People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 41

Page 41

Taking the Wuchang Good Fortune Pill, Mito Yumei, who has ten times the talent growth experience accelerated, whether it is comprehension ability or physical ability.

There have been several times of progress.

After the special training in the past few days, she can clearly feel that her five senses, physical strength, and learning ability seem to be better than before joining the dark cooking research conference.

To strengthen a lot!

Although I don’t know where the reason for this change came from, as Mito Yumei’s worship of Mo Yu deepened day by day.

She naturally attributed all of this to Mo Yu’s special training.

At this time, Mito Yumei really felt why people like Nao Sadazuka were originally mediocre in talent.

After joining the Dark Cuisine Research Association, his strength has grown by leaps and bounds!

While feeling that his strength has increased significantly, Mito Yumei is also training more actively.

As long as she thinks about the contents of these special trainings, Mo Yujun specially tailored it for her.

Mito Yumei looks more and more motivated!

Whether it’s for the future of Mito Meat, or to live up to Mo Yu’s expectations, she will definitely fulfill every requirement he makes!

And Mito Yumei’s hard work, through her feedback to Mo Yu’s talent growth experience, made Mo Yu feel her hard work.

It seems that soon, the Dark Cuisine Research Association will have a second super chef.

“Little Lord.”

At this moment, Falcon Kitahara called and reported to Mo Yu about the acquisition of Takizawa Meat.

After losing the meat halberd cooking competition, Takizawa Meat also paid a small price.

Originally, this competition was initiated and led by them, and Mito Meat was desperate to win this competition.

Takizawa’s meat products are not so much.

After losing the game, Takizawa Meat’s vitality was greatly damaged, and the word of mouth that was on the upward trend also declined again.

Of course, other unscathed meat companies will not miss such an opportunity and start to beat the underdogs.

As a result, the stock market of Takizawa Meat began to decline irreversibly.

Just when Takizawa Meat couldn’t afford such losses and was about to declare bankruptcy.

The Hei Lin group, who had already been prepared to be there for a long time, only came forward at this time, and it was logical to use the unprecedented preferential price.

Acquired Takizawa Meat.

But these are things that Mito Yumei and other Togetsu students who are still concentrating on their studies cannot know.

And Mo Yu was also waiting for the real big fish to take the bait.

A few days later, Mito Kazuo called him.

“Is it Mo Yu-kun? I’m the head of Mito Meat, Mito Kazuo.”

“Is there time to meet tomorrow? I have something I want to discuss with you.”


“I wonder why Mr. Mito is looking for me?”

In Mito Kazuo’s office, Mo Yu, who was invited by Mito Kazuo, sat on the sofa and drank coffee leisurely.

Mito Kazuo looked at the boy in front of him.

Although he was only sixteen years old, his calmness and mentality far exceeded Mito Kazuo’s cognition.

Even some old fritters who have been in the business world for [-] to [-] years, in Mito Kazuo’s eyes, can’t compare to this young man’s determination!

Originally, when he made this decision, Kazuo Mito was still a little hesitant, not knowing how his decision would affect the future of Mito Meat.

But when Mo Yu really sat in front of him, Mito Kazuo’s heart calmed down.

He suddenly believed that no one could save the current crisis of Mito Meat except the young man in front of him!

“The reason why I invited Mo Yujun to come here today is because of a request.”

Mito Kazuo said while thinking.


Mo Yu’s brows twitched lightly, and then he remained silent again.

Facing such a black hole-like young man, no matter what he does, it seems that he can’t provoke him for half a minute, Mito Kazuo decided to get straight to the point.

“I wonder if Mo Yujun, do you have any ideas about taking over Mito Meat?”

“Take over Mito Meat, why does Mr. Mito think so?”

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Mito Kazuo looked at Mo Yu, knowing that nothing could escape Mo Yu’s eyes, eyes and calculations.

So he stopped covering up.

“Because Mito Meat has reached a critical juncture, the previous Meat Cooking Contest, although slowing down the speed of Mito Meat’s collapse, failed to stop it from continuing to collapse!”

Having said that, Mito Kazuo explained the recent situation of Mito Meat to Mo Yu in detail.

