Peng Lie on the Great Way

Chapter 345

Chapter 345:

One thousand one hundred—I “Chapter Seven Teleportation

The flame of the night can move instantly. Using this ability, Giotto’s body also came to the back of Im in an instant, only to see that the flaming sword in his hand also slashed towards Im mercilessly. In the past, at this moment, his eyes also showed a fierce light.

Feeling the cold sword energy behind him, Im’s brows also wrinkled quickly, the vines on his body quickly swayed to the sides, protecting him in it, only to hear a clanging sound, Giotto’s hands His great sword slashed directly at a tree behind him, and the tree was chopped into pieces by Giotto’s sword energy.

The power of this sword is amazing!

The two quickly pulled out the long swords in their hands, confronted for a while, and then quickly rushed towards each other. Neither of them chose to use any skills, but only used their most direct and domineering moves to attack. The flaming great sword that was used was still filled with extremely strong flame energy, and its power was much stronger than the long sword used by Im.

The bodies of the two of them spun rapidly, and the long swords in their hands slashed towards each other’s body fiercely, and then issued a dang clang again.

With a loud noise, the long swords in the two hands collided again, making a series of sonorous sounds.

Giotto’s strength is completely insignificant in front of Im. However, Giotto did not despise Im because of this. It also quickly rushed towards Im.

When Im saw this, the sharp sword in his hand quickly stabbed towards Giotto’s chest.

Giotto’s face changed slightly, and then, he also quickly raised his legs and kicked Yimu fiercely, and Yimu also quickly blocked the long sword.

Giotto’s body quickly swooped down from the air, and at this moment, the flaming sword in his hand quickly stabbed towards Yimu. Yimu quickly held the long sword in his hand, trying to resist Joe. Take this sharp blow.

Ding! !

A crisp metal crash resounded in the air, and then, it was seen that the bodies of the two were also separated in an instant.

After the separation, Giotto quickly landed on the ground, and then he quickly raised his body and rushed towards Im. His right foot stepped on the ground, and his body instantly moved towards the

As Yimu slaughtered the past, the long sword in his hand also quickly swung up and slashed towards Yimu, and the sharp sword energy quickly swept away towards Yimu’s chest position.

Seeing Giotto rushing towards him, Im’s face sank, and his body quickly ducked to the side. At the same time, his left hand quickly slapped towards his waist.


A violent roar also resounded all around, and then, I saw that a red light visible to the naked eye quickly bloomed in the air, and then it exploded quickly, covering Giotto. .

Just when the explosion sounded, Giotto quickly threw the flaming sword in his hand into the air, and immediately saw that the flaming sword was five meters long and twenty or thirty meters wide. It was suspended in mid-air like this, swaying constantly, emitting bursts of hot air waves.

Bang bang bang! !

Giotto held a big sword and quickly swept towards Yimu. At this moment, the sharp sword qi also rushed towards Yimu from the air.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Im’s complexion also changed rapidly, only to see that strips of magma quickly spread from under his feet, he quickly retracted the soles of his feet, and then quickly removed the vines behind him. Wrapped around behind him, then, his figure quickly moved forward, trying to avoid Giotto’s attack.

Looking at Im who quickly avoided Giotto’s attack, Giotto also quickly followed, and the flaming sword in his hand quickly slashed towards him.

Looking at the fierce sword energy swept towards him, Im quickly retreated back, and then quickly took the vine in his hand and swayed it towards Giotto, only to see a vine. It quickly wrapped around him.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Giotto quickly swung out the big sword in his hand and slashed towards the vine.

clang clang!

A dense voice resounded in Giotto’s ears, and the vine was instantly repelled by him. Looking at Giotto’s sword, Im couldn’t help but narrow his eyes slightly.

There was also a strong wind from Giotto’s side, and then, seeing his body, he quickly rushed towards him from mid-air, and then the flaming sword in his hand quickly moved towards him. Slash hard!

Seeing Giotto’s sword slashing towards him quickly, Im’s pupils could not help shrinking, and his body quickly retreated, but Giotto’s speed was not slow, and he came to Im’s in an instant. before.


Seeing that he had nowhere to go, Im snorted coldly, looking at Giotto coldly, not panicking about it. Then, he quickly stretched out his hand, grabbed a plant behind him, and with the help of that huge rebound force, he glided toward the back quickly. At the same time, the plant behind him also quickly moved toward the back. Giotto was slapped on the body.

Seeing the giant vine attacking him, Giotto also dodged quickly. After his figure rolled on the ground for a few laps, he avoided the past and avoided Im’s attack.

Seeing that his attack was actually dodged, Im smashed his mouth with a look of disdain, and then quickly slaughtered at Giotto’s body (Lee Hao).

