People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 118

Page 118

“Misaku Subaru’s cooking techniques and skills, and even the soul depth of cooking, are far more than Yukihira-kun in this halberd meal.”

“That’s why he was able to win this halberd victory.”

“And even before, when Misaku Subaru was copying Yukihira-kun’s movements, he was also cooking, adding his own unique insights.”

Hearing Ryoko Sakaki’s calm and gentle analysis and explanation, even Yoshino Yuki, who was in a fit of anger, unconsciously became quiet.

“This halberd, the reason for Kohei-kun’s loss is not just because Subaru Miasaku played better than him in the second half.” “[*]”

“Even in the first half, Subaru Mizuaku’s performance has been steadily pressing Yukihira-kun’s head.”


Sakaki Ryoko’s gentle but firm tone made Yoshino Yuki feel unable to refute, she held her head.

“Damn… Could it be that Yukihira-kun just lost like this?”

“It’s all my fault…”

Tiansuohui’s voice came from the side in a low voice.

“If I hadn’t been smart enough to go to Yukihira-kun, I wouldn’t have caused Yukihira-kun to lose to Misaku Subaru today, and he would be ridiculed by the other party.”

Tiansuohui said apologetically.

“Xiaohui, this is not your problem. After all, Subaru Mizuo’s performance today is obvious to all.”

“In any case, Yukihira-kun is not wronged at all in losing to Misaku Subaru today.”

Sakaki Ryoko comforted her softly.

“However, I would like to know, obviously a month ago, Subaru’s strength was obviously not as good as Yukihira-kun’s.”

“How come it’s only been a month and he has made such great progress?”

Hearing Sakaki Ryoko’s question, Yoshino Yuki immediately put aside his worries about Kohei Souzhen for the time being.

“Yeah, even in this month, Yukihira-kun hasn’t missed his daily cooking practice. There’s no reason why Subaru Mizuo has improved so much faster than him.”

“Could it be because of… that legendary dark cooking research society?”

Hearing Yoshino Yuki’s deliberately lowered voice, Shen Ryoko and Tiansuohui were taken aback and looked at each other.

『!’若,水,,资!’!源:”.群,;』:!!6?.!5:.,6′;?6;1:,8″8’9;’.6?!”『!;!若:,水;’:中’转:.”群’..』”3!!0.0?,.0;3,;:1:;4?2:7  “黑暗料理研究会……”

They had also heard about Misaku Subaru joining the Dark Cuisine Research Society.

But judging from the rumors, the rumor that the Dark Cooking Research Association can make people stronger is indeed a bit outrageous for Ryoko Sakaki and the others.

They are not like the other talented students in Togetsu Academy, or the children of rich families.

Family conditions and the environment in which they grew up have allowed them to develop a down-to-earth temperament since childhood.

It is also commonly known as “eat one bite at a time” and “one bite can’t make you fat”.

However, if Subaru Miasaku can defeat Soma Kohei today, it is because of the Dark Cuisine Research Society…

“If that’s the case, I would also like to join the so-called dark cooking research club.”

Yoshino Yuki said suddenly.

“Eh, why?”

Sakaki Ryoko said in surprise.

“Think about it, if we can become stronger as long as we join in, then we don’t have to worry about how to earn credits every day, and how to avoid being expelled from the academy, right?”

“And it’s easy to have a strong strength, it sounds great!”

Yoshino Yuki said.

“But I don’t think so much. If you want to join this cooking association, you might have to suffer more than ordinary people.”

Sakaki Ryoko said softly.

“Aha? In that case, what’s the point of joining? Wouldn’t it be better to give yourself a special training?”

“I can’t say that, Yuuki, if the Dark Cuisine Research Association really has a way to make people stronger in a short period of time.”

“It should be the so-called training of ordinary people, there is a big difference.”

“Although it’s really tiring to hear this, but for those who desire strength, or really become stronger, it’s worth doing this, isn’t it?”

As Sakaki Ryoko said, she felt that Tian Suohui, who was beside her, seemed to have been silent, so she looked at her.

“What’s the matter, Xiaohui, you seem to be absent-minded?”

“Ah, no, nothing…”

Tiansuohui woke up as if she had been electrocuted.

“I was just thinking about something.”

Sakaki Ryoko and Yoshino Yuki thought that Tiansuohui was also worried about Kohei Soma’s situation.

“Okay, Xingping-kun’s character should be adjusted soon, don’t worry too much about him.”

“Tonight, we will hold a party at Jixingliao, and let Kopei-kun adjust his mood.”

“And Xiaohui, so, won’t the Regional Cuisine Research Association be on the verge of disbanding?”

