People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 110

Page 110

“Little Lord.”

When Mo Yu walked into the office, he seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.

When he was in Yuanyue Academy, although Mo Yu still retained his arrogant and arrogant temperament, at this moment, he made it even more clear what it meant to be “dreadful”.

Even those of the Hei Lin Group, who were used to fighting with blood and swords.

At the moment when he met Mo Yu’s eyes, he still couldn’t help feeling a chill from his heart.

Beiyuan Falcon followed behind Mo Yu, as usual, reporting to Mo Yu all kinds of affairs, big and small, that happened in the Hei Lin group today.

“The engineering plan for the food empire is going very smoothly, and we already have a preliminary design concept for the store distribution.”

With that said, Beiyuan Falcon presented the document in his hand to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu glanced at it and nodded slightly.

“Just do it.”


Kitahara Hayabusa lowered his head and said.

Mo Yu slowly rubbed his fingers and remembered something.

“By the way, some time ago, I asked you to pay attention to the recent business situation of the Mozu House in Winter Capital?”

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But it was just a temporary business store opened by the society.

After the end of the summer festival, these temporarily suggested storefronts were closed one after another.

And what Mo Yu asked about was the Mozu house in Dongdu, which is actually used for commercial operation, which also has an inseparable cooperative relationship with Eishan Zhijin.indivual.

[101] Stewed Rice Theme Dishes!The Queen of Icebergs is here! (Please subscribe!)


Although most of the time, Mo Yu handed over the affairs of the Hei Lin group to Beiyuan Falcon.

But every word that came out of Mo Yu’s mouth still had the same status as the supreme imperial edict to Beiyuan Falcon and the others.

Therefore, after hearing Mo Yu ask about the Mozu house, Kitahara Falcon replied immediately.

“Back to the young master, we have been paying close attention to the situation of the Mozu’s house during this period of time.”

“Since a month ago, the original operation of Mozu House seems to have some problems.”

“Many old customers of Mozuya began to complain that the cooking style of Mozuya was too old and lacked new ideas, and they would feel boring after eating too much.”

“And then, Mozuya launched some new fried dishes, although it received a lot of praise at the beginning and saved some customers.”

“But later, for some unknown reason, the quality of the new dishes that Mozuya subsequently launched began to decline, resulting in a decline in customer reputation.”

“Although the Mozu House has made some remedial measures recently, from what we have observed, the passenger flow of the Mozu House has fallen very seriously.”

Kitahara Falcon reported to Mo Yu the situation of the Mozu house in an orderly manner.

When he was ordered by Mo Yu to pay attention to the Mozu House, he immediately started to investigate the Mozu House.

The results found are quite interesting, that is, the reason why Mozuya was able to defeat many opponents with several excellent fried dishes, and became the most popular fried restaurant in Winter Capital.

It’s all because the fried recipes featured by Mozuya were provided by the ninth seat of the top ten heroes of Togetsu Academy, Eizan Zhijin!

It can be seen from this that there is a very close cooperative relationship between Eishan Zhijinya and Mozuya.

Then contact Mo Yu who is currently at Yuanyue Academy to select candidates for the commercial food empire that the Black Lin group will build in the future.

Beiyuan Hayabusa can guess that Eishan Zhijin is afraid that there is a conflict of interest with Mo Yu.

However, Beiyuan Falcon didn’t ask much about it, he knew that Mo Yu had his own judgment.

Mo Yu calmly hummed, saying that he was not surprised by the recent business situation of Mozu House.

Those new fried dishes that Eizan Eizin also launched at the summer festival should be the dishes that were originally planned to be officially launched at Mozuya, the winter capital.

Originally, these more than ten dishes were carefully developed by Eizan Zhijin, but if they were launched regularly, if there were no accidents, even if they could not win the first place.

It’s also enough for Mozuya to get a good place in this summer festival.

However, the appearance of the Black Realm House completely disrupted Eizan’s pace.

In addition, the launch of the cuisine of the Mozuya in the winter capital was also affected.

And in the past month or so, Eizan Zhijin has also devoted most of his energy to stabilizing the business of the Mozuya in the summer festival.

Instead, he neglected to pay attention to the Mozu House in Winter Capital.

