People are in Douluo, and they are struck by lightning at the beginning.

Chapter 279 I Have a Friend

Chapter 279 I have a friend.
A few quarters of an hour later, at the back of Yunhai College, Yang Yunhai received the news that Ning Fengzhi came to visit.

"Nephew Yang Xian, it's good to see that you're fine." As soon as we met, Ning Fengzhi let out a sigh of relief, and then stomped on Tang Hao, "I didn't expect the dignified Haotian Douluo to do such a small thing." The behavior of people is really disgusting."

"It's not once or twice." Dugu Bo said lightly.

Ning Fengzhi nodded slightly, and said, "I wonder what brother Dugu's plan is going to be?"

"What else can I do? Just practice hard at home and wait." Dugu Bo shrugged, "If Sect Master Ning is interested, he can help spread the word. Since Tang Hao appeared in Tiandou City wearing a human skin mask, then Tang San must Yesterday's search revealed that there are multiple secret passages leading to the sewer inside Yuexuan, and the secret passage under Tang Yuehua's bedroom happened to have been cleaned."

"I think, even if there is no evidence, a person can guess that it is Tang San who was let go by Tang Yuehua."

"With such a publicity, Hao Tianzong will either continue to succumb, or find a way to escape. The former can't find a good reason to do it, so it's somewhat unreasonable to do it rashly."

"The latter is tantamount to admitting that absconding in fear of crime is tantamount to treason, and there is a reason for that."

"Whichever they choose, it's in our favor."

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to Ning." Ning Fengzhi nodded readily.

Originally, I wanted to ask about the marriage, but Yang Yunhai was there too, so I didn't want to ask more.After chatting for a while, he said goodbye and left.

About an hour later, a large number of Royal Knights surrounded Yuexuan.

"Your Majesty has ordered that Yuexuan will be closed for rectification, and the Imperial Royal Knights will dismantle the redundant internal sewer passages. At the same time, the internal sewers will be rectified according to the uniform standards of the empire." The leader of the knights announced the warrant in public.

"Wow!" There was an uproar at the scene.

Doesn't such a warrant mean that His Majesty Xue Ye also suspects that Tang Yuehua let Tang San go?

Damn it, is even Xue Ye going to deal with me at the Clear Sky School? Tang Yuehua dared not speak out, so she had to bow and accept orders.

At this time, in Tiandou City, what happened last night has already spread.

"I also feel that Tang Yuehua let go of Tang San. Tang Hao sneaked into Yunhai Academy with a human skin mask and intended to do something wrong. He must be worried about the safety of his son Tang San. It is undoubtedly the most reassuring place in Yuexuan founded by his sister. "

"I also think so. Didn't the Royal Knights discover traces of cleaned footprints in the sewer of Tang Yuehua's bedroom?"

"This, how did you know?"

"I have a friend"

All of a sudden, the crowd in the city was excited, especially the commoner soul masters.

The theory of soul masters published by Yang Yunhai, especially the method of meditation and the theory of leapfrog absorption of soul rings, has been of great help to them, which can be called the grace of regeneration.Tang Hao sneaked in to murder Yang Yunhai, how could he keep them from being angry?And Tang San was not caught, they also felt that Tang Yuehua hid him and let him go. Doesn't this mean that Haotianzong supported Tang Hao and his son behind their backs?
The reason is very simple, Tang Hao and his son have a grudge against Yang Yunhai, and Haotianzong is worried that it will be affected, this is to eliminate hidden dangers!
His heart can be punished!It is not an exaggeration to punish the Nine Clans to protect a fallen soul master!
Tang Yuehua, who was temporarily staying in the hotel, listened to the discussion in the restaurant on the first floor, her delicate body trembling slightly, and she was filled with anger that she could not vent.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm down, his thoughts racing.

"I must not return to the sect now, otherwise people with a heart will only spread it even more. Let the cronies bring a letter to the eldest brother first, and we must not mess up at this time."

"As for Xiaosan, seeing that Yuexuan has been sealed off, I think I will hide myself and find another time to see me."

