People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 119 Resurrection

Godric's Hollow, a small village in southwest England.

It is small, with only a few shops, a post office, a bar, and a small church in the center of the village.

But in fact, it is much larger than Muggles know and are marked on the map.

It is also an ancient wizard community.

Its name comes from Godric Gryffindor, the founder of Hogwarts.

Gryffindor was born and raised here. At least one member of the Peverell family also rests here.

Therefore, more than half of the land here is buried by magic, and it cannot be marked on the map. Muggles will subconsciously ignore them and bypass them.

And the greatest white wizard Albus Dumbledore and his family once lived here. His mother and sister are buried in the cemetery behind the church.

There are many ancient wizard families here, including Hannah's Abbot, the lord of the Iron Throne.

But now, there are fewer wizard families living here. Most of them died or moved away because of the war started by Voldemort. Only the elderly Bathilda Bagshot is still nostalgic for the old place.

In the UK, cemeteries are considered to be the closest place to heaven, and they are very beautiful. This is also true in the wizarding world. Their weddings, the full moon of newborns, and gatherings of relatives and friends are all held in churches surrounded by tombstones.

However, the cemetery behind the church in Godric's Hollow is still very deserted.

Even inside is the grave of Harry Potter's parents, who saved the British wizarding world.

Most wizard tourists who come here go to the center of the village to mourn by the obelisk that can only be seen by wizards and can be turned into a statue of the Potter family of three. Or go to the ruins of the Potter's old house to leave their names and messages with magic.

Few people approach the cemetery behind the church.

And today, a man with his face wrapped in a scarf, wearing sunglasses and a hat, appeared out of thin air with a shovel and visited here.

It was still late at night, when everything was silent.

The person who came was Bajir.

In fact, this shovel came from Bajir's distant relative, Finn Granger, the president of the Extraordinary Pharmacist Association. After knowing that Basil was trained by Dumbledore, he hurriedly sent a gift.

It is a magic prop that can make digging holes more labor-saving. After combining with the wizard's magic magnetic field, it has the magic power to soften hard materials such as stones.

As for why the shovel was given, every Granger likes to dig holes, without exception. Just like they usually live in caves.

If Basil's grandmother was still alive, she would rather exchange the ancestral wand in the quartz box for this shovel.

But he didn't want to use the shovel to dig graves. He brought it just for the sense of ceremony.

This trip tonight has been mentioned in the group, and even the whole process is planned to be live broadcast.

Looking at the mossy granite tombstone.

"Kendra Dumbledore Ariana Dumbledore. Where the treasure is, the heart is also there."

"Yes, it's here."

"But it's outrageous, there is no magic trap set."

Basil put down the shovel and wiped the non-existent sweat.

Madison: "What a coward! It seems that the two Dumbledore brothers have never come back. Are they afraid of this sad place? Or are they more afraid of remembering who killed Ariana?"

Zoe: "Are you really coming? Bucky (Zoe's nickname for Bajir), there seems to be a god of death in this world. Will you be okay?"

Sophie, Beatrice: "Yes, yes."

Bella: "Why not forget it."

Bajir: "I can go to the Good and Evil Law School at any time. And my soul is protected by the system. Whether the god of death in this world exists and whether it has self-awareness is still a question."

"Okay," Bajir's fingers glowed, "Quiet, now--"

The whistling sound of something chopping the air flashed by.

Except for the tombstone, the grave was split from head to toe, including the coffin board made of oak.

The wrapping cloth automatically spread out, and the two bodies wrapped in it were still lifelike, and even had a hint of blood.

The mother's big hand held the daughter's small hand, and the daughter's small head rested on the mother's arm, as if they were just taking a nap.

"Mrs. Dumbledore," Basil bowed slightly, "please allow me to take your daughter away."

The invisible force made Ariana's hand separate from her mother's big hand.

Time, 11:11.

Basil's index finger touched her forehead, and the power that penetrated the netherworld and reversed life and death began to boil in his blood vessels.

The ethereal heart power, which is called spirituality in the American horror world, began to consume.

