People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 203

Page 203

Of course, there is no fear of retribution from these people.

But in this way, Kobayashi Rentan can also imagine that if he really helped Eizan Zhijin, there would be more or less trouble in the future.

But Kobayashi Rentan just wanted to be a salted fish in the Totsuki Academy.

It is precisely because of her character that even Si Yingshi who has a good relationship with her.

Basically, he would not bother Kobayashi Rentan with the French Cuisine Research Association or other trivial matters.

“Sorry, I can’t promise you this.”

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Although it doesn’t really matter if you help a gang, at most, Si Yingshi chanted a few words.

But he is also not familiar with Eizan Zhijin, so naturally there is no need to help him with those troubles.

“Senpai Kobayashi, do you really stop thinking about it?”

Miyoko Hojo looked at her as if she was not at all surprised by Rindo Kobayashi’s refusal.

Her reaction made Xiaolin Gentian a little interested.

“Well… let me think about it, it’s not impossible to help Eishan.”

After thinking for a long time, Kobayashi Rentan crossed his arms and looked at Miyoko Hojo with interest.

“It’s just that it depends on you, whether you can come up with anything that is enough to make me interested.”

【180】The mysterious leader of the society!Test conditions! (Please subscribe!)


“Yeah, since you want me to come forward and serve as the guarantor for Ruishan’s evaluation of the ten heroes, you must give me something to bribe me, right?”

Kobayashi Rentan raised a finger and shook it in front of Hojo Miyoko.

Although he seems to be asking for benefits, Kobayashi Rentan’s frank and flamboyant appearance is surprisingly cute.

Just like how she used to appear in the eyes of everyone, like an energetic little sun-.

Or insane flames.

Totally irresistible – idea.

Even Hojo Miyoko was not at all disgusted by Kobayashi Rentan’s appearance of publicly claiming benefits.

“Then, if Kobayashi-senpai is willing to help Eizan.”

“After that, the newly developed dishes within a month of dark cooking research will be given to Kobayashi-senpai to taste, how about it?”

This is also the condition that Miyoko Hojo put forward when she received an order from Mo Yu to come to look for Kobayashi Rentan.

From Miyoko Hojo’s point of view, the Dark Cuisine Research Society has always maintained a mysterious stance in front of the rest of the Totsuki Academy.

Being able to do this for one Eizan Zhijin is indeed enough to show how much Mo Yu attaches importance to Eizan Zhijin.

You must know that even Tian Suohui, who was once praised by Mo Yu, has never received such attention from Mo Yu.

Of course, there is an important reason, because when Tiansuohui joined the Dark Cooking Research Association, he was not at all like Eizan Edema.

Get into a lot of trouble.

However, judging from the series of predicaments Eizan Zhijin faced at the time, Mo Yu was willing to solve so many troubles for him.

It was enough to show how much Mo Yu took him.

“One month…”

Kobayashi Gentian was obviously very excited about this condition.

After all, the cooking level of the Dark Cooking Research Association is definitely one of the best in the entire Togetsu Academy.

“However, then again, Miyoko, can you tell me who taught me how to cook after you joined the Dark Cooking Research Association?”

Kobayashi Rentan suddenly thought of a question, so he asked Hojo Miyoko.

“In the beginning, the people who joined the dark cooking research society, including me, our cooking techniques were taught by the leader of our dark cooking research society, Lord Mo Yu.”

Miyoko Hojo said without hesitation.

The fact that the leader of the Dark Cuisine Research Association is Mo Yu is already known to everyone at Togetsu Academy.

So Miyoko Hojo didn’t hide it.

“Is it Mo Yujun…”

Hearing Miyoko Hojo say that their cooking skills were all taught by Mo Yu alone, Kobayashi Rentan couldn’t help showing a surprised expression.

Although she had also heard the name Mo Yu from Si Yingshi’s mouth, whether it was Xiaolin Rentan or Si Yingshi himself.

In fact, they all know very little about the owner of this name.

Of course, it’s not just Si Yingshi.

In the past few months, I don’t know how many people from other societies have tried their best to find out a little bit of information about the so-called leader of the Dark Cuisine Research Association.

But in the end it was all in vain.

Mo Yu, this name is now equivalent to the word “mystery” in the minds of most people in Yuanyue Academy.

No matter how much effort was spent, for the mysterious leader of the mysterious society.

But never found out any information about him.

No matter who it is, they will be greedy and greedy.

Even Xiaolin Rentan, after knowing it for such a long time, Si Yingshi still didn’t know anything about Mo Yu’s situation.

He couldn’t help but feel a little curious about this first-year leader named “Mo Yu”.

Especially after hearing that the trainer of Hojo Miyoko and the others was Mo Yu.

“That said, after Ruishan joined your dark cooking research club, is it possible that his special training was also completed by Mo Yujun?”

Suddenly thinking of another thing, Kobayashi Rentan asked curiously.

And Hojo Miyoko gave her a positive answer.


“Is that so…”

Hearing that even Eizan Eizinya’s special training was actually in charge of Mo Yu.

This time, Xiaolin Gentian was really surprised.

“Unexpectedly, Mo Yujun can even train a second-year student with the strength of the top ten…”

“Don’t say anything else, Sister Xiaolin, how have you considered the conditions I proposed earlier?”

Hojo Miyoko, who has a cheerful personality, looked at Kobayashi Rindo who seemed to be lost in thought, and asked her.

After pondering for a moment, looking at Miyoko Hojo, who was still waiting for her final answer, Rindo Kobayashi, who was thinking about something, suddenly had an idea.

“Cough, I can also be Eisan’s guarantor, but I have one condition.”

“What conditions?”

Miyoko Hojo asked.

“That’s your dark cooking research society. You need to come up with a dish that can completely conquer me.”

Kobayashi Rentan raised a finger and shook it at Hojo Miyoko.

“In half a month, it will be the day for the evaluation and assessment of the ten heroes. In this way, I will give you a week.”

“If you can come up with a dish that can completely conquer me within a week, plus the one-month cooking sample you promised before, then I will agree to your request.”


“But I said in advance that this time, my taste will be very picky, it’s just ordinary delicious food, don’t try to impress me.”

Kobayashi Rentan said.


At first, he was still wondering why Kobayashi Rentan made such a request, but Miyoko Hojo quickly responded.

With some speechless eyes, he stared at Kobayashi Rentan.

“Sister Xiaolin… You just want to take this opportunity to taste the cooking made by Lord Mo Yu?”

“Cough cough…”

After being pierced, Xiaolin Rentan didn’t panic, he just coughed twice to cover up the embarrassment.

“All in all, my conditions have been set out. It is up to you whether you want to accept it or not.”

As the entrusted person, Kobayashi Rentou said with confidence.

“…I understand, I will convey this news to Lord Mo Yu.”

Hojo Miyoko said reluctantly.

Kobayashi Rentan patted her on the shoulder and said as if encouraging.

“If that’s the case, Miyoko, then I’m looking forward to good news from you.”

Looking at Kobayashi Rentan, who blinked at herself, Miyoko Hojo felt even more speechless.

Originally, in her heart, the seniors in the third grade should all be very cold.

Unexpectedly, there is such a childish side…

【181】Condition fulfilled!Arrangements at your fingertips! (Please subscribe!)

“…All in all, Lord Mo Yu, that’s it.”

After saying goodbye to Kobayashi Rentan, Miyoko Hojo, who returned to the Dark Cuisine Research Association, reluctantly reported what had happened to Mo Yu.

“Sister Xiaolin’s purpose is very obvious. This time, she should be here for you, Lord Mo Yu.”

“I don’t know how you feel…”

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