People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 114 The Sword of Truth and Goodness

Chapter 114 〖The Sword of Truth and Goodness〗

This is an extremely grand party.

Everyone was dressed in scarlet robes, and the table was covered with drinks and sweets brought by Fred and George from Hogsmeade.

This surprised everyone in the chat group.

Jump and eat the toad mints that make your stomach dance; eat the sorbet balls that make you float into the air; eat the Bubao Super Bubble Gum that fills the room with bubbles the color of bluebells; eat them The pepper urchin who can breathe fire; the ice rat who makes his teeth squeak

As for the drinks, butterbeer, pumpkin soda, and fizzing pumpkin juice, only the fizzing pumpkin juice is a bit magical and will keep fizzing, even if you drink it in your stomach. Combined with the toad mints that can stay in your stomach, it’s really Very interesting.

But in this way, those who didn't know it thought they knew Parseltongue and were speaking in snake language.

Harry can attest to this, but he said there are a lot of grammatical errors in it, which sounds like "I, you, he, hahaha."

Everyone was surprised when Harry was discovered to be a Parselmouth. Not to mention that Bagir received another 500 gems, the important thing is that everyone in the chat group was attracted by these magical candies and drinks.

Bargeer immediately picked up a batch of gold galleons from the Lestrange family's treasury, purchased a batch of candies from Honeydukes, and sent the drinks to the club space.

All of a sudden, all the group members logged into the space.

Relying on their consciousness, they all began to feast unscrupulously.

Bagir also stopped the live broadcast unknowingly and found Hermione who was reading a big book called "The Life and Social Habits of Muggle Families in Britain" in the corner.

He lay his head on her lap and fell asleep, and his consciousness entered the space.

Madison stepped forward and hid the pepper naughty boy in his tongue, causing Bagir to sneeze a few times.

Sophie had no stage fright. In front of everyone, she followed Madison's method and put the ice duck neck into Bagir's mouth.

Beatrice was still a little reserved, but after seeing what the other two were doing, she swallowed two sorbet balls. With its mouth bulging like a squirrel, it squeezed Sophie and Buggy away and divided the custard balls equally. The two floated into the air, and she smiled proudly at Sophie and Madison on the ground.

Sophie's fingertips glowed, invisible wind surrounded her body, and also flew towards Bajir.

The quiet and introverted Zoe was flipping through the book, but her attention was always on Bajir.

Bagir winked at her.

The party lasted until 3 o'clock in the morning.

It was the same whether it was a party held in the Gryffindor common room or a club space similar to the Slytherin common room.

The only difference was that at 3 o'clock in the morning, there were very few people in the Gryffindor lounge. Only Hermione, who was still reading, and Bargeer, who was sleeping calmly, were left. In the club space, everyone stayed on the sofa in the lounge and did not leave.

See the chaos around you. Bagir coughed awkwardly.

Madison is so outrageous! There is clearly a newbie like Zoe here, but why are you so bold, messing around, and letting people join directly?

Fortunately, he worked tirelessly and tried his best to prevent others from being left out.

Bagir, Bagir, how could you be so depraved?

Starting tomorrow, quit pumpkin juice!

"Bajir, why do you want to quit pumpkin juice?" Hermione closed the thick book in her hand and blinked her big light brown eyes.

"You should know about allergies," Bargeer stood up from Hermione's lap and said casually: "Before, I ate pumpkin pie and pumpkin ice cream without any problems. But I didn't expect that after drinking the fizzing pumpkin juice, My head feels dizzy."

"Allergies?" Hermione narrowed her eyes. She even suspected that someone had cast a confusion spell on Bagir.

Because, while Bagir was lying on her lap, no less than 50 students came over to chat with her, trying to find excuses to help send Bagir back to the dormitory.

What's outrageous is that there is actually a Slytherin student here. He changed into a Gryffindor costume and blended in.

After being caught, he admitted that he had heard that the Flower of Gryffindor was drunk and wanted to come over and try his luck.

Therefore, she now suspected that someone had directly or indirectly cast a confusion spell on her Bajir.

As the most widely used spell by modern wizards (such as the Expelling Muggle Curse, used to hide the magical world), the Confusion Curse has many variations and indirect uses.

It's just a slightly clever trick in food and drinks.

The spells are so sophisticated that they are even cast in volatile gases.

