People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 207

Page 207

Among the remaining people, even Miyoko Hojo, did not know what the theme ingredients of this informal halberd meal were until it was announced.

And Xiaolin Rentan’s eyes lit up when he heard it.

“It’s actually shrimp, good!”

“Think about it, it’s elastic, but there is no shortage of fresh and tender shrimp. When it bites between the teeth, it bursts out with the fragrant fragrance of the teeth.”

“It’s almost like a person swimming freely in the ocean!-”

Kobayashi Gentian eloquently expressed his love for shrimp meat.

“Alright, alright, Xiao Lin-senpai, don’t say any more…”

Although everyone in Jixingliao came to watch this informal halberd eating today after having breakfast, they heard Xiaolin Rentian’s vivid description.

Plus the thought that this halberd will be a duel between the two top beings in Totsuki Academy.

The dishes they made would definitely not be of the same level as the dishes they usually saw.

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“The competition time is [*] minutes. Please stand in front of your own cooking table. When you are ready, the competition will officially start.”

Mito Yumei presided over this informal halberd meal skillfully and solemnly.

Isshiki Kei and Eizan Edezu also followed her instructions and each stood in front of their own cooking table.

Next to the cuboid cooking table, the white cloth on the shelf where the ingredients were placed was lifted, and it was filled with sea shrimp, various meats, vegetables and other ingredients.

As announced by Yumei Mito just now, the theme of the cuisine is ‘shrimp meat”, although it sounds broadly defined, whether it is river prawns, sea prawns, or even lobsters.

But in fact, in the concept of general Japanese people, when it comes to shrimp meat, the most thought is still sea shrimp.

Therefore, in this halberd meal, the Dark Cuisine Research Institute, which is responsible for preparing the ingredients for the halberd cooking for both contestants, is still prawns.

“These prawns look really fresh.”

Isshiki said with a smile while gently twisting the tentacles of the still-looking shrimp.

It is not difficult to get fresh seafood in the offshore of Japan.

But according to his observation, these sea shrimps are not only big, but also quite plump. It is no exaggeration to say that these sea shrimps are definitely the best among sea shrimps.

“Although the Dark Cooking Research Association is already a three-star club, the club funds it has are much better than those one-star clubs and two-star clubs.”

“But their club funds should not be enough for them to buy so many expensive ingredients after they can afford the daily expenses of the club?”

Isshiki secretly collected a lot of ingredients on the shelf.

Except for the prawns, the other ingredients looked quite fresh and perfect.

At first glance, it is not a random selection of ingredients.

With Isshiki’s vision, he even dared to say that these ingredients are the best among them.

Just to buy such two sets of perfect ingredients, I am afraid that it will need to consume more than half a month of club activities funds for a two-star club.

Even for the Samsung community, it is also a big burden.

“It seems that there must be a person with strong capital behind this Dark Cooking Research Association to support the operation of this society.”

Issei Hui secretly made a conclusion in her heart.

In addition to the club activities funds that Totsuki Academy regularly distributes every month, I use the capital I have to purchase kitchen utensils or other utensils for the club.

This is not uncommon.

As far as Isshiki knew, Ji Zhiguo Ningning of the Soba Noodle Cooking Research Association and Jiuga Teruki of the Chinese Cuisine Research Association had all done this kind of thing.

And their clubs belong to the top four-star clubs in Yuanyue Academy.

“The average strength is higher than that of all clubs, and it is not inferior to the abundant resources of the four-star clubs… It’s no wonder that this dark cooking research society can achieve such outstanding results in the summer festival.”

··0 Flowers

While realizing this, Isshiki felt a little more awe and jealousy of this dark cooking research society.

Although he did not intend to belong to any party, but with his natural intuition, Isshihui could feel it.

Perhaps, in the not too distant future, this society called the Dark Cuisine Research Association will make the entire Togetsu Academy undergo earth-shaking changes!

“Senior One Color, Senior One Color…”

While Isshiki was contemplating, Mito Yumei’s voice recalled his sanity.

“Ah, I’m sorry, I just thought of other things, all of which were a little distracted.”


After Ishiki Hui returned to her senses, she smiled apologetically at Mito Yumei.

“It’s ok.”

Mito Yumei shook his head and saw that Isshiki Hui and Eizan Eijin were all ready.