The index finger glowed, the furnace of good and evil turned, and the endless emotional magic like the ocean evolved into spirituality.

The magic magnetic field began to rotate, and the towering magic began to glow.

Its immortal characteristics that allow wizards to completely refuse death and remain forever in the form of ghosts began to appear.


In the narrow space between life and death, in the hazy environment with steam-like mist, a stone door began to appear.

There was no obstruction.

A blonde girl was dragged out from inside backwards, as if an invisible hook hooked her waist.

She closed her eyes, and like her real body, she seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

The stone door disappeared immediately, and the girl disappeared into the mist.

Under the starry sky and bright moonlight, the blonde girl frowned slightly and opened her eyes.

She subconsciously shouted, "Stop fighting. Don't--"

Immediately, she saw Basil's face.

She blushed unconsciously and began to dodge her eyes like a deer.

"You are--"

"Where are Albus and Aberforth?"

"And--" she pouted, "Where is that annoying Grindelwald?"

In the group at this time.

Beatrice and Bella did not speak.

Beatrice was looking at Ariana's face critically, trying to find some flaws.

Bella got off the plane and was chatting with her father Charlie.

And the other three.

Madison: "Merlin's beard! Ariana is so beautiful? I know why my sweetheart wants to resurrect her!"

Sophie: "Basil just exchanged a QR code. Just when the tomb was opened."

Zoe: "Didn't you notice that she doesn't seem to have any memory of the afterlife?"

Basil ignored what was said in the group.

He also ignored the clattering sound of the newly arrived 100,000 gems.

The girl in front of him had bright blonde hair like the sun, and beautiful blue eyes like her two brothers.

Her facial features looked extremely beautiful and generous, but she gave people the feeling of a girl next door.

The extreme contrast made her more charming and made people want to protect her.

However, she was not as weak as she looked.

The deep, desperate and real magic began to emerge in her thin body with her resurrection.

This was different from the magic of the great wizard, which was transformed from virtual to real and truly existed. It was more like a semi-finished product, stuck in the middle stage of turning from fantasy to reality.

The magic that could not be completely transformed into a real existence began to become unstable, uncontrollable, and even eroded the life of the host.

It was no longer a simple power, but more like a living curse.

[Silently], such a word suddenly appeared in Bajir's mind.

Magic is a wonderful existence. It is completely idealistic and non-material that cannot be found in the body and mind.

It also has an extremely close relationship with the wizard, and is more reliable than hands and feet, and a tight organ that will not leave.

Some wizards speculate that the immortality of ghosts is because they completely merge with their own magic power in the process of refusing death and staying in the real world, thus possessing the characteristics of immortality.

It is also because of this that they can perform some tricks. For example, invisibility.

Some can also turn the things that impressed them most before death into part of the ghost's body.

Just like the shackles of the Bloody Baron. The endless parchment of a ghost poet and the quill pen that always has ink. The ghost horse of the Headless Hunter Team.

But the above are all situations of accepting it.

Among Muggle-born wizards, in the ignorant era. There are many families who regard their children's magical talents as curses and blessings from the devil. In this case, the little wizards will also feel a sense of shame and even hatred for their magical talents under the influence of what they see and hear.

Vent the negative emotions of physical and psychological abuse on their own magic.

In this case, it will truly become its own enemy according to the little wizard's idea, the living dark power.

This dark power is [Obscure].

The young wizards who are inhabited by it are [Obscuriated]. And [Obscuriated] often do not live beyond 10 years old.

In the era of Salazar Slytherin, [Obscuriated] were very common.

Sometimes they would be used as weapons by people who hated wizards, and they would attack wizards under instigation.

Therefore, Slytherin also had a deep understanding and research on [Obscuriated] and [Obscuriated].

He found that the inner potential, that is, the young wizards who were born with high magic power, [Obscuriated] could completely occupy the body of [Obscuriated] and become a separate entity. The flesh of [Obscuriated] would transform into a black invisible entity or a black oily substance, flying or raging in the air like a fluid or cloud, and sometimes with a red core.

For those with strong will, their [Obscuriated] would also show the face of [Obscuriated].

