People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 107 History of Magic?

"It's difficult," Hester stroked the twisted text with her fingers and read: "You need to take bat feces and frog eyeballs and be naked under the full moon."

"But you are different, you already know finger magic."

"You only need to chant the spell. No, you also need to get Arthur's personal belongings, then go to sleep, and find the corresponding dream with that item."

"Then you can. In your words, the consciousness body and Arthur have sex and take away his purity."

"So--" Sophie smiled foolishly, saliva almost overflowing from the corners of her mouth, "The impurity of the consciousness body does not violate the school rules."

She took Hester's book in a pretentious manner, ignoring the strange and delicate touch of the book cover.

Open the private chat interface, "Bajiel, can you teach me magic tomorrow?"

And Bajiel, who had communicated with Madison, just opened the private chat interface, "Sophie, the killing curse is very dangerous, tomorrow I will be alone--"

The two people who were stunned started a super-synchronized conversation.

Sophie: "Don't tell Madison."

Bajiel: "Don't tell Madison."

Sophie: "You-"

Bajiel: "You-"

Sophie: "Ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

Bajiel: "Tomorrow. Ahem, Madison is in class at ten o'clock, just in time."

Sophie: "Goodbye."

Bajiel: "Goodbye."


At noon the next day, in a tree house on a towering tree in the world box, Madison smoked a cigarette and drew circles on Bajiel's chest with her other hand.

"Is that country girl as good as me?"

"She?" Bajiel's thoughts began to go back to two hours ago.

Sophie was very direct and went straight into battle without any preparation.

He didn't have time to say any pleasantries or really guide the precautions of the killing curse, but he was gagged.

Sophie's coming-of-age ceremony was completed on the sky blue sofa in the lounge.

But she was too bad, and she said she wanted to slip away after half an hour.

Then she relied on the offline function to run away and disappeared into the air.

"You win." Bajiel said it in one word.

Madison shook her hair, showed a beautiful smile, licked her lips, and leaned down to play an overtime game.

Real world.

In the garden, 1:30 p.m.

Beatrice looked at Bajiel, who was lying on her lap and had woken up, and said worriedly: "What's wrong with you? You've been sleepy lately. Excluding lunch time today, you've slept from 10 a.m. to now."

"I'm meditating." Bajiel said seriously, "Remember the spell class? We all have our own talents when we come to the academy."

"I hope to master it as soon as possible. To defeat evil!"

"You are worthy of being my hero, the king of the good." Beatrice couldn't help but kiss Bajiel's forehead.

"Call me Bajiel. I'm not Arthur." Bajiel reminded.

"Okay, my hero, my prince, my future partner, Bajiel." Beatrice's eyes moved, full of affection like spring rain.

Bajiel couldn't help but look away.

Silly girl, you make me look bad.

The number of knights who echoed [Black Magic Boy·Knight Leader] has also reached 3.

The first to reach gold favorability is not Madison and Sophie.

It is Beatrice who is vain and likes American bullying in the original plot.

It is normal that Madison is hard to get into her heart because her parents have sucked her blood and used her as a cash cow since she was a child.

Sophie, who seems to be a fangirl, is actually very selfish and doesn't care about anyone except Agatha.

But even so, due to Bajiel's gorgeous beauty, their pre-made echo interface is almost all gold.

Bajiel thought that he would be able to obtain Madison and Sophie's talents after today.

But this thin line of separation is like a chasm.

Sophie's Knight Card allows Bajiel to obtain finger magic in advance and transform the huge emotional power brought by the [Encouragement] talent into the magic of this world.

Madison's Knight Card contains incomparable possibilities. Through it, he can master the absurd ability to resurrect in the eyes of Harry's world wizards.

Wizards usually like to use magic to protect the bodies of the dead and make them come alive.

Just like in the novel, after Dumbledore's tomb was opened by Voldemort, Dumbledore's body was still the same as before his death.

The body of Dumbledore's sister Ariana is probably the same.

If the body is intact, the power of resurrection can work.

Ariana's resurrection will undoubtedly change the world.

The gems obtained by then may be astronomical.

And Beatrice's Knight Card has no effect except that it allows Basil to change into her appearance.

The other two knights.

