People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 205

Page 205

“Well…this, I’ll just forget it.”

Tiansuohui hurriedly shook his hand and said.

Due to various considerations, Isshiki Hui and Tian Suohui tacitly did not disclose it to everyone in Jixingliao.

This time Isshiki Hui and Eizan Zhijin will also start the real purpose of this informal halberd eating.

However, Tasuohui, who is also a member of the Dark Cuisine Research Association along with Eizan Edzu, is also the leader of this unofficial halberd eating.

Even if Tian Suohui’s talent is high and strength is strong.

For the consideration of fairness and fairness for this unofficial halberd eating, Tian Suohui could not be the judge of this unofficial halberd eating.

“Xiaohui doesn’t need to be so humble. With your strength, you are fully qualified to be this judge.”

“That’s right, if it was Xiaohui, she would definitely comment on the two dishes very seriously.”

Although everyone still wanted to persuade Tian Suohui, but seeing her expression seemed to be quite firm, everyone didn’t say anything.

“Okay, that’s it.”

Yi Sehui patted her palms lightly.

“Tomorrow, I will inform everyone of the location of the halberd. After that, everyone can go back to their rooms and have a good rest.”

Hearing Isshiki’s order, everyone responded obediently, then got up and left the dining room of Jixingliao and walked to their own room.

Ibuzaki Jun remained silent as always, just following behind Kazuyashiki.

“Iwu-kun, what’s the matter?”

Isshiki Kei seemed to have long expected that Ibuzaki Jun would do such a move, but just looked at him without surprise.

Ibuzaki Jun raised his head, as if glanced at Isshiki.

“Senior Isshiki, why did you agree to this meal?”

Hearing Ibuzaki Jun’s words as if questioning, Isshiki Kei just smiled.

“What, do I have any reason why I can’t agree?”

Isshiki’s rhetorical question caused Jun Ibuzaki to fall into a brief silence.

Then, he threw a second question to Isshiki.

“This eating halberd was proposed to you by Tian Suo, right?”

Hearing Ibuzaki Jun’s question, Isshiki guessed that it was probably the chat between her and Tiansuehui on the balcony that day, which Ibuzaki Jun heard.

Isoshiki’s silence was like a tacit consent to Ibuzaki Jun, so he immediately asked the next question.

“For the sake of those two friends of yours, Ning Ning of Ji Zhiguo, I will follow the rules for a long time and put myself in such a dangerous situation.”

“This approach is not at all like you before, Senior Isshiki.”

“What is it that changed you?”

Ibuzaki Jun stared at Isshiki Kei.

In the past, he thought that he knew enough about Yi Shihui.

But today, Ibuzaki Jun has another feeling, as if he had never understood the other person’s feeling.

“Yiwu-kun, you guessed wrong this time.”

However, in the face of Ibuzaki 613 Jun’s question, Isshiki just said with a light smile.

“All this I did was not for Ji Zhiguo and Jiujiu.”

“It’s me who wants to do it.”


Before Ibuzaki Jun could finish his question, he was interrupted by Isshiki.

“No why, if you must ask.”

“What I want to do is the same as my cooking method. I want to know how strong the Dark Cooking Research Association is.”


Isshiki’s words caused Jun Ibuzaki to fall into a long silence.

“In that case, Senior Isshiki, are you really confident that you can beat Eishan?”

“I’ve also heard about the Dark Cooking Research Association. Before Tiansuo, he should have joined that society, so his strength improved so quickly, right?”

“Then if Senior Isshiki really lost to Eizan…”

Although he didn’t want to, there was still a hint of concern in Ibuzaki Jun’s voice.

“Don’t be so unconfident in me, Iwu-kun.”

However, Isshihui still had that gentle and confident smile.

“No matter how strong Eizan becomes, you have to believe… I won’t lose.”

In the darkness of the night, Ishiki slowly opened those deep sea-like eyes. .

[183] To be fair!Unexpected choice! (Please subscribe!)

Isshiki Hui and Eizan Eizan’s halberd eating venue was set in one of the club activity venues of the Dark Cuisine Research Association.

When they first learned about the result, everyone in Jixingliao was quite surprised.

“What, it turns out that Eizan Edejin also joined the Dark Cooking Research Society after leaving the Fried Cooking Research Society?”

“Yeah, otherwise why would the venue be set on the site of the Dark Cooking Research Association?”

