Peng Lie on the Great Way

Chapter 356

Chapter 356:

Their fists also quickly bombarded the opponent.

Then, the fists of the two of them also slammed together fiercely, and then, the figures of the two of them quickly separated, and the battle between the two of them was also at this moment, and the most fierce fighting began.

Chapter 1163 Ripples

The sound of the collision between the two of them also kept ringing, and one after another tyrannical energy ripples quickly swept away, followed by, at this moment, the two of them also quickly broke out. The tyrannical and unparalleled power, and then, also at this moment, quickly spread to the surrounding, and at this moment, the violent energy ripples also quickly burst open.

Then, it also quickly spread around, and in an instant, I saw that the tyrannical energy ripples erupted by the two of them also spread rapidly towards the surrounding at this moment.

Then, at this moment, these energy ripples also quickly spread out into the distance, and then, they saw that the ground under their feet also quickly shattered at this moment.

Then, also at this moment, the pieces of land quickly shattered, and immediately, countless amounts of soil quickly emerged around the two of them, and these soils also quickly covered the surface. on the ground.

Then, the fists of the two of them and the other’s fists collided quickly at this moment.

boom! , I heard a violent roar resounding instantly, followed by 570, the figures of the two of them also quickly dodged to the side, and then quickly stood firm.

Immediately afterwards, they also quickly mobilized the energy on their bodies, and then the two of them also quickly moved towards each other, releasing more powerful forces, and then they saw that their bodies were also rapidly condensed. Countless energy sword lights appeared.

At this time, I saw that the fists of the two of them collided fiercely again.

boom! boom! boom! , On the two of them, it was also at this time, that more powerful energy was quickly released, and then, after the fists of the two of them collided fiercely, they saw that the shapes of the two of them, It also flew out in an instant, fell heavily to the ground, and then, at this moment, quickly rolled to the ground.

Then, the two of them were like a muddy view, and at this moment, they quickly slipped out to the side, and then the two of them also quickly climbed up from the ground, and then quickly moved towards the back. Receding, at the same time, at this moment, the energy in his body was quickly activated, and then, quickly

After adjusting their auras, they saw that brilliant brilliance flashed out from the two of them.

Immediately afterwards, the sword light behind the two slowly floated up.

call out! Two incomparably sharp long swords were also quickly suspended above their heads, and then the two of them also quickly activated their sword lights, and then, an incomparably sharp long sword, a hot one. The giant sword that distorted the air also stabbed towards the opponent at this moment!

boom! boom! boom! Another loud roar followed, and at this moment, a huge shock wave quickly spread in all directions, and one after another tyrannical energy ripples quickly spread around, followed by, also At this moment, waves of incomparably powerful energy fluctuations quickly spread out towards the surrounding frantically, and immediately, the figures of the two of them were quickly swallowed up by the energy ripples one after another. After the bodies of the two of them disappeared, these incomparably powerful energy ripples also spread around.

boom! boom! , At this time, in that area, the bodies of the two of them also exploded quickly, and then the figures of the two of them disappeared quickly.

puff! …, a series of muffled noises quickly came from that space, and then, the figures of the two of them also flew out of that space quickly.

brush! , The figures of the two of them, at this time, also quickly stopped in the air, and then, the eyes of the two of them also quickly looked towards each other, and then, the two of them also at this moment, quickly A sharp energy ripple was released towards each other, and at this moment, the two of them also launched an attack on each other in an instant.

I saw that the two of them quickly waved a fistful of fists with their hands, and bombarded the other’s body. At this moment, their offensive was also very fierce.

Immediately afterwards, their fists also instantly bombarded the opponent’s body, and waves of incomparably strong energy ripples swept across the opponent’s body in an instant, and a series of muffled sounds resounded instantly at this time. Get up.

The two of them, at this time, were like two cannonballs. It was also at this moment that they slammed into each other’s body. At this moment, the bodies of the two of them fell to the ground in an instant.

The bodies of the two of them also smashed to the ground, and then the two of them quickly stood up from the ground, and then, at this time, they stared at each other with gloomy faces.