“If both of you are ready, then this informal halberd eating will begin.”

Hearing Mito Yumei’s words, Isshiki Hui and Eizan Eijin also looked serious, and the two nodded together.

“In that case, three, two, one, start!”

With an order, Mito Yumei also pressed the stopwatch in his hand to time.

And Isshiki Hui and Eizan Eijin also quickly lowered their heads and started their own movements at the same time.

Mito Ikumei returned to the seat of the Dark Cuisine Research Association with a stopwatch.

Her seat was arranged next to Miyoko Hojo.

If it is normal, when Mo Yu is not there, in the seat next to the two of them, it must be Tiansuohui and Sadazuka Nao, followed by Misaku Subaru and others.

But now, Mo Yu only came to Totsuki Academy at night when he had to fulfill his cooking agreement with Rentan Kobayashi.

On the other hand, Subaru Misaku, who needed to serve as the judge of this unofficial halberd eating, was not on the table.

“I don’t know how long it will take Xiaohui and Nao to come back after finishing their work.”

After being seated, Mito Ikumei spoke with Hojo Miyoko.

“I don’t know, but it should be soon, right?”

As Hojo Miyoko spoke, she stared intently at the cooking counter in the center of the venue.indivual.

【186】An unexpected cook!An unexpected way to cook! (Please subscribe!)

Just the second after Mito Yumei announced the official start of the halberd duel.

Isshiki Kee and Eizan Eizan started to move at the same time.

“As expected of the top ten, even the reaction speed is so fast?!”

It was only when they realized that the duel of halberds had officially started, everyone in Jixingliao saw that Isshiki had already started to dispose of the vegetables on the shelf.

“I wonder what kind of shrimp dish Isshiki-senpai is going to cook?”

Ryoko Sakaki guessed.

“Anyway, in Eizan’s style, I’d probably still cook his best fried dishes.”

“Hey, but if you want to make delicious fried dishes with shrimp, it’s still difficult.”

“Yes, after all, the fishy smell of seafood, compared with other cooking methods, if you want to fry it to make it delicious, it is still quite difficult.” “[*]”

“Really, but I think the heaviness of deep-frying may be just enough to cover up the fishy smell of the prawns?”

Everyone in Jixingliao was discussing.

“I thought maybe I could try it.”

Marui Zenji, known as the Doctor of Taste, said while pushing the thick round-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

“If the method of marinating is used before frying, the fishy smell of the sea prawns can be removed to the maximum extent.”

“Then the prawns are cleaned and marinated a second time with another frying recipe, which should achieve the same effect.”

“However, this is a common practice for deep-frying dishes. For shrimp, I have another recommended practice.”

Although Zenji Marui has always been somewhat inferior in terms of physical fitness, his taste in terms of taste is unmatched.

If we say that Nakiri Erina, who has the tongue of God, is an expert in practice.

Well, Zenji Marui, known as the Doctor of Taste, is a well-deserved graduate student in terms of theoretical knowledge.

Therefore, when Marui Zenji said that there is another way, everyone in Jixingliao immediately asked.

“What is it, what else is there to do?”

Marui Zenji glanced at the cooking table before speaking.



This somewhat unexpected answer made everyone in Jixingliao look at each other in dismay.

“But tempura is much lighter than normal fried dishes, right?”

“In this case, wouldn’t it be more difficult to remove the fishy smell from the sea prawns through seasoning?”

“Yes, for other fried dishes, some defects of the fried ingredients can be covered by batter such as flour coating or bread crumbs.”

“But if it’s tempura, it must be as much as possible to ask for the original taste of the ingredients.”

While everyone was arguing, Marui Zenji hummed and smiled.

“You people, you only know how to get rid of the fishy smell in sea shrimp, but you haven’t thought about one thing.”

“Why can’t the fishy smell of the prawns be blurred and lightened a little bit, as a feature of its own, and displayed as a dish?”

The new idea proposed by Marui Zenji surprised everyone in Jixingliao.

“As a feature of its own…”

In their consciousness, if they are cooking fried dishes without covering up the shortcomings of the food itself, such as fishy smell, it is equivalent to the failure of cooking.

However, Marui Zenji’s statement provided them with a new way of thinking.

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