People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 109: How to train Meng Xiao

On the public screen.

Bajir: "Sophie, raise your hand. Ask if this magic can be learned in class. And the magic in the previous magic history class."

Sophie raised her hand in class and asked the question Bagir asked.

All the princesses pricked up their ears. They all still held storybooks in their hands. All were interested in Sophie's questions.

In response, Professor Dowei laughed out loud: "Keeping insight, Sophie."

"Professor Animon originally asked me not to tell you."

"You probably learned it from those hopeless mouths. If you don't have finger magic - you can cast the spell directly with your emotions."

"Normal magic is very cumbersome, disgusting, and even evil."

"Although the magic you have been exposed to in these two classes is not evil."

"But it's very complicated. It's far from as simple as what was said in class. There are requirements for time, temperature, and even the date of birth of the magician himself."

"You also need to have spell-casting materials for a specific season, arrange rituals, or make potions to swallow."

"These need to be cultivated and practiced from an early age. It often takes several years to master."

"It's what we taught you in class. It's all simplified."

"Only a magician with finger magic can learn it through such simple steps."

Hearing this, almost all the princesses put aside the storybooks they had been reading these days.

Professor Anemon pointed to the lake, "What I want to teach you today is to cultivate the wishing fish."

"Our sparkling underwater friends understand our deepest desires. Ladies, if your wishes are strong enough, they just might come true."

Silver-white fish flocked to the lake one after another.

All the princesses became excited.

They are all too familiar with making wishes, which comes from fairy tales.

The same goes for Sophie, who knows fairy tales well.

But Professor Dovi scolded softly: "Please be quiet, ladies."

"They are just ordinary fish now. I remember saying that the magical animals from before have all changed into their original shapes and returned to their hometown."

"Even though I have been feeding them my wishes for a while, they are still some distance away from being real wishing fish."

"Question, what is needed for the birth of a wishing fish?"

The Japanese girl next to Beatrice raised her hand.

Professor Duowei nodded, "Okay, please answer, Kiko."

Kiko quickly replied: "Wish."

Professor Duowei nodded, "Yes, this is the purpose of your class. Put your fingers into the lake and feed them your wishes."

"They will also exert influence according to your wishes."

“If the wish is not big, logically, it will probably come true by now.”

"You go first, Kiko."

Next, one by one the princesses extended their fingers into the lake.

The fish under the lake also reflected their wishes on the lake.

On the public screen, Madison mocked: "Isn't this a different kind of Mirror of Erised? Cultivate wishing fish. Unless the students stay in school to teach after graduation, these wishing fish are not from the school. They are really stupid."

However, Sophie didn't pay attention to everything on the public screen.

Now it's her turn.

The first one was Beatrice, and there was a scene of her and Bagir kissing on the lake.

Rather, all the princess scenes are related to Bajir.

This made Bagir want to wash his eyes.

There are really few beautiful princesses in movies.

There is no shortage of ethnic minorities, but they are looking for actors who fit the stereotype.

It has nothing to do with looking good anyway.

But now, there are waves of exclamations coming from the live broadcast on the public screen.

Because the images projected by the wishing fish are very exciting to the virgin princesses.

Bajir's body was completely mapped on it, and the same was true for Sophie.

But she was in a dominant position, and Bajir was played with by her wantonly.

This scene was so tempting that even Professor Dovey fell into addiction.

All the princesses bit their lips and fell into daydreams.

Only Sophie, who had actually eaten meat, hurriedly pulled her finger out of the lake and cut off the live broadcast.

Only sighs were left.

Judging from the voices, almost every princess has one, including Professor Dovey.

On the public screen.

Bajir: "I've been exposed!?"

Sophie hurriedly explained: "This is just a wish. It's fake, it's a special effect."

Madison pretended not to know: "What? You and Bagir are already - impossible! He is so strong, how can your small body dominate?"

Sophie: "I told you, this is just a wish. Do you dare to say that you haven't thought about it?"