"And if he is killed, the city will definitely publicize it. There is no sound at this time, and it seems that Xiaosan has not been discovered."

"As for the second brother's corpse" Thinking of this, tears welled up unconsciously, he gritted his teeth, turned and walked into the room.

Time passed by little by little, and soon it was noon.

At Caishikou in the south of the city, clang clang clang, a group of halberd-wielding sergeants escorted a trolley onto the stage.

Under the stage, there was a large crowd of black people.

The leading officer stepped forward, opened the rice paper, and announced loudly, announcing what Tang Hao did yesterday.

"Bah, the dignified Titled Douluo sneaked into the private house and attacked a junior, how shameless!"

With a sound, the rhythm was immediately brought up, and people around started talking.

"That's a human skin mask! One piece represents an innocent life, Tang Hao is taking human life carelessly! How is it different from his fallen soul master son Tang San?"

"Master Yang has painstakingly researched theories for the sake of the empire, and for our commoner soul masters, and will create a top-level meditation method for publicity. Not only will it benefit the people of the empire, but Tang Hao, his father and son, and even the Haotianzong behind him are also included. Such a great favor, Tang Hao still wants to do harm, he is simply a beast! No wonder he cultivated a depraved soul master like Tang San, he is like a nest of snakes and rats."

"A dragon begets a dragon, and a phoenix begets a phoenix. The cubs of mice can make holes."

"." Tang Yuehua, who was wearing casual clothes and blending into the crowd, was trembling and her fists were clenched tightly.

"Slander, it's all slander, how could the master do such a thing!" On the other side, Tai Tan gritted his teeth.

But dare not say it out loud.

Soon, the officer on the stage finished his speech.The sergeants behind him started to move, and lifted Tang Hao, who was pale and covered in lime, to a pillar, tied his hands, feet and neck with a hemp rope, and hoisted him up together for everyone present to see.

Tang Yuehua burst into tears immediately, her delicate body trembled, and she covered her mouth with one hand to prevent herself from making a sound.

On the other side, Tai Tan's eyes were wide open, the veins on his forehead were bulging, and his face was full of anger.

"Hey, why is the head of the Titans here?" There was a sudden doubt in the crowd.

"I heard that before Tang Hao sneaked into Tiandou Royal Academy to spy on the training equipment that Master Yang was researching, and brought it to Shrek Academy and handed it over to Yu Xiaogang, the Lizhi Clan secretly helped build it. Could it be that Titan has returned to submit Tang Hao, have you become an accomplice?"

"I remember that he once called Tang San the young master in public, and even called Tang Hao the master."

"What the hell are you talking nonsense about?" Taitan turned his head angrily. All he saw was human heads, and he couldn't tell who was who.

All the people present turned their heads in unison, and all the soul masters with family backgrounds frowned.

To explain is to cover up, to be angry is to admit, they feel that this Titan is very problematic!
"Patriarch." The disciple lowered his head and reminded in a low voice, he felt the unkind eyes from the people around him.

"Hmph." Tai Tan snorted, turned and left.

Tang Yuehua's eyes flickered, gritted his teeth, and turned to leave.

It was night, early morning, in the territory of the Force Clan.

On the ground, clang clang clang, the sound of orderly footsteps came, and countless soldiers emerged.In the sky, black shadows passed by.

"Who are you!?" A disciple heard the sound and opened the door and exclaimed.

"The Power Clan is suspected of harboring the fallen soul master Tang San, please cooperate with the investigation, but if there are resisters, they will be killed without mercy!" Following an order, countless soul masters poured in.

"Enemy attack!" Someone yelled, and there was an instant commotion in the territory.

"What's going on?!" Taitan in the backyard was awakened, slipped out of bed and ran out.

"Pfft..." A black shadow appeared out of nowhere, and a long and narrow bone spur appeared in the field of vision.

"Bone banyan?!" Tai Tan's complexion changed, subconsciously he fisted together, "Pfft!" His whole body was pierced by bone spurs.

