People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 174

Page 174

In fact, not only Damido Fumio himself, but also Isshiki and others found out.

Fumio Damidou’s appearance seems to be younger than before, and even his spirit is much better.

And there is no doubt that all of this is because of Tian Suohui’s nirvana unparalleled immortal egg!

If it is said that Ishiki’s Ishiki Flowing Cherry Blossom Tea Soup Chawanmushi only makes people feel that short-lived youthful state.

Then Tian Suohui’s nirvana unparalleled immortal egg is the real thing, and it can make them feel this feeling forever in their souls and bones!

“Today’s cooking, I don’t think anyone’s cooking will be more perfect than that of Tiansuo classmates.”

After taking a deep breath, Fumio Omido slowly spoke his thoughts under everyone’s attention.

Of course, her words were actually the thoughts of everyone present.

“So, the final winner of the competition you held at Jixingliao tonight.”

“I think Tian Suohui is well-deserved.”

【151】Late night carnival!Yukihira is really alert! (Please subscribe!)

The moment the result was announced, before Tiansuohui could react, Yoshino Yuki, who had been waiting for this moment, and the others cheered Tiansuohui first.

“That’s great, Xiaohui!”

“This time, Xiaohui, your performance is really amazing!”

“Yes, yes, until now, I still feel as if I haven’t recovered.”

Yoshino Yuki, Sakaki Ryoko, and others gathered around Tiansuohui and surrounded her at once.


This sudden enthusiasm almost startled Tian Suohui.

Among them, the one who showed the most excitement was, of course, Yoshino Yuki.

“I didn’t expect that Xiaohui’s current strength not only defeated Yukihira-kun, but also defeated the dishes carefully prepared by Senior Isshiki!”

“Hey, Yuuki…”

Hearing Yuuki Yoshino’s excitement, she started talking “five-eight-three” again, and Ryoko Sakaki quickly reminded her in a low voice.

But fortunately, Isshihui didn’t care, still smiling.

“Yes, Xiaohui’s performance tonight was beyond my expectations.”

“I didn’t expect that Xiaohui would have grown to this point when we didn’t know it.”

“Such rapid progress really makes me feel a little ashamed as a senior.”

Seeing that Isshiki didn’t mind the fact that she lost to Tian Suohui at all, the people around her gradually became relieved.

“I’ll just say, Senior Isshiki is so gentle and open-minded, he’s definitely not someone who can’t stand failure.”

Yoshino Yuki said to Ryoko Sakaki, who shook his head helplessly.

“Really… I never expected that tonight, my biggest opponent is not Senior Isshiki, but Tian Suoyou.”

Even Soma Kohei scratched his head and said with some regret.

“Ah, sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

Tiansuohui quickly waved his hands.

“Hahaha, Xiaohui, don’t be nervous.”

“Actually, we have long known that Xiaohui is actually a very strong cook.”

“Yes, yes, Xiaohui, who can overcome her nervousness and show all her cooking skills now, is really amazing!”

Yoshino Yuki and Sakaki Ryoko rescued Tiansuohui one after the other.

And Isekai didn’t waste the time to say.

“Okay, now that the results of the competition have come out, everyone, let’s put down the previous things and start enjoying these delicacies wholeheartedly.”


Although this cooking competition, even Isshihui lost to Tian Suohui, but this did not affect Isshihui’s position in the hearts of Jixingliao people.

“Okay, okay, I’m almost done eating. Since you guys are going to continue the party, then I won’t stay.”

Fumio Omido slowly stood up from the table.

“I still have some food there, you can go and get it with me.”

“But don’t give me a high too late tonight, otherwise if there is something in the middle of the night that makes me unable to sleep, you will be beautiful!”

In the end, there was a hint of sternness in Damidou Fumio’s voice.

“I know, I know, Mrs. Wen Xu, good night.”

However, the people in Jixingliao who were in high spirits obviously didn’t take her words seriously.

Daigo Aoki and Shoji Sato volunteered to go to Fumio Omido to get food, while Kei Isshiki said.

“If that’s the case, then let’s bring our own dishes and enjoy them in Marui-kun’s room.”


Everyone raised their hands and applauded.

Except for Marui Zenji.

“Hey, why are you going to my room again, can’t you go to another person’s room?!”

Marui Zenji, who originally thought that he could escape this time, almost went dark when he learned that his room still could not escape the fate of being destroyed.

But now, everyone who was excited, naturally ignored his feelings, and ran to his room with the food.

“Forget it, for the sake of everyone being so happy today…”

Marui Zenji pushed up his glasses and thought helplessly.

This gathering is a rare gathering in Jixingliao recently.

Coupled with the wonderful and delicious dishes of Yukihira Soma, Isshiki, and Tiansuohui, it made everyone’s interest until midnight.

There is no stance to stop.

In the end, Fumio Daimidō was overwhelmed by the disturbance, and repeatedly urged them through the loudspeaker.

These energetic young talents gradually subsided, planning to go back to their respective houses.. 0

And looking at Marui Zenji, who was left in a mess in the house, the original idea of “everyone is happy” disappeared at once.

Even after everyone walked out of the distance, Marui Zenji could still hear a desperate roar in the room.

“Okay, it’s getting late, everyone should go back to the house to rest.”

One color said.


Everyone in Jixingliao said in unison.

“Then I’ll go back to the house first, Yuji, Xiaohui, good night.”

After Sakaki Ryoko and Tiansuohui greeted them, they returned to their room.

The others also said goodbye to each other.

Soon, only Tiansuohui and Kohei Soma were on the same road.

Because the dormitory rooms of the two of them are next to each other, before the incident of the local cuisine research society happened.

Tiansuohui and Yukihira Soma would occasionally return to Jixingliao together after class.

However, such a situation seems to be quite a long memory for both Tian Suohui and Yukihira Soma.

Especially during this time, Tiansuohui was busy with the special training of the Dark Cooking Research Association, but Soma Yukihira stayed in the room all the time.

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As a result, the two who were obviously neighbors had almost no communication during this time.

If it was before, Tian Suohui must be a little nervous.

After all, Kopei Soma’s disappointment some time ago was all because of himself.

However, when he was frustrated, he not only joined the Dark Cooking Research Association, but also established a sincere friendship with the beautiful Subaru who defeated him.

In any case, Tian Suohui still felt a little guilt in his heart for Koping Soma.

But now, her mentality has relaxed a lot, and facing Soma Kopei, she doesn’t have the same tension as before.

“Okay, Yukihira-kun, I have to go back to the house next time…”

Tiansuohui, who was standing in front of his own room 302, greeted Soma Kopei, who was uncharacteristically silent along the way, and was about to return to his room.


Yukihira Soma suddenly stopped her.

“The mysterious society you joined recently, could it be… the dark cuisine research society that is related to Subaru Mizuaku?”.

【152】Blessings of relief!Ishigami’s conspiracy! ? (Please subscribe!)


Hearing the words “Misaku Subaru” and “Dark Cooking Research Association” uttered from Soma Yukihira’s mouth, Tiansuo Hui was stunned.

She looked at Yukihira Soma, and the latter looked at her.

There wasn’t much expression on his face, but his eyes were very calm.

It seems that he has long been sure of the result of the question he just asked.

“This one……”

This is also the biggest worry in Tiansuohui’s heart after joining the Dark Cooking Research Association.

Kohei Sou really chose to fight against Misaku Subaru and the Dark Cuisine Research Society in order to help himself.

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