Hearing the concern from Yoshino Yuki and Sakaki Ryoko, Tiansuohui’s heart warmed, and he hurriedly shook his head and said with a smile.

“No, it’s fine, the big deal is to join other clubs, I’m fine, you don’t have to worry.”

Of course Sakaki Ryoko and Yoshino Yuki didn’t believe Tiansuohui’s words. After all, Tiansuohui likes to be brave at times like this every time.

However, they also thought that they thoughtfully did not “expose” Tian Suohui’s inner thoughts, and they returned to Jixingliao together.

The next day, when I came to the gate of the Local Cuisine Research Association, I heard an unfamiliar voice inside.

Tiansuohui knew that someone from the Dark Cuisine Research Society had come to the Local Cuisine Research Society.

Inside, I could vaguely hear the sobbing voice of President Kita-kun.

She took a deep breath and slowly opened the door of the Local Cuisine Research Association.

“Sorry for being late…is that you?”

Seeing the purple short-haired girl standing in front of her, certain memories came to Tian Suohui’s brain, which made her stunned for a moment.

“Oh? So it’s you, Tiansuo classmate.”

Hearing Tiansuohui’s voice, Hojo Miyoko turned to look at her.

“It’s you, Tiansuohui.”

When Hojo Miyoko saw Tiansuohui, although there was a hint of surprise in her eyes, she still looked much calmer than Tiansuohui.

After all, as early as last semester, the two had already had an intersection.

At that time, Miyoko Hojo, even for a while, regarded Tiansuohui as her idol.

Although this layer of filter was ruthlessly shattered later, it was originally in order to get close to his “idol”.

Hojo Miyoko still went to investigate the information of Tiansuohui, knowing that she had joined the local cuisine research group of Togetsu Academy since she entered the school.

Therefore, it did not surprise Miyoko Hojo that she suddenly met Tiansuohui here.

Besides, the purpose of her visit this time was other than to find Hiro Kita to handle the transfer of the club activity venues of the Local Cuisine Research Association and the Dark Cuisine Research Association.

Another reason is Tiansuohui.

This was also Mo Yu’s order.

“North, Hojo-kun…”

Unexpectedly, Miyoko Hojo recognized herself, and she was much taller than ordinary girls, like the height of a basketball player.

And the cold eyes that have remained unchanged for thousands of years.

Tian Suohui almost trembled with fright.

Her relationship with Hojo Miyoko can be traced back to the last semester.

And all these origins were just a misunderstanding.

Last semester, the first-year students of the high school at Togetsu Gakuen had their first major year event since they entered the school.

Accommodation training.

If the student fails to pass the assessment of the instructor in the dormitory training, the student will be unconditionally expelled from Togetsu Academy.

No matter who you are, what kind of identity and status you have, there is no exception!

And Tian Suohui encountered a very difficult and troublesome tutor during the residential training last semester.

This tutor was specially invited by Togetsu Academy for this residential training, Togetsu student, Shinomiya Kojiro, who had graduated from Togetsu Academy.

In the history of Japanese Benzene, he was the first Japanese Benzene to receive the Order of Puruspur, and he was also the former top ten chief of Totsuki Academy.

In Shinomiya Kojiro’s cooking class, due to insufficient preparation of ingredients, Tansuohui failed to pass the test of Shinomiya Kojiro..0

face the risk of dropping out.

Just after everyone thought that Tian Suohui’s withdrawal from school had become a certainty.

Unexpectedly, under the arrangement of Dojima Gin, Tiansuohui and Shinomiya Kojiro started an informal halberd meal.

And successfully passed this halberd, which moved Kojiro Shinomiya, and made him withdraw his decision to punish Tiansuohui for dropping out of school.

Among the original rumors, the most widely circulated was that Tian Suohui single-handedly made a tie with Shinomiya Kojiro.

And after this news was known by Miyoko Hojo, she could challenge Megumi Tansuo of Kojiro Shinomiya, who had graduated from Togetsu Academy for more than ten years, even in her first year.

Hojo Miyoko, who has always made it his goal to become the chief of the top ten, also regards Tiansuohui as his “idol” as a matter of course.

But then, after Hojo Miyoko took the initiative to come to the door and contact Tiansuohui.

However, she learned from Tiansuohui that the reason why she was able to pass the stage of Shinomiya Kojiro safely was actually with the assistance of Yukihira Soma.

Only through the unofficial halberd eating with Shinomiya Kojiro can he get Shinomiya Kojiro’s understanding safely.

The truth made Hojo Miyoko’s impression of Tiansuohui plummeted.

Even with a bit of hostility towards Soma Kohei.

In her opinion, strength is based on her own ability to speak, and people like Tian Suohui who can only get through difficulties with the help of others.

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