speculations. After all, a little anticipation is better than no clear idea in his own head, even if the prediction is wrong.

Ribon nodded, he did have a little idea, he said to Giotto: “I, have you ever thought about how the Pluto thing turns the power of the Devil Fruit into firepower?”

Giotto pondered for a while and gave his own opinion: “Pluto Cannon… Obviously, in this process of Pluto, at least one thing can be explained, that is, there is powerful energy in these Devil Fruits, and these things support Pluto. The firing of the cannon. In addition, it shows that the world government 800 years ago has the ability to extract the power of these devil fruits.”

Ribon continued to nod his head, and then, what he said made Giotto’s heart shrink fiercely: “My lord, I remember you said, that Im,

It seems to be a guy that has existed since 800 years ago. ”

The simple words immediately reminded Giotto, and the overflow of these words made Giotto wake up to him.

These Hades cannons, these technologies that turn the power of the Devil Fruit into firepower, this is the technology that was possessed 800 years ago! And Im, an old antique that lived 800 years ago!

Even if this Im was ignorant and ignorant, he even became the king of the Heavenly Dragons, but as long as this guy saw the power of the world government 800 years ago, then 1 in the possession of Bei who is now called a super genius With the help of Punk, why can’t these ancient technologies be reproduced?

What Im needs to do is not to personally participate in the research of these science and technology, she just needs to point out the right path for these scientists. In many fields of Science and Technology 290, it is not that scientists are incompetent, but scientists who are on the road of science. They are all alone at the forefront. Don’t say how good their research ability is, they are quite at a loss for the future direction of the road they are walking on.

And in the presence of such an existence that can guide the way, these scientists can have huge gains as long as they move towards the scenes depicted by Im!

So, after thinking about it this way, does the world government now collect these devil fruits and the ability of devil fruit, does it mean that the world government has now mastered the relevant technology.

Speaking of which, why is the World Government collecting these Devil Fruits now?

It’s hard to believe that they prepared a bomb that far exceeded the cannon of Hades, and they wanted to send the Pengele family to the sky through such a bomb or something. Maybe it’s not a bomb, but the world government is probably planning something horrible to deal with the Pengele family.

The current army of the Pengele family has rested. It stands to reason that if the world government wants to make a surprise attack, or drop some bombs from the red soil continent, wouldn’t that be…

Chapter 754 Prophecy

At this moment, hurried footsteps came from outside the door.

Giotto and Ribon turned their attention to the past, only to see Sabo walking in front of them, and behind Sabo, followed by Kerla, Kebi and others.

However, Giotto’s eyes were a little farther away, and he frowned immediately, scolding at the figure: “Charlie! Why are you here?”

Although Giotto was reprimanding, there was a deep worry in his eyes. Charlie had some bandages wrapped around her body, and her originally fair skin seemed to be injured and became even whiter due to blood loss. But these whites are pale.

Charlie’s fruit ability and her murloc’s special body structure make her powerful, but also vulnerable to enemy damage. In the process of participating in the battle, Xia Li was also accidentally approached by a Wangnu warrior and stabbed her.

Although it wasn’t a fatal injury, it caused Xia Li to suffer a lot. According to the doctor, she estimated that she would be in a hospital bed for a month.

After all, Xia Li was not the group of non-human beings on the Lu spaceship. She was mortally wounded and recovered after a meal. She doesn’t have such a strong body, and for the recovery of her injuries, she also has to follow the Basic Law.

And in front of him Sabo, Kebir, Kebi and a series of heirs, the injuries on their bodies are not as serious as that of Xia Li, it can only be said that Xia Li is too unlucky.

“Why do you still come out after being so seriously injured? Give me a good rest…” But anyway, seeing such a large number of people coming out with the seriously wounded, Giotto was furious. He looked at Charlie and said with a frown.