After the meat halberd cooking competition ended, Mito Meat maintained its leading position in the beef industry.

However, its reputation has continued to decline.

Other meat companies are catching up.

Without the support of the Nakiri family, Mito Meat simply did not have enough prestige to maintain its reputation on the fishing reels.

Faced with falling sales and the stock market alone, Kazuo Mito and the other directors are busy every day.

For the rise of other meat companies, even if they want to suppress it, they are more than enough!

Mito Kazuhiro knew very well that the Mito meat product in front of him was nothing but an empty shell with its appearance.

It’s just a matter of time before it collapses.

And after Mo Yu listened to his words, he just folded his fingers in a leisurely manner.

“Why does Mr. Mito think that Mito Meat can be brought back to life by me taking over Mito Meat?”

“Because Mo Yujun, you have this ability.”

Kazuo Mito said firmly.

For some reason, he had extreme confidence in the young man in front of him.

And in fact, although the operation of Mito Meat is on a downward trend, in fact, since this period of time, the 35% profit of the shares in the hands of Mo Yu.

But there never seemed to be any fluctuations.

Kazuo Mito, who noticed this, knew that Mo Yu, a young man, was absolutely no trivial matter.

It is precisely because of this that he wants to pour all his chips into this young man again.

Looking at Kazuo Mito’s firm gaze, Mo Yu smiled lightly.

“If Mr. Mito has really made up his mind, then I will not refuse.”

After calling Kitahara Falcon, Mo Yu nodded slightly to Mito Kazuo.

“My people will come to discuss the purchase of Mito meat with Mr. Mito later.”

After hearing this, Kazuo Mito nodded again and again and kept rubbing his hands together.

Kitahara Falcon came quickly.

He was not surprised that Mito Meat would make such a decision, after Mo Yu asked him to pay close attention to the recent situation of Mito Meat.

Hayabusa Kitahara had long anticipated the leading position of Mito meat products in name only.

If this goes on, in addition to relying on a reliable backer, Mito Meat will only tighten its funds and gradually become a second- and third-rate meat company.

This time, it seems that they chose the way forward wisely and attached to the Hei Lin group, so as to achieve the purpose of saving the decadent Mito Meat.

“Mr. Mito, don’t worry too much. After the young master purchased Mito Meat, the marketing and operation of Mito Meat can still be carried out according to the process you are familiar with.”

“At the same time, we will also send people to customize new marketing strategies for you to help Mito Meat come back to life.”

“However, I hope Mr. Mito can be clear about one thing. Since you choose to rely on the young master, from now on, everything the young master said, I hope you can strictly abide by it.”

After listening to Kitahara Hayabusa’s words, Mito Kazuo nodded again and again.

“Please rest assured that the young master and Mr. Beiyuan, we will strictly follow all the arrangements of the young master.”

Seeing that things were almost discussed, Mo Yu got up and said to Beiyuan Falcon.

“I have returned to Totsuki Academy in advance, and then you will be solely responsible for the purchase of Mito meat products.”

“Yes, my lord.”

A moment ago, in front of Kazuo Mito, Kitahara Hayabusa, who was still very imposing, immediately returned to a very respectful tone when he faced Mo Yu.

Mo Yu got out of Mito Meat’s corporate building and got into his exclusive stretched Lincoln sedan.

At this point, the familiar system beep sounds.

[Ding——Congratulations to the host, completing the task of subduing Mito Yumei and acquiring Mito meat products. 】

[Host gets reward: Talent growth value +7000. 】

[The host is rewarded: characters in the dark cooking world, leopard head Asian publication cooking recipes. 】

[The host receives a reward: supernatural explosion. 】

[The host gets a reward: super-tactile power. 】

[Rewards from the dark cooking world: Wuchang Fortune Pill*10. 】

[Reward from the dark cooking world: Sensation Enhancement Potion*30. 】

[Rewards from the Dark Cuisine World: For all members of the Dark Cuisine World, the talent growth rate is doubled. 】

Mo Yu opened his system interface, clicked on the task bar, and checked the newly issued tasks of the system.

[Task: Recruit seven seven-star first-class chefs for the dark cooking world! 】

“¨’Seven seven-star first-class chefs, it seems that it will take a while.”

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