Im’s attack soon came to Giotto’s front, and at this moment, Giotto also quickly raised the flaming sword in his hand to meet him.

The palms of the two quickly touched each other, and Giotto’s body quickly flew backwards.

Just when he flew out and was about to stabilize his body, Im quickly chased after him, and the long sword in his hand quickly waved towards Giotto’s head.

In the face of Im’s attack, Giotto also quickly turned towards him, and then the flaming sword in his hand also quickly slashed out, and then slashed fiercely at the one that slashed towards him. The long sword that came is upper level.

A dull sound of impact resounded, and I saw that the great sword also broke directly under Giotto’s heavy impact, and then fell to the ground, sputtering a burst of fire. .

The first thousand one hundred and eighteen chapters fight

Giotto’s body also quickly took a few steps back to the back before he could barely stand still. His eyes looked gloomy at Im in front of him, and his eyes were also full of strong fighting intent.

When speaking, Im also quickly charged towards Giotto’s body again, and this time, the weapon in his hand also slashed directly at Giotto’s head.

Giotto’s brows were also slightly wrinkled, and then he saw that he also quickly waved the flaming sword in his hand, and quickly slashed towards him.

clang! !

Just when Im’s spear was about to stab Giotto’s body, Giotto’s figure moved quickly, and then he saw that the flaming sword in his hand quickly slashed towards his neck, watching. Im’s heart also trembled slightly at the long sword that was swept towards his neck.

Im quickly stepped back several steps, and the long spear in his hand quickly stabbed towards the flaming sword, only to hear a screeching sound, and a harsh cracking sound resounded in the air. .

As far as 523 arrived, that long sword was also torn into two pieces by that vine.

Just when the long sword was torn apart, Im also quickly gasped, and then quickly stabbed Giotto on the body.

Seeing this posture, Giotto also quickly raised his leg and kicked out a kick. Then, a fierce whirlwind surged up from under his feet in an instant, took his body and stepped back a little.

Not long after Giotto backed away, those vines also swept past him quickly, and then slapped him fiercely, leaving **** wounds on his body, and the blood flowed quickly. Come down and soak his clothes into the transparent.

When Giotto retreated, he also quickly changed his body shape. Then, the flaming sword in his hand slashed again towards Yimu. This sword was also mixed with rich flames and flames, and then, He quickly slashed towards Im.

Following a series of muffled noises, I saw that around Giotto and Im was quickly burning, and then a flame also rose rapidly.

Seeing such a situation, Giotto twitched the corner of his mouth quickly, he quickly waved the flaming sword in his hand, and then saw that the flaming sword swiftly slashed towards Im. .

Seeing Giotto’s sword attacking him again, Im also quickly clenched the vine in his hand, and slapped it forward with force. Then, Giotto was also swept away by him and fell heavily. On the ground, blood was running down the tip of his nose.

Giotto also quickly got up, then stood up quickly, he wiped the blood seeping from the corner of his mouth, and then, his eyes were full of cold light, and his body quickly rushed towards Im again. .

Seeing Giotto rushing towards him again, Im’s face sank suddenly, and then he quickly raised the vine in his hand, and then slapped Giotto fiercely.

Giotto dodged quickly, and then he quickly swung his flaming sword and slashed towards the vine.

A series of sparks shot out quickly, and the flaming sword in Giotto’s hand was also quickly cut on the vine, and a burnt smell was also quickly

into Giotto’s nostrils.

Seeing that Giotto’s flaming sword had cut traces on the vine, Im also quickly retreated to the back. Then, his body swayed quickly, and he also quickly escaped from Giotto’s side. past

Seeing Im running away, (agah) Giotto quickly turned around, and then quickly chased and killed Im.

Im quickly turned around, and the vines in his hand quickly waved towards the back, and saw that the vines quickly slapped Giotto’s body.

Seeing these vines lashing over, Giotto quickly raised the flaming sword in his hand, and slashed towards the vines in front of him, Kou Peng! With a muffled sound, he saw that the vines were directly cut in two by Giotto’s flaming sword.

Just as Giotto slashed the vines into two pieces with his flaming sword, he saw Im rushing towards him quickly, and the vines in his hand also swiftly drawn towards him. His wrists were wrapped into thick ropes, and then, his body was quickly slapped towards his body.

Seeing these vines lashing towards him, Giotto also quickly raised his legs and kicked towards the vines, and a burst of explosions sounded, just look

By then, those vines were also quickly kicked and flew out by Giotto.

After Giotto kicked the vines out, he turned around again, and the flaming sword in his hand stabbed towards Im again.