But the end result was that the Mozuya of the Summer Festival not only failed to prevent the Black Realm from catching up.

It also led to a decline in the performance of the Mozu House in Winter Capital, and its reputation plummeted.

Eizan Zhijin is also here, it can be regarded as more than worth the loss.

You must know that Mozuya, known as the No. [-] fried restaurant in Winter Capital, can be regarded as one of all the stores run by Eizan Eizan.

The most important storefront.

However, Eizan Eejin is also in this summer festival, in order to stabilize the operation of the Mozu house opened by the club, and he will not talk about one or the other.

In the end, the bamboo baskets on both sides were empty.

The current Eizan Edzuya should be quite annoyed.

“Continue to stare at the situation over the Mozu House, and if necessary, add a little fire.”

Mo Yu said.


As Mo Yu’s capable general for many years, Beiyuan Falcon has always been modest in his work.

When he heard Mo Yu’s order to “add a little fire”, he already knew Mo Yu’s intention.

This person named Eishan Zhijinya has been targeted by Mo Yu.

It’s only a matter of time before they get caught.

In a lighthearted manner, after deciding on the fate of Eizan Zhijinya, Mo Yu gently waved his hand, indicating that Beiyuan Falcon could retire.

“Next, it’s up to Subaru Miasaku and Yukihei to create the real thing.”

A cold light flashed slowly in Mo Yu’s cold eyes.

The Dark Cuisine Research Association and the Local Cuisine Research Association agreed on the day to eat the halberd, and it came in a blink of an eye.

In the early morning of this day, members of the Regional Cuisine Research Association, including Tiansuohui, arrived at the Shiji Stadium early.

“Wow, it’s the first time I’ve seen Shiji in our club, there are so many people.”

Looking at the venue that was almost full of people, a member of the Regional Cuisine Research Association exclaimed in amazement.

The members of the Local Cuisine Research Association have also eaten halberd several times with others, but the scale of those few times of eating halberd, let alone in such a formal venue.

There were not many people watching.

It can be said to be quite deserted.

However, they also know that the reason why the food halberd today has attracted so many people’s attention is because of the Dark Cuisine Research Association.

After the end of the summer festival, the name of this culinary club resounded in Togetsu Academy.

Although on the bright side, the major societies and the Dark Cuisine Research Association are still in a state of peace.

But in fact, anyone can feel that the current Togetsu Academy is like a river in the darkness.

No one knows how many undercurrents and fluctuations are hidden in this water.

But no matter how calm it looks on the bright side, how many people came to watch the halberd-eating scene of the Dark Cuisine Research Association.

I know how closely the major societies in Togetsu Academy are paying attention to the Dark Cuisine Research Association.

And I don’t know why, Tian Suohui always had a bad feeling in her heart.


Suddenly hearing someone in the audience greet him loudly, Tian Suohui was stunned and looked up subconsciously.

I saw everyone in Jixingliao standing in the stands not far away, waving to themselves.

“Ryoko, and Yuuki, everyone is here!”

Tiansuohui was very surprised.

“Of course, today is another halberd meal by Yukihira-kun and Misaku Subaru. How could we miss it?”

“That’s right, this time, Yukihira-kun must defeat that beautiful Subaru, so that he will never dare to be so arrogant in the future!”

The cheerful Yoshino Yuki clenched her fists and said.

They all seemed to be quite confident in Kohei’s true strength.


Tian Suohui nodded, just as she was about to say something, she felt that there seemed to be a few icy gazes in the distance.

But when she looked in the direction of her line of sight, she found that those lines of sight seemed to disappear again.

In the stands full of spectators, Tian Suohui couldn’t find out who was observing him for a while.

However, the feeling of coldness seemed to be carved into her bones, making her unforgettable.

“Lord Mo Yu, is there any problem with that person?”

Just after Tian Suohui sat down, in the direction she just looked at, somewhere in the stands.

Asked by Yu Mei Mito, who noticed that Mo Yu was staring at somewhere just now.

“Over there, it seems to be where the members of the Local Cuisine Research Association are.”

Hojo Miyoko glanced at it and said.

“It’s nothing.”

Mo Yu said lightly.

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