The legendary handkerchief in the Muggle world will obey all orders and lose its mind if it smells it. It is estimated that a wizard dyed the handkerchief with a gas containing a confusion charm and used it on Muggles. This technique is most common in the United States. Because the wizards there have very strict control over their wands.

It's not like here in the UK, where you just wave a magic wand and it's so troublesome.

"It's so annoying." Looking at Bagir's handsome face, Hermione felt inexplicably distressed. So many opponents, even men covet her. But when she thought that Bajir wanted to find her when he felt dizzy, she was full of motivation.

Fortunately, we lost contact for 20 minutes after the game today.

Spend the rest of the time with her.

Bajir can't be taken advantage of in a dream.

You can't just go to another world and lose your virginity.

"What are you bothering about?" Bagir didn't know what Hermione was thinking. She just said she was annoyed, and the next second her aunt laughed.

"I'm annoying you for being too popular." Hermione moved slightly closer, straddling Bargeer's body. Gagged him.

An hour later, Bagir had changed into his pajamas and was lying on his long-awaited four-poster bed.

Harry, Ron and the others had fallen into a deep sleep.

Fanda Gugu turned his head and closed his eyes again when he saw it was Bagir.

Bagir breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he kept his identity as a boy in Hermione's hands.

"I can sleep now." Bagir thought to himself and stretched.

The fatigue of the conscious body can actually be transmitted to the physical body.

But Bajir did not use his talent [radiance] to drive away fatigue.

After overexertion, sleeping will be more comfortable.

However, at this moment, Riddle, who was released, sent a message through the [Magic Book].

"My lord, I think you must come to Malfoy Manor."

"Your failure to make the appointment made Narcissa very upset. She seems to be on the verge of an emotional breakdown."

Bagir was helpless, "Do I still have to be a thief?"

Anyone who has cooked knows that if the green onions are old, if you cut the white part of the green onions, there will be a lot of mucus and they will be spicier.

Although she is the wife of an enemy, the most important thing is that he is really tired today.

Therefore, [Radiant] is activated, which can also give Beatrice a sense of participation.

Fatigue is shaken off.

Also, he has no intention of giving up his identity as a boy.

He closed his eyes, and his body seemed to sink into the bottom of a deep, dark lake.

This is the dream sea.

"If Dumbledore could see this scene, would he be more convinced that I have the blood of both King Arthur and Merlin?"

"After all, Merlin is said to be half-nightmare. According to legend, nightmares are a high-latitude creature that feeds on dreams."

The moment he entered, he thought inexplicably.

"Opening" your eyes, you can see stars twinkling in the dark "sea water".

The stars are just a dream. Every second, countless stars are extinguished and born.

It is simply impossible to find a corresponding dream among billions of stars.

Not to mention, the owner of the star has not yet dreamed, shining light in the dark dream.

But through the connection with Riddle, Bagir quickly found the dark star that belonged to Narcissa.

On the floor of the secret room, Narcissa was barefoot, hugging her knees, her eyes were dull, and she didn't know what she was mumbling.

An invisible and misty force surged out from the dream dimension, and her big gray eyes began to fight with her eyelids.

Bajir stepped into the dark star, and it began to glow.

Narcissa finally closed her eyes and fell into sleep.

A dream appeared that was built one-to-one with the secret room in reality. Narcissa still maintained the same posture as before going to bed, as if she was still in the real world.

She was extremely desperate now. After losing Lucius, she needed a pillar to give Draco a pillar to grow up safely and have a glorious future.

Dumbledore is too old. The Dark Lord was too cruel, and the Malfoy family deeply offended him. Even Lucius died in his hands.

So, she only has one choice.

After learning from the young Dark Lord that her master was interested in her, her first reaction was honor, not disgust.

During these days of waiting for her master, she bathed in hot water with fragrant potions and took beauty potions every day.

And today, she used the disappearing spell to remove all the excess hair on her body.

The mark taught by the young Dark Lord that can be activated by the owner and confirm the identity of the owner is branded on the abdomen.

However, until late at night and the next day, the master still did not come.

The cold belly is as cold as the dissatisfied heart.

She fell into despair.

"Raise your head." A clear sound sounded, like the sound of clear spring hitting pebbles.

Narcissa looked up in surprise, her belly began to heat up, it was the master!

Her joy was quickly replaced by intoxication.

Although the owner wears a bronze mask, only the lower half of his face is exposed.

But those sapphire-like eyes and perky lips suddenly attracted her heart.