Xia Li, who rushed over, tensed up, and a warm feeling turned slightly in her heart, but she immediately said to Giotto: “Master I… Actually’”

However, before she could finish speaking, she saw Giotto turn his head and said to Sabo coldly: “And you, Sabo, it must be your idea for them to come with you. If something important happens, be prepared for me.”

As soon as these words came out, all the young guys who had come to Giotto’s side with a smile in the middle of the night all sewed their mouths tightly. All their heads shrank, looking like cranes one after another.

Giotto’s cold words immediately caused Sabo to shudder. The originally smiling expression on his face quickly stopped, and he raised his hands with a wry smile and said, “My lord, you have misunderstood…”

Hearing this, Giotto nodded and motioned for Sabo to continue.

Since it was really an important matter, it was not impossible for him to continue listening. However, this **** little **** actually came out with a serious illness, and it was a matter of fact, and he would definitely punish this stinky boy well later.

However, Xia Li was the first to help Sabo at this time, and Sabo didn’t know how to speak for a while, so Xia Li took the lead and said to Giotto: “My lord, we came out from the middle of the night this time, mainly because of my willfulness, you Don’t blame Sabo and the others.”

Giotto raised his eyebrows and looked at Charlie. That is to say, these little devils ran out without resting. Is it Xia Li who took the lead?

Was there any problem that Charlie had to drag her body out of her body with serious injuries? Giotto thought in an instant that Charlie is also a stable one. She is also different from the mainstream guys in this world who are full of muscles. Charlie’s stability and wisdom must also be ranked among the top pirates in the world. .

If it was Xia Li, she probably wouldn’t have made any irrational actions, such as running out with these boys in the middle of the night. Now, Charlie actually took the lead and brought these stinky boys together, then Giotto soon got a possibility.

Charlie was the first to speak, resisting most of Sabo’s pressure, and then Sabo said to Giotto a little more easily: “My lord, it’s actually like this. Just now, Charlie suddenly did something very bad. A nightmare, she saw something bad in that nightmare, and she just wanted to tell you in person.”

He spread out his hand, pointed to the group of friends behind him, and continued: “However, the injury on Xia Li’s body should not be underestimated. We originally wanted to invite you over, but Xia Li must be in a hurry to hurry up. To tell you those important things in person, we have no choice but to bring her here.”

Giotto glanced over and saw the heads of these little devils hoeing the ground one by two, not daring to slack off. We all know that Giotto is a kind leader, but Giotto’s relationship with them is like a foster father and a foster son in another sense. When treating his own children, Giotto naturally cannot be polite, and he will not be polite when it is time to educate. vague. Therefore, the fierce Giotto is also quite terrifying, in front of these juniors.

The usual Giotto is quite kind, even if he is joking with him, Giotto can seriously accompany these juniors to play. But when it comes to education, or whatever, Giotto is tough and serious and breathless.

“It’s all right, I’ll spare you, since it’s for a reason, then I won’t care.” Giotto finally nodded, and the atmosphere in the field eased immediately.

Sabo and the others quickly covered their hearts, secretly and greedily sucking in the air. No way, the domineering power of the overlord will be revealed inadvertently, Giotto just raised a little bit of anger, and these juniors can’t bear it.

Then, Giotto turned his gaze to Charlie, signaling that she could start talking directly.

I saw Charlie nodded and said to Giotto in a succinct language: “My lord, I have seen… a big crisis.”

“Countless tentacle-like tree roots stretched out from the red earth continent, and they destroyed the city above it in an instant, and those roots stretched for several kilometers… The sound of artillery fire, the noisy chaos of battles were everywhere. Appeared, then, I saw you, you were submerged by the countless roots. After that, I couldn’t see your shadow

Chapter 755: One of the Secrets of the World Government

The group of young people who were originally standing behind Xia Li heard Xia Li’s remarks, and the slightly smiling expression on their faces disappeared immediately.

With disbelief on Sabo’s face, he asked Charlie, “Submerged by countless tree roots… What happened after that? Charlie, did you see anything else?”

I saw Xia Li shook her head at this moment and said to him: “No, I just woke up from here.”

