Peng Lie on the Great Way

Chapter 43

Chapter 43:

“CPO, are you finally here? In that case, let’s go with the old man to arrest Peng Lie I. There is no need to delay the battle here.” Warring States just glanced, and then said in a deep voice.

The relationship between their navy and the CP organization has never been very good. Although they both work for the World Government, he does not intend to give these people any good looks.

“What a boring old man, and then…”

The tall and thin CPO turned his head and turned his gaze to Giotto: “Are you the King of Penggli I? To be honest, I quite admire your courage, and you dare to take action against the nobles of the world… Wow, haha, think about what to do. Dead, you bastard?”.

Chapter 113 The Lonely Cloud


Giotto frowned. It was the first time he had heard someone say that about him, but he had to be XANXUS, otherwise his anger would probably explode.

Aside from these verbal things, the aura emanating from these three CPOs is indeed extraordinary. This tall and thin man with a sharp voice should be the weakest among them. It is weaker than the strength of Aokiji and others at this stage, that is to say, it is equivalent to a top lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters.

The burly man is the one with the most calm and powerful breath. Although he has not yet shot, he can feel the oppressive feeling that is radiating from him all the time. In addition, Giotto noticed that the Warring States glanced at this man specially just now, which means that this burly man is an existence that even the Warring States need to pay attention to.

Then it is very likely that his strength will be equal to the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters!

Should it be said that the CPO is worthy of being the strongest shield of the Tianlong people? Each of the three people who were dispatched was no trivial matter.

As for the last guy in a trench coat that looks more ordinary…

The strength is very strong, even stronger than the burly man, but Giotto doesn’t need to worry about him.

“Hey, it’s talking, bastard! Shouldn’t you be scared to pee your pants? Wow ha ha ha!”

The lanky CPO taunted Giotto, and his words were extremely ugly. From this, it can be seen that his strength is strong. After all, this way of speaking, if he didn’t have any strength, he would have been beaten to death!

Being able to live until now is enough to prove that this product is quite powerful!

“One bite, one bastard, no matter how good-tempered I am, I can’t help but smash your head!””

The moment he said these words, Giotto’s figure disappeared directly on the spot, and then he appeared in the mid-air beside the tall and thin CPO. Death energy and armed arrogance appeared on the left fist at the same time, a powerful blow. Directly smashed at his head.

However, the tall and thin CPO who noticed the blow did not choose to dodge.


A dull sound came out, but Giotto’s blow did not hit the tall and thin CPO’s head, but was blocked by the palm of the hand of the burly man who appeared here with a shave.

Giotto was not surprised at all in this situation. Since the blow did not work, he immediately retreated and directly opened the distance between him and the other party.

On the contrary, the thin and tall CPO’s eyes changed slightly, which was full of confusion. Obviously, he has already used the iron block, and there is no problem in blocking the opponent’s attack. Why does his companion still shoot?

“Amon, don’t underestimate this guy too much. His fist is nothing but your iron block. If you were hit by his punch just now, you would be severely injured.”


The burly man’s low voice sounded slowly: “If it is other parts of the body, I will never intervene if you use iron blocks to resist his attack, but your head is not hard enough to ignore the opponent’s attack.”

“Huh? Do you think I’m not this bastard’s opponent? Al!” Emon was obviously a little dissatisfied, and immediately turned his head and screamed at his companion.

But when the burly man named Al turned his head, and his bloodthirsty eyes fell on him like a beast, he immediately closed his annoying mouth, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and dared not say more. Half a word of nonsense.

That kind of pure wildness, although not the domineering arrogance of a tyrant, is also deterrent, especially the kind possessed by this person, which is already powerful to an indescribable level.

Even Giotto, who was standing in the distance, was slightly startled. It seems that in his field of vision is not a burly man, but a pure and powerful beast!

“Amon, Arnold, your two districts cooperated with the Warring States General to arrest that Peng Lie I. I don’t want to waste too much time in this kind of place, so I will only give you half an hour. If within half an hour There is no way to solve the enemy, then I will take action myself, but at that time, I will teach you a good lesson.”