"Let's not talk about it for now. Professor Dowei ended the class in a hurry. He pulled me away from the lake and wanted to say something to me."

"Those green pools are still left by the lake, they must still want to see them!"

In the library, Bagir was speechless while flipping through the Encyclopedia of Magical Animals.

The princesses who saw the forbidden scenes probably had their wishes changed and became bolder.

Therefore, the scene where their fingers are inserted into the lake and the wishing fish is reflected will probably not be broadcast anymore.

Co-author, he is now inexplicably become an AV actor.

Is there any more heavenly justice?

This made Bajir's joy of finding the dream owl that had just been cultivated based on the owl disappear.

He was originally thinking about waiting for Fanta to become a dream lord, taking photos and making cards, and building his own kingdom in his dreams.

Is his innocence just gone?

Not even YY!

Gua! No!

The Excalibur on Bagir's waist sensed his emotions.

He began to transform into light, and the sacred light wrapped his body and headed to the lake.

Bajir turned into light!

By the lake, Beatrice's hair was messy, and her luxurious princess dress was in rags, full of holes.

The exposed white skin exudes fluorescence and complements the sunlight.

Princesses were pushed to the ground one after another by her, and the endless physical strength brought by the [Radiant] talent made her like an iron wall.

Even the Black Princess, who is the heaviest, no one can break through her to reach the lake.

She took over and chased away any princess who tried to get closer to the wishing fish.

Even if there are her followers inside.

"Don't even think about getting close to the wishing fish!" Beatrice bowed her waist and stared ahead like a sumo wrestler.

There seemed to be a fire in his green eyes.

The other princesses were shocked by this look, but they thought of the shocking glance just now.

They still struggled to stand up.

Just when the flames of war were about to ignite again, a ray of light appeared in front of Beatrice.

Bajir knelt down on one knee and descended here as a terminator.

The scattered light condensed into a sword at his waist.

"Girls, the war is over." After his words fell, the wishing fish that stayed by the lake dispersed again and dived to the bottom of the lake.

He snapped his fingers.

[Magic Book] Turn the page, [repaired as before]

The power of the repairing spell radiated.

Within thirty feet of him, time seemed to flow backwards.

The messy hairstyles of the princesses were restored to neatness, and the tattered clothes were repaired as before.

The king's demeanor mixed with the dragon's power made the princesses regain their senses.

After they made a polite apology, they left the lawn one after another.

Only Bajir and Beatrice were left by the lake.

He turned his head and licked the hair around her ears, "You did a good job."

Beatrice shook her head slightly in dissatisfaction while being shy, "No, it's not enough. I haven't taught that damn hopeless lesson yet."

"But soon, the day after tomorrow, Sunday, we will be officially given the magic."

"When the time comes——"

Bajir's fingers blocked Beatrice's lips, causing her words to stop abruptly.

"Remember, good people never attack."

Beatrice was a little unconvinced. She buried her head into Bajir's shoulder and said angrily: "I'm just defending."

Let’s not talk about how Bajir comforted her later.

On the public screen, Sophie was losing her temper.

"What do you mean I can't be alone with Bagir in the future?"

Madison: "What did that black lady say?"

Sophie: "She first said that it was a wishing fish and that wishes could come true. She wanted me to control my desires and not be used by Rafael."

"Another seemingly unrelated topic was discussed. What about a person's power being limited? King Arthur is the only hero in the fairy tale kingdom who gathers together, so he is brave and invincible. He is called the king of good. He can defeat the world-destroying red. dragon."

"At this time, she mentioned my wish again. She said it opened Pandora's box. Having multiple wishes like mine was probably Rafael's purpose. Another way of gathering people. The purpose is to make King Arthur lose his purity."

Madison: "What do you mean? Country girl."

Sophie: "She said that the power of the wish fish is far from being able to affect a great hero like King Arthur."

"But if all the wishes are similar and related to capturing his purity, this commonality may create a miracle. Just like the miracle that King Arthur killed the world-destroying red dragon. Among the princesses, one princess will be destined to capture him. of purity.”