Hearing this, almost everyone’s faces turned pale. Everyone knows that Charlie’s magical ability to predict, and what she predicted, basically all came true.

How could her prophecy come to an abrupt end here? Does this mean…

Everyone turned their attention to Giotto, Giotto was silent for a while, then he turned to look at Ribone, and asked him: “The endless roots, according to what Charlie saw. What did you think of those things? Reborn.”

Li Baoen lowered the brim of his hat, chuckled lightly, and did not answer Giotto directly, he was the first to sigh and said to Giotto: “I, you are really not afraid at all, what this 290-head saw is something It will become a reality.”

Giotto smiled softly: “Oh, what should I be afraid of, Charlie, in your prophecy, did you not clearly see that I would die?”

Charlie confirmed it, nodded hurriedly, and said to Giotto: “Yes, Lord I, I just saw those scenes, in fact, there is very little content about us, I just saw you being with that sudden It’s just a fight with the roots that come out.”

Giotto turned his head, looked at Ribon and said, “Listen, is it okay? The things she saw were actually our intelligence. It seems that the World Government should use the things in Charlie’s prophecy to deal with it. We, am I just trying to figure out a way to deal with it?”

He continued with a smile and said: “Also, even if there is something bad in these prophecies, then we should just convoy, should he flee to the ends of the earth? We have to face what we should face, that is our mission. , is also a fate, and it must be a fate that we face head-on!”

“The emotion of being afraid is useless.”

It’s just simple words, but these young people around them are a little bloody.

“Lord I is right, even if fate tells us what great danger we will face later, then we can’t stand still.” Sabo nodded and said quietly. Their position is back, and a simple chatter won’t attract attention.

“Huh… Sabo, when will you grow into a man as powerful as Lord I.” Kerla said to Sabo with a sigh.

“I…” Sabo looked embarrassed, it was too difficult.

These juniors whispered excitedly, they all knew the rules, and basically the conversation was hidden, so Li Baoen ignored them and just continued to chat.

“Well, the endless tree roots, according to Charlie’s description, that volume is estimated to have exceeded a city. After all, even the big city of Mary Joa was submerged by it. In addition, this thing is a problem for us. With great hostility, at least, he is attacking you.”

Ribon tapped his cheek, and he suddenly thought of another thing he was talking to Giotto just now, which was interrogated by him, and the world government suddenly attacked.

Rumors of those who have been caught in the fruit ability.

This information, combined with Charlie’s prophecy, instantly formed an association in Ribone’s head.

He grabbed his hat and said to Giotto: “I, I suddenly had an idea. If the super weapon of the World Government…is it actually referring to those trees or something?”

The conjecture made by Ribone was also instantly understood by Giotto. He touched his chin, nodded and said: “Mostly yes, the strange powers in this world refer to Devil Fruits. The world government. I am afraid that the root cause of such a huge thing that they have collected lies in the fruit people they have collected.”

Having said this, Giotto touched his chin, raised his brows, and asked Reborn, “What about the Robins? I think she should know something, something that has been passed down in history.”

Although Robin is one of Giotto’s deputy in terms of position, she is still classified as one of the outside consultants. For all kinds of work in the base, it is obviously unrealistic to leave Ribone alone.

The general structure of the present wartime is very simple. Giotto was considered a great commander, but the specific command plan was all left to Cyrus. And G, and Robin still maintained the previous work mode, with the two of them mainly dealing with internal affairs and the like.

Ribon is Giotto’s deputy, mainly responsible for the docking of various projects. Having asked him, he immediately replied to Giotto: “Robin’s words, I remember she should be on call now, G and her are very efficient and have most things done early. She should Staying in his lounge, G is still on standby in the processing room.”

Well, although the relationship at work is like this, but now everyone can cut it out. Robin and Giotto’s relationship, G doesn’t want to keep Robin by his side for too long, especially in the middle of the night. , G also drove Robin out early, let her rest well first, and didn’t dare to make Robin tired at all.