Seeing this scene, Im’s face became a little ugly, and the vines in his hands quickly shrank toward the back, protecting his body in the middle.

I saw Giotto’s flaming sword slashed towards his vines fiercely, and then I saw that a deep and wide opening was cut on the top of his vines. The blood dripped down quickly.

Seeing this scene, Im also raised his hand quickly, and then quickly forced a drop of blood from the tip of his finger, and then quickly smeared it on the handful of vines, his vines were being smeared by his blood After that, a layer of faint red light quickly radiated out, and those vines that were originally covered with cracks were quickly healed at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Yimu’s eyes became more gloomy, and the movements in his hands also turned quickly. The vines were twisted in his hands like a snake, and then, he saw , the vines quickly whipped towards Giotto.

Giotto’s eyes also flashed a trace of panic, he quickly waved the flaming sword in his hand, and then the flaming sword in his hand slapped the vine in front of him.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Between the two of them, countless splendid and colorful firelights and blade auras were quickly intertwined, and then, the attacks of the two of them continued to bombard each other.

The first thousand one hundred and nineteen chapters grabbing skills

The figures of Giotto and Im moved crazily on the ground, the vines in their hands also danced quickly in the air, and the two figures crossed quickly, and then they collided fiercely, making a loud noise. There was a violent roar, and then, the two figures quickly separated.

I saw that in the middle of the two of them, two huge rocks were forcibly interrupted by the two of them, and then rolled from the rocks to the ground, making a crisp sound.

One after another, a huge roar sounded, Giotto and Im were like two cannonballs, quickly rolling in the cave, and then, one by one, the rocks smashed down on them. , smashed the two of them into blood and blood.

La! Suddenly, I heard a slight sound of breaking the air, and then I saw a vine swept towards Giotto’s back as fast as lightning, trying to tie Giotto directly.

Seeing the vine sweeping towards him, Giotto hurriedly stretched out his hand and waved it, and saw that the vine was cut in two by his sword, and then, he saw,

The vine seemed to be attracted by something and quickly flew towards Giotto, and then saw that it wrapped directly around Giotto’s body, tying him tightly.

Seeing that he was trapped by the vines, Giotto immediately waved the flaming sword in his hand and slapped the vines. Unfortunately, these vines were made of strong vines, so he had no way to Those vines give – smashed.

Just when Giotto wanted to swing the flaming sword in his hand to continue slashing at the vines, he saw that those vines were also quickly slapped towards Giotto’s body.

Feeling that the vines were whipping towards him faster and faster, more and more fiercely, Giotto’s pupils also tightened instantly. When the vines hit him, Giotto couldn’t help but feel in his heart. A wave of fear, and then, he quickly swept the flaming sword out, and then saw that several rocks beside him were also turned into powder, and then disappeared into the air.

When his feet were entangled by the vines, Giotto felt that his limbs became stiff in an instant, and then he felt that his body also flew towards the vines uncontrollably and quickly.

Seeing that he was about to be bound by the vines, Giotto immediately slashed down the vines with his flaming sword, and heard Chira! a few of

The harsh voice sounded, and Giotto saw that the vine was quickly chopped into countless pieces by him, and then he also fell from the air.

Just as Giotto fell to the ground, he heard bang! With a loud bang, a large rock fell heavily to the ground, making a heavy sound.

Giotto’s body fell violently to the ground, and then he got up from the ground. Then, his eyes quickly looked around, and he saw that beside him, there were still several large pieces. The rock fell, making several loud noises.

Because of the entanglement of the vines, Giotto’s body was not seriously injured, but in the process, the vines operated by Im frantically entangled Giotto at this moment. Countless vines twitched, the card master who killed Giotto’s body, those vines turned into sharp blades, desperately trying to smash Giotto’s body.

Giotto, who was entangled by countless vines, felt the pressure on his body getting deeper and deeper, and then, a more dangerous feeling passed from his perception. It exploded on him.

Then I heard the sound of popping beans in the seclusion, and only heard the rumbling! Boom! Several muffled noises sounded, and then, I saw that the flames wrapped around Giotto’s body burst out in an instant, like a volcano erupting, and countless flames erupted from Giotto’s body.

Seeing that the flames were released from Giotto’s body, the vines quickly let go of their hands. Then, they saw that a fiery red light flashed on his body, and the vines on his body had been completely destroyed. The fire was clean, and he was freed from the vines. Then, he stood up, his eyes were fixed on Yimu, and the killing intent in his eyes burst out undisguised. Then, his fists clenched, and then, he saw that a blazing flame burst out from his body in an instant!

0…..For flowers 0…..