“I heard that this club seems to have a way to make people make great progress in a short period of time. Could it be that Eishan is…”

“So, isn’t Senior Isshiki a little dangerous?”

Yoshino Yuki raised her hand to cover her mouth in surprise, and was then glared at by the others.

“What are you thinking, of course we should believe that Senior Isshiki is.”

“That is to say, Senior Isshiki, he won’t lose so easily, he is the seventh seat of the ten heroes.”

Although the cooking that Tian Suohui cooked in the Jixing Liao last time also defeated Isekai.

However, because of their understanding of Isshihui, everyone in Jixingliao believed that Isshihui at that time must not have used his true strength.

Therefore, even if there is a failed “previous record”, in the hearts of everyone in Jixingliao, Ishiki Hui is still well-deserved, the existence of the first person in Jixingliao.

After learning that Eizan Eejin was also a member of the Dark Cuisine Research Association, everyone in Jixing Liao was also in a little panic.

But then, they also quickly stabilized their confidence in Isshi Hui.

“Speaking of which, what about Xiaohui?”

Seeing that the game was about to start, Ryoko Sakaki suddenly found that Tiansuohui was not in the crowd, so she couldn’t help but look up.

Except for the two people who were the parties to this competition, they were not on the spot, because this informal halberd eating was agreed by both parties.

Therefore, it was decided not to disturb the school and most of the students, but to do it in private.

Therefore, in addition to the members of the Jixing Ryo, there were only members of the Dark Cuisine Research Association headed by Mito Yumei and Hojo Miyoko.

I have to say that everyone in Jixingliao secretly felt a little shocked when they saw Miyoko Hojo and the others exuding a compulsive aura all the time.

“The aura of these people is so scary…~ˇ…”

“Yeah, is this the legendary Dark Cuisine Research Society that even the French Cuisine Research Society of Senior Si can defeat…”

“It looks like everyone is really amazing…”

Looking at the people in the Dark Cooking Research Association sitting not far from him, everyone in Jixingliao couldn’t help but whisper.

“Ah, when I went out today, Xiaohui said she needed to prepare some things, so she won’t come with us.”

Yoshino Yuki was somewhat impressed by Tian Suohui’s actions when she left the Jixing Liao this morning.

“Wow, the two ten heroes eat halberds. She didn’t even watch such an important and grand scene. If she missed it, wouldn’t she regret it for the rest of her life?”

Hearing that Tiansuohui didn’t come to watch the informal halberd eating of Isshiki Hui and Eizan Eizan this time, everyone in Jixingliao showed a surprised expression.

From their point of view, Tian Suohui gave up such an opportunity so easily, it was just like a waste of money!

“However, speaking of which, apart from Yukiping-kun, there are two other judges. I don’t know who they will be?”

Many times, Jun Ibuzaki, who was just silent, suddenly spoke up.

“Oh? Yeah, I don’t know who the other two judges will be…”

Before Yuuki Yoshino finished speaking, she heard a rather energetic and energetic female voice coming from outside.

“Oh, have so many people already arrived?”

“But it looks like Xiao Yishi and Xiao Ruishan haven’t been there yet. It seems that the game hasn’t officially started yet?”

Saying that, a tall and mature girl with gorgeous fiery red hair like a rose opened the curtain at the door and walked into the venue.

The moment he saw the girl’s face clearly, almost the entire field of Yuan Yuesheng stood up subconsciously.

“Little, Xiao Lin-senpai?!”

Rather than knowing that this unofficial halberd meal will be a member of the Dark Cuisine Research Society, where Kobayashi Rentan will serve as the judge.

The arrival of Xiaolin Gentian was extremely shocking news to everyone in Jixingliao.

The degree of this shock is almost no less than seeing a meteor fall in front of you!

No one knows better than Yuan Yuesheng, the meaning of the four words Xiaolin gentian.

The second seat of the top ten, the highest existence of Togetsu Academy.

Even Yi Shihui can only look up!

Although they heard that Kobayashi Rentan usually has an obsession with food, they often travel to various societies to taste their special dishes.

Even in order to taste some dishes that Totsuki is good at, Kobayashi gentian does not hesitate to eat halberds to achieve the purpose of tasting.

But most of the time, for Yuanyuesheng, Kobayashi Rentan is still in the impression that the dragon can’t see the end.

Therefore, when they saw that Xiaolin Rentan appeared here, everyone in Jixingliao immediately boiled.

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