Hermione is very knowledgeable. Unlike Basil who specializes in dark magic and spiritual magic, she can do any spell in the magic book she has read.

Borrowing Hermione's power, Basil will be more versatile.

Neville's swordsmanship talent is also very useful to Basil.

And Beatrice, her talent that did not awaken until the end of the movie is now clearly engraved on the Knight Card.

Its name is [Radiant].

While maintaining her beauty at its peak, she also added glittering special effects.

Bajir thought that she didn't need to be more beautiful.

There would never be a day when he would need extra special effects to survive from a bloodless and tearless female devil.

Bajir shook his head and denied this absurd idea.

By the way, they were going to have a beauty class in the afternoon.

It's really outrageous. Could it be that the cosmetology teacher played by Michelle Yeoh hasn't resumed her role as the Director of Magical History?

Obviously in the movie, only princesses take this class.

Now the prince also wants to participate?

Again, Bajir doesn't think he needs to be handsome anymore.

Everything must have a degree, and if this continues, he may become the equivalent of a sexually modified version of Tomie, a male succubus.

In fact, he is now, but the kingly majesty of King Arthur and the leadership of the young Dark Lord suppress the excessive charm.

Therefore, he would rather take beautification classes than beautification classes.

Time soon came to four o'clock in the afternoon, the time when the beauty class started.

The princes and princesses, who were wearing casual clothes since there was no dress code, once again put on gorgeous clothes.

The school rules of both the good and evil schools are magical, and even the principals and deans must succumb to them.

They are actually commonalities rooted in fairy tales.

The princess must be beautiful, the prince must be brave and good at fighting, the witch must be ugly and vicious, and the werewolf must be smelly and disgusting.

The corruption of the rules of benevolent schools is also due to the fact that fairy tales describe the beauty of the princess as greater than her inner purity and intelligence, and the handsomeness of the prince as greater than their kindness and kindness.

The evil chapter in the fairy tale adds an evil and terrifying part to the rules of the charity house.

These are the common sense in the hearts of princes and princesses who know the inside story.

Although he failed three times and was permanently deformed, the evil school rules disappeared.

But the existence of beauty classes shows that the commonality that good people must be beautiful and handsome still exists.

Making yourself beautiful and handsome can still get feedback from the commonality, which increases the magic power.

Therefore, none of them dressed up the same as when they first entered school.

Those princes and princesses who didn't know the inside story also followed suit.

But this undoubtedly aroused the dissatisfaction of Professor Anemon, who is now the master of the history of magic.

She was demoted to a cosmetology class professor by the college's rules, but she was actually very dissatisfied with the content of the cosmetology class.

In her opinion, it is ridiculous to let students fail a class because their smile is not beautiful enough.

So she quickly walked into the classroom.

Ignoring the princes, she looked at the gorgeous dresses on the princesses, whom she was almost tired of looking at, and then on to their wearers.

I read out the beginning of the beauty class that has remained unchanged for decades.

She smiled first, "Calm down, girls, I am Professor Animon."

"I'm here to show you how to become a truly powerful woman through beauty."

“A lady’s smile is her sword and can win the battle for true love.”

"Grab the mirror and attack!"

But the next second her face dropped again, "Did you think I would say that?"

"Vanity, ignorance, empty-skinned idiots?"

She looked at the princes again, "And you, you silly big guys with thick limbs and powerful muscles?"

Facing Bagir, she changed her face again.

"Of course, this does not include you, Your Majesty."

"You are very nice too, Sophie and Agatha of Gavalden."

Sophie's simple black gown, Agatha's afro, and masculine clothing also aroused her affection.

"You have to understand! The beautiful face and strong body will disappear with aging."

"There is only wisdom, and it will always follow you, growing with experience and age."

"And history is a shortcut to wisdom."

"It records the lessons learned by the sages from history. We can get the wisdom and strength to move forward from it."

"The Ugly Duckling tells us to persevere in adversity." She glanced at Sophie and Agatha.

"The Legend of King Arthur tells us that beauty does not lie in appearance, but in the heart." She glanced at Beatrice, who was sitting next to Bajir.

"The story "The Frog Prince" tells us the importance of credit." She looked at the daughter of the Frog Prince. Beatrice's black attendant.