Al clasped his hands, and stood in place with his eyes closed, as if this matter had nothing to do with him, or in his mind, Giotto was not qualified to let him shoot.

No matter how strong this person is, he is full of arrogance anyway!

“Okay, okay, I’ll listen to you, you have the final say, who told you to be better than me?”

Amon spread his hands. It was like this in the CPO. Whoever is stronger has the final say: “Then Arnold, should you go up or I will take care of that bastard?”

At this moment, Arnold slowly took off his mask, revealing that stern face, and at the same time walked to Amon’s side step by step, took off the handcuffs with his right hand, and slowly said, “Who allowed you to call me by my name? To be honest, your voice is really disgusting!”

“‘” Click! ”

At the moment when the voice fell, Arnold directly handcuffed Amon’s hand, and a special smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“Hey! Arnold, you idiot, believe it or not I screwed your head off?”

Amon was stunned for a moment, and then said viciously: “You dare to put handcuffs on my hands. Is it because you have been sailing for too long and have problems with your head? Don’t you hurry up and untie it for me?

At this moment, Giotto took out a ring from his pocket and threw it directly towards Arnold.

And Arnold quickly caught the ring and put it on his hand. A cold voice came out of his mouth: “First of all, you don’t have the ability to screw my head off. Second, you are not qualified to do so. Without that strength, give orders to me. In the end, what is the illusion that makes you think we are companions?”

The purple cloud attribute flame of death ignited violently at this moment, and the handcuffs (money) that were cuffed to Amon’s hands changed immediately after the cloud attribute flame was injected, one changed to two, two Change four, in less than a breath, the handcuffs wrapped Amon’s whole body, leaving only one head.

“Damn! Damn! Damn! Arnold, what the **** are you trying to do?” Eamon struggled frantically and screamed at the same time, fear appeared in his eyes, because at this moment, he had already felt that death was moving towards get close.

“People who are so stupid are really rare. Didn’t you see that Ardu has given up on you? He is much smarter than you, at least he knows that even if he takes action now, there is no way to stop me…”

When the words fell, Arnold pulled the handcuffs sharply, and Amon, who was beside him, separated his body from his head. Those wide-eyed terrified eyes didn’t even know why Arnold, who was also the CPO, would be soft on him.

With such unwillingness and doubts, his head rolled to the ground…

Chapter 114 fierce confrontation

To be honest, Giotto himself was stunned when he saw Arnold appearing as CPO. He knew that the system would implant a special identity for Arnold in all likelihood, just like Zhaoli Yuyue became a peacemaker before. A great swordsman who lives in seclusion in an uninhabited shrine in the country.

But he never thought that the system would directly make Arnold a member of the CPO, the top agent of the world government, known as one of the strongest shields of the Tianlong people.


And the World Government, by coincidence, sent a CPO to help the navy capture itself. Arnold happened to be one of the CPOs sent out. Sure enough, this is the destiny that the protagonist can have?

After getting rid of the guy named Amon, Arnold’s handcuffs returned to their original state, and the headless body fell to the ground.

What happened suddenly made Warring States, who was a wise general, bewildered. He couldn’t understand what was going on at all. The CPO appeared first, and he felt that with the help of these three people, the arrest of Peng Gelie was stable.

Who knew that Al, who was at the forefront of them, had no plans to take action at all. Why did you come when you said you didn’t plan to come out? To travel or visit?

That’s okay, there are two other people to help, although the trouble will be a little more troublesome, but if you want to win 880 and defeat Peng Lie I, in the Warring States period, there is no problem.

Just when he was about to join forces with CP0 to deal with Giotto, the one named Amon was killed by his companion directly?

During this process, Penggli I also threw a ring to Arnold?

and many more! ring?

“Arnold, I don’t mind you killing that guy Amon, but I want you to explain the current situation. As a member of CP0, what is the relationship between you and the Pengele family?”

Al’s expression didn’t change from the previous moment, as if he didn’t care about Amon’s death: “I hope you can answer honestly, in this case, it will be convenient to report to the top after I get rid of you, which can reduce a lot of my work. quantity.”

His eyes already regarded Arnold as dead. Although he didn’t mind Amon being killed, as an agent of CP0, what Arnold did was to let go

committed an unforgivable crime.