But it’s okay, the two of them moved very fast, and there is actually nothing waiting for them now, so G just stayed in the office for a while, after all, it was wartime, and no one dared to really fall asleep.

Giotto nodded, thought for a moment, and immediately said: “Well… if that’s the case, then call her out. There are indeed some problems that need her reference, and she happens to be fine.”

Although it was just a mere prophecy, the things contained in it made Giotto pay attention no matter what. The countless tree roots in Charlie’s description, Giotto’s mind did not have the slightest impression, but in comparison, this is one of the secrets of the World Government…

Chapter seven hundred and fiftieth chapters ability guess

Robin came soon. She didn’t sleep, maybe she was reading a book. She was still wearing the small leather jacket from the past. This kind of clothes could not cover her whole body tightly, and a little glamour was still revealed. came out.

She walked in brightly and moved, and said hello to Giotto directly: “I, I’m here.”

Giotto’s eyes were a little dazed, Robin in front of her was bright and moving, but there was a quiet, intellectual temperament radiating from her, and Giotto’s eyes were a little ecstatic.

Then, Giotto seemed to see Robin wink at him slightly playfully, and Giotto came back to his senses, and he quickly coughed softly.

On the side, most people didn’t notice these little stories, only Li Baoen raised his mouth and pressed down the brim of his hat slightly.

Giotto nodded immediately and brought the topic directly to the topic: “Robin, we have a question to ask you. It may be about something in history…”

Then, Giotto quickly told Robin what had just happened, and the reasoning between him and Ribone. And Robin also listened carefully to Giotto’s words as if nothing had happened just now.

During the whole process, Robin didn’t make any sound, just listened carefully to Giotto’s words.

It wasn’t too complicated, it was just Giotto’s and Ribon’s ideas, and the language that Charlie had dreamed of, and without much ado, Robin quickly understood the whole picture.

“Okay? Robin, do you have a similar impression?” Giotto asked Robin curiously.

The wealth of Robin is what is in her brain, the hidden knowledge, the information such as the official history passed down from O’Hara, should have the answers Giotto needs.

Robin pondered for a while, and her brows slowly wrinkled. Just when she was listening to Giotto’s explanation, her mind turned. Regarding the roots of the giant trees in those depictions, this thing made her frown slightly.

“About the roots of these giant trees…I have a slight impression.” Robin nodded and continued.

“Is it really there?” Giotto asked with some surprise. Originally, this was just an attempt, but he really didn’t expect that there was really something similar in Robin’s memory.

Robin nodded, remembering and sorting out his own language: “Yes, Lord I. I once read it in a very old book… No, I saw it in the notes. According to legend, when the world government conquered the world , has recorded the ability of a capable person.”

“There are countless branches wrapped around his body. No sword, sword, or axe can hurt his body. When fighting, those branches turn into blades one by one…”

When Robin was describing it, a picture immediately appeared in everyone’s mind, a capable person whose whole body was wrapped in wood. His body was transformed into a branch that could manipulate countless tentacle-like branches and pounce on his enemies.

Robin finished the story quickly, and she stood there attacking, waiting for Giotto to come back.

Giotto touched his chin, thinking about the scene described by Robin, he said slowly: “Then maybe, those countless tree roots are just an ability person? Maybe he didn’t use any special ability, just he The awakening of the Devil Fruit can achieve such power.”

Reborn nodded beside him: “Indeed, it should be like this. If it is some kind of devil fruit that manipulates plants, coupled with the power of awakening, maybe it can reach this level.”

“But… Robin, when was that diary recorded?” Giotto asked Luo Bing with a frown.

Robin responded immediately: “Roughly…it should be the so-called 800 years ago, a blank history.”

“No… Lord I, there is no name mentioned in that diary. The method of the recorder is described from the perspective of a completely third party, so I have some doubts about the classification of the book, mainly It’s what was written in that diary, which can almost be connected to what one person observes, so I classify it as something like a diary.”

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