"Most of these stories are familiar to outside readers."

"They call them fairy tales. But to us it's real history, the stories of your fathers."

"They're the same ones I'm going to teach you today."

Professor Anemon waved his hand, and the wall flipped over. The pink wall that looked like a little girl's room turned into a book wall made of thick books.

"I would like to introduce myself again. I am the Head of Magical History."

"In this class you will learn to fill your souls with history so thick that you can—"

She waved her finger, and a book with a white cover and a gold edge flew into her hand.

It reads clearly, "The Legend of King Arthur".

The pages of the book open automatically:

[The Sword of the King was forged in the elven kingdom of Avalon. The sword was made of gold and the hilt was inlaid with precious stones. Its sharp edge cut iron like mud, so the lady in the lake named it Excalibur (which is the ancient Celtic language). (meaning "broken steel")).

At this time, Merlin warned Arthur: "Although the King's Sword is powerful, its scabbard is more valuable than the sword. The one who wears the scabbard of the King's Sword will never bleed. You must not lose it."

But later King Arthur still lost the scabbard, so even though he had a sword that was as sharp as iron, he was eventually killed by the traitorous knight Mordmore.

In the end, the Sword of the King was thrown back into the lake by Baileywell at the instruction of King Arthur, and returned to the elf country Avalon with King Arthur. 】

"Of course, this is just a legend from the outside world. Our history is different from the real fairy tale. The Broken Steel Sword has no scabbard."

"It does not cut iron like mud. Its power does not lie in killing, but in the attraction of the magic of good. Only the king of good can truly exert its power."

She looked at Bajir.

Tedros, who was not far away, lowered his head in shame. In his hand, Excalibur could only make the blade glow and cast a few light waves.

Agatha held his hand.

Professor Anemon continued to speak.

"Just like King Arthur used it to chop off the head of the evil red dragon and killed it completely, it was not because it was sharp."

"You must know that before this, no weapon could hurt it."

"Even the sharpest legendary sword of the fairy tale kingdom, the Sword in the Stone, was broken in front of its scales."

"But the Broken Steel Sword, which is not made of sharpness, can break its scales."

"Why is that?"

Tedros stood up with Agatha's encouragement, "Because good always wins. Because we fight for each other and care for each other, this is the love of the good. The evil only fights for themselves, which is a world away from love."

"Yes!" Professor Anemon nodded approvingly, "Please sit down."

"The Broken Steel Sword can unite the good, awaken the magic of all goodness, contain them, illuminate the darkness, and defeat evil."

"However, our class today has little to do with it."

"It's history--"

Her hand reached into the page.

When it was pulled out, a luxurious scabbard followed and broke away from the page and appeared in her hand.

But the outline of the scabbard was vague and strange, as if it was viewed through a foggy window.

"This is the power of history. Find strength in the past, even if it is false. Come on, girls and gentlemen. Immerse your emotions in the story, find the part that excites you, and try to feel it."

"Even if you haven't been given magic yet, you can adapt in advance now."

The books on the bookshelf jumped to the desk of each student.

Beatrice raised her hand, "Professor Anemon, can you give me "The Legend of King Arthur"? "

She looked at Bajir shyly, "I want to make a suitable scabbard for my prince."

After speaking, she looked at Sophie provocatively.

And Sophie just smiled coldly and thought disdainfully, "I am already Bajir's scabbard."

And Bajir, he also chose "The Legend of King Arthur".

Just when the scabbard appeared, he felt Excalibur on his waist shudder.

Tedros did the same, except that he wanted to pull out the sharpest sword that had been broken over there - the Sword in the Stone. In order to prove that he was worthy of the status of the heir of Camelot.

Sophie chose "Tinderbox". She hoped to get the tinderbox, which could summon three big dogs. From the description of the size of their eyes - as big as a teacup; as big as a water wheel; as big as a round tower, we can know their size.

And they can talk, and bring back a steady stream of copper, silver, and gold for their owners.

Just like Madison envied Sophie for getting magic from the cards, she also envied Madison's summons.

Needless to say, the beautiful unicorn.

Especially the golden snitch, as long as it is not destroyed, it can always restore magic and physical strength.

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