At this time, the two of them also had dense layers of scars and blood. It was also at this time that blood quickly flowed along the wounds on their bodies. The blood was dyed blood red, and both of them had a strong killing intent on their bodies.

At this time, the two of them also looked at each other, and there was a trace of coldness in their eyes.

Then, the two of them also attacked each other in an instant, and the aura on the two of them also spread rapidly towards the surroundings at this time.

The killing intent on the two of them quickly swept away toward each other.

Immediately following, also at this moment, in their eyes, at this moment, a sharp edge quickly flashed, and then, the two of them’s offensive instantly slaughtered the other side.

The two of them, also at this moment, quickly attacked each other’s body, and then, the tyrannical power of the two of them also quickly attacked the other’s body.

Chapter 1164 Chaos

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! The sound of violent explosions resounded immediately at this time.

The attacks of the two of them collided in an instant, and the energy ripples quickly spread around, and the air in front of them also quickly distorted and deformed at this moment. , The two of them collided at this moment, and a fierce battle quickly started.

The two of them also quickly burst into a circle of powerful aura. At this moment, one after another terrifying energy continued to spread in all directions.

Around the two of them, at this time, there was also a continuous spread of smoke and dust.

The two of them were constantly colliding with each other at this moment, and then, endless energy erupted. Around their bodies, and at this moment, a wave of violent energy fluctuations continued to permeate, Then, the energy fluctuations quickly spread around.

,, and then, their bodies quickly spread out towards the surroundings, and the terrifying coercion also spread towards the surroundings in an instant. “The offensive of the two of them is also constantly moving towards each other’s bodies. rush away.

On the two of them, a terrifying halo of energy quickly shot out.

The two of them, at this time, were constantly colliding with each other, and then they were separated again. The two of them also kept bursting out a terrifying energy light curtain, and then, also In an instant, they rushed towards each other’s body, and then, the two of them collided again, and then the breath of the two of them also spread rapidly in all directions again.

The two of them, also at this moment, constantly confronted each other’s attacks, constantly bombarded the other party’s body, and the powerful energy swept towards the surroundings in an instant, and then.

The attack of the two of them also instantly blocked the opponent’s offensive, and then, in an instant, it swept towards the opponent’s body again, and a group of terrifying energy-ripples spread out!

bass! In such a situation, at such a moment, Giotto also responded quickly. He quickly evaded his body, and then

, but also quickly dodged to the side and avoided it.

After escaping, Giotto also quickly raised the long knife in his hand again and slashed towards the front, and a blistering blade storm also quickly bombed the front, and then went crazy towards the opponent. The crushed away, and then quickly swept towards the opponent’s body and swept away towards the opponent’s body.

Under such power, the two of them quickly waved the weapons in their hands towards the power carried by each other, and then quickly swept towards each other, and then quickly faced each other at this time. The opponent is attacking!

clap clap clap! what!

The two sides quickly showed their strength and skills, and then, they also quickly showed their respective strengths, and also quickly broke out their own strength. Under such power, the two sides quickly entangled each other in such a moment, and it was also in such a moment that they quickly locked the other’s body firmly.

Then, at this moment, the two of them quickly moved towards each other and attacked fiercely. Then, the two of them also quickly showed their most powerful moves. On their bodies, they instantly exploded. It shot out a bunch of dazzling sparks, and then, at this moment, it quickly bombarded the opponent’s body.

One after another, huge energy ripples continued to spread in all directions at this moment. “Then, the figures of the two of them also flashed past quickly, moving quickly in all directions, and then, Quickly rushed towards the opponent.

boom! At such a moment, the two of them collided fiercely. Immediately afterwards, the two of them also quickly retreated towards the rear, and then, the two of them also quickly bombarded each other again.

0…..For flowers 0…..

At this moment, the breath of the two of them continued to spread at this time, and the terrifying coercion that erupted on them also quickly moved in all directions and swept the past with incomparable speed.

Under the impact of such power, the two of them also quickly retreated towards the rear. “Then, the two of them also quickly rushed towards each other.

Then, the fists of the two of them also quickly attacked each other’s body again and again. “Then, the bodies of the two of them also quickly moved forward again, and quickly burst open. Then, the bodies of the two of them quickly burst towards the rear.


