People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 117 Isabella Swan

Chapter 117 Isabella Swan

First, Ron the Sleeping Dragon’s shout woke up everyone in the dormitory.

Then, Harry, the phoenix, was a little confused because he had just woken up. He told everything directly.

As a result, the news that Harry and Basil were going to take classes together spread throughout the castle.

But the focus was not Dumbledore’s private lessons. It was taking classes alone with Basil.

Although the power of the Sword of Truth and Goodness could extinguish the enthusiasm in everyone’s hearts, their memories and thinking patterns could not be modified.

Basil’s handsomeness and charming demeanor at the year-end dinner yesterday attracted everyone’s attention.

Compared with this, the private lessons of the greatest white wizard were like dust.

But unfortunately, after breakfast, the students were led out of the castle by Hagrid and Filch.

The senior students got on the ‘automatic’ carriage and arrived at Hogsmeade Station from the cobblestone road with stone pillars with winged wild boars on both sides.

The first-year students followed Hagrid, boarded the boat, and crossed the lake to the station.

Harry left the castle by boat like the other first-year students.

Finally, all the students met at the station and boarded the Hogwarts Express.

In the club space.

Madison rarely wore clothes. She asked, "So, how did you convince Hermione?"

Bajir raised his eyebrows and stroked Zoe's ankle with one hand, "She knows I can leave the castle at any time. Okay, now start counting the people you think can join the club. You all put forward candidates and discuss it together."

"This has been delayed for a long time. And should we enable the search function to add people who are likely to be from another world and meet the label of witches to join the club."

Sophie raised her hand: "The swamp witch Mitis Dai, she is the most professional in resurrection. She can even use the power of resurrection on herself."

Madison turned the pen, "That Mallory? A super witch whose bloodline can be traced back to the first white witch Sethi, who can go back in time and defeat Michael Langdon, the son of Satan?"

"She is very useful, better than the so-called swamp witch . She doesn't need to play with feces (here refers to the mud in the swamp, which Misty believes has a good healing effect, but she also said that the Louisiana swamp is full of dung from crocodiles and alligators) to be resurrected. "

"Unlike the resurrection in the Seven Formations, which requires a complete corpse, hers can resurrect the dead even if the corpse is reduced to ashes. "

"Before, when Bajiel and I reviewed "American Horror Story Season 8: Son of Satan" in the space, Bajiel also mentioned her actor. "

Zoe reminded: "I was there at that time. Bajiel was impressed by the actor who played Mallory because her mother was the actress who played Princess Leia in "Star Wars". "

"He doesn't think he is beautiful. "

"Beatrice, what do you think?" Bajiel looked at Beatrice, who hadn't said a word from the beginning to now. Beatrice raised her face proudly, "When the club reaches level 2, we can go to Madison's world to meet them in person."

"In my opinion, we should enable the search function. Let a new world join our system."

"The ending of Madison's world is very scary. Even if we go back to before the world was destroyed, there are still risks."

"If the world of the new members joining the club is powerful, it may be helpful to them."

"And maybe the world found by the search just happens to have the missing [system components]."

After saying this, she was very proud.

Except for the last sentence, these words were taught to her by the teacher of the Good Demon Law School. Bajiel did not hide the existence of the club in the college.

As the principal, he is immune to the magic of that world and is invincible in the college.

So, professors of various subjects in the college know that Bajiel is actually from another world.

She and Sophie joined an organization that spans the world headed by Bajiel.

Unlike Sophie, who only knew how to hang out with her hopeless roommates, Beatrice specifically consulted Professor Anemon, the head of the History of Magic class, the wisest person in her eyes.

"Is that really something you can say?" Madison narrowed her eyes.

"Did you ask the teacher?" Sophie jumped up like a kitten whose tail was stepped on. This made her look like a fool, not knowing how to ask the teacher.

Beatrice took Bajir's arm, "So what? Bajir, what do you think of my plan?"

Bajir looked at Sophie and the others' faces. It seemed that although they were all very unconvinced, they also agreed with Beatrice's plan.

