People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 72

Page 72

Each stick of fried noodles is covered with a thick sauce.

What surprised these judges even more was that these fried noodles actually exuded the same yin and yang Wuji double-cooked pork as Mito Yumei’s before.

Golden light!

“What’s the matter, there is another dish, and I will shine!”

When the fried noodles were placed in front of the judges, the clearer fragrance impact made them almost want to bury their faces in the fried noodles in front of them and absorb the aroma of the fried noodles.

“Fragrant, it’s really fragrant. This kind of aroma doesn’t seem to come from the ingredients, but a food smell that is beyond my cognition!”

“I’m really curious how such a sauce is made. The thick sauce seems to coat every noodle evenly.”

“But it doesn’t make people feel greasy. The heat on the noodles makes people want to take advantage of this temperature and taste the noodles in one breath!”

However, compared to the two dishes of Shirakawa Hang and Hasegawa Lu, Hojo Miyoko’s fried noodles, the ingredients used seem to be only some common vegetables and meat.

In addition to the aroma of the sauce, the confidence that made her wonder where she came from was able to outperform the previous two in terms of taste and taste.

But in any case, the aroma of this Flaming Continent Hero Fried Noodles has already made them want to move.

“In that case, I’ll start.”

Ono Hui felt that he couldn’t resist the aroma of the fried noodles as well. He picked up his chopsticks and rolled up the noodles.

“It’s amazing… just in the process of rolling, you can feel the flexibility of the noodles.”

“As the noodle rolls, the sauce on it spreads out, and the visual impact it brings is just like the beautiful effect shown in the commercial shooting!”

Ono said in surprise.

“¨’It’s all noodles, why does Miyoko’s noodles look so much more muscular than Shirakawa Ko and Hasegawa Riku’s?”

Sadazuka Nao and Mito Yumei raised their own questions one after another.

“Do you think that a two-hundred-pound spoon can only exercise Hojo’s strength when cooking?”

“What it really exercises is Hojo’s wrist strength and the coordination of the muscles of the whole body.”

“Just like kneading dough, kneading dough is not only about using two wrists, but the real perfect dough requires mobilizing the strength of the muscles of the whole body.”

“To make the noodles pliable and firm!”

Mo Yu said lightly.

From Hojo Miyoko’s previous performance when kneading dough, Mo Yu knew that Hojo Miyoko had fully understood the essence of the previous special training.

And it perfectly brought out the results after the special training.

Of course, even if Miyoko Hojo’s talent is great, she will not be able to break through to a super chef in terms of strength (Li’s) within half a month.

Bai Chuanhang’s level is exactly the level of a quasi-special chef, while Hasegawa Riku’s level is the level of a one-star super chef.

If all three of them are playing normally, if Miyoko Hojo wants to win this game, it is still a fantasy.

However, what she accepted was the cooking recipe of Akan, who was best at controlling fire.

And after the special training these days, Hojo Miyoko also learned the explosive flame ability in the three-fourth sub-can cooking.

In addition to today’s fried noodles theme, it just coincides with Yakan’s explosive flame ability.

Therefore, today’s Miyoko Hojo can be said to have broken through her own limits and perfectly completed a super-level performance!

Not only Mo Yu, but also Yumei Mito, Nao Sadazuka, and there were many people on the field.

He was watching the reactions of Teru Ohno and the other judges, who started to taste this Flaming Continent Hero Fried Noodles! .

【69】Mystery in the noodles!Fight for the deer! (Please subscribe!)

The instant the smooth and springy noodles were instigated in the mouth, the sauce also splashed out clearly.

“It looks really delicious…”

In the arena, someone whispered.

The expressions of Bai Chuanhang and Hasegawa Lu were also quite solemn.

Especially Shirakawa Hang, judging from Ohno Teru’s comments just now, his cooking is already inferior to Hasegawa Lu.

If he loses to Hojo Miyoko again, then this time Yuxianglou will not only be unable to keep the second position, but will also be ranked third!

But in the last Chinatown Chinese Cuisine Competition, Miyoko Hojo was firmly overwhelmed by herself!

Bai Chuanhang couldn’t believe that she could defeat herself in such a few days!

But not only Bai Chuanhang, but even Hasegawa Lu, who thought that the champion was already in his hands, had a strong sense of foreboding in his heart at this moment.

“Impossible, this girl is so young, how can she cook better than me.”

“My Hasegawa-style super fresh and big bang fried noodles, I will never lose!”

Although he thought so, Hasegawa Lu’s hand clenched unconsciously.

And Teri Ohno, who had already started to taste Miyoko Hojo’s Flaming Continent Hero Fried Noodles, had already closed his eyes and concentrated on making comments.