As for killing Arnold?

This is not in his scope of consideration, because he has absolute confidence in his (agag) strength, let alone Arnold, even if he is a general of the Warring States period, he thinks that he can kill him with certainty!

“I don’t need to explain to you, just like the way you look at me, you don’t have any difference in my eyes. In the end, it’s just between us, who can change what you see in your eyes into Facts.”

Arnold’s whole person is very cold, or it can be said to be calm, and nothing can make his expression fluctuate.

“I don’t need an explanation at all, right? There is only one person in the Pengele family who can have your strength and wear that special ring!”

The Warring States have seen through everything at this moment: “Among the Pengele family, second only to the guardians of the leader Pengerie I! Although I don’t know how you became a CPO, or because of some special reasons after becoming a CPO first. The reason was recruited by Peng Lie, but at this moment there is no doubt that you are the third guardian of the Peng Li family!”

Based on the information about the Pengele family, make a reasonable guess, and Sengoku can be sure that there is nothing wrong with his guess. Although it is said that there are many people in the Pengellie family who wear special rings, according to the information, that kind of shape has only appeared on the body of the guardians of the Pengellie family.

Giotto will give the ring to Arnold just now, which also proves that Arnold’s identity is the guardian of Pengele!

“It’s very smart. I am indeed Yun, one of the guardians of Peng Lie. Now you know my identity, and then? Does this help in the next battle?”

Arnold didn’t care about revealing his identity at all. For him, revealing his identity was just losing a job that paid well.

“It won’t help in the fight, but I’ll make it easier…after killing you!”

Having obtained the answer he wanted, Al immediately bullied him and attacked Arnold: “Point the gun!”

At the same time, the Warring States also attacked Giotto immediately, but at this time he was a little depressed. After tossing back and forth for a long time, in the end, he was alone to deal with Giotto. The arrival of the CPO did not provide him with anything at all. Any help, even he suspects, the CPO will be a trouble.

As the guardian of Peng Lie, that Arnold is definitely extremely powerful. What he just showed by killing Amon instantly is probably just the tip of the iceberg!

I have to say that this suspicion of the Warring States period is correct. Arnold is the strongest guardian of Peng Lie I, and his strength is much stronger than the part he just showed!

“Death Armed? Shock the sky!”

In the face of the attack of the Warring States period, Giotto directly met him head-on. Although he has consumed a lot of physical strength now, the fire of death is burning much more vigorously than before, which means that his overall combat power is Not decreasing but increasing.

In the confrontation between him and the Warring States Period, every blow was heavy, and every collision between the two would make a deafening sound, forming a wave of air that swept in all directions, and the ground under his feet could no longer bear them. The power has a tendency to collapse completely.

The confrontation between pure power, one relies on the shock wave of his own Buddha shape, and the other uses the fire of death and the domineering of armed color to the extreme.

On the other hand, the battle scene was completely different.

The speed of the fight between Arnold and Al was extremely fast, and it was difficult for the naked eye to capture the speed of their attack, and the reflexes and fighting talents of the two were extremely terrifying.

When attacking, he kept dodging without leaving a single flaw for the opponent.

Both of them knew that at this time, if anyone showed a little flaw, it would attract a violent attack from the other side, and one wrong move could lead to a fall into the abyss.

Therefore, the nerves of both of them were extremely tense, and neither of them dared to relax at all.

But even so, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Arnold was gaining the upper hand. Moreover, the corners of his mouth that are gradually rising also represent that he is in control of this seemingly even battle! .

Chapter 100—I Chapter Five: Ancient Species of Ability

Warring States restrained Giotto by himself and asked Qingzhi to help elsewhere, but there was one thing that Warring States did not expect. When Qingzhi was about to help Kizaru and Haoshu to deal with Fran, the road that had been in charge of treating their companions Slya also joined the fight.

Originally thought it was just a logistics staff, but when the real fight was over, Aokiji knew that this looked like…

Luslia, who is just a bitch, is not weak at all. The use of the domineering armament and the fire of death, coupled with the superb Muay Thai fighting skills, make Qingzhi feel a little uncomfortable.