With the eruption of the flames on his body, there is also endless heat. These heat waves spread out quickly like a tide, and wherever they pass, the surrounding air becomes hot. Countless smoke rose instantly even on the ground, making the vision of the two of them blurred, and it was impossible to see the surrounding situation at all.

In this scorching temperature, those vines burned quickly, and soon, they saw that some of the vines on their bodies burned rapidly, and soon, the bodies of the two of them had become a A group of flaming flames.

Seeing those vines being swallowed up by the flames, Giotto’s face also showed a sneer, and a strong sarcasm appeared on his face, and then, he saw that his right hand quickly protruded forward, a strong energy Bursting from his palm, his right hand directly grabbed the vine that had spread from his body just now, and pulled it hard in his direction.

The vines that Giotto was pulling in his hands were like little snakes, twisting crazily. A coldness flashed across Giotto’s face, and he saw another burst of **** from his body. The scorching flames, and then he raised the flaming sword in his hand and slashed it down towards the front!

The terrifying fluctuations on the sword directly streaked a huge trace in the air, and the terrifying temperature on the sword trace left an orange-red trajectory in the air, and the space was almost completely covered by that huge The flaming sword opened a huge typhoid fever, and a large number of vines burst open under that sword! seven.

Chapter 1120: Broken

Accompanied by click! Click! A few crisp sounds sounded, and the vines shattered as quickly as fragile glass, turned into a puff of fine dust, and then drifted into the air, and finally disappeared without a trace. .

Seeing the scene in front of him, Im couldn’t help taking a breath. He never imagined that Giotto would be so powerful, and just rely on the power of the flame on his body to put The incomparably tyrannical vines in front of him were completely defeated.

I saw that after the countless vines were defeated, the sturdy vines quickly spread around, quickly forming a circle of vines, connecting Giotto and Yi. Mu was firmly wrapped in it.

Feeling that the endless vines “Five Two Three” were madly wrapping towards him, Giotto’s face also became abnormally ugly, and he saw that he quickly stretched out his left hand and tightened his grip. Then, he raised the flaming long sword high, and then aimed at the endless vines in front of him, waved his arms suddenly, and slashed down towards the vines in front of him.

call out!

A dazzling light quickly shot out of his hand, and then, he saw that the vines in front of him quickly broke apart. Those vines were like scraps of paper, fluttering in the wind, and the speed of the drift was really high. Too fast, in the blink of an eye, the vines in front of Giotto’s eyes have all collapsed and disappeared.

Feeling that the vines in front of him had been eliminated by himself, Giotto’s eyes narrowed slightly, and then his eyes quickly shifted to Yim’s body, and then he saw that he quickly lifted up The right hand, and then, slammed down hard in the direction of Im.

Seeing Giotto’s heavy attack, Im also hurriedly raised his right foot and stepped forward. Immediately afterwards, he shot to the side like a sharp arrow, dodging him. After Giotto’s fatal blow.

Seeing that he had dodged his attack, Giotto also rushed towards him quickly, and then he raised the flaming sword in his hand and slashed hard at Im. .

Feeling the strong wind coming from behind him, Im also turned his head quickly, and then, he saw that a flaming blade with a length of more than three meters was slashing towards his head. Cut it off!

Feeling the fierce wind blowing from behind, Im also quickly dodged to the side, and then he heard bang! A soft sound came, and then, I saw that his figure involuntarily retreated towards the back,

Im feeling the pain and pain from his arm, and also quickly twisted his cheeks and let out a painful roar.

Hearing his roar, Giotto’s pupils also shrank slightly, and then the flaming sword in his hand slapped Yim again.

Seeing Giotto whipping him towards him, Im also quickly dodged.

Im swiftly swung towards the vines in his hand, and then the vines swiftly slapped Giotto again, and then saw that a vine quickly wrapped around Giotto’s arm, and then, Pulling him hard, he moved his body backwards.

When Giotto’s body moved backwards, those vines also wrapped around Giotto’s body again, constantly pulling his body, causing his body to slide toward the back.

Seeing that more and more vines on his body were bound towards him, Giotto’s face also turned blue at this moment, and his eyes were also full of bears.

‘s anger.

After struggling for a while, his body quickly broke free. He quickly jumped to the side of a tree trunk, grabbed the tree trunk with both hands, and then rolled over quickly. , and then his body stabilized on the tree trunk.

Seeing Giotto’s figure resting steadily on the trunk of a tree, the vines that were rushing towards him surged towards his position again, and then, those vines quickly moved towards him. He wrapped it up.

Seeing those vines swept towards him, Giotto also quickly activated the flames on his body, and then, he saw that the flaming flames on his body also quickly spread out around him, in the blink of an eye. , the flaming flame on his body enveloped his body, it looked like a huge fireball, and it looked extremely terrifying.

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