Peng Lie on the Great Way

Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

I have to say that what Fran said just now is very correct. Peng Lie is for protection, but the territory is also indispensable!

Whether it’s to expand its own power, or to complete the main task of the system…

“I understand, make a plan when you go back, and then start preparing for expansion.”

Giotto nodded, immediately making a decision.

It was also at this moment that his eyes suddenly changed, and he immediately turned to look at Cake Island. At that moment, he felt danger!

Sure enough, when he turned his head like this, he saw a huge body at the pier of Cake Island, with a fierce flame burning in his hands and a hideous smile on his face.

“Well, well! Since I have come to my mother’s tea party, if there is no gift, others will say that my mother is not well entertained! So, let’s take this trick well, the little devil of Peng Lie!”

The aunt’s laughter was a little crazy, she slammed her fist, and the scorching flame, along with her punch, directly turned into a column of fire that could completely swallow the ship: “Prometheus, flame jet! ”

If he was hit by this pillar of fire, Giotto reckoned that he would have to fly back with Nakel and Fran. Of course, swimming back to Seiken Island was also an option.

But just want to destroy your own ship?

wishful thinking!

As soon as he thought of this, Giotto immediately flew out, and the whole person was suspended in the air. The flames of softness and flames of rigidity were all running. The direction of the palm was the rushing fire pillar, which was also the cake island!


Chapter 20 Leaving


The skills used in the face of lack of ground support are also supported by the flexible flame of the right hand and the rigid flame of the left hand to launch attacks, that is, the XBURNER released in the air.


The fierce flames of Gangzhi erupted wildly at this moment, directly resisting the flames blasted by the aunt’s punch. Moreover, the flames of just have a tendency to suppress the opponent, and the energy purity of the fire of death is much stronger than the flames displayed by the aunt with Prometheus.

However, at this time, Giotto said he was a little panicked.

Because from the perspective of the spectator, he is now on the left.

There is a well-known saying, since ancient times, we have lost to the left side of Bo, except for the pig in Dyna!

So according to the big world rules of this sentence, I can’t stand it anymore? Or is it that BIG?MOM, who will become the Four Emperors in the future, is at the same level as Dyna in the wave-matching link?

I have to say that, as the future four emperors, the monsters with bounties of more than 2 billion Baileys are now. Big Mom is really powerful. The flame shock formed by Prometheus is completely enough to destroy most things.

But the power of XBURNER is also not to be underestimated. The madly bursting flames of death have extraordinary impact and destructive power. In just a few breaths, the orange flame impact has already begun to gradually devour Prometheus. The flames completely prevailed.

“The situation is not good.” Nacker suddenly frowned at this time and said solemnly.

“Mo? Is there any problem? It seems that the boss has completely suppressed the opponent.” Fran didn’t see any problems at this time. After all, he was an illusionist, and he knew more about this kind of straight-forward battle than he did. Knuckle, who is the strongest boxer, is far behind.

“In terms of attack strength, I have indeed had the advantage. It won’t take long for XBURNER’s attack to penetrate the opponent’s flame and land on the cake island. However, I’s mastery of this move is far from enough. Even more so in the air, his own body has already begun to move backwards, which means that the buffering power of the soft flame is weaker than the impact of the rigid flame.”

Nakel frowned slightly, and his face was also slightly serious: “Simply put, it won’t take long for I to blow away the flames of the other party, but he himself will be thrown upside down by XBURNER’s powerful recoil, we Or prepare to go to the sea and fish him out.”

Hearing this, Fran couldn’t help but twitch twice at the corners of his mouth. He really didn’t expect that his boss’s ultimate move would have such a side effect.

At this moment, Giotto, who was trying his best to motivate XBURNER, also noticed this, but… he couldn’t do anything about it!

The accuracy that XBURNER needs is too high, even if he has an intermediate level of super-intuition and a sense of domineering, he can’t grasp that point at all.

Alas, I wish I could summon Spana. If I really don’t have this luck, I can’t feel wronged. It’s acceptable to come to Verdi.


At this moment, the sound like thunder broke out again, and Giotto’s body has moved backward obviously, but the fire of death has completely crushed Aunt’s flame, and the orange flame is unstoppable and sweeps towards the cake island. And go.

“Mouth Peng!”

As the explosion resounded through the sky, Auntie and the pier area of Cake Island were completely swallowed up by the orange flames of death, and you could vaguely hear the scolding from Auntie’s mouth. It is estimated that even she did not think that Giotto has the strength to break through her attacks, but it is not easy to hurt this monster.

Steel balloon, this title is not for nothing!

A few days later, the Navy Headquarters.

“General of the Warring States, there is news about the new world.” The navy soldier stood in the office of the Warring States and said with a serious face.

“Well, bring the documents here.” Warring States nodded and said immediately.

His job is called a conscientious person. It has been like this since when he called himself a navy. Until now, as a general, even if he becomes a marshal in the future, nothing has changed.