Then, it also exploded in an instant, turning into a terrifying torrent of energy, which swept away in all directions in an instant, and the huge explosion energy quickly spread in all directions, and then, in the At this moment, the figures of the two of them disappeared in place in an instant.

Their figures also disappeared in place again.

The two of them, at this time, quickly chased and killed each other, and then, on their bodies, bursts of dazzling energy ripples quickly burst out. At this time, on their bodies, , also quickly shot out a bright and dazzling light, and then quickly swept towards the other party, and then swept towards the bodies of the two of them.

At this moment, the figures of the two of them also quickly flashed past each other, and then, on the two of them, a brilliant golden brilliance quickly bloomed. “Then, a The terrifying wave of power also swept towards the opponent at this moment. “Then, the two of them quickly showed their strongest strength, and then quickly smashed towards the opponent!

Boom! seven.

The first thousand one hundred and sixty-five chapters escape

In the chaotic explosion of power, Giotto’s figure slowly emerged in the chaotic energy stand. After he ate the burning fruit, he was the incarnation of fire, in that large group of flames. Among them, he is like a fish in the water, walking there recklessly.

The flames could not hurt his body at all, and the hot flames all over his body slowly subsided, and finally formed his body. Up to now, the forces you rely on are ultimately unable to sustain you as a fellow to continue fighting…”

He sighed that the fighting spirit on his body also subsided in these short moments, because the injury on his body finally appeared irreversible serious damage to Im on the opposite side!

I saw “Five Seven Zero” Im on the opposite side of him, and regardless of other things, almost all the skin on her body was scorched black by the tyrannical flame controlled by Giotto, which was almost irreversible. .

—It turned out to be true, but under the influence of the power of the tree of Nokikila, Im’s body has a strong recovery ability, and her body has been destroyed by Giotto before.

Several guardians around Giotto have been destroyed several times.

Those terrifying injuries before, according to the most basic principles, they are all eye injuries that cannot be repaired. Those terrifying injuries are even a little bit glued to others, they are serious injuries that cannot be recovered. They are all injuries that can instantly send a person to the West.

But Im under the power of the tree of Nokikila, no amount of tyrannical moves could kill her directly. He stood up again and again like a ghost again and again. And after the battle, this guy’s body was almost able to return to its best state.

This undoubtedly brought great trouble to Giotto and the others, but up to now, with Giotto and the others after several frantic battles with Im, they have brought Im from that state directly again and again. Destroyed, and now, it seems that Im’s body can no longer maintain the state it was before.

Giotto’s eyes turned, and he squinted at Im on the opposite side. According to the speed of his previous recovery, Im’s body, which should have been completely repaired at this time, was left with charred scars, which were almost broken under the baptism of Giotto’s fire. body of.

Obviously, Im, who was already weak at this time, must have realized this problem earlier than Giotto. He looked at Giotto on the opposite side in silence, and the resentment in his eyes was about to form a substance.

In the more than 800 years, he never imagined that such a person could appear and defeat the world that he had controlled for 800 years. Even when his plan has continued to this point, he has obtained the power of the great Nokikila tree, but he still encountered such a huge resistance in the end.

Im’s expression changed several times, with a gloomy expression on his face, and then, to Giotto’s surprise, Im burst into a wild laugh at this moment: “…Haha, hahahaha!”

He raised his head abruptly, and the madness that was all over his body broke out without hesitation at this time. At this time, he laughed wildly, pointed to Giotto on the opposite side and said: “Pengre Giotto, do you think you Has this forced me into a desperate situation? Do you think that I am at the end of my life when I reach this place?”

Giotto frowned, he just looked at Im on the opposite side and said: “Desperate? I don’t count where you are, Im, my purpose is very simple, I just want to defeat you, and finally give back A world of peace and security for all.”