So be it.

A blue light screen appeared on his retina, and he clicked the search with his mind.


Isabella Swan liked Phoenix very much, this vibrant, chaotic, and ever-expanding big city.

She loved the sun and the heat.

She always wanted to look like a Phoenix girl, tanned, athletic, like a volleyball player, a cheerleader, or maybe all the characteristics that befitted someone who lived in the Sunny Valley.

But sadly, her body seemed to have a memory, engraved with the physical characteristics that a girl from that rainy town should have - pale skin, a slim but flabby figure, poor hand-eye coordination, and no good at sports.

She still remembered the town - Forks.

The Olympic Peninsula in northwestern Washington state is often shrouded in dark clouds and gets more rain than anywhere in the United States.

Fortunately, her mother divorced her father when she was a few months old and escaped with her to Phoenix.

But because of her father, Sheriff Swann, the good people of Forks. She had to go to Forks for a month every summer, the happiest time of the year.

Now, even going to high school there.

It takes four hours to fly from Phoenix to Seattle, then transfer to a small plane in Seattle and fly north to Port Angeles for an hour, and then drive south for an hour to Forks.

Over the years, she has already memorized everything along the way.

Including white clouds on the blue sky heading to Port Angeles.

So, she lowered her head and fell into sleep instead of admiring the scenery along the way.

Then, she appeared in a room that looked like an aquarium.

Half of the ceiling and walls of this room are made of transparent glass.

Under the illumination of a green light hung from the ceiling by a chain, one could see the water plants, fish and giant creatures flashing by in the dark lake.

There was even a shadow of a human with an upper body and a fish with a lower body.

The rest of the ceiling and walls are made of rough stone, round and carved with various serpentine sculptures.

The green and silver carpet on the floor, the long table, and the sofa are also filled with snake elements.

It's amazing that she doesn't know anything about snakes.

And now at least more than a hundred snake sculptures appeared in front of her.

They stood out eerily clearly in the light of the crackling wood-burning fireplace.

"Hello, Isabella." A female voice sounded slightly milky, but sounded very strong.

Isabella quickly turned her head, and a small man who looked like a cheerleader, a woman who was not easy to mess with girls in the school, appeared behind her.

She swallowed, "You are?"

"She is Madison. I am Zoe." Hearing this female voice, Isabella finally saw clearly how these ghosts appeared.

A tall, well-behaved girl with a little baby fat appeared from the air.

"You look good." Another little girl. She had fluffy light blonde hair and looked like a doll. But her eyes told Isabella that this girl was not easy to mess with.

"It looks like you should be forever." Then a graceful and luxurious girl, like a princess, appeared. She sat sideways on the sofa, as proud as a princess facing her servants.

"Welcome to the coven. Isabella Swann of Phoenix and Forks."

With the sound of this voice, all Isabella's hesitation and insecurity disappeared.

A boy who looked like the sun appeared in front of her. His body was as symmetrical as a statue. His sapphire eyes and straight white teeth made him full of affinity.

But the most eye-catching thing is that face that is so beautiful that it cannot be found in the world.

There is no face that one would hope to see on the airbrushed pages of a fashion magazine, or a face that even an angel could not match in a skilled painter's rendering.

More handsome than any movie star she had ever seen.

The eerie aquarium seemed to turn into paradise.

I saw 'Apollo' continue to say: "I'm sorry. They are too naughty. They really want to try to meet new people in the Slytherin lounge, by appearing suddenly."

"It's okay." Isabella lowered her head. The moment she looked into those eyes, she felt that her entire face and neck began to feel hot.

Bargeer looked at this girl who looked a bit like Kristen Stewart, but more beautiful, with red hair and blue eyes close to those in the "Twilight" novels. Clicked on her data panel.

[Name: Isabella Swan]

[Race: Human]

[Health value: 10]

[Mental Power: 34]

[Lucky value: 6~10]

[Talent: Wall of Heart (Semi-awakened)]

"Does the human state have superpowers? That's right, the world is different. It's just that the names are the same."