“The gluten of the noodles is far beyond my imagination, and what’s even more amazing is that on the surface of the noodles, in addition to the thick sauce.”

“The skin of the noodles did not lose too much moisture and become too dry due to the high-fire frying, but still retained the original elastic teeth.”

“When the teeth bite through the skin of the tendons… um, this taste is…”

As if something incredible happened, Ohno Teru’s facial muscles began to twitch uncontrollably.

“Fa, what happened?”

The people around were surprised to find that not only Ono Teru, but also the other judges who were tasting this dish had faces like steamed shrimp.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, it began to redden!

“It’s hot, it’s hot…but it’s so fresh!”

Those judges kept fanning and sucking cool air into their mouths.

It was as if his mouth was on fire.

“In the noodles, there are ingredients covered with thick sauce!”

“And the ingredients in each noodle are different. My tongue tastes richly fragrant beef, tender snapper and flounder…”

“And this crispy feeling is fungus and bamboo shoots!”

“Every bite, in addition to the impact of the extremely fresh taste on the taste buds, there is also the surprise of what the ingredients are wrapped in!”

“Now even when I speak, I can feel the aroma of sauce in my throat, a burst of flames, which is running down my throat and into my stomach!”

The judges’ faces were abnormally flushed.

Just as they were tasting this dish, a strange picture was intertwined in front of them.

They seemed to be on an empty and boundless plain, with golden horns ringing in their ears and ten thousand horses neighing.

“Is this… a picture of war?”

Two groups of soldiers dressed in different armors, carrying spears in their hands and straddling the horses, shouted their desire for victory and shouted.

While raising the weapon in your hand, try your best to attack the opponent!

The sound of the collision and friction of the blades, the cry of the soldiers, the sound of the hooves of the horses.

And the sound of drums beating.

All are stimulating their blood to boil!

Let them want to join in, put on armor, carry spears, ride horses, and rush to fight against the enemy Fang Xiu!

Even when their consciousness gradually returned to reality, the neighing sound of the war horse still seemed to remain in their ears.

And the explosive flame of the fried noodles of the heroes of the mainland, also made the blood in their bodies surging.

“How did you make this Flaming Continent Hero Fried Noodles?”

Teru Ohno looked at Miyoko Hojo in shock and asked a question that everyone wanted to know.

And Miyoko Hojo answered calmly.

“This is the fried noodles. When I first kneaded the noodles, I added beef that was chopped as finely as the flour into the flour, and mixed it with the flour to make elastic noodles.”

“After frying the noodles from the bursting heat, I added a steaming step to give the noodles a cylindrical shape of the right thickness.”

“Then, I use chopped flounder, sea bream, fungus, bamboo shoots and other six ingredients to cook a thick and piping hot sauce that is equally flamboyant.”

“Pour them into the noodles to make this fried noodles with strong taste and strength!”

Hearing Miyoko Hojo’s remarks, Teru Ono and the others kept nodding their heads.

“Then why did you choose these six ingredients and beef? Does this have anything to do with the name of this fried noodles?”

“That’s right, this Flaming Continent Hero Fried Noodles represent the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period in the Chinese civilization.”

“The six ingredients of flounder, snapper, fungus, bamboo shoots, cabbage, and fans represent Qi, Chu, Yan, Zhao, Han, Wei, and six countries.”

“And the beef mixed with flour represents the Qin Kingdom that finally settled the six countries and ruled the world!”

Hojo Miyoko talked eloquently.

Although she is also quite interested in Zhongguo culture, Hojo Miyoko knows very little about Zhongguo culture other than Chinese cuisine.

Regarding the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, she was still receiving special training from Mo Yu, and she listened to what Mo Yu had to say when she practiced the fried noodles with the heroes of the Blazing Continent.

To Hojo Miyoko, Mo Yu is like a profound knowledge base of Chinese civilization.

He knows astronomy above, geography below, and everything from ancient times to the present is under his fingertips.

Even in the process of special training cooking, he casually told a story about the ancient times of Zhongguo.

It makes Hojo Miyoko and others yearn for it!

And when he taught himself to practice this mainland hero fried noodles, Mo Yu’s evaluation of her strengthened Hojo Miyoko’s confidence in winning!

“Hojo’s character is straightforward and tenacious. Once he decides on something, he will never look back or give up.”

“The characteristics that this mainland hero fried noodles needs are exactly similar to your self-confidence and arrogance, but also have a calm and calm personality.”

“If you can perfectly use the explosive flame ability you have now, then your explosive flame mainland hero fried noodles will sweep everyone present!”

Recalling Mo Yu’s powerful words, Hojo Miyoko felt a little excited in her heart.

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