“To be honest, you, and your world government, I didn’t want to care about anything. All I cared about was my family, but when I found out that as long as you are, there is also the existence of your world government. In the end, it will affect me, and the survival of my family…”

At this time, Giotto narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Im on the opposite side and said: “At this time, whether it is you or us, it has already become a

To the extent that you will never die, I didn’t want to kill you because I forced you to the current level, but I want to kill you, and you are now being forced by me! ”

The wild laughter on Yimu’s face was instantly contained, but the anger on his face was more clearly revealed. The wild laughter just now was originally a rage, but now he can’t contain the anger on his face…

At this time, behind Im, the countless vines rose into the sky at this time, and a large part of the vines rolled into a tornado, which suddenly rushed towards Giotto on the opposite side. The vines spun wildly, and the countless winds that rolled up turned into sharp wind blades and suddenly rushed towards Giotto.

Giotto’s face showed a little fear, and then, his hands suddenly pushed forward, a lot of flames spurted out of his hands instantly, and Sun Jian’s two flames shot out like dragons. Spewing out, the terrifying flame stream rushed towards the vines that Yimu had hit at this moment!

The two attacks converged in an instant, with a terrifying high temperature, and the flame that could burn almost everything showed his unparalleled destructive power at this time. Although the vines were wrapped around the massive domineering of Im, but the two were in contact with each other. In an instant, the outcome of the two had an obvious perception.

The defeat of those vines is almost inevitable. Giotto’s aggressiveness is unimaginably huge. The moment the two meet, the terrifying high temperature burns those vines to ashes in an instant. And then, those flames followed the vines and burned upwards in an instant.

The forces on both sides were deadlocked for a moment, and the outcome was decided. The flames that Giotto struck were quite obvious at this time. Im’s attack was under his flames. It was a trend like a domino that was toppled, and was instantly burnt out by those flames.

It’s just that even at this speed, Giotto was aware of the abnormality. The abnormality was nothing else, that is, under his own attack, Im’s attack seemed to be defeated too fast.

Although, in several battles, Im’s performance was indeed getting worse and worse. Although Im’s current physical strength is becoming more and more difficult to resist Giotto’s attack, the physical strength of the two seems to be getting more and more tired in this battle.

Chapter 1166 Invincible

But it shouldn’t be, Im also unable to retreat so quickly in this attack, and quickly reached the point where even Giotto felt it. He looked at the flames that exploded in the air, his own knowledge Se Domineering also frantically locked the direction of Im’s body at this time.

But in the next moment, he also stopped such laborious movements, because he had already confirmed with his own eyes where the current Im was running to. Sure enough, things did not exceed his expectations. , Im not using his full strength.

I saw a shadow that could be said to be Juechen fell to the ground in an instant, and then, the countless vines twitching in the earth rose up, swooped upward, and completely wrapped the black shadow in the vine. In the middle, the vines twitched suddenly, and the black shadow was also caught by the vines, and was instantly pulled into the ground.

Even if Im’s body is in the state it is now, Giotto still believes that this guy still has the ability to fight him. The attacks of the two collided in an instant, but Im was defeated like this. Quick, this 06 made Giotto Night Market instantly suspicious.

Now it seems as expected, this guy Yimu didn’t plan to fight with him just now, she just acted like she was ruthless, or something like a preemptive attack.

, All to cover up the purpose of this guy’s plan to escape!

Im’s method of escaping at the night market is a bit unusual. I saw those vines twitching wildly at this time. They took Im’s body and rushed towards the depths of the earth in an instant, and sent them to the place closest to Nanoke. At the root of the tree of Kira, the existence that gave birth to the beginning of all this, the seed of the tree of Noki Kira!

Wherever he goes, Im can once again put his own source into the inside of the Nanokikila Seed. This guy, Humian, can wake up in the catastrophe again and again, and he also used this kind of means, so this Only after such a long period of time can a guy come to this world again.

Because in this world, the power of Devil Fruits, that is, the tree of Nojikila will not disappear, and they can still appear in this world in the second year after the owner dies. This, as a The Seed of Nokikila, the root of all Devil Fruits, has such a talent.

So, now that he has lost everything, Im is no longer a young and enthusiastic brat, and he doesn’t mind admitting his failure. If he loses, he loses, but now that he has changed his life form, he can’t be limited to this.

His body rushed towards the ground frantically, and his speed maintained an astonishing high speed in the rock formations under the rocky surface, because those spread out by the Nokikila tree The rattan had already pierced through the earth of Mary Joa.