"Leave no one behind!" Gu Rong glanced at her and spoke calmly.

"Yes!" Several voices behind him dispersed.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Countless screams sounded in the territory.

However, it was already located in a remote territory, and in the silent morning, the sound did not spread very far.

Not long after, the corpses were carried out one after another.

An hour later, on the other side, at the Caishikou in the south of Tiandou City, Tang Yuehua appeared alone.He walked up to the stage with a calm expression, put Tang Hao's body down, put it into the soul guide, and then turned around and left.

"It's a pity." Everyone in the dark turned and left.

Tang San, who was hidden in the downtown area far away, cast his Purple Demon Eyes to watch all this quietly, clenched his fists.

"Father, I will definitely avenge you!"

Gritting his teeth, he turned and left.

In the current situation, Aunt Tang Yuehua will definitely be closely watched, and he must not show up to meet each other.

Now that he has been identified as an evil soul master, if he is captured, he will be shown to the public just like his father.And if he is not caught, everything will be calm.

Therefore, it is very easy for my aunt to judge whether he is still alive.

"The most important thing I need to do now is to improve my strength. When my strength meets my aunt's requirements, I will ask my aunt for a map. At that time, the limelight will have passed, and the risk of meeting my aunt will be relatively small." Thinking like this, His eyes moved in the direction Tang Yuehua left.

"Dad, I'm sorry! In order to avenge you, I may have to go against what you said to me."

If he wants to improve his strength as soon as possible, he has no choice!

Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he turned to leave.

"Go to the Sunset Forest. There are many poisonous soul beasts there, especially the so-called poisonous land."

The feet are cushioned, and the body is hidden in the shadow.

After a night of silence, the next day, at Caishikou in the south of Tiandou City, more than a dozen dead bodies were hung on vertical logs.

"It has been confirmed by Ms. Ning Rongrong of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, former members of the Shrek team Jiang Zhu, Huang Yuan, Jing Ling, and many instructors present. Tai Tan did kneel down in front of the fallen soul master Tang San to call the young master, and Address Tang Hao as the master in public."

"Last night, the empire was encircled and suppressed with the assistance of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. After interrogation, the situation is true. The Li Zhi clan is an accomplice of Tang Hao and his son."

"Today, the corpses of all the masterminds will be shown to the public, and the rest of the accomplices will be executed."

"Helding, harboring, and cooperating with fallen soul masters are serious crimes against the clan, and I hope the world will take them as a warning."

The officers on the stage read out the operation last night.

"Good kill!" There was a lot of discussion on the stage.

"There are fallen soul masters in Tiandou City. If there is a sudden attack one day, we may be the ones who are unlucky."

"You can't live a good life, but you have to be a dog to Tang Hao and his son. You deserve to die!"


"What, the Lizhi Clan was wiped out last night?" Tang Yuehua was shocked when he received the news soon.

On the other side, at Yunhai College, Dugu Bo and Yang Yunhai also received the news.

"Ning Fengzhi acted decisively this time." Ju Douluo nodded.

He didn't even need to think about it, what happened yesterday was all caused by Ning Fengzhi and Xue Ye.Including the temporary seizure of Yuexuan, deepening outsiders' speculation and suspicion.During the period, the news was spread, and by the way, the Shangli clan was involved, and they were wiped out that night.

Interlocking and taking away in one wave.

Dugu Bo nodded slightly, "That's good, it saves us from having to think about ways to clean it up."

"It should be quiet for a while, let's just practice with peace of mind." Yang Yunhai glanced at the girls.

"En." Dugu Bo nodded, "It's just right, it's time for me to try to condense the first soul core."

Stuck at level 96 for a long time, he decided to try to condense his soul core, taking the opportunity to break through level 97 in one fell swoop.

"The old ghost and I are going to consolidate for a while and try again." Ju Douluo answered.

As a result, everyone either returned to their rooms or rushed to the mimic training ground to start practicing that day.

(End of this chapter)

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