After the navy soldier brought the document forward, the Warring States temporarily put down what he was dealing with just now, picked up the document and read it carefully. After all, the new world is now a mess, and any useful news may become them. The navy’s breakthrough into the new world.

“I said Warring States, your two eyebrows are about to squeeze together, what’s the news?” Garp, who was sitting on the side eating senbei and drinking tea, also found out that something was wrong in Warring States, and couldn’t bear it. Stop and ask.

Of course, he just asked casually like this. Usually, the Warring States period was too lazy to pay attention to him. After all, his purpose in this office was to eat senbei and drink tea, and there was nothing else.

Especially now, after that guy Roger has been executed, he is more and more free.

“Kapp, you shouldn’t be unfamiliar with BIG?MOM, right?” Sengoku raised his head, looked at his old friend, and said solemnly.

“Ah! The guy on the Rocks ship in the past, the woman who was not physically strong, I still have this memory of this old man, but why did you suddenly mention her?” Garp picked his nose with one hand and said indifferently. .

“If you’re so condescending, get out of here for the old man!”

After scolding, Sengoku Cai continued: “In the sea after Roger’s execution, BIG?MOM is definitely one of the most difficult pirates, but just a while ago, someone was on her home base, Cake Island, with him. After fighting and retreating, he also destroyed part of his cake island.”

Hearing this, Garp was also a little interested, put down the half of the senbei in his hand, and said: “There are not many pirates who can do this! Let the old man think about it, is it Whitebeard, or Like her, the monster kid on the Rocks ship in the past?”

The monster kid on the Rocks ship is the big pirate who is also in the new world now, Kaido!

In Garp’s impression, the New World has strength now, and it is possible to play against BIG?MOM, that is, these two guys.

However, at the moment of the Warring States period, he shook his head, then picked up one of the documents and placed it in front of Garp: “Pengali Giotto, who attacked the G5 branch before.

, the guy on Roger’s boat!

2nd H – Chapter Troubled Prince

“Let me and Reborn go out this time, and Seiken Island will be handed over to you and Fran.”

Giotto, who had just returned to Seiken Island, said to Nakel with a depressed expression.

Originally thought that after coming back this time, he could have a good rest for a while, and then start the plan to expand the territory, but who would have thought that as soon as he came back, both the system and Li Baoen told him the same bad news.

That is one of their Pengele family, who is now being hunted and killed, and it is the most terrifying pirate in the new world who is chasing him. The man named the strongest man in the world, Edward Newgate the Whitebeard!

“Activate Mission: Rescue Belphegor.”

Giotto was a little helpless when he learned about this task. After all, that uncle, he had dealt with the other party when he was on Roger’s ship before, so he knew very well.

How strong is Whitebeard, who is at his peak now, let alone his current self, even Nakel is estimated to be unable to resist the terrifying destructive power of Whitebeard’s shock fruit.

In addition, they had just had a bad relationship with BIG?MOM, and it was the safest choice for Nakel to stay on Seiken Island. Otherwise, once Giotto took Nakel to rescue the troubled prince, he would not be able to tell. BIG-MOM will take people directly to Seiken Island.

It’s true that Li Baoen is not weak, but against the monster-like steel balloon, it is difficult to play any role.

“Oh, just leave the ultimate to me!” Nacker patted his chest and said confidently. To be honest, it seems that no matter under any circumstances, he looks so confident, should it be said that he is the guardian of sunshine of Peng Lie?

Nodding his head, Giotto didn’t say anything more, just boarded the ship with Ribone and sailed in the direction of the **** prince. In addition to the two of them this time, there are Crowley and two newcomers of the Pengele family. Giotto didn’t intend to bring them with him. After all, he had to face Whitebeard, and he didn’t have much of it himself. grasp.

However, Ribone agreed to let Crowley and a few people follow him, saying that he could let young people see the world or something.

“So, how did that idiot provoke Whitebeard?” Giotto asked with a gloomy face after sitting on the boat.

How could he not understand this!

Ribon sat on Giotto’s shoulder, holding information that matched his size in his hand, and said slowly: “It is said that on the way to Seiken Island, I met a prince of the country who mocked him, and I was in a bad mood. In a particularly unpleasant situation, he killed the opponent directly. But what he didn’t take into account was that the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates was hung in that country.”

Although, Giotto felt that Belphegor was causing trouble for himself, but from an analysis of the actual situation, he had to admit that the prince who provoked Bell was largely suspected of killing himself.

Why do you say that?

First of all, Bell himself has royal blood, his personality is flamboyant, arrogant and proud. Second, Bell likes to kill.

As a prince of a country, to ridicule Bell, in addition to his own pride can’t stand it, your identity as a prince will also have a hatred bonus! so,

This prince who doesn’t know what country is dead is also asking for it!

“It’s really troublesome!”

Giotto sighed, and then asked: “But the prince of a country under his own pirate group was killed. Shouldn’t the old guy with Whitebeard go out in person, right?”

Whitebeard shouldn’t be so busy all day long, right?

I don’t know how many countries have his pirate flag hanging. Anyway, the biggest force in the new world is their Whitebeard Pirates. If he has to personally take action for the prince of a country, he will lose face too much.