"It's even possible that this is someone who is hopeless."

Madison: "So you got a restraining order?"

"You deserve this, country boy, you idiot with a dirty mind. That's what I should call you."

Sophie: "You——"

Madison: "Am I right? Bajir is the only hope to hit Rafael now. You have indeed had a bad influence."

"Besides, you idiot, have you forgotten that we have a club?"

“No amount of distance in the world can stop us from communicating with Bagir.”

"Let alone a black aunt."


【Dream Owl. According to ancient legend, after three years of breeding, snowy owls will be immersed in fantasy dreams and fly in the sea of ​​​​dreams every midnight. During the day, the snowy owl sleeps on the top of the tree. Repeat for three years. The snowy owl becomes a monster over time and can freely travel between reality and the sea of ​​dreams. You can also bring the owner in and out]

The above is the training method of Dream Owl, the original version, aimed at magicians who do not have finger magic.

This method is recorded in Old English, along with some technical terms. Very obscure.

To translate, in the middle of the night, the body of a snowy owl older than three years old must be impregnated with a potion made from extracted dreams.

This way it can enter the dream.

After rejecting the dream and returning to reality, in the morning, place it on the top of the tree to sleep.

After repeating this step for three years, the Snowy Owl will transform into a Dream Owl.

The owner who cultivates it and has a wonderful connection with it can also follow it into the dreams of others.

After the owner of the dream wakes up, the Dream Owl can intercept part of the [dream fragments] when the dream is broken.

It can serve as the foundation for an eternal dream.

This is not just conjecture.

There is indeed a magician who built an eternal dream with this, although the area is only one square inch.

The reason why it cannot be larger is that a magician can only cultivate one dream owl.

And the [dream fragments] brought out by a dream owl each time are very small.

Even if it takes a hundred years, the area of ​​the dream created may not exceed 10 square feet.

Therefore, magicians with dream owls usually use it to create an eternal prop in their dreams, such as a pen or a spinning top.

So that the dreamer can realize that he is dreaming and have more time.

But for Bajir, after Fenda became a dream owl, he can make cards.

Then he constantly summoned dream owls, let them enter the dream, and then bring out [dream fragments].

In this way, with countless [dream fragments], he can create an eternal dream kingdom.

Then he connected the dreams of birth and death together to become the dream gods of Harry's world.

To do this, the first thing to master is the magic of extracting dreams.

This is another long paragraph.

But fortunately, this is the original version.

For a magician with finger magic, all he needs is enough emotion and a spell.

Another glass bottle to hold the liquid condensed after the dream is extracted.

It doesn't take three years.

Just keep feeding the snowy owl with the condensed dream liquid and use the magic of the emotions of this world to infect its body.

It will take three months for the snowy owl to transform into a dream owl.

And today is the time for Bajiel and other students to be given magic and hold a ceremony.

With a snap.

Bajiel closed the book.

He stood up.

Two days have passed since the animal companion class.

During these two days, Madison and Sophie have been arguing.

The reason is that he and Sophie had sex in the club space yesterday morning.

Madison appeared and had sex with Bajiel in front of Sophie as a victim.

All this happened.

It was entirely because Sophie really thought she was the first one, and she still felt guilty about Madison, the leader of her club.

In addition, she ran away.

What's more, this is a consciousness.

It's just like a dream.

But first, he has to eat.

Time 6 o'clock, restaurant.

Bajir, who just walked out of the library, walked in with Beatrice's waist.

Just like the branch house.

The restaurant is also shared by the Good and Evil Houses.

But Bajir always felt that this was Rafar's conspiracy.

The Evil House was full of smoke and dust. They jumped up and down while eating, laughed, played with food, threw them at each other as weapons, used plates as shields, and forks as swords.

The Good House was too restrained. Just cutting steak required several kinds of knives and forks.

No wonder students from both the Good House and the Evil House always felt that good and evil could not mix.

In their view, everything in the restaurant was proof.

It also made them hate each other even more.

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