The hard rock formations have long since become incomparably fragile under the stirring of so many vines. Although the power of these vines is not enough to be seen under a strong man like Giotto, if it is only facing the rocks of the earth, then It is completely sufficient, their strength can easily break through these rock formations, whether it is rooted or nothing, they have already eroded this piece of land.

Under this land, there are already all traces of these vines. Immediately sinking down, Im’s eyes flashed a dangerous red light, and the land seemed to be stained with a layer of blood, although it meant that he was indeed You can ignore the gains and losses this time, hide in the tree of Nokikila, and then use this power to bury yourself in the world for hundreds of years, and once again come out to embrace everything.

But this time Giotto and the others abruptly resigned Im from the altar, defeated him, and fell into such a dangerous situation now. Everything and all the achievements they have built may be destroyed after today. Giotto overthrew them. No matter how talented he is, it must be impossible for him to have no fluctuations in his heart by now.

In fact, it was exactly the opposite of what Im was going to do. His murderous intentions towards the Pengele family and Giotto almost reached their peak at this time. He was so angry that his teeth were tickling. Giotto frowned, and the hatred in his eyes almost solidified.

But his reason was at this time that he was a commoner of candles. He knew that he had already mastered it, and he definitely couldn’t fight Giotto and the others here for a whim.

Anyway, he still has the ability to make himself stand up and fight again. As long as he still holds the powerful power of the Nokikila tree, he has already been invincible. No matter how hard Giotto and the others work, the winner is. In the end, it was him, Im!

After thinking about it, Im even slightly slowed down the high hatred, and his speed at this time has also accelerated a lot. His eyes at this time are already full of the dawn of victory.

In front of him, a pure white light appeared, and a burst of life force was slowly spilling out from the white light, and those rays of light were full of power. I saw that in the countless centers absorbing these energies, it was a nucleus full of white light, and that was the Seed of Nokikila 570!

Now, as long as Im instills all of his power into it at this time, he can completely integrate into the Seed of Nanokikila at this time. Destroyed, or what, after this, Im can be invincible!

At this moment, there was an excited highlight in Im’s eyes. Although he has failed, this does not prevent him from looking forward to his victory!

“Hahaha, the disobedients of the Penggelie family, although you defeated me for a while, you will eventually grow old. I am only temporarily dormant. I already have an infinite lifespan. As long as I dormant for a few years, I will be able to Destroy everything you hold dear!”

“You can be strong for ten years and a hundred years, but I will destroy everything you cherish and everything you built in half a year!” Im’s eyes even fell into madness, which was full of blood. She is so excited about the future!

“Ah, it’s really scary. Sure enough, we thought from the beginning that killing this guy was the right decision!” And just when Im was most excited, a cold voice slowly rang He got up, and there was even a faint sneer in the voice.

Chapter 1167 The guy who suddenly appeared

The sudden appearance of this voice made Yimu’s heart seem to be pinched tightly by someone’s hand at this time, and a bone-piercing chill suddenly rose behind his back, and at this moment, He looked forward abruptly, and only then did he see a small figure appearing inside the vines with the wrong knots of paper.

“…You, what kind of Reborn!” Yimu was a little confused, looking at the sudden appearance of Reborn, his mind has changed a lot now.

His expression also collapsed a little, which shows that even the current Im is a little flustered. He was not in the mood to pay attention to how Reborn appeared in this place for the time being, but what he knew was that the appearance of Reborn in this place immediately meant that the development of the matter might be completely different from what he had imagined before. .

This guy Reborn appeared here, and he did it without knowing it. That is to say, Im didn’t know that this guy Reborn came to this place, which seemed to be his most fatal weakness. what did you do? !

Thinking of this, Yimu looked at Reborn on the opposite side, suppressed the strong fear inside his body, and asked Reborn in a deep voice, “What the **** did you do in this place!”

Maybe Im didn’t realize how dry his voice was now, and the sound had changed significantly.

And this change that he couldn’t find by himself, Li Baoen, who was opposite him, heard it completely, and there was a smile like a little devil on Li Baoen’s face. His face was not concealed at all.

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