“According to the information obtained from the dark world, it is indeed not Whitebeard himself who is chasing Bell, but his captain Diamond Joze. However, the Whitebeard Pirates’ ship seems to be nearby, so we are going to rescue Bell. , there is a more than 70% chance that you will meet Whitebeard directly.”

Reborn threw away the information in his hand, after all, these things were of little value.

They don’t have their own intelligence organization yet in the Pengele family, so the way to obtain intelligence is to buy it from the dark world.

“Forget it, the specific situation will only be known after it arrives. Peng Lie has never abandoned the tradition of his companions, even if he really wants to go up against Whitebeard!” Giotto’s eyes narrowed, and a determined light flashed.

He is very clear that the current Pengele family is by no means an opponent of the Whitebeard Pirates. Neither himself nor Nakel have the strength to compete with the strongest man in the world.

But so what?

If you have to give up your companions and family just because you are not an opponent, then Peng Lie has no meaning to exist!

Furthermore, now is not an opponent, what about the future?

There are six guardians in his Pengele family, and there are many things belonging to them that have not been unlocked yet.

If he really wants to die, Giotto is not necessarily afraid of Whitebeard, and he can’t fight for a period of time. After he has enough strength, he will collect debts from the other party!

“Go ahead at full speed, that guy Bell can’t last for too long.”

As soon as he thought of this, Giotto immediately gave an order. He didn’t want to see Bell’s body when he arrived!

West Island.

This is just an unknown island in the New World. The only peculiar thing is that the wind has been raging here for a long time. After all, the weather in the New World is always strange.

In the forest on this island, a young man is walking fast, his right arm has been injured, and even lifting it will cause severe pain.

“That **** diamond bastard, his defense is too perverted! If it wasn’t for that guy’s body covered in diamonds, I would have killed him long ago! Damn, **** it!” While speeding up his pace, Bell couldn’t bear it He stopped and cursed.

To be honest, Joz’s ability is indeed very restraining Bell, even if the Lan attribute Death Qi has the characteristic of decomposition, it is difficult to hurt Joz, who can be turned into a diamond.

After about five minutes of advancing, Bell suddenly stopped his steps. He felt the raging wind in this special terrain, with an excited and crazy smile on his face: “Hee hee hee hee! It’s here, even if it is resolved. If you can’t drop that diamond bastard, no one else can escape the prince’s hunt!”

He didn’t come to this island by escaping indiscriminately. In the process of escaping from the pursuit of the Whitebeard Pirates, he discovered this island where the wind was raging.

For him as the guardian of Varian Lan, this is the most suitable venue for him to perform that artistic battle!

PS: Thank you **, Grim Reaper, **, saw it or not, saw it, Yi9247, Liu Junda, y.. is it, is it, is it, clean up, there is no emperor, ~smiling life?

, the monthly pass of eleven bosses.

Thanks to the five cats for the reward.

(This chapter contains pictures, click the “Illustration” button in the lower right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)

Chapter 22 Bell’s Peril (For Flowers)

Shortly after Bell landed on the West Rim Island, the third division led by Joze landed immediately.

But at this time, Joz didn’t realize that this island had become a trap for them the moment Bell set foot on it.

“Immediately find that guy, who dares to make trouble on the site of our Whitebeard Pirates, and he must pay the price!” Joz sternly said, and he is in a very unhappy mood now.

As the captain of the third division of the Whitebeard Pirates, he hadn’t caught that blond guy for so long. Moreover, in the process of chasing the opponent, he suffered losses several times. The opponent was a guy with no bottom line, and he always attacked his subordinates to contain himself.

If it wasn’t for the protection of his subordinates, he could have caught them long ago.

“Hee hee hee! After chasing me for so long with no results, what’s the benefit of being so persistent for you?”

At this moment, Bell took the initiative to walk out of the forest, standing at the entrance of the road into the forest, with a somewhat crazy smile on his face: “To be honest, if you don’t have that diamond, I can easily kill you. !”

“If you fight head on, I can crush you directly!” Joz clenched his fists, but he didn’t rush forward directly. Through the previous fights in pursuit, he also had a certain understanding of Bell.

If he rushes up at this time, the other party will definitely choose to attack his subordinates to force him to retreat.

“very scary!”

Suddenly, Bell threw a flying knife out, and the flame of death of the Lan attribute was attached to it, and swept towards a pirate at a lightning speed.

Seeing this scene, Joz immediately reacted, the strong body disappeared in place, and the next moment he directly blocked in front of his men, and his arms turned into bright diamonds at this moment.

A crisp sound came out, and the flying knife hit the diamond’s arm and landed on the ground.

“If you want to be clever, you should save it. Don’t you know who you are facing? Didn’t you see that your captain was always vigilant? Shooting and sneak attack

This kind of thought, it is best to erase it from your mind now! ”

Even in the situation of being surrounded by enemies, Bell still had his new crazy smile on his face, as if this situation was not dangerous for him, but a kind of extreme enjoyment.

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