For a moment, she even compared Lucius with her master.

The conclusion is that Lucius is far inferior to his master.


The owner's slender white hands unconsciously held her chin.

The robe on her body was also taken off unconsciously. A body that was so white that it seemed to be glowing and had beautiful lines was revealed.

Early the next morning.

Narcissa opened her eyes.

A blush appeared on her cold face. In a daze, she suddenly wished that the master could come to visit every night.

The black robe that had been re-wrapped and the traces that had been cleaned by the cleaning spell all showed the master's attentiveness and love for her.


Bagir didn't know that Narcissa had started a self-attack.

He got up very late today. He felt that he had very little and high quality, but he got up at the same time as Harry and Ron.

Hermione, who came to the dormitory early and brought breakfast for Bargeer, lowered her head shyly. She thought it was all because of her.

Sirius also came to the dormitory and brought breakfast and hugs to his godson.

Sirius was not surprised that there was a girl in front of Bagir's bed.

When he was young, he had a handsome face because of his excellent grades, and girls often came in and out of the dormitory, bringing him meals and gifts.

But at that time, he was just playing and only had James in his heart.

Just like the posters of Muggle girls in bikinis that he had pasted on the wall of his room at the Black family with a permanent sticking spell, they could only be in the second place, and the photo of him and James could only be seen when he woke up.

If James' family was fine, he might find an honest girl from his suitors to marry many years later.

But all this... Peter Pettigrew!

"It's really strange." Sirius frowned, and his hatred for the stinky rat came to an abrupt end before it reached its climax. Then he suddenly thought of the sweet years with James. Something was wrong, he didn't look at Harry's face just now.

He looked at Basil who was being fed by Hermione. Every time this boy was around, he would always relax, as if he had been hit by a mild happiness spell without side effects. Why didn't he doubt it before?

In the direction that Sirius didn't see, Basil also frowned, his fingers glowed, and waved gently.

Sirius' eyes were hollow for a moment. After returning to normal, he scratched the back of his head, put down the plate and left the dormitory.

Basil smiled with satisfaction.

"Is it delicious?" Hermione wiped the corner of Basil's mouth.

He stretched out his index finger, which was emitting light that only fairy tale magicians could see, "Excellent."

Really excellent.

Finger magic is more like making a wish than magic.

As long as there is a corresponding principle, it can be achieved in theory. If enough emotional magic is consumed, all external conditions such as time, difficulty, and qualifications can be ignored and achieved instantly.

Just now, he deleted Sirius's doubts about him out of thin air.

However, unlike ordinary fairy tale magicians, he did not consume a lot of emotional power to achieve wishes out of thin air, but promoted the magic of Harry's world and used it to achieve it. The emotional power consumed in this way is almost negligible.

"But." Basil turned his head, and his warm and sunny face suddenly became gloomy, "It seems that it is really necessary to control the Sword of Truth and Goodness."

Whether it is the past talent of [Encouragement] or the current [Good and Evil Twins·Core of Eternal Life], they will not be so obvious that the victim will notice something wrong. Their absorption is subtle and silent. Even if it is strange, the victim will often only think that their emotions are wrong.

And the process of the Sword of Truth and Goodness absorbing positive emotions, expanding, and returning part undoubtedly creates a connection with the victim.

People with particularly keen intuition may doubt Basil for no reason.

Not to mention wizards who have always used idealistic magic and have better intuition than Muggles.

Today, Sirius's suspicion is that the Sword of Truth and Goodness returns too many positive emotions.

Therefore, the positive emotions returned should not be too much.

This also has the advantage of reducing the fanaticism of those flesh fans who are attracted by Basil's charm.

Basil, who gets rid of their disturbance, can go out of the lounge and visit the castle normally in the future.

Instead of opening the full map view and avoiding people.

So, in the following time, in addition to chatting in the group, cultivating Fanta, reading "The Tales of Beedle the Bard", returning to the Good Demon Law School to handle official business, attend classes, participate in group activities and after-school entertainment activities, he always held the "Sword of Truth and Goodness".

In the lounge, slowly adjust the proportion of positive emotions returned.

Fortunately, carrying sharp weapons in the magic world is not a big problem, and he doesn't have to avoid others.

Finally, on Sunday the 14th, he found the right proportion.

The magic power of goodness stored in the "Sword of Truth and Goodness" also broke through the 50 mark.

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