"Alice Cullen could predict the future when she was a human, but not as strong as when she was a vampire."

"Wall of the Heart? What's AT's position? Is this why Edward is unable to read her mind in the movie, and the abilities of Arrow and Jane of the Volturi family are also ineffective against her?" Bajir sighed.

The vampires in Twilight are absolutely perfect. While being immortal, he is not afraid of the sun. Immune to ordinary iron weapons and bullets.

No breathing is required, not even human blood is required. As long as you have strong endurance, you can live by drinking the blood of animals. Even so, their extremely strong and fast bodies will not weaken.

Their appearance will be improved without exception after becoming vampires, and they are so handsome that they are incomparably more beautiful than humans.

The eyes will change color, the skin will become cold, and the skin will sparkle in the sun, as if there are thousands of tiny diamonds set in it.

In addition, after becoming vampires, they will also awaken various wonderful abilities.

For example, the male protagonist Edward Cullen can read minds. It has a wide range and can capture the heart of people you know for miles. Even through the werewolf's ability to communicate with each other, he could see the battle situation several miles away. But he could only read the thoughts and feelings at that time.

Arrow of the Volturi family also has similar abilities, but he must come into contact with the other person in order to know what the other person is thinking. Far inferior to Edward in breadth. But in terms of the depth of mind reading, Arrow is even better. He can read all the past and present thoughts and memories of the people he comes into contact with. You can even smell the blood smelled in the other person's memory through memory.

His subordinate, Jane, can inflict bone-deep pain on others just by looking at her. It can be said to be the visual version of the Cruciatus Curse.

Jane's brother Alec has the ability to release a black mist that paralyzes other people's senses and intuition, making them lose their fighting ability.

Alice, who also belongs to the Cullen family, has the ability to predict the future. As long as she meets people, she can predict what may happen in the future. We can also see the future of Isabella who possesses the [Wall of Heart].

Jasper Hale, who is from the same family, but whose surname is not Karen because he and Rosalie have to pretend to be twins, can manipulate emotions and influence the people around him to make them see things his way. For example, calming down a room of angry people, or conversely, exciting a group of sleepy people. But this ability seems to be not only mental but also related to hormones. So Isabella couldn't resist his ability.

Kate, who taught Isabella to develop her talents, can release electric shocks through her body to make others lose their fighting ability.

Benjamin, a vampire from Egypt, has the ability to control natural elements. Accurately control the four elements - earth, wind, water and fire. Real physical manipulation, not an illusion in the mind. It can make cracks appear in the earth with one punch. It belongs to the ceiling of the physics department in vampire abilities.

Sisters Senna and Chafrina from the Amazon can create illusions and make you see what they want you to see.

As for Isabella, when she was still a human, the [Heart Wall] could only resist non-physical attacks and was immune to mental abilities. After she becomes a vampire, she can materialize the shield in her heart to add defense to others and herself. Resist damage from the outside world.

In comparison, the werewolves in the twilight world are much weaker.

This weakness is not due to strength. In the wolf state, they have stronger bodies than vampires and have teeth that can tear them apart. It has strong vitality and can heal wounds at the speed of the naked eye.

And always in groups, thinking alike. No matter how far they are together, they can hear each other's thoughts and share their vision.

The humanoid state also has interesting properties.

They were both tall and muscular.

As if to specifically oppose the cold vampires, they have a body temperature of about 42 degrees Celsius and will never catch a cold.

My forehead was so hot that I could fry an egg.

When standing shirtless in a storm, the snowflakes falling around them turn into raindrops.

But their life span is not much longer than that of ordinary people. It just doesn’t age. This is their weakness compared to vampires.

However, they are far superior to the werewolves of Harry's world.

Although during the first transformation, the heightened animal nature may hurt loved ones, but in subsequent transformations, the person has reason and can control the animal nature. The transformation is not controlled by the moon phase, and he can turn into a giant wolf with just a thought.

They are not so much werewolves as humans who can transform into wolves.

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