According to his research. In this state, the main purpose of the birth of [Obscuriated] is to protect the host - [Obscuriated]. To free the host from physical harm. The hunger and weakness caused by the temporary loss of the physical body.

Even if it regards the host as an enemy and erodes the host's life. But in the end, it is to free the host from the abused environment.

According to Bajir's understanding, it is like the Hulk personality of the Hulk.

When the [Obscuriated] is in a safe environment or with someone he trusts, the [Obscuriated] will not erupt.

It often erupts because the [Obscuriated] is oppressed to the extreme. The enemy targeted is often the target that the [Obscuriated] dare not hate, resist, and oppress him.

If the [Obscuriated] is not extremely destructive to the surrounding environment, it can make objects levitate or break without touching them. Even if you only focus on the reasons why the Obscuriated is tortured, it will still cause uncontrollable accidental injuries.

There may be more [Obscuriated] like Credence who reconciles with the [Obscuriated], accepts it, and restores normal life.

And obviously, Ariana is an [Obscuriated].

When she was a six-year-old girl, she was attacked by three Muggle boys. The reason was that they saw her performing magic through the hedge in the back garden and were frightened by what they saw, thinking she was a demon. Then they did terrible things to her.

From then on, Ariana became the "Silent One".

Her father Percival taught those little boys a lesson and was imprisoned, and eventually died in prison.

Her mother took her and her two brothers away from the Fertile Plains and went to live in Godric's Hollow.

All this was obviously considered by the kind-hearted Ariana as her own fault.

The gloom in her heart did not improve because of the change in environment.

So one day, the [Obscura] in her body matured and erupted.

The excellent potential brought by the Dumbledore family made the [Obscura] extremely powerful.

Even if there was no target to retaliate, the aftermath of its appearance killed Ariana's mother.

So Ariana rejected her magical talent even more, and the [Obscura] became even more powerful.

Even if it came to the world again with the newly resurrected Ariana, it was just as terrifying.

The evidence is that the [Sword of Truth and Goodness] seemed to sense the threat and began to glow.

[Red Dragon Blood] was almost ignited. If it weren't for the fact that dragons are naturally lustful and the threat in front of them was a suitable mother body under the dragon's induction, Basil would have almost turned into a dragon man, or revealed his immortal golden eyes again.

Fortunately, there is a solution to Ariana's problem.

After a lot of research, Slytherin has also come up with related conjectures.

If [The Obscure] changes his attitude towards his magical talent, or learns a spell like the Patronus that can fill his heart with positive energy, [The Obscure] may disappear, or he may use it for himself.

The former was confirmed by Cressden, who is also a descendant of the Dumbledore family.

As for the latter, after the Sword of Truth and Goodness began to glow, the imperceptible darkness in the blue eyes gradually began to fade.

Ariana also woke up from the trance she fell into after mentioning Grindelwald.

"Big brother, your sword is glowing." Ariana blinked.

She, who was just suspended in the air by Basil, has fallen to the ground.

The separated grave was also quietly restored to its original state by Basil.

Otherwise, what she was curious about now was not why the sword on Bajir's waist was glowing. But because she saw her mother in the coffin become [Silent].

"You can call me Bajir." Bajir turned sideways and slightly blocked the tombstone, "By the way, I have a gift for you."

The blue QR code spread out, covering the girl in front of her.

She disappeared into the air, and her consciousness and body went to the club.

He looked at the white marble tomb not far away with regret.

The inscription on the tombstone read:

[James Potter] [Lily Potter]

[Born on March 27, 1960 Born on January 30, 1960]

[Died on October 31, 1981 Died on October 31, 1981]

[The last enemy to be eliminated is death]

"I'm here, but in the end -"

With a sigh, Bajir's figure also disappeared into the air.

In the headmaster's office on the eighth floor of Hogwarts, in the dirty Hog's Head Pub, two old men with blue eyes woke up from their sleep at the same time.


I've been too busy at work recently, and I have to study after get off work. Sometimes I use my saved manuscripts.

I would like to thank everyone for their recommendations, monthly tickets, and subscriptions.

I'm sorry that I can't thank them all.

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