It can only be said that none of the guys who can be called Varian cadres are simple characters!

It is also because Lusliya participated in the frontal battle, so the situation between the two sides has not changed. Akainu and Taotu are still suppressed by XANXUS. In fact, the strength of these two people is still very strong, but they are restrained by XANXUS. Damn it, he can’t show much of his strength at all.

As long as Akainu’s ability is close to XANXUS, it will be petrified and decomposed by Besta.

Although Taotu is relying on her own swordsmanship to fight, the problem is that XANXUS does not give her a chance to get close at all. The flame of anger is coupled with the long-range fire suppression of firearms, and it is difficult to get close to it.

On the other hand, the battle between Fran, Kizaru and Haomo is too simple. After using Varian’s ring, his illusion is no longer something that ordinary people can resist. It is even easier than Kizaru when facing illusions.

After all, Haoshu’s accomplishments in seeing, hearing and domineering are not bad. Because of the focus on the development of his own fruit ability, Huang Yuan’s domineering and physical skills are only the average level of a lieutenant general.

When he was a student under Zefa, he always believed that physical skills and domineering were not important. After all, his glittering fruit was one of the most powerful fruit abilities. Even if he didn’t pay attention to physical skills and domineering, he could only rely on his fruit ability. It is also enough to grow into a general-level powerhouse.

Just face the illusion..

It is also thanks to the fact that he is now encountering Fran. If it is like Liu Dao Zong or Damon Spedo, he will probably be killed directly by illusions!

It’s not that Fran’s illusion level is poor, but because Fran doesn’t have any passion for fighting, and he hasn’t fully taken it seriously until now, otherwise he wouldn’t be using the Varian Ring.

In his hand, there is a ring of hell? The emblem of Satan!

“I didn’t expect you to hide so deeply, even I didn’t expect such strength.”

Al said in a deep voice while coping with the opponent’s attack.

Before, he always thought that although Arnold was strong, he was only stronger than the guy at the level of Amon. He never thought that he would have the strength to suppress him faintly.

“You didn’t expect a lot of things, but these are not important, the important thing is…”

At this moment, Arnold’s eyes flashed coldly, and he used the handcuffs as a tiger and waved his fists directly towards the opponent’s face: “If you don’t do your best, I can kill you soon!”

In an instant, although Al’s head slanted away from Arnold’s punch, he was swept across by the strong wind, leaving a straight bloodstain on his face.

Immediately after he dodged, he took a few steps back and slightly distanced himself from Arnold.

“I really can’t underestimate you anymore, but the next story has been arranged. Within ten minutes after I use my true strength, you will be beaten into meat sauce by me!”

As he spoke, Al’s body began to change, with two irregularly shaped crowns similar to battle axe growing on his head, small and sharp teeth like awls appearing in his mouth, his limbs also became thicker, and his legs Significantly stronger than the hand.

He is not an ordinary physique user, but also a person with the ability of animal fruit, and as the strongest shield of the Tianlong people, he enjoys the top treatment in the world, and taking the devil fruit is naturally a strong and suitable choice. own use.

Fauna? Dragon Dragon Fruit? Ancient Species? Double Wax Dragon Form!

Entering this half-beast transformation is when he is truly the most powerful. Whether it is strength, agility, or vitality, there is a significant improvement. It is precisely because of this ancient devil fruit that Al can truly have comparable The combat power of the admiral level is truly worthy of the honor of the strongest shield of the Tianlong people!

“That’s interesting, otherwise even defeating you will be boring.”

0…..For flowers 0……

Arnold’s eyes showed a strong fighting spirit, and his armed arrogance was wrapped around his handcuffs and fists in an instant. His armed arrogance was extremely accomplished. Even if he did not have any fruit ability, he would not be afraid of anyone in a head-to-head fight. .

At the same time, the flame of cloud attribute death energy is also entangled on the handcuffs, but from the frontal combat alone, the improvement of Arnold’s strength by the flame of cloud attribute death energy is estimated to be less than the domineering of armed color.

“Break me down? Don’t say such big words, you know, I won’t laugh because of your arrogance